North Carolina School Baptizes 100 Kids Without Parents’ Permission

The OP has to be a lie. Parents must give consent to have their kids baptized. Once adults it's up to them. As a lifelong Christian there would be a lawsuit. I'd be the one submitting it.
I believe that this church/school assumed that consent was a given, if not explicitly given, when the parents sent their children to a religious school. In the Baptist church, there is no point at all in forcing a child to be baptized, because it means nothing if not done freely. So, it is very common for people of any age to make the decision unexpectedly at a church service, or at a baptism even as the school held. At that point, it would not be the role of the church, nor the school it runs, to discourage the baptism.

One of our pastor's kids didn't get baptized until he was fifteen. I'm sure his dad wanted him to do it, but didn't pressure him. He made his son attend church, but it's very much a free-will based religion, as far as actually accepting its teachings. Likely that's why it is such an anathema to liberals.

We also had a twelve year old request to redo his baptism since he first had it at eight and realized that he was just doing it without understanding it.

The school acknowledged that they should have called the parents, so the OP doing the happy dance, 'cause he found something much worse than transgender therapy, drugs and surgery for ten year olds without parent's consent, is a little weird. Likely the parents were upset that they weren't there when their child was baptized, not that they child was baptized at all.
As a parent perhaps you should have read the schools mission statement.


Northwood Temple Academy is committed to providing a Christ-centered education that promotes excellence in teaching and learning, focusing on high academic standards, excellence in fine arts, emotional well-being, and physical strength. We are nurturing today’s children and developing tomorrow’s kingdom leaders.


Northwood Temple Academy seeks to lead and nurture students from early childhood through twelfth grade into spiritually, emotionally mature Christians academically prepared to articulate boldly and effectively a Biblical worldview that enables them to serve in their careers and callings.

If you try to give your kid a good education in a Catholic School, you must be fully aware that the curriculum sometimes extends to Christian beliefs even if you are not Catholic. Chances are the school informed parents that it would offer a mass baptism and they could opt out or go along with it. Parental consent for something like this is unnecessary.

I believe that this church/school assumed that consent was a given, if not explicitly given, when the parents sent their children to a religious school. In the Baptist church, there is no point at all in forcing a child to be baptized, because it means nothing if not done freely. So, it is very common for people of any age to make the decision unexpectedly at a church service, or at a baptism even as the school held. At that point, it would not be the role of the church, nor the school it runs, to discourage the baptism.

One of our pastor's kids didn't get baptized until he was fifteen. I'm sure his dad wanted him to do it, but didn't pressure him. He made his son attend church, but it's very much a free-will based religion, as far as actually accepting its teachings. Likely that's why it is such an anathema to liberals.

We also had a twelve year old request to redo his baptism since he first had it at eight and realized that he was just doing it without understanding it.

The school acknowledged that they should have called the parents, so the OP doing the happy dance, 'cause he found something much worse than transgender therapy, drugs and surgery for ten year olds without parent's consent, is a little weird. Likely the parents were upset that they weren't there when their child was baptized, not that they child was baptized at all.
So it is simply "assumed"?? I'm sorry but this should be made clear and concise if their is even the slightest chance that a baptism will take place without my knowledge as the parent. This place sounds more like a cultish type of place. What a disgrace to christianity.
So it is simply "assumed"?? I'm sorry but this should be made clear and concise if their is even the slightest chance that a baptism will take place without my knowledge as the parent. This place sounds more like a cultish type of place. What a disgrace to christianity.
Just so I know where you are coming from, do you believe that it should be made clear and concise to public school parents if there is even the slightest chance that transgender counseling will take place without their knowledge as a parent?
So it is simply "assumed"?? I'm sorry but this should be made clear and concise if their is even the slightest chance that a baptism will take place without my knowledge as the parent. This place sounds more like a cultish type of place. What a disgrace to christianity.
it's a Christian school that's typical of many Christian schools.
As a lifelong practicing Christian the morons running the place know how important baptism is. It is to be shared by family. It is a one time ceremony. The admin at this school should be ashamed. They are not my fellow Christians.
Sounds like a "get'm young" while stimulating peer pressure, herd instinct move on the part of that private school, perpetrated on children. Not the way to actually bring kids to The Lord.
Agreed. Bad thing, should apologise... But lets not get too hysterical...

There is way too much over reaction in schools.. Critical Race Theory isn't actually taught outside specialised courses in university. Transgender issues are a very tiny proportion of society and at school level should be a case by case basis.

Bullying are very real in schools, so is Sexual Assault. There are also false accusations of rape, but let's be clear, rape is getting convicted at just 2% of the time.
For not letting parents know when the baptism is going to happen. Baptism is a life changing event. You do not perform it without the parents there. Those admin folk are to blame. Evil.
that’s not cause of action. According to the article the children wanted to do it
that’s not cause of action. According to the article the children wanted to do it
Not good enough. Why not tell the parents and invite them? And who is qualified to baptize them? As a parent I have a say in that. While I support Christian education because I am a Christian i think the admin should all be let go.
Not good enough. Why not tell the parents and invite them? And who is qualified to baptize them? As a parent I have a say in that. While I support Christian education because I am a Christian i think the admin should all be let go.
Same thing goes for all the things stupid libs force on our children. I do agree the parents should be informed.
Hey!! The OP's article is shit. All you have to do is look at what they try to pass off as a baptismal. Ask yourselves, why did they post a picture of a cattle trough? I found a PIX of real babtismal in 2 fucking minutes!

This is fake.


This is real
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Indeed, Anabaptist dogma holds that only adults should be baptized since an adult alone can understand and consent to what it means to accept Christ as one’s ‘lord and savior’ – even if one had been baptized as an infant or child.

But you loons think a child can decide on abortion, gender reassignment, etc etc
Not good enough. Why not tell the parents and invite them? And who is qualified to baptize them? As a parent I have a say in that. While I support Christian education because I am a Christian i think the admin should all be let go.
they acknowledged they made a mistake. Sounds like some knew, as some of the kids had it scheduled, the others just got caught hi on the moment and decided right then to get baptized

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