North Carolina Teacher Caught Using LGBT Flash Cards To Teach 3, 4-Year-Olds Color

One card the groomer used showed picture of a pregnant man.

Should this teacher be armed with guns and ammo?

She can't be trusted with color cards. But you trust her with guns and ammo. Yes?

ETA: so you don't dodge and deflect, this was awful judgment on her part. So I do not want to give teachers with awful judgment firearms. But you do. Correct? Because your stance is that sending children to public schools is "child abuse", therefore most teachers have poor judgment. Yet, again, firearms. Yes?
Should this teacher be armed with guns and ammo?

She can't be trusted with color cards. But you trust her with guns and ammo. Yes?

ETA: so you don't dodge and deflect, this was awful judgment on her part. So I do not want to give teachers with awful judgment firearms. But you do. Correct? Because your stance is that sending children to public schools is "child abuse", therefore most teachers have poor judgment. Yet, again, firearms. Yes?
Why do you want this teacher near school kids? You’re a sicko.
Is that teacher a Christian? If not, we can at least be grateful that she's not a member of the most expert child raping organization in the U.S.
This is NOT the forum for bigoted religion-bashing. Mind the zones.
This is a thread about grooming children. Teaching kids from birth that a magical being will punish them for eternity if they don't obey adults is grooming. That's how Christianity is able to spread child rape across the world so successfully.
You would equate convincing kids to be good is like using kids for your personal sexual gratification. I expect nothing less from you.
This is a thread about grooming children. Teaching kids from birth that a magical being will punish them for eternity if they don't obey adults is grooming. That's how Christianity is able to spread child rape across the world so successfully.
Your personal anti-religion bigotry is NOT the topic of this thread. There is a religion forum for you and your ilk to indulge yourselves.
Bullshit. Still waiting for you to grow a spine and answer my question. " How would you deal with the situation if you found out that you're child were gay or trans. This is about the 10th time I've asked and you keep running away. Coward!
Yes, he did equate teaching God’s judgment is the equivalent to grooming kids for an adults sexual gratification.

Interesting question. I have some good friends who’s 20 year old daughter suddenly decided she’s a lesbian and so went out and got a double mastectomy without her parents knowledge.

And if my kids said they were homosexual I’d raise my eye brows, say that’s interesting, then remind them of their life long teaching that we all sin, and must always resist against sin, that we must never give into sin. I’d remind them that as a heterosexual male, like almost all, I would have been thrilled at various times to have a one night stand with some centerfold Barbie behind your moms back. But adultry like homosexuality is a sin so I resisted that temptation for God, and because I love your mom very much and would never want to harm our relationship. So I’m asking as your father to resist that temptation. I can get you some counseling to help you if you do choose.

That’s what I’d do.
And if my kids said they were homosexual I’d raise my eye brows, say that’s interesting, then remind them of their life long teaching that we all sin, and must always resist against sin, that we must never give into sin. I’d remind them that as a heterosexual male, like almost all, I would have been thrilled at various times to have a one night stand with some centerfold Barbie behind your moms back. But adultry like homosexuality is a sin so I resisted that temptation for God, and because I love your mom very much and would never want to harm our relationship. So I’m asking as your father to resist that temptation. I can get you some counseling to help you if you do choose.
Thank you for finally answering but it is a bullshit answer. Sin is bullshit. Betraying the trust of a spouse is very different than professing the love and affection for someone who happens to be of the sane gender. Your judgement attitude and condemnation is the reason why so many trans and gay kids sink into despair, self destructive behavior and suicide
Thank you for finally answering but it is a bullshit answer. Sin is bullshit. Betraying the trust of a spouse is very different than professing the love and affection for someone who happens to be of the sane gender. Your judgement attitude and condemnation is the reason why so many trans and gay kids sink into despair, self destructive behavior and suicide
You’re why the world is so screwed up. No shock you don’t believe anything is evil.

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