North Carolina allows opt out on same sex marriage

"In God we trust."

"Prayer breakfasts at the White House"


The religion in government ship sailed a long time ago. :)

Those are not laws

It is a reach to go from "In God we trust" (which is bogus anyway) to my religion trumps my governmental duties

No they're not laws. They're better than laws. A law can be repealed. They're indisputable facts and realities. :)
It can also be overturned by the state supreme court, and if they refuse to do so, the scotus gets the opportunity.

This goes beyond a private business to a government official

To allow a government official to use his religion as a basis for denying government services is clearly unconstitutional
Oh, I agree. If you have a right to do something, I don't see how a govt official can refuse to give you some certificate you need to do it, so long as you meet the qualifications. That seems a pretty clear equal protection violation.

Even in the best light, this law provides seperate but equal lines for same sex and heterosexual couples

If you are gay......go over there
If you are straight...walk on through

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