North Carolina proves GOP wants more government


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
All this talk about reducing the size of government from the GOP is just a bunch of bullshit!

Moral Mondays: 'Ever Stronger Opposition' Grows in Face of GOP Attack

North Carolinians rise against state 'gone to hell' as tenth day of action swells to one of largest yet

Almost 4,000 North Carolinians stormed the state house Monday demonstrating that, despite repeated attacks by the GOP-led legislature, the opposition is growing 'ever fiercer and stronger.'

Marking the tenth "Moral Monday" action, participants rallied in the capital against an anti-choice abortion law that passed the state Senate last week in a GOP 'sneak attack' on reproductive rights.

Fellow participant and Asheville city councilman Cecil Bothwell, who arrived with 100 of his constituents, expressed his grievance with the GOP saying, "It amazes me that they claim they don't want government intervening in health care issues, yet they want to tell women what to do with their bodies."
U.S. Farmers Urge Changes to Immigration Law Amid Labor Shortage |

North Carolina, whose four main crops are valued at $2 billion, has seen its labor supply vanish since nearby Alabama and South Carolina enacted restrictive immigration laws. “Clearly, immigration reform is as much a federal issue as maintaining our military or managing our money supply,” says Larry Wooten, president of the North Carolina Farm Bureau. “And this state-by-state regulation, with hyperenforcement, is putting pressure on farming operations here in North Carolina and across the country.”


Republicans are only doing this to increase the cost of food. They think it's "good business". Besides, they can blame on Obama like they do with all their other failures.
all ashville could muster was a 100? lol cecil really has to add more friends on FB... making these Clinics safer is a bad thing....

passed, the law would require clinics that provide the service to meet license standards similar to those of outpatient surgery centers.

....and making the girls safer is also a bad thing?

The law would also require the presence of a doctor when a woman takes an abortion-inducing drug

North Carolina GOP Launches 'Sneak Attack' on Reproductive Rights | Common Dreams

By god it is IMMORAL to demand safer situations for these women!!!!
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First, the desire for limited government is for the Federal government which was created as a government with enumerated powers. There are people who want a limited federal government who want a strong state government and also those who want both a limited federal government and limited State government. See, the right isnt a bunch of people who all think alike and march in step.

Second, why the heck do you want abortions happening in substandard facilities? I mean isn't the whole argument for abortion that we should have it legalized specifically so women won't have to go to some back alley clinic to get the abortion? And yet you sit here complaining when the state actually makes sure the clinics are up to standard. Make up your freaking mind. If I had it my way, we wouldn't have abortion legal.
All this talk about reducing the size of government from the GOP is just a bunch of bullshit!

Moral Mondays: 'Ever Stronger Opposition' Grows in Face of GOP Attack

North Carolinians rise against state 'gone to hell' as tenth day of action swells to one of largest yet

Almost 4,000 North Carolinians stormed the state house Monday demonstrating that, despite repeated attacks by the GOP-led legislature, the opposition is growing 'ever fiercer and stronger.'

Marking the tenth "Moral Monday" action, participants rallied in the capital against an anti-choice abortion law that passed the state Senate last week in a GOP 'sneak attack' on reproductive rights.

Fellow participant and Asheville city councilman Cecil Bothwell, who arrived with 100 of his constituents, expressed his grievance with the GOP saying, "It amazes me that they claim they don't want government intervening in health care issues, yet they want to tell women what to do with their bodies."

Those damn bastards.
I bet they have laws against rape, robbery, child abuse, murder, speeding, fraud, assault, and all kinds of other things.
"Anti Choice? Didn't you see the trial of the Gosnell horror house? It didn't happen in the South or some rural area the Hollywood crowd likes to ridicule. Gosnell's abortion clinic operated in Philadelphia and it wasn't even subject to state inspections because politicians on both sides were afraid of the powerful left wing abortion backlash. Gosnell was cutting the heads off live babies with modified garden shears. Nobody would have blown the whistle if his carelessness didn't cause the death of an adult woman. The radical left still won't address the issue of what a prominent democrat politician called "infanticide" years ago. Democrats want to continue to kill full term babies by stabbing them in the back of the head just seconds before they would have been born into the world and they don't want to talk about it.
All this talk about reducing the size of government from the GOP is just a bunch of bullshit!

Moral Mondays: 'Ever Stronger Opposition' Grows in Face of GOP Attack

North Carolinians rise against state 'gone to hell' as tenth day of action swells to one of largest yet

Almost 4,000 North Carolinians stormed the state house Monday demonstrating that, despite repeated attacks by the GOP-led legislature, the opposition is growing 'ever fiercer and stronger.'

Marking the tenth "Moral Monday" action, participants rallied in the capital against an anti-choice abortion law that passed the state Senate last week in a GOP 'sneak attack' on reproductive rights.

Fellow participant and Asheville city councilman Cecil Bothwell, who arrived with 100 of his constituents, expressed his grievance with the GOP saying, "It amazes me that they claim they don't want government intervening in health care issues, yet they want to tell women what to do with their bodies."

Those damn bastards.
I bet they have laws against rape, robbery, child abuse, murder, speeding, fraud, assault, and all kinds of other things.

They voted against protecting women from abuse. And they are defending Zimmerman for murder. So maybe those laws don't mean so much to Republicans.
They voted against protecting women from abuse. And they are defending Zimmerman for murder. So maybe those laws don't mean so much to Republicans.

How does opposing higher standards for abortion clinics make it more likely for a woman to be abused? What does it have to do with Zimmerman at all?
First, the desire for limited government is for the Federal government which was created as a government with enumerated powers. There are people who want a limited federal government who want a strong state government and also those who want both a limited federal government and limited State government. See, the right isnt a bunch of people who all think alike and march in step.

Second, why the heck do you want abortions happening in substandard facilities? I mean isn't the whole argument for abortion that we should have it legalized specifically so women won't have to go to some back alley clinic to get the abortion? And yet you sit here complaining when the state actually makes sure the clinics are up to standard. Make up your freaking mind. If I had it my way, we wouldn't have abortion legal.
The Framers wanted a strong central government.

That's why they shit-canned the Articles of Confederation.
Republicans will do anything to protect this:


But they zero problem with this. In fact, this is what the south looks like after 200 years of Conservative Christian leadership.

GREENVILLE: SC’s solar power policy thwarts Furman’s green efforts | Politics | The State

The GOP preaches against regulations on business also. BUT, they gladly limit how much solar power a business can use, all because lobbyists from the state's big power companies (privately owned) begged for it because solar power was cutting too much into their profits.

The RW line about less govt, less regulation is all a bullshit line. They think they believe it.....until doing so cuts into their money, then they love the government's power to keep money in the pockets of their interests.
GREENVILLE: SC’s solar power policy thwarts Furman’s green efforts | Politics | The State

The GOP preaches against regulations on business also. BUT, they gladly limit how much solar power a business can use, all because lobbyists from the state's big power companies (privately owned) begged for it because solar power was cutting too much into their profits.

The RW line about less govt, less regulation is all a bullshit line. They think they believe it.....until doing so cuts into their money, then they love the government's power to keep money in the pockets of their interests.
You've just been promoted to bucs100.
GREENVILLE: SC’s solar power policy thwarts Furman’s green efforts | Politics | The State

The GOP preaches against regulations on business also. BUT, they gladly limit how much solar power a business can use, all because lobbyists from the state's big power companies (privately owned) begged for it because solar power was cutting too much into their profits.

The RW line about less govt, less regulation is all a bullshit line. They think they believe it.....until doing so cuts into their money, then they love the government's power to keep money in the pockets of their interests.
You've just been promoted to bucs100.

Haha thanks. But isnt that story a doozy?

The Tea Party Queen Nikki Haley, and one of the most hard-right govts in America, South Carolina's, preaches and rants about the evils of government regulation hurting business.

But when a private school (aka private business) like Furman U starts to become a little bit too independent of the private energy companies, the GOP government steps in, passes a regulation, and ensures that the private businesses of the state will never get TOO independent of the grossly overpriced power companies in SC.

Just sickening. Hypocrisy at its worst. A Tea Party government LITERALLY using the power of government regulation to pick winners and losers in the private sector.

Hint: The winners are the ones with the richest lobbyists. In this case, the power companies.
First, the desire for limited government is for the Federal government which was created as a government with enumerated powers. There are people who want a limited federal government who want a strong state government and also those who want both a limited federal government and limited State government. See, the right isnt a bunch of people who all think alike and march in step.

Second, why the heck do you want abortions happening in substandard facilities? I mean isn't the whole argument for abortion that we should have it legalized specifically so women won't have to go to some back alley clinic to get the abortion? And yet you sit here complaining when the state actually makes sure the clinics are up to standard. Make up your freaking mind. If I had it my way, we wouldn't have abortion legal.

LoL god you people are a joke. Trying to pass one man one woman amendments and banning abortion at the federal level shows just how hypocritical you people are.

You guys are not for smaller government. You are for your style of government which ends up being just as big as the liberals.

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