Non-partisan simple math on the SCOTUS’ immediate future…


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015

Again, let’s try (if possible) to place aside partisanship and just evaluate the facts.

(As an aside, this fact should be considered and that cannot be over-looked, would be the fact regarding the results of the Mueller investigation that could put aside this emerging debate on the SCOTUS.)

But, back to the SCOTUS……

First factoid is this……the death of Scalia led to the confirmation of Gorsuch….a fact that really did NOT change much the already existing partisan breakdown of the SC.

Second factoid is the math in the current Senate….

· There is a GOP majority of only two seats (51-49) and 51 votes are needed to confirm a Justice. The nuclear option is also NOT applicable in choosing a Justice, unless Mitch-baby changes the rules.

· Of the 51 GOP majority, we must (unfortunately) rule out McCain’s involvement…dropping that majority to 50, BUT introducing the possibility of Pence bringing it back up to 51.

· In the past, we have had 3 democrat senators in red states who are too scared for their own sorry hide and will almost always vote with conservatives.

· Conversely, there are at least 2 of GOP women senators who may vote against a Trump juctice pick that would chip away at a women’s right to choose.

· One last factors to also consider…….If a vote on a justice is held BEFORE the midterms, the wildcards in this debate may be about 3 retiring GOP senators who are not Trump acolytes and may choose lo stand up and vote against a Trump pick.

Simply consider all of the above and have at it ….but without the usual overly partisan bullshit..
The GOP is going to do everything they can to ram this puppy through. Period.

So far, I haven't seen much to indicate the Dems can do anything, outside of stink-bombing the chambers during the vote.

And I've been told here that not even the results of the November elections are as important as getting this done. This is the priority.

Trump can't go full whacko because he doesn't have the votes for full whacko. And looking ahead to a possible Ginsburg retirement, if the Dems enough votes to stall a vote, the GOP will be fine with 5 to 3.
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Again, let’s try (if possible) to place aside partisanship and just evaluate the facts.

(As an aside, this fact should be considered and that cannot be over-looked, would be the fact regarding the results of the Mueller investigation that could put aside this emerging debate on the SCOTUS.)

But, back to the SCOTUS……

First factoid is this……the death of Scalia led to the confirmation of Gorsuch….a fact that really did NOT change much the already existing partisan breakdown of the SC.

Second factoid is the math in the current Senate….

· There is a GOP majority of only two seats (51-49) and 51 votes are needed to confirm a Justice. The nuclear option is also NOT applicable in choosing a Justice, unless Mitch-baby changes the rules.

· Of the 51 GOP majority, we must (unfortunately) rule out McCain’s involvement…dropping that majority to 50, BUT introducing the possibility of Pence bringing it back up to 51.

· In the past, we have had 3 democrat senators in red states who are too scared for their own sorry hide and will almost always vote with conservatives.

· Conversely, there are at least 2 of GOP women senators who may vote against a Trump juctice pick that would chip away at a women’s right to choose.

· One last factors to also consider…….If a vote on a justice is held BEFORE the midterms, the wildcards in this debate may be about 3 retiring GOP senators who are not Trump acolytes and may choose lo stand up and vote against a Trump pick.

Simply consider all of the above and have at it ….but without the usual overly partisan bullshit..
Probably McCains's wife Cindy or Jon Kyl would be stepping in for the (sorry but it's true) RHINO John McCain.
I think the Turtle goes nuclear if he is close to 50 commits. The funny thing here is I actually pay attention to what the SC does (on certain issues) more than most, and I probably care less about this issue in terms of actual effect on lives than most people.

Losing Scalia already was a huge blow to those of us who care about personal liberty. Kennedy was solidly in the less liberty camp. Ironically, the Trumpbots who were so hot to get Gorsuch instead of Garland pretty much got fucked and don't know it.
There is a GOP majority of only two seats (51-49) and 51 votes are needed to confirm a Justice. The nuclear option is also NOT applicable in choosing a Justice, unless Mitch-baby changes the rules.

· Of the 51 GOP majority, we must (unfortunately) rule out McCain’s involvement…dropping that majority to 50, BUT introducing the possibility of Pence bringing it back up to 51.

This is nonsense. Can you figure out why?
I think the Turtle goes nuclear if he is close to 50 commits.

The Republicrats don't need to invoke the 'nuclear option' again, the Senate Rules recognize the precedents set in 2013 and 2017 for reinterpretation of the standing rules for cloture on nominations, normal order for nominations is a simple majority of Senators voting.

If you ask me the way the Senate Rules are structured and handled is insane.

Again, let’s try (if possible) to place aside partisanship and just evaluate the facts.

(As an aside, this fact should be considered and that cannot be over-looked, would be the fact regarding the results of the Mueller investigation that could put aside this emerging debate on the SCOTUS.)

But, back to the SCOTUS……

First factoid is this……the death of Scalia led to the confirmation of Gorsuch….a fact that really did NOT change much the already existing partisan breakdown of the SC.

Second factoid is the math in the current Senate….

· There is a GOP majority of only two seats (51-49) and 51 votes are needed to confirm a Justice. The nuclear option is also NOT applicable in choosing a Justice, unless Mitch-baby changes the rules.

· Of the 51 GOP majority, we must (unfortunately) rule out McCain’s involvement…dropping that majority to 50, BUT introducing the possibility of Pence bringing it back up to 51.

· In the past, we have had 3 democrat senators in red states who are too scared for their own sorry hide and will almost always vote with conservatives.

· Conversely, there are at least 2 of GOP women senators who may vote against a Trump juctice pick that would chip away at a women’s right to choose.

· One last factors to also consider…….If a vote on a justice is held BEFORE the midterms, the wildcards in this debate may be about 3 retiring GOP senators who are not Trump acolytes and may choose lo stand up and vote against a Trump pick.

Simply consider all of the above and have at it ….but without the usual overly partisan bullshit..

It wasn't "Mitch-baby" who changed the was "Harry-baby" who did that...something that Mitch McConnell warned back then that Harry Reid might soon regret!

Joe Manchin is a Democrat in a State that went for Trump plus he's pro life. You might as well count his vote for confirmation as already in.

The two GOP women Senators you speak of, Collins and Murkowski...both voted for Neil Gorsuch. Trump is savvy enough to give them another nominee just like Gorsuch which means they'll vote for him or her as well.
Probably McCains's wife Cindy or Jon Kyl would be stepping in for the (sorry but it's true) RHINO John McCain.

No, the governor said today that he would not appoint Mrs. McCain if her husband died.
Unfortunately for you Nat, they WILL vote in a judge who can read the constitution and not re-interpret it.

Very good news for the country.
You're the one who said we should evaluate the facts. And the moment someone points out factual errors you made, you get personal.

You have to cut it some slack, after all it's an infant and thus hasn't yet developed the mechanisms to cope with reason and evidence. :dunno:
The two GOP women Senators you speak of, Collins and Murkowski...both voted for Neil Gorsuch. Trump is savvy enough to give them another nominee just like Gorsuch which means they'll vote for him or her as well.

Sure. That was always the bargain with Republican women, as far back as forever: you stick with us guys, ladies, and we won't mess with your Roe vs. Wade. These senators know what they are doing. Don't give way to the far right "control women, control women" frenzy building up.

I've already been thru the Trump list he's choosing from and picked out the obvious antiabortionists, men who have put in or supported laws against women already. No to Canady, Gruender, Colloton, and of course Pryor. Trump has better sense than to choose any of these. There may well be more bad guys on that list, I just went by the blurbs on the Politico site, and they were very brief.
Trump will get his nominee through the Senate. There ain't a damn thing the filthy Democrats can do to stop it.

The Moon Bats might as well just put on their pink pussy hats now and go outside and howl at the sky.

Instead of having a conniption over Kennedy, who is only a swing vote, the Moon Bats better save their butt hurt for Trump replacing that Libtard asshole Ginsburg with a solid Conservative, which is what will happen.
Trump will get his nominee through the Senate. There ain't a damn thing the filthy Democrats can do to stop it.

If Donald tried to nominate a lacky legislator, as is the word on the street, he might not get someone through in time. It only takes one R Senator in a tough reelection fight to get too nervous to back an unqualified member of Congress.
Trump will get his nominee through the Senate. There ain't a damn thing the filthy Democrats can do to stop it.

If Donald tried to nominate a lacky legislator, as is the word on the street, he might not get someone through in time. It only takes one R Senator in a tough reelection fight to get too nervous to back an unqualified member of Congress.
Mike Lee might be lobbying for the job (-:
Trump will get his nominee through the Senate. There ain't a damn thing the filthy Democrats can do to stop it.

If Donald tried to nominate a lacky legislator, as is the word on the street, he might not get someone through in time. It only takes one R Senator in a tough reelection fight to get too nervous to back an unqualified member of Congress.

Any Republican would lose votes by not supporting a good Conservative nominee.

Everybody on the short list that I have seem is very qualified with great credentials.

There will no problem unless the hateful dishonest Democrats plants a pubic hair in a coke can or something or claim that there is one there like they did before..
Joe Manchin is a Democrat in a State that went for Trump plus he's pro life. You might as well count his vote for confirmation as already in.

The two GOP women Senators you speak of, Collins and Murkowski...both voted for Neil Gorsuch. Trump is savvy enough to give them another nominee just like Gorsuch which means they'll vote for him or her as well.

With ONE major difference regarding Collins' and Murkowski's votes. The idiot-in-chief has often stated that he wants to overturn Roe...and that women who have abortions, "should be punished."

Gorsuch replaced the equally ultra right wing the balance of conservatives remained the same.....Things are a bit different now and those 2 ladies "may"be smart enough and secure enough in their seats to challenge the orange wrecking ball.
Trump will get his nominee through the Senate. There ain't a damn thing the filthy Democrats can do to stop it.

If Donald tried to nominate a lacky legislator, as is the word on the street, he might not get someone through in time. It only takes one R Senator in a tough reelection fight to get too nervous to back an unqualified member of Congress.

Any Republican would lose votes by not supporting a good Conservative nominee.

Everybody on the short list that I have seem is very qualified with great credentials.

There will no problem unless the hateful dishonest Democrats plants a pubic hair in a coke can or something or claim that there is one there like they did before..

Mike Lee would be Donald's Harriet Miers.

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