North Carolina School Baptizes 100 Kids Without Parents’ Permission

My wife was baptized at a church when she was very young, without parental consent and she couldn’t tell you what the name of the church was. It never affected her life negatively.
Probably quite true. The question is, did it affect her life positively, being baptized at a young age, at a time so young, she cannot even tell the name of the church? Does not sound like a spiritual awakening "new birth" in the holy spirit event. Of course, I do not know her, but assume her to be a fine person.
Not to put you on the spot, Gator, but is that a good thing, a bad thing or just a fact?

Just what the data shows. Not sure good or bad applies. I do think it makes sense it would be this way, children are always more open to new things.

I spent a couple decades active in evangelical churches. In 3 different churches, one in Okinawa, one in Az and one in Il I was the leader of a group called AWANA (perhaps you have heard of it).

My wife and I also helped with or ran children's church in all those locations.

One common theme between the all was the need to get to the children early, as the more they aged the less likely they would accept Jesus.

It looks like grooming is reaching new heights in the south.Shouldnt these children be learning maths and stuff in school ?
I don't think we're getting the whole story here but it is a Parochial school, right? If parents actually pay to send their kids to a Parochial school then what are they complaining about? No one is forced to go to a Parochial school. If you don't want your kids to be in this environment then why did they pay to send their kids there? But, as I said, something doesn't add up correctly here. All of the facts are not being presented.
Probably quite true. The question is, did it affect her life positively, being baptized at a young age, at a time so young, she cannot even tell the name of the church? Does not sound like a spiritual awakening "new birth" in the holy spirit event. Of course, I do not know her, but assume her to be a fine person.
We are both religious now and she is a fine upstanding citize, however I do question her tastes as she choose me as a husband 40 plus years ago. :)
Only the dead you can not proxy baptize the living.
Another example of why the Mormons are not real Christians. Every other Christian sect baptizes the living.

I lived in a predominately Mormon community for seven years. I could be wrong but I think I remember one of my Mormon friends telling me that their proxy baptism ritual would include the names of anybody (living or dead) not a member of the LDS church.

Living or dead it is silly as hell.
You people must not be parents ... the whole point of holding a child's head underwater is to TERRIFY them into obedience ... the longer the better ... just stupid to think this washes sin away ... just stupid ... the children believe it long enough ...

Yeah ... I am an anabaptist, so sue me ...
This is lib NothingBurger

Its a religious school

Why are God hating lib parents sending their kids there instead of a public school?
How does one baptist someone without their knowledge or involvement?

It looks like grooming is reaching new heights in the south.Shouldnt these children be learning maths and stuff in school ?
OMG.....a private school run by a Pentecostal church didn't ask parents if they could baptize their students?
Do you know what a parochial school is, asshole?

My understanding is going to a school that's run by Pentecostals it would be assumed that they would want to make sure that the kids are cleansed before they begin their religious studies. Baptism is the very foundation of their religion. Pentecostals without being baptized is like a Muslim without the teachings of Islam.

Pentecostalism or classical Pentecostalism is a Protestant Charismatic Christian movement[1][2] that emphasizes direct personal experience of God through baptism with the Holy Spirit. The term Pentecostal is derived from Pentecost, an event that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus Christ, and the speaking in unlearned tongues as described in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. In Greek, it is the name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks.

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