Noow heear this!! DeBlasio bureaucrats to fine businesses that fail to use 'correct' gender pronouns

How hard is it to be polite? It isn't so do so.
Polite. Under force of threat.

That's just like... Voluntary compliance.
You didn't know that businesses are required to follow rules?

Guess you do now.
Of course I know.

There is a problem with this.

I was in a store and bumped another shopper accidentally. I said excuse me sir.

I got the 3rd degree. So much for being polite. It was a female that looked more like a man.

And this is not a rule.

What do you mean by you " got the third degree"? Were you arrested? Were you fined? What happened?

You're getting way too excited here.

Haven't you ever fucked with people in person and online? Yes you have.

This subject is a rich target, one that I really, really don't care about.

I could have gone on with this for a good while, getting a reaction out of you guys, because, seriously, watching the reactions and excitement from the responses to this situation is funnier than I anticipated.

Taking alot of these subjects seriously on this board is amusing as hell.

I've made it clear on a number of occasions that I don't take most of this seriously and am here having fun.

But you, taking everything literally have to jump right in and respond.

You've been duped. Before you respond to my comments, I think it would be wise to pause. Reread the response. Think. Is he really serious. Tell yourself he can't be. Realize that I'm not serious.

You're going to give yourself an aneurysm if you don't stop taking these issues seriously.

I guess I'm going to have to a disclaimer on these posts or submit a funny everytime I get you rubes started.

You spent a lot of time on that reply. It must be important to you.

Next time you feel the urge to lie in order to try and make a point, please resist the urge to tell us you were just trolling us when you get called on it.
Polite. Under force of threat.

That's just like... Voluntary compliance.
You didn't know that businesses are required to follow rules?

Guess you do now.
Of course I know.

There is a problem with this.

I was in a store and bumped another shopper accidentally. I said excuse me sir.

I got the 3rd degree. So much for being polite. It was a female that looked more like a man.

And this is not a rule.

What do you mean by you " got the third degree"? Were you arrested? Were you fined? What happened?

You're getting way too excited here.

Haven't you ever fucked with people in person and online? Yes you have.

This subject is a rich target, one that I really, really don't care about.

I could have gone on with this for a good while, getting a reaction out of you guys, because, seriously, watching the reactions and excitement from the responses to this situation is funnier than I anticipated.

Taking alot of these subjects seriously on this board is amusing as hell.

I've made it clear on a number of occasions that I don't take most of this seriously and am here having fun.

But you, taking everything literally have to jump right in and respond.

You've been duped. Before you respond to my comments, I think it would be wise to pause. Reread the response. Think. Is he really serious. Tell yourself he can't be. Realize that I'm not serious.

You're going to give yourself an aneurysm if you don't stop taking these issues seriously.

I guess I'm going to have to a disclaimer on these posts or submit a funny everytime I get you rubes started.

You spent a lot of time on that reply. It must be important to you.

Next time you feel the urge to lie in order to try and make a point, please resist the urge to tell us you were just trolling us when you get called on it.
Sometimes I sit here with a big grin and think, how can I get a response.

Let's see how elaborate I can get. Laughing the whole time.

Next time I'll resist the urge. If it makes you happy.

I was expecting to be called on it.

Lighten up LL.
You didn't know that businesses are required to follow rules?

Guess you do now.
Of course I know.

There is a problem with this.

I was in a store and bumped another shopper accidentally. I said excuse me sir.

I got the 3rd degree. So much for being polite. It was a female that looked more like a man.

And this is not a rule.

What do you mean by you " got the third degree"? Were you arrested? Were you fined? What happened?

You're getting way too excited here.

Haven't you ever fucked with people in person and online? Yes you have.

This subject is a rich target, one that I really, really don't care about.

I could have gone on with this for a good while, getting a reaction out of you guys, because, seriously, watching the reactions and excitement from the responses to this situation is funnier than I anticipated.

Taking alot of these subjects seriously on this board is amusing as hell.

I've made it clear on a number of occasions that I don't take most of this seriously and am here having fun.

But you, taking everything literally have to jump right in and respond.

You've been duped. Before you respond to my comments, I think it would be wise to pause. Reread the response. Think. Is he really serious. Tell yourself he can't be. Realize that I'm not serious.

You're going to give yourself an aneurysm if you don't stop taking these issues seriously.

I guess I'm going to have to a disclaimer on these posts or submit a funny everytime I get you rubes started.

You spent a lot of time on that reply. It must be important to you.

Next time you feel the urge to lie in order to try and make a point, please resist the urge to tell us you were just trolling us when you get called on it.
Sometimes I sit here with a big grin and think, how can I get a response.

Let's see how elaborate I can get. Laughing the whole time.

Next time I'll resist the urge. If it makes you happy.

I was expecting to be called on it.

Lighten up LL.

Sure, sure, sure. When that's codified by Deblasio or some other nutters so that it is actually legally possible, let us know.

These laws have been on the books since 2002.... so, um, yeah, they're codified.

Sure your scenario of showing people porn and then not hiring them if they seem religious is codified.

Nice try, although not really, as your scenario would be discrimination based on religion, which actually is codified.

Go fish.
Of course I know.

There is a problem with this.

I was in a store and bumped another shopper accidentally. I said excuse me sir.

I got the 3rd degree. So much for being polite. It was a female that looked more like a man.

And this is not a rule.

What do you mean by you " got the third degree"? Were you arrested? Were you fined? What happened?

You're getting way too excited here.

Haven't you ever fucked with people in person and online? Yes you have.

This subject is a rich target, one that I really, really don't care about.

I could have gone on with this for a good while, getting a reaction out of you guys, because, seriously, watching the reactions and excitement from the responses to this situation is funnier than I anticipated.

Taking alot of these subjects seriously on this board is amusing as hell.

I've made it clear on a number of occasions that I don't take most of this seriously and am here having fun.

But you, taking everything literally have to jump right in and respond.

You've been duped. Before you respond to my comments, I think it would be wise to pause. Reread the response. Think. Is he really serious. Tell yourself he can't be. Realize that I'm not serious.

You're going to give yourself an aneurysm if you don't stop taking these issues seriously.

I guess I'm going to have to a disclaimer on these posts or submit a funny everytime I get you rubes started.

You spent a lot of time on that reply. It must be important to you.

Next time you feel the urge to lie in order to try and make a point, please resist the urge to tell us you were just trolling us when you get called on it.
Sometimes I sit here with a big grin and think, how can I get a response.

Let's see how elaborate I can get. Laughing the whole time.

Next time I'll resist the urge. If it makes you happy.

I was expecting to be called on it.

Lighten up LL.

So predictable. :)
What do you mean by you " got the third degree"? Were you arrested? Were you fined? What happened?

You're getting way too excited here.

Haven't you ever fucked with people in person and online? Yes you have.

This subject is a rich target, one that I really, really don't care about.

I could have gone on with this for a good while, getting a reaction out of you guys, because, seriously, watching the reactions and excitement from the responses to this situation is funnier than I anticipated.

Taking alot of these subjects seriously on this board is amusing as hell.

I've made it clear on a number of occasions that I don't take most of this seriously and am here having fun.

But you, taking everything literally have to jump right in and respond.

You've been duped. Before you respond to my comments, I think it would be wise to pause. Reread the response. Think. Is he really serious. Tell yourself he can't be. Realize that I'm not serious.

You're going to give yourself an aneurysm if you don't stop taking these issues seriously.

I guess I'm going to have to a disclaimer on these posts or submit a funny everytime I get you rubes started.

You spent a lot of time on that reply. It must be important to you.

Next time you feel the urge to lie in order to try and make a point, please resist the urge to tell us you were just trolling us when you get called on it.
Sometimes I sit here with a big grin and think, how can I get a response.

Let's see how elaborate I can get. Laughing the whole time.

Next time I'll resist the urge. If it makes you happy.

I was expecting to be called on it.

Lighten up LL.

So predictable. :)

Who are you? Are you someone I should know?
Even "ze" and "zir" don't do the trick, because you really need one pronoun to cover all people. Of course, then we'll have to deal with those who think they're animals. Have to cater to them too.

That would eliminate the whole point of having pronouns, which is to identify the sex and marital status of a person.
And why is that necessary?

For one thing, married men seem to think it's important that other men understand their wives are not on the market. That's also why you see big fat diamonds on their fingers.
Fire codes are to prevent catastrophic fires. And yes, some PA law application is very childish.

And the only whiny bitches in the whole debate are on your side. You are arguing for government punishment of the wrong use of a pronoun. The fact you don't realize that this is patently ridiculous makes you either an idiot, a troll, or both.

The guy who intentionally uses the wrong pronoun week after week in an attempt to taunt is the one who will beat up a trans person next month.

It's why they call it a Micro-aggression.

There is no "wrong pronoun" in the case of a tranny. They are confused about their sex, so why do you imagine no one else should be?
Nobody tells an American what they can and cannot say. Are you sure you know what country you're in? "Fire" in a crowded theater is the limit to the 1st Amendment. Beyond that, good luck winning a lawsuit filed against you for your attempts to curb someone else's right to free speech. That's suppression of civil rights...and a federal crime by the way..

Nobody's gonna pay a friggin' dime to NY. But NYNY is going to lose it's ass when the people there start filing civil rights suppression lawsuits against that city.

One more time, buddy. YOu have rights. Your business does not. The fine isn't against individuals, it is against businesses, and on matters of race or sexual harassment, this is already settled law.

Wrong. Your business has every right you have. It's an extension of yourself.
Even "ze" and "zir" don't do the trick, because you really need one pronoun to cover all people. Of course, then we'll have to deal with those who think they're animals. Have to cater to them too.

That would eliminate the whole point of having pronouns, which is to identify the sex and marital status of a person.
And why is that necessary?

For one thing, married men seem to think it's important that other men understand their wives are not on the market. That's also why you see big fat diamonds on their fingers.
Neither are important. An old fashioned way of looking at the world, Mrs. Fred Smith. Those days are over. Good riddance.
Incrementalism. The business will be closed by then.

I don't like the idea of someone going home to tell his/her family that we no longer have a place to live and that the children won't know where the next meal comes from.

1 stupid associate can make a mistake and off I go to telling my wife I have to give the government our life savings.

I still think it is a moronic law.

I'm sorry.

I'm not trying to be rude.

Just rational.

Here's how you avoid that fine.

1) Properly train your associates to show sensitivity.
2) Fire the ones who don't.

Problem. Fucking. Solved.

It's really the same policy that businesses ALREADY have to follow with sexual harassment and racial discrimination.

The problem is the moron Nazi regulation. Firing de Blowhard is the way you solve the problem.
Fire codes are to prevent catastrophic fires. And yes, some PA law application is very childish.

And the only whiny bitches in the whole debate are on your side. You are arguing for government punishment of the wrong use of a pronoun. The fact you don't realize that this is patently ridiculous makes you either an idiot, a troll, or both.

The guy who intentionally uses the wrong pronoun week after week in an attempt to taunt is the one who will beat up a trans person next month.

It's why they call it a Micro-aggression.

There is no "wrong pronoun" in the case of a tranny. They are confused about their sex, so why do you imagine no one else should be?
You are the one who is confused. They have a body versus brain conflict. It happens.

If you would grow up, understand the science, this wouldn't be an issue for you.
Even "ze" and "zir" don't do the trick, because you really need one pronoun to cover all people. Of course, then we'll have to deal with those who think they're animals. Have to cater to them too.

That would eliminate the whole point of having pronouns, which is to identify the sex and marital status of a person.
And why is that necessary?

For one thing, married men seem to think it's important that other men understand their wives are not on the market. That's also why you see big fat diamonds on their fingers.
Neither are important. An old fashioned way of looking at the world, Mrs. Fred Smith. Those days are over. Good riddance.
RIght, some douche bag mayor unilaterally declares how everyone is going to look at the world from now on?

You realize, of course, that you are Stalinist to the bone. I have never encountered anyone who is as servile and authoritarian as you.
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Incrementalism. The business will be closed by then.

I don't like the idea of someone going home to tell his/her family that we no longer have a place to live and that the children won't know where the next meal comes from.

1 stupid associate can make a mistake and off I go to telling my wife I have to give the government our life savings.

I still think it is a moronic law.

I'm sorry.

I'm not trying to be rude.

Just rational.

Here's how you avoid that fine.

1) Properly train your associates to show sensitivity.
2) Fire the ones who don't.

Problem. Fucking. Solved.

It's really the same policy that businesses ALREADY have to follow with sexual harassment and racial discrimination.

The problem is the moron Nazi regulation. Firing de Blowhard is the way you solve the problem.
Here we call such things elections.
Would any of our outraged freaks like to discuss the fact that businesses and employers in NYC are free to call anyone by any pronoun they wish as long as they are not trying to cause harm?

In other words, you won't have any problems unless you are purposefully being a fuckng dick and being a dick causes someone demonstrable harm.

Even "ze" and "zir" don't do the trick, because you really need one pronoun to cover all people. Of course, then we'll have to deal with those who think they're animals. Have to cater to them too.

That would eliminate the whole point of having pronouns, which is to identify the sex and marital status of a person.
And why is that necessary?

For one thing, married men seem to think it's important that other men understand their wives are not on the market. That's also why you see big fat diamonds on their fingers.
Neither are important. An old fashioned way of looking at the world, Mrs. Fred Smith. Those days are over. Good riddance.
RIght, some douche bag mayor unilaterally declares how everyone is going to look at the world from now on?

You realize, of course, that you are a Stalinist to the bone. I have never encountered anyone who is as servile and authoritarian as you.
To someone who spends his life yelling "You can't make me, You can't make me" like an angry toddler, that doesn't shock me.
Fire codes are to prevent catastrophic fires. And yes, some PA law application is very childish.

And the only whiny bitches in the whole debate are on your side. You are arguing for government punishment of the wrong use of a pronoun. The fact you don't realize that this is patently ridiculous makes you either an idiot, a troll, or both.

The guy who intentionally uses the wrong pronoun week after week in an attempt to taunt is the one who will beat up a trans person next month.

It's why they call it a Micro-aggression.

There is no "wrong pronoun" in the case of a tranny. They are confused about their sex, so why do you imagine no one else should be?
This law has little to do with Trans people. This law is for gender non binaries like gender queers or gender fluids. They aren't trans anything. They elect to have no gender at all. He or her is not appropriate. They want ze and zir so that others can reflect they way they see themselves.

Gender fluids are the more prone to pitfalls. He can become she with the next thought almost assuring that the wrong pronoun will be used consistently.
You are the one who is confused. They have a body versus brain conflict. It happens.

If you would grow up, understand the science, this wouldn't be an issue for you.

Not really. But truth doesn't matter, amiright?
The science is the truth. More than two sexes, more than two genders.

In this case, the ancient Jews did get it right, or at least much closer than the idiot children here.

More Than Just Male and Female: The Six Genders in Classical Judaism
You are the one who is confused. They have a body versus brain conflict. It happens.

If you would grow up, understand the science, this wouldn't be an issue for you.

Not really. But truth doesn't matter, amiright?
The science is the truth. More than two sexes, more than two genders.

In this case, the ancient Jews did get it right, or at least much closer than the idiot children here.

More Than Just Male and Female: The Six Genders in Classical Judaism

^^^^the lunacy of the left on full display, amazingly pathetic.

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