North Carolina pushes hate agenda (part 94)

Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her
You're setting up a straw man argument. The issue is not assault. The issue is coed restrooms where there will be urinals. Are you a pervert? Why do you want to share a restroom with little girls and women? Do yo put mirrors on your shoes to look up ladies dresses? No normal male would put up with men sharing a restroom with his wife or daughter.
If the men do that, you arrest them. Nothing about the current set of rules changes that. Nothing about a transgender law will change that.
No. We're not going to put up with it. Trump will reverse every pervert XO Obama enacts, especially transvestites in the military getting free sex change operations.
Where has this ever happened you fuckwit ?
There are already laws against indecent exposure..
Men expose themselves all the time in restrooms in some manner or other. It's the nature of the plumbing. It's hard to avoid. Indecent exposure can't be charged if men are allowed with women. Pervs will do it on purpose and claim innocence.
No other country has a problem with trannys preying on "4 year old daughters".

Its a collective lunacy where the cynical prod the idiots into acting like muppets in support of a hate campaign against PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO US.
First of all, you're not even a citizen here, so fuck off with your European values. Your opinion means jack shit here. Second, this isn't just about transvestites, so quit playing this straw man.
North Carolina leaders submit ANOTHER anti-LGBT law, because it went so well first time

Who actually elects these people ?

Gays will be forced to register for "education" next.
Frightened, ignorant, reactionary conservatives elect these people – those hostile to change, diversity, and inclusion, where change and diversity are perceived as some sort of a ‘threat.’
The intolerant Left calling others intolerant. That is so funny and so transparently stupid.

I say let's impose laws outlawing Christianity...the Lefties would love that...proving once again what hypocrites they are.
Why do you assume that the recidivists in NC have any relationship to Christianity ?
I didn' silly limey dummy.
Given your posting history, you’re in no position to refer to others as ‘dummy.’
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms.

There are no such rules. The idea of said rules is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy.
You Libs have overplayed your hand on this. Watch for a massive blowback this November. Your head is going to spin with what is in store for you. Christians and people with like moral values are going to reverse the course this country has taken.
North Carolina leaders submit ANOTHER anti-LGBT law, because it went so well first time

Who actually elects these people ?

Gays will be forced to register for "education" next.
Frightened, ignorant, reactionary conservatives elect these people – those hostile to change, diversity, and inclusion, where change and diversity are perceived as some sort of a ‘threat.’
The intolerant Left calling others intolerant. That is so funny and so transparently stupid.

I say let's impose laws outlawing Christianity...the Lefties would love that...proving once again what hypocrites they are.
And here’s an example of one of your ignorant, ridiculous posts.

‘Liberals’ aren’t enacting laws seeking to disadvantage transgender Americans, conservatives are – consequently the intolerance manifests mostly on the right.

Indeed, the fact that liberals defend transgender Americans from the bigotry and hate of conservatives is proof that liberals are in fact tolerant.

Moreover, liberals would be the first to oppose any measure with the intent of ‘outlawing’ Christianity, or any other religion, consistent with Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

Last, the vast majority of liberals are Christian, where the notion that liberals would advocate ‘banning’ their own religion is as moronic and idiotic as your other posts.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms.

There are no such rules. The idea of said rules is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy.
You Libs have overplayed your hand on this. Watch for a massive blowback this November. Your head is going to spin with what is in store for you. Christians and people with like moral values are going to reverse the course this country has taken.

Most who claim to be 'Christians' are fake kristians. They step on the poor and worship the rich, they are in fact anti-Christ.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms.

There are no such rules. The idea of said rules is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy.
You Libs have overplayed your hand on this. Watch for a massive blowback this November. Your head is going to spin with what is in store for you. Christians and people with like moral values are going to reverse the course this country has taken.

Most who claim to be 'Christians' are fake kristians. They step on the poor and worship the rich, they are in fact anti-Christ.
It will be a sad day when Christians start listening to the heathen depraved and hell bound on what Christians are supposed to be.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms.

There are no such rules. The idea of said rules is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy.
You Libs have overplayed your hand on this. Watch for a massive blowback this November. Your head is going to spin with what is in store for you. Christians and people with like moral values are going to reverse the course this country has taken.

Most who claim to be 'Christians' are fake kristians. They step on the poor and worship the rich, they are in fact anti-Christ.
It will be a sad day when Christians start listening to the heathen depraved and hell bound on what Christians are supposed to be.

Because someone's opinion of what a 'Christian' is is far more important than what Jesus actually taught or how he lived. That is how kristians view it. It's how phoney kristians lawyer the bible to fit any lifestyle they want to live.
Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her
You're setting up a straw man argument. The issue is not assault. The issue is coed restrooms where there will be urinals. Are you a pervert? Why do you want to share a restroom with little girls and women? Do yo put mirrors on your shoes to look up ladies dresses? No normal male would put up with men sharing a restroom with his wife or daughter.

Coed restrooms? WTF are you talking about?

The issue is NC's republican fever dream about transgenders entering the "wrong" bathroom and raping women. That has not ever happened. You're stupid.

Who said I want to share a restroom with women and girls? Is it necessary for you to dream up strawmen and make sanctimonious pronouncements that have nothing to do with the conversation in order to "win" a debate?
Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her
You're setting up a straw man argument. The issue is not assault. The issue is coed restrooms where there will be urinals. Are you a pervert? Why do you want to share a restroom with little girls and women? Do yo put mirrors on your shoes to look up ladies dresses? No normal male would put up with men sharing a restroom with his wife or daughter.

Coed restrooms? WTF are you talking about?

The issue is NC's republican fever dream about transgenders entering the "wrong" bathroom and raping women. That has not ever happened. You're stupid.

Who said I want to share a restroom with women and girls? Is it necessary for you to dream up strawmen and make sanctimonious pronouncements that have nothing to do with the conversation in order to "win" a debate?

Hey dumb dumb, do you realize this new law clarifies and allows so called transgenders to use the restroom of their choice while preventing non transgenders from using the wrong bathroom, at least legally
Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her
You're setting up a straw man argument. The issue is not assault. The issue is coed restrooms where there will be urinals. Are you a pervert? Why do you want to share a restroom with little girls and women? Do yo put mirrors on your shoes to look up ladies dresses? No normal male would put up with men sharing a restroom with his wife or daughter.

Coed restrooms? WTF are you talking about?

The issue is NC's republican fever dream about transgenders entering the "wrong" bathroom and raping women. That has not ever happened. You're stupid.

Who said I want to share a restroom with women and girls? Is it necessary for you to dream up strawmen and make sanctimonious pronouncements that have nothing to do with the conversation in order to "win" a debate?

Hey dumb dumb, do you realize this new law clarifies and allows so called transgenders to use the restroom of their choice while preventing non transgenders from using the wrong bathroom, at least legally
There's nothing preventing that now, you fucking douchnozzle!
Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her
You're setting up a straw man argument. The issue is not assault. The issue is coed restrooms where there will be urinals. Are you a pervert? Why do you want to share a restroom with little girls and women? Do yo put mirrors on your shoes to look up ladies dresses? No normal male would put up with men sharing a restroom with his wife or daughter.

I've been in plenty of co-ed restrooms, especially in Europe, and only one person goes in at a time. There is no real world scenario in which some man is going to be pissing at a urinal while your 6 six year old daughter is in the stall next to him. As I said before, this is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy. It's no different than ten years ago when you people were screaming about how if we legalized gay marriage people would start marrying their dogs and that's happening all over, right?
Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her
You're setting up a straw man argument. The issue is not assault. The issue is coed restrooms where there will be urinals. Are you a pervert? Why do you want to share a restroom with little girls and women? Do yo put mirrors on your shoes to look up ladies dresses? No normal male would put up with men sharing a restroom with his wife or daughter.

I've been in plenty of co-ed restrooms, especially in Europe, and only one person goes in at a time. There is no real world scenario in which some man is going to be pissing at a urinal while your 6 six year old daughter is in the stall next to him. As I said before, this is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy. It's no different than ten years ago when you people were screaming about how if we legalized gay marriage people would start marrying their dogs and that's happening all over, right?

Yes, but multistall bathrooms change the equation.

Of course the solution is simple.

Private businesses can set their own bathroom policies, don't like it , don't do business there. Government facilities have three bathroom. Men, Women, Non Gender. Easy peasy.
Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her
You're setting up a straw man argument. The issue is not assault. The issue is coed restrooms where there will be urinals. Are you a pervert? Why do you want to share a restroom with little girls and women? Do yo put mirrors on your shoes to look up ladies dresses? No normal male would put up with men sharing a restroom with his wife or daughter.

I've been in plenty of co-ed restrooms, especially in Europe, and only one person goes in at a time. There is no real world scenario in which some man is going to be pissing at a urinal while your 6 six year old daughter is in the stall next to him. As I said before, this is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy. It's no different than ten years ago when you people were screaming about how if we legalized gay marriage people would start marrying their dogs and that's happening all over, right?
We're not in Europe, pervacious. We're in America where restrooms that correspond with one's native gender are available, but the perv brigade wants to use the wrong restroom anyway. Nobody's rights are being violated by being required to use the restroom that matches their plumbing. Only whacked out Leftists like you think this is an injustice.
No other country has a problem with trannys preying on "4 year old daughters".

Its a collective lunacy where the cynical prod the idiots into acting like muppets in support of a hate campaign against PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO US.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms. I can protect my wife and daughter outside of the restroom, but not inside. That's why we have laws, to protect them in places I cannot.
Fucking hell. Grow up you bed wetting wanker.

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