North Carolina pushes hate agenda (part 94)

Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her
You're setting up a straw man argument. The issue is not assault. The issue is coed restrooms where there will be urinals. Are you a pervert? Why do you want to share a restroom with little girls and women? Do yo put mirrors on your shoes to look up ladies dresses? No normal male would put up with men sharing a restroom with his wife or daughter.

I've been in plenty of co-ed restrooms, especially in Europe, and only one person goes in at a time. There is no real world scenario in which some man is going to be pissing at a urinal while your 6 six year old daughter is in the stall next to him. As I said before, this is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy. It's no different than ten years ago when you people were screaming about how if we legalized gay marriage people would start marrying their dogs and that's happening all over, right?

Yes, but multistall bathrooms change the equation.

Of course the solution is simple.

Private businesses can set their own bathroom policies, don't like it , don't do business there. Government facilities have three bathroom. Men, Women, Non Gender. Easy peasy.

Sure, retrofit all government buildings. We've got a surplus, right?
No other country has a problem with trannys preying on "4 year old daughters".

Its a collective lunacy where the cynical prod the idiots into acting like muppets in support of a hate campaign against PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO US.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms. I can protect my wife and daughter outside of the restroom, but not inside. That's why we have laws, to protect them in places I cannot.
Fucking hell. Grow up you bed wetting wanker.
That isn't a counter argument, you triple dumbfuck delight.
So just so we're clear, the right-wing bigot clowns in this thread don't think pedophiles ever prey on victims of the same sex?
No other country has a problem with trannys preying on "4 year old daughters".

Its a collective lunacy where the cynical prod the idiots into acting like muppets in support of a hate campaign against PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO US.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms. I can protect my wife and daughter outside of the restroom, but not inside. That's why we have laws, to protect them in places I cannot.
Fucking hell. Grow up you bed wetting wanker.
That isn't a counter argument, you triple dumbfuck delight.
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them" - Thomas Jefferson
North Carolina leaders submit ANOTHER anti-LGBT law, because it went so well first time

Who actually elects these people ?

Gays will be forced to register for "education" next.
Frightened, ignorant, reactionary conservatives elect these people – those hostile to change, diversity, and inclusion, where change and diversity are perceived as some sort of a ‘threat.’

Sounds like a common sense law to me. Only a moron or another pervert would want a guy to use the same public restroom that his young daughter is in. Which one are you, Clayton?
So just so we're clear, the right-wing bigot clowns in this thread don't think pedophiles ever prey on victims of the same sex?
Right wing bigot clowns cant think. That ability is outside their skill set.

Where did this vast army of imaginary tranny paedos come from ? North Korea ?

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