North Carolina School Baptizes 100 Kids Without Parents’ Permission

Dumb for the school to not notify parents but it is a parochial school, so I am thinking and so? The after effects of being dipped in water is no big risk at all to the children, kids do things spontaneously and no one was forced to be baptized.

It’s not like the kids are getting an abortion (of course you don’t need to notify parents about a child having an abortion) or having their sex change. It is hardly newsworthy.

It's a Pentecostal school. The parents should have known better.
It's a Pentecostal school. The parents should have known better.
My thoughts exactly however, the parents should have been informed, just out of respect. Not a big issue in today’s world, no harm, no foul is the whole story.
If you send your children to a RELIGIOUS academy, you must expect them to receive RELIGIOUS instruction.

If it can be proven these children were somehow coerced into accepting the baptismal rite, then the school needs to be sued for everything it’s worth. If the kids chose of their own accord, the school should be chastised for not getting parental consent.
OK. What ever happened to parental authority and control? I have heard it on this site more than once. Influencing by religion is not an absolute so don't condone it.

It looks like grooming is reaching new heights in the south.Shouldnt these children be learning maths and stuff in school ?
Right or wrong, a baptism isn’t mutually exclusive from teaching our students.

Why don’t you worry about the shit in Her Majesty’s lands? Be a good and loyal subject.
K. What ever happened to parental authority and control? I have heard it on this site more than once. Influencing by religion is not an absolute so don't condone it.

We’re not talking about a public high school or some supposedly independent price school. Religious instruction is a primary component of parochial education. Always has been and always will be.

Additionally, we’re not talking elementary school kids. This is a secondary level (high school) institution. Interesting that the article left that out (I looked up their website). If the baptismal event was included in the silo us or the school contract, the parents don’t have a leg to stand on.
OMG.....a private school run by a Pentecostal church didn't ask parents if they could baptize their students?
Do you know what a parochial school is, asshole?

My understanding is going to a school that's run by Pentecostals it would be assumed that they would want to make sure that the kids are cleansed before they begin their religious studies. Baptism is the very foundation of their religion. Pentecostals without being baptized is like a Muslim without the teachings of Islam.

Pentecostalism or classical Pentecostalism is a Protestant Charismatic Christian movement[1][2] that emphasizes direct personal experience of God through baptism with the Holy Spirit. The term Pentecostal is derived from Pentecost, an event that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus Christ, and the speaking in unlearned tongues as described in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. In Greek, it is the name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks.

It is also a milestone in the child's life that most parents want to be a part of and be there to experience it with the child.

We’re not talking about a public high school or some supposedly independent price school. Religious instruction is a primary component of parochial education. Always has been and always will be.

Additionally, we’re not talking elementary school kids. This is a secondary level (high school) institution. Interesting that the article left that out (I looked up their website). If the baptismal event was included in the silo us or the school contract, the parents don’t have a leg to stand on.
I read the same story a moment ago. Parrot.
OK. What ever happened to parental authority and control? I have heard it on this site more than once. Influencing by religion is not an absolute so don't condone it.
Just as soon as you force public schools to do the same on all the shit they dont tell parent.

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