Noose found in NASCAR drivers garage

NASCAR should assign every white driver a 3 lap penalty at the start of every race to make up for slavery and Jim Crowe

that would give Wallace at least an outside chance of winning a race
Affirmative Action would not even help this mulatto driver
If this is a legitimate act of racism by some white guy involved with Nascar than that is deplorable.

But I can’t stand the outrage to this already. And it’s very early in the story. Lebron James says it’s “sickening”. Thanks Lebron. You think a noose hanging in a garage is sickening but don’t say a goddamn word any Monday morning about the dozens of blacks shot every weekend in Chicago? How can anyone take any of these so called “BLM” seriously??
Where exactly was this noose found? Was it in Bubba's pit, in his hauler? in his car? or was it somewhere in the stands? This is a big track, This race the only 5000 fans were allowed in, but the pits and the garage areas were not open, NASCAR has tight security even search the bags of fans entering the track and lots of cameras.
We learned certain knots at summer camp, boy scouts, sailing school, etc. The noose was very cool and many of us learned how to do it. It was not racial since the noose was used to kill more Whites than Blacks over the years. Not that it mattered since usually, and there were some rare exceptions, it was a violent criminal being given a speedy trial which courts were unable or incapable of doing. So the noose today means, justice from the perspective of Western culture which is why they hate it.

Excellent album!
Sure, but white boys in Texas learned how to tie a noose in the cub scouts, along with all those other knots.
Maybe they did or did not. but there are commercials running now with lawyers asking if any of those boy scouts were touched by adults. Which we have legalized through Prog social justice agendas.
By reading this thread even if it was put there by a Wallace fan you guys approve of the message to him. Fuck you guys. Your America is over. ;)
This America needs to use social justice prudently with the well being of the nation. It took over the nation a long time ago and now has gone nuclear. This while the nation is in decline. And it is.
Affirmative Action would not even help this mulatto driver

It already did....Bubba Wallace, as well as Kyle Larson (ironically enough) were both "Diversity program" invites to the Cup series. Now one is a douche, and the other banned for saying "******"...

We live in interesting times....stay thirsty!
Where exactly was this noose found? Was it in Bubba's pit, in his hauler? in his car? or was it somewhere in the stands? This is a big track, This race the only 5000 fans were allowed in, but the pits and the garage areas were not open, NASCAR has tight security even search the bags of fans entering the track and lots of cameras.
Allegedly it was in Token's garage stall. A highly secure area with access limited to team members, security and NASCAR officials., track workers and medical personnel. And no doubt, a lot of security cameras.

So if NASCAR does not quickly announce who did it, you can bet your ass it's another Jussie. A publicity stunt to get more black NASCAR fans.

There is going to be a record number of blacks tuning in to today's race to see Bubba Wallace in the #43 Black Lives Matter car. They might even let him win.
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Rubbish. Most lynchings based on race were conducted by the terrorist wing of the Demoratic Party; the majority of those hung were criminals and were guilty to boot, and weren't racially motivated, and included white criminals as well. No point in waiting when the juries were going to be drawn from the locals, the same people doing the lynching. You love lynchings yourself, so why the whining now? You wanted to lynch Zimerman, Chauvin, the McMichaels, etc., and every other innocent person merely based on their skin color. You're just a racist, is all.

I see you have your own "SPECIAL" version of history.

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