North Carolina Teacher Caught Using LGBT Flash Cards To Teach 3, 4-Year-Olds Color

Holy shit! What ? I did not "diagnose" anything. Unlike you, I have read up on the subject. I have also studied early childhood development . I happen to know what I'm talking about so dial back the hysteria a bit

You DID. Said a 4 yr was or might be suffering from gender dysphoria. And you're qualified to KNOW that's an immediate threat to a child that young? MEDICINE cannot agree on the existence of gender dys-ANYTHING at that age. How many 4 yr olds ya THINK are being COUNSELED and UNDERSTANDING their "problem"? Largely in the HEADS of the parents and maybe their Uber WOKE teachers.
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It appears that your prejudices, and emotions are preventing you from actually understanding the issue or my position on the appropriate response to and care for children.

I understand that infants/toddlers/K-5 kids DONT NEED HELP with a "sexual awakening". No fun stuff about masturbation or manically marching with LGBT flags. OR getting them in ANY WAY TO QUESTION their sexually and gender -- unless MAYBE they ask. And the PARENTS are the 1st responders to that. NOT YOU, NOT the school.

I never had ANY prejudices to LGBT issues. I was fully involved in the Libertarian party which back in freakin 70s chose an openly gay man to be our 1st Prez candidate. NOT for virtue points, but because he was the best pick.

But NOW -- these NON-GAY Woking Dead, mostly white busybodies in education and psychology who are PUSHING this crap are radicalizing me. And I DOUBT that you and other perverts in your community have even 50% support for diddlling with the brains of really young kids.
But NOW -- these NON-GAY Woking Dead, mostly white busybodies in education and psychology who are PUSHING this crap are radicalizing me.

My question is "WHY?" Why are they doing this?

What has made people so absolutely desperate for acceptance that they support THIS crap?

It's like watching a group psychosis where people are more than willing to sacrifice young children because, in their own twisted world, doing so makes them feel GOOD about themselves.
My question is "WHY?" Why are they doing this?

What has made people so absolutely desperate for acceptance that they support THIS crap?

It's like watching a group psychosis where people are more than willing to sacrifice young children because, in their own twisted world, doing so makes them feel GOOD about themselves.

Actually, one of first leading ADVOCATES of "converting them trans while they are young" has had "the revelation" and is NOW screaming bloody murder about how insane some of these decisions are. Can't remember her name, but I think there's a thread on her somewhere in the USMB "karma" forum.

MAYBE, she was doing these things SO long that she couldn't stand to look at the results of her work just 15 or 20 years later.
My question is "WHY?" Why are they doing this?

What has made people so absolutely desperate for acceptance that they support THIS crap?

It's like watching a group psychosis where people are more than willing to sacrifice young children because, in their own twisted world, doing so makes them feel GOOD about themselves.

Exactly ....leave children live their childhood in peace for Heaven's sake!
Dogmaphobe TheProgressivePatriot

Erica Anderson, 71 — who is transgender herself — told the Los Angeles Times that she is horrified that even 13-year-old kids are now getting hormone treatment without even meeting with psychologists.

“I think it’s gone too far,” said Anderson, who until recently led the US professional society at the forefront of transgender care.

“For a while, we were all happy that society was becoming more accepting and more families than ever were embracing children that were gender variant.

“Now it’s got to the point where there are kids presenting at clinics whose parents say, ‘This just doesn’t make sense,‘” she said.
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Actually, one of first leading ADVOCATES of "converting them trans while they are young" has had "the revelation" and is NOW screaming bloody murder about how insane some of these decisions are. Can't remember her name, but I think there's a thread on her somewhere in the USMB "karma" forum.

MAYBE, she was doing these things SO long that she couldn't stand to look at the results of her work just 15 or 20 years later.
What I find most distressing is the way we have come so far, so fast in the evolution of some of these extreme attitudes, yet precious few even notice. They just go with the program completely oblivious to the fact that they were supporting nothing of the sort only a few years ago.

Peer pressure is a powerful motivator.
You DID. Said a 4 yr was or might be suffering from gender dysphoria. And you're qualified to KNOW that's an immediate threat to a child that young? MEDICINE cannot agree on the existence of gender dys-ANYTHING at that age. How many 4 yr olds ya THINK are being COUNSELED and UNDERSTANDING their "problem"? Largely in the HEADS of the parents and maybe their Uber WOKE teachers.
Now now. Let’s not insinuate that he’s supporting pedophillia.
My question is "WHY?" Why are they doing this?

What has made people so absolutely desperate for acceptance that they support THIS crap?

It's like watching a group psychosis where people are more than willing to sacrifice young children because, in their own twisted world, doing so makes them feel GOOD about themselves.
To answer why is to violate USMB rules with the obvious answer.
I am sorry to hear about your wife, I truly am. Maybe it explains why you are so fucked up that you see sexual abuse everywhere. I spent a career fighting child abuse. Your anger is inappropriate and misplaced

Spare me the lies and the crocodile tears. You're no better than the piece of shit who molested my wife when she was a child.
Spare me the lies and the crocodile tears. You're no better than the piece of shit who molested my wife when she was a child.
Blaylock, this more than anything -and you have said some sick shit in the past- confirms what a sick and depraved piece of shit that you are. I tried to show some empathy, to communicate with you as one human being to another, and this is what I get!?? Go to fucking hell,!
Blaylock, this more than anything -and you have said some sick shit in the past- confirms what a sick and depraved piece of shit that you are. I tried to show some empathy, to communicate with you as one human being to another, and this is what I get!?? Go to fucking hell,!
Telling him he is fucked up because he is outraged about child abuse is not showing empathy.
No. I am telling him he is fucked up because he is equating my advocacy for LGBT kids with the actions of a child molester. How stupid are you people!
You referred to 3 and 4 year old children as members of a sex different from their actual one.

3 and 4 year old children do not need a grown man helping them explore their "awakening sexuality" as you put it. Leave these poor children alone, and if you wish to help awaken the sexuality of another person, you should restrict yourself to your fellow adults.
To answer why is to violate USMB rules with the obvious answer.
For various individuals, perhaps so, but for the greater society, I see it more in terms of mass psychosis.

Praise and acceptance are powerful motivators, especially coupled with condemnation for not falling in line, and this whole mad rush to turn 3 and 4 year olds into Trannies is actually being conducted by those who see themselves as virtuous for doing so. Various acts do not actually have to BE virtuous, only called such by people's peers.

Pedophiles talk about "freeing" children to be their "true selves" and helping develop their "awakening sexuality". The problem here, is that loony toon leftists are using the same themes, but it isn't that they actually want to fuck the little kids, only fuck with their minds. Either way, the poor child is horribly damaged, but the leftists are doing it because they are conditioning each other to support increasingly outré' behavior in a misplaced attempt to feel good about themselves through the seeking of praise from others.

No. I am telling him he is fucked up because he is equating my advocacy for LGBT kids with the actions of a child molester.

It's the same fucking thing. What you advocate and defend intentionally leads directly to the kind of shit that was done to my wife.

You will burn in Hell right next to the piece of shit who abused her.
My question is "WHY?" Why are they doing this?
I'll tell you why, breaking down the family unit. Divide and you end up with a more controlling
government. They don't want parents getting involved with the family because that creates a
strong family unit.
Single parents raising a child/children rely on the government's help.
Breaking apart the gender barrier to create 60+ genders is just one more example
of government control.
People need to wake up to understand just what the fuck is going on.
Don't let it happen.

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