North Carolina Dem Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Critical Race Theory In Schools

CRT is a buzzword designed to troll the right and make them rage.

All CRT is is explaining how black people got so messed up. It starts with slavery, for example.

There, I taught you CRT and you're none the worse for it.
CRT is a buzzword designed to troll the right and make them rage.

All CRT is is explaining how black people got so messed up. It starts with slavery, for example.

There, I taught you CRT and you're none the worse for it. people were messed up LOOOONG before slavery/etc...a lot of them never even had a written language ...the whites were using very complex windmills for farming/etc while the blacks were still hunting and gathering in a Cro Magnon stage
....the blacks were FAR behind the whites in education/farming/building/etc looooooong before slavery
Get this.
A. CRT is not taught in schools.
B. We can’t have CRT banned in schools.


Wow. Is this what passes for news on Fox? Three people who have really no idea about CRT and could care less, as long as they are able to put fear into their moronic right-wing watchers. Fair and Balanced, indeed!

Here is a great article from A reporter asks point-blank to an Alabama state rep about why he wants to ban CRT. Very illuminating response!

The 2021 Alabama legislative session ended last month, but Pringle is already primed for the next one. He recently pre-filed a bill — almost eight months before the next session is scheduled to start — and he’s been talking it up on the radio.

So what does his bill say?

“It’s pretty simple,” Pringle said. “All it says is you can’t teach critical race theory in K-12 or higher education in the state of Alabama.”

That is a short bill, if not a simple one. But it didn’t answer my question: What is this critical race theory educators would be forbidden to teach? Pringle has seen enough legislation to understand the law requires specificity. Many bills begin by laying out their legal definitions. How would his bill define critical race theory?

“It basically teaches that certain children are inherently bad people because of the color of their skin, period,” Pringle said.

That sounded very serious, indeed. Nazi-like, even. So I asked Pringle if there were any critical race theorists he could point to who have been spreading such toxic garbage?

“Yeah, uh, well — I can assure you — I’ll have to read a lot more,” he said.

More of the fun interview, here
Wow. Is this what passes for news on Fox? Three people who have really no idea about CRT and could care less, as long as they are able to put fear into their moronic right-wing watchers. Fair and Balanced, indeed!

Here is a great article from A reporter asks point-blank to an Alabama state rep about why he wants to ban CRT. Very illuminating response!

The 2021 Alabama legislative session ended last month, but Pringle is already primed for the next one. He recently pre-filed a bill — almost eight months before the next session is scheduled to start — and he’s been talking it up on the radio.

So what does his bill say?

“It’s pretty simple,” Pringle said. “All it says is you can’t teach critical race theory in K-12 or higher education in the state of Alabama.”

That is a short bill, if not a simple one. But it didn’t answer my question: What is this critical race theory educators would be forbidden to teach? Pringle has seen enough legislation to understand the law requires specificity. Many bills begin by laying out their legal definitions. How would his bill define critical race theory?

“It basically teaches that certain children are inherently bad people because of the color of their skin, period,” Pringle said.

That sounded very serious, indeed. Nazi-like, even. So I asked Pringle if there were any critical race theorists he could point to who have been spreading such toxic garbage?

“Yeah, uh, well — I can assure you — I’ll have to read a lot more,” he said.

More of the fun interview, here
Alabama may be North Carolina in Leftard education, but not in reality.
If CRT is not taught, then your purpose of preventing it from being banned in schools is what?

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Alabama may be North Carolina in Leftard education, but not in reality.
If CRT is not taught, then your purpose of preventing it from being taught is what?

WTF are you babbling about? Did you read what I posted or do you usually just respond to your brain farts?

The question is simply: What is CRT? Can you explain why it is evil? Go.
Alabama may be North Carolina in Leftard education, but not in reality.
If CRT is not taught, then your purpose of preventing it from being banned in schools is what?

If CRT is not being taught why are you trying to ban it?

The problem with the laws is that CRT is defined so poorly almost any discussion of racial issues or racism could lead to a teacher being fired.
If CRT is not being why are you trying to ban it?

The problem with the laws is that CRT is defined so poorly almost any discussion of racial issues or racism could lead to a teacher being fired.
see post # 14
see post # 14
Doesn't answer the question. It isn't being taught. On the other hand Republicans DO keep trying to add Bible classes to the curreculum. Shouldn't that extra crap be banned?

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