Noow heear this!! DeBlasio bureaucrats to fine businesses that fail to use 'correct' gender pronouns

We never gave it thought until you guys decided that potty habits warranted federal attention. Last I checked, we've existed for thousands of years without this issue.
Ancient Jews knew of more than two genders? Why do you not know?

There are only to genders.

Well, that's not quite true. There are legitimate instances of twins constitute a new type of human being? Hardly.. just like men who think they are women are not women
So, no left wing losers want to defend their commie mayor on this? Businesses fined up to $250K for not using the right pronoun for a man dressed like, and thinks HE is a woman?

For the wrong pronoun?

You are not defending him I see. Then again, you are not condemning it either.

You are all pathetic blobs.
I think it's about time people were fined for impoliteness.
New York businesses face hefty penalties for ‘misgendering’ customers

Greeting customers as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” — or even not using the pronoun “ze” or “zir” — could prove costly for New York City businesses under rules drafted by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s bureaucrats.

The Gotham mayor’s Commission on Human Rights says entities that fail to address customers by their preferred gender pronouns and titles are in violation of the law and could be subject to penalties of up to $250,000.

The commission issued a “legal enforcement guidance” for the New York City Human Rights Law, which now “requires employers and converted entities to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun and title (e.g., Ms./Mrs.) regardless of the individual’s sex assigned at birth, anatomy, gender, medical history, appearance, or the sex indicated on the individual’s identification.”

Bill de Blasio, NYC mayor, to fine businesses that fail to use correct gender pronouns

Now we see what all of the "transgender" crap was all about. Another excuse to attack small business owners around the nation.

If a business uses the wrong pronoun? They could be fined $250K?

Just in case you needed another reason to despise the left. If you cannot see what this is all about, you are a blind hack.
How hard is it to be polite? It isn't so do so.
Polite. Under force of threat.

That's just like... Voluntary compliance.
You didn't know that businesses are required to follow rules?

Guess you do now.

The governor of New York is required to follow rules, like the rules called the Bill of Rights. Only a thoroughly servile goose stepping Nazi believes that government has the authority to impose whatever it wants on the citizenry.
Hey! Steady on! No need to be insensitive! Im right here ya know!
The potty war wasn't one, until your side made it one.

We never gave it thought until you guys decided that potty habits warranted federal attention. Last I checked, we've existed for thousands of years without this issue.
Ancient Jews knew of more than two genders? Why do you not know?

There are only to genders.

Well, that's not quite true. There are legitimate instances of hermaphrodism.
The term is Intersexed now. What is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

Man, you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Understood. But has this particular situation become as such to warrant the force of law, is the question?

Or is this another guilty until proven innocent situation and does it also warrant putting a business out of business?

I think it would depend entirely on the level of offense.

Now here's the thing. The health department does not close down every restaurant that has so much as a bug in the place. It's usually after repeated violations or if someone got sick.

Conversely, we aren't talking about someone who uses the wrong pronoun one time because he wasn't sure what the person was. We're talking probably about someone who subjects an employee or tenant to repeated abuse.

The key to understanding leftists is knowing they are motivated by a hatred of God and their fellow human beings. Because of this hatred of all that is good and holy, their minds are not completely rational, but are under control of dark spiritual forces which cause them to act in an insane manner.

Sounds like you are projecting dude. I think conservatives and liberals both had good intentions in the things they support.
Just like an entitled piece of shit liberal. No, the customer is not always right. In fact, that precept is one of the absolute worst plagues in modern business. Because too many entitled fucks like yourself think it gives you dominion over everyone ever who is simply trying to do their job and make a living.

Just yesterday I had a customer who was wrong. I told him so and cancelled his contract and now his wedding plans for next month are going to be ruined because he has nobody to perform a ceremony. That's what you get when you try to pull nonsense.

Holy fucking shit, you're a minister? That explains a lot.

Sorry, dude, I have an expectation that our first job is meeting the customers needs. I seems to me that if you signed a contract, you should live up to that contract.
The left has finally torn off its mask and revealed itself as the Stalinist beast it always was, but attempted to conceal.

They are destroying people now, and it's a Reign of Terror on the internet, in the workplace, and in the world of business. They aren't killing people yet (YET), but they are getting people fired, getting them expelled from college, and destroying their business contracts.

The recent victory in the Supreme Court for same-sex marriage has given them the confidence to throw off all sense of restraint and proportion, and to go for the ruthless kill. The next item on the agenda, revealed in Time Magazine, is to rob the churches of tax-free status, to punish them for their resistance to the radical LGBT agenda.

These people are out for blood, and it will not be long before they are locking people up and sending them to re-education camps to teach them to be more "sensitive" about LGBT issues.

I saw the danger when I was in law school more than 20 years ago. A fellow conservative, who was President of our pro-life club, told me we could not win on these issues, and we should not even try. I told her then, and I believe it now, that these issues are more important than abortion, and now my view has been vindicated with the left's use of the LGBT agenda to terrorize and destroy people, which has never happened with the abortion issue.

Because you can be openly pro-life, and still hold down a job, and do business, and you will not be blackballed. But people who oppose the radical LGBT agenda are destroyed. The only reason I can say any of this on this forum is because it's anonymous.
When you piss into the wind, you can expect to be pissed on.

So, opposing Stalinism is "pissing into the wind?" You would make a perfect concentration camp guard. I'll bet you would shoot a pregnant woman if your superior ordered you to.
Have you never heard you can't fight city hall? Do grow up please.
So if president Trump makes it law you have to pray to God three times a day, or be imprisoned. You will follow the law?
That law would not be constitutional. Besides, Trump doesn't pray.
If government can force what you say, they can tell you to pray or else.
Even "ze" and "zir" don't do the trick, because you really need one pronoun to cover all people. Of course, then we'll have to deal with those who think they're animals. Have to cater to them too.

That would eliminate the whole point of having pronouns, which is to identify the sex and marital status of a person.
When you piss into the wind, you can expect to be pissed on.

So, opposing Stalinism is "pissing into the wind?" You would make a perfect concentration camp guard. I'll bet you would shoot a pregnant woman if your superior ordered you to.
Have you never heard you can't fight city hall? Do grow up please.
So if president Trump makes it law you have to pray to God three times a day, or be imprisoned. You will follow the law?
That law would not be constitutional. Besides, Trump doesn't pray.
If government can force what you say, they can tell you to pray or else.
Even "ze" and "zir" don't do the trick, because you really need one pronoun to cover all people. Of course, then we'll have to deal with those who think they're animals. Have to cater to them too.

That would eliminate the whole point of having pronouns, which is to identify the sex and marital status of a person.
And why is that necessary?
We never gave it thought until you guys decided that potty habits warranted federal attention. Last I checked, we've existed for thousands of years without this issue.
Ancient Jews knew of more than two genders? Why do you not know?

There are only to genders.

Well, that's not quite true. There are legitimate instances of hermaphrodism.
The term is Intersexed now. What is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

Man, you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
I know what science knows, not what you think is true.
Ancient Jews knew of more than two genders? Why do you not know?

There are only to genders.

Well, that's not quite true. There are legitimate instances of hermaphrodism.
The term is Intersexed now. What is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

Man, you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
I know what science knows, not what you think is true.

which of those are you? since you are so obsessed with this, you must be one of the .001% that don't know which sex they are.

Sorry, but the sane members of society are not going to change our culture or language so that your tiny minority can claim to be normal.
Holy fucking shit, you're a minister? That explains a lot.


Sorry, dude, I have an expectation that our first job is meeting the customers needs. I seems to me that if you signed a contract, you should live up to that contract.

:lol: I have lived up to the contract. In this particular case, I cancelled the contract in accordance with the provisions thereof.
So, opposing Stalinism is "pissing into the wind?" You would make a perfect concentration camp guard. I'll bet you would shoot a pregnant woman if your superior ordered you to.
Have you never heard you can't fight city hall? Do grow up please.
So if president Trump makes it law you have to pray to God three times a day, or be imprisoned. You will follow the law?
That law would not be constitutional. Besides, Trump doesn't pray.
If government can force what you say, they can tell you to pray or else.
So you can call a trans gender what you want, without the government stepping in?

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