North Carolina pushes hate agenda (part 94)

North Carolina leaders submit ANOTHER anti-LGBT law, because it went so well first time

Who actually elects these people ?

Gays will be forced to register for "education" next.
Frightened, ignorant, reactionary conservatives elect these people – those hostile to change, diversity, and inclusion, where change and diversity are perceived as some sort of a ‘threat.’
It's a sensible compromise. Current law lets heterosexual rapist go in women's restrooms. Are you people so stupid you can't understand that is the real issue? Maybe your side is full of pervs. Is that it? It's obvious democrats get 100% of the pedophile vote now.
Maybe they should take action against these "heterosexual rapists" rather than oppressing a community that harms no one ?
You can't stop heterosexual men from entering girls bathrooms. What is so hard to understand that women find that an issue of privacy? Where have we heard this word used before? Privacy.
“North Carolina pushes hate agenda”

The hate agenda, the fear agenda, the willful ignorance agenda…

It’s the same sad story that’s occurred in Western Civilization for thousands of years: the unwarranted fear that manifests among reactionary conservatives when society undergoes normal, appropriate change, and those frightened conservatives blindly lash out in anger against those whom they fear, in this case transgender Americans.

Fortunately, the Constitution and its case law will protect transgender Americans from the right’s agenda of fear and hate, where these inane measures will eventually be invalidated by the courts.
Keep forcing this on the American people. Make it a plank in the DNC platform. Have transvestites speech at the DNC Convention. Celebrate it and tell the people you are forcing this on them.

See what happens in November.
sorry , but there are too many moronic Democrats in this country to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I mean there are literally people out there saying "hey they were HER emails she should get to decide what is classified and what isn't " along with all sorts of other moronic statements who are going to be be allowed to vote.

Also, Trump is MY candidate in his own right.

Fixed that for you.
So you admit that the problem is heterosexual men who are rapists and perverts.
Queers haunt the men's rooms. We can handle them. Naturally the women get the hetero pervs. That's who you want in the girls room. Rapists and pervs. It will be a problem because they don't have to be transvestites. Maybe you heard about Target?
North Carolina leaders submit ANOTHER anti-LGBT law, because it went so well first time

Who actually elects these people ?

Gays will be forced to register for "education" next.

WTF is wrong with these poeple. Seriously what is wrong with them. North Carolina's elected bungs have lost their shit completely and that state is becoming Germany circa 1936.
I think that if you read some of the comments on this thread it is clear that there is an intelligence deficit amongst some Americans.
Its difficult for us to be critical after the brexit vote but really..................trannys in the ladies room is not the end of civilisation.
No, but apparently you think current law prevents men from raping boys in boys bathrooms. First, you're targeting a population that has no known proclivity for rapists/sexual deviants (trans people actually represent LESS of a threat to rape/molest). Second, you've expressed zero concern for what any of
The issue is not transvestites (I won't call the transsexuals) raping women. It's normal hetero men pissing in the same room with women and enjoying the view. Women want privacy and don't want men around. Anybody in favor of allowing all men in the restroom of their choice IS A PERV.
No, but apparently you think current law prevents men from raping boys in boys bathrooms. First, you're targeting a population that has no known proclivity for rapists/sexual deviants (trans people actually represent LESS of a threat to rape/molest). Second, you've expressed zero concern for what any of
The issue is not transvestites (I won't call the transsexuals) raping women. It's normal hetero men pissing in the same room with women and enjoying the view. Women want privacy and don't want men around. Anybody in favor of allowing all men in the restroom of their choice IS A PERV.

What view? You realize that women's rooms don't have urinals, right? Are you legally retarded? Like, do you receive benefits?

Please find ONE instance, anywhere, ever, of a man legally entering a women's restroom and assaulting her.
No, but apparently you think current law prevents men from raping boys in boys bathrooms. First, you're targeting a population that has no known proclivity for rapists/sexual deviants (trans people actually represent LESS of a threat to rape/molest). Second, you've expressed zero concern for what any of
The issue is not transvestites (I won't call the transsexuals) raping women. It's normal hetero men pissing in the same room with women and enjoying the view. Women want privacy and don't want men around. Anybody in favor of allowing all men in the restroom of their choice IS A PERV.
Where has this ever happened you fuckwit ?
There are already laws against indecent exposure..
Polls were pretty conclusive in 2012 Obama was going to get reelected despite all of you who said they were lying and being manipulated.
Polls were pretty conclusive on Brexit too. The evangelical vote isn't going to sit the election out this time. This vote is for the survival of our country and our freedoms.
No, but apparently you think current law prevents men from raping boys in boys bathrooms. First, you're targeting a population that has no known proclivity for rapists/sexual deviants (trans people actually represent LESS of a threat to rape/molest). Second, you've expressed zero concern for what any of
The issue is not transvestites (I won't call the transsexuals) raping women. It's normal hetero men pissing in the same room with women and enjoying the view. Women want privacy and don't want men around. Anybody in favor of allowing all men in the restroom of their choice IS A PERV.
Where has this ever happened you fuckwit ?
There are already laws against indecent exposure..

Yeah, the problem with those laws is that they rely too heavily on prosecuting Republicans.
No other country has a problem with trannys preying on "4 year old daughters".

Its a collective lunacy where the cynical prod the idiots into acting like muppets in support of a hate campaign against PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO US.
No other country has a problem with trannys preying on "4 year old daughters".

Its a collective lunacy where the cynical prod the idiots into acting like muppets in support of a hate campaign against PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO US.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms. I can protect my wife and daughter outside of the restroom, but not inside. That's why we have laws, to protect them in places I cannot.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms.

There are no such rules. The idea of said rules is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy.
It isn't the tran freaks people are worried about, it's broad rules that allow pedophiles and other pervs to exploit and enter into opposite sex bathrooms.

There are no such rules. The idea of said rules is nothing more than a paranoid conservative fantasy.
So you think the Left isn't pushing to legalize ballsacks going into girls bathrooms? Where have you been?

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