North Carolina Teacher Caught Using LGBT Flash Cards To Teach 3, 4-Year-Olds Color

Correct. I can’t grasp anyone being allowed to mutilate themselves because of a mental illness.
It is your mental illness, or just plain stupidity that allows you to believe that woman would have a double mastectomy because she is a lesbian. What fucking alt-reality are you living in?
You’re why the world is so screwed up. No shock you don’t believe anything is evil.
That is not true. There is plenty that I think is evil

Totalitarianism is evil
Plutocracy is evil
Theocracy is evil
Mass murder is evil as are those who enable them
Child sexual abuse and exploitation is evil
AND, people like you who will shame, ridicule and marginalize young people who express that they have questions about their sexuality of gender identity-and drive them to despair and self destruction in the name of your God- ARE EVIL
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No shock you too equate teaching children to be good with adults grooming children for their sexual gratifications.
No shock that you believe that brainwashing children with religious indoctrination is ok but being supportive of children to allow them to explore their own identity and become their genuine self is evil. I am actually fascinated with the level of denseness and ignorance that you display
It is your mental illness, or just plain stupidity that allows you to believe that woman would have a double mastectomy because she is a lesbian. What fucking alt-reality are you living in?
Yeah. I said women should mutilate themselves over their mental illness.

What a dumbass.
No shock that you believe that brainwashing children with religious indoctrination is ok but being supportive of children to allow them to explore their own identity and become their genuine self is evil. I am actually fascinated with the level of denseness and ignorance that you display
You just go on making up your daily version of what’s good and what’s evil.
Just like the Texas shooter did.
No shock that you believe that brainwashing children with religious indoctrination is ok but being supportive of children to allow them to explore their own identity and become their genuine self is evil. I am actually fascinated with the level of denseness and ignorance that you display
You just go on making up your daily version of what’s good and what’s evil.
Just like the Texas shooter did.

TheOppressiveFaggot is a living, breathing, walking, typing model of Isaiah 5:20.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
That is not true. There is plenty that I think is evil

Totalitarianism is evil
Plutocracy is evil
Theocracy is evil
Mass murder is evil as are those who enable them
Child sexual abuse and exploitation is evil
AND, people like you who will shame, ridicule and marginalize young people who express that they have questions about their sexuality of gender identity-and drive them to despair and self destruction in the name of your God- ARE EVIL
Ah, yes, you wish to explore the sexuality of 4 year olds again.

4 year olds do not have sexuality, nor should they.

If it weren't for those like you ENCOURAGING them to be sexual by introducing them to it, they could develop in a normal fashion.

You wish to rob them of their age of innocence by sexualising them, instead.
Ah, yes, you wish to explore the sexuality of 4 year olds again.

4 year olds do not have sexuality, nor should they.

If it weren't for those like you ENCOURAGING them to be sexual by introducing them to it, they could develop in a normal fashion.

You wish to rob them of their age of innocence by sexualising them, instead.
Holy fucking shit! WHAT. Let me see if I got this right, In your sick and bizarre mind, being supportive of a 4 year old who is expressing gender dysphoria-which does happen-is sexualizing her? Are you really that stupid?
Ah, yes, you wish to explore the sexuality of 4 year olds again.

4 year olds do not have sexuality, nor should they.

If it weren't for those like you ENCOURAGING them to be sexual by introducing them to it, they could develop in a normal fashion.

You wish to rob them of their age of innocence by sexualising them, instead.

And younger.

He said this about a THREE-YEAR-OLD

…he most likely is transsexual.

What kind of depraved freak thinks or speaks of children that young, in terms of sick sexual perversions?
Holy fucking shit! WHAT. Let me see if I got this right, In your sick and bizarre mind, being supportive of a 4 year old who is expressing gender dysphoria-which does happen-is sexualizing her? Are you really that stupid?

A child that young doesn't have “gender dysphoria” unless some depraved childfucker is putting that shit in the child's head.
Holy fucking shit! WHAT. Let me see if I got this right, In your sick and bizarre mind, being supportive of a 4 year old who is expressing gender dysphoria-which does happen-is sexualizing her? Are you really that stupid?

So, how many years have you spent by now manipulating children into thinking they are a tranny at an age far too young for them to understand how they are being manipulated?

Good grief, the first time a 3 or 4 year old boy says he likes playing with dolls, there you are ENCOURAGING him to think of himself as a girl and treating him AS IF he were a girl. Heck, you are even referring to a 3 year old boy as a girl right in this thead.

You sure are one mind boggling sick, twisted little puppy, aren't you? They are CHILDREN. There is no such thing as a 3 year old tranny even though monsters like you are conditioning them to see themselves as such.
That is not true. There is plenty that I think is evil

Totalitarianism is evil
Plutocracy is evil
Theocracy is evil
Mass murder is evil as are those who enable them
Child sexual abuse and exploitation is evil
AND, people like you who will shame, ridicule and marginalize young people who express that they have questions about their sexuality of gender identity-and drive them to despair and self destruction in the name of your God- ARE EVIL

Nope. Hope you agree to all those evils except the last one. YOUNG kids are should never be FOCUSED by an authority figure on the sexuality or LGBT issues. THere is ZERO CHANCE that will do ANYTHING, but block out development. Because they'll spend more time contemplating their private parts than learning. Authority figures include parents. Includes teachers.

But your SOLUTION to MAYBE a 0.05% chance that an 8 yr old MIGHT have "identity" issues in the future -- so you expose ALL THE CHILDREN in a classroom to sex/gender indoctrination -- THAT is pure evil..
Holy fucking shit! WHAT. Let me see if I got this right, In your sick and bizarre mind, being supportive of a 4 year old who is expressing gender dysphoria-which does happen-is sexualizing her? Are you really that stupid?

No. It's stupid FOR YOU to pretend to be able TO DIAGNOSE "gender dysphoria" at FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD. Who do you think you are? The Dr. Fauci of dysphoria?

If you allow a shrink near that child on the premise of gender bending, the quacks will find 3 or 6 "dysphorias"..

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