North Carolina Teacher Caught Using LGBT Flash Cards To Teach 3, 4-Year-Olds Color

Nope. Hope you agree to all those evils except the last one. YOUNG kids are should never be FOCUSED by an authority figure on the sexuality or LGBT issues. THere is ZERO CHANCE that will do ANYTHING, but block out development. Because they'll spend more time contemplating their private parts than learning. Authority figures include parents. Includes teachers.

But your SOLUTION to MAYBE a 0.05% chance that an 8 yr old MIGHT have "identity" issues in the future -- so you expose ALL THE CHILDREN in a classroom to sex/gender indoctrination -- THAT is pure evil..
It is not at all uncommon for very young children to make statements that they wished they were the opposite sex. It happens all the time.

Intelligent people who are actually concerned with child welfare react to such statements with benign amusement like good people always have. They do not punish and they do not encourage.

It takes a special sort of twisted evil to listen to such words from a 3 year old, and then use adult authority to start confirming and strengthen the notion until the child victim has no other valid choice because they are wanting to please the authority figure.
So, how many years have you spent by now manipulating children into thinking they are a tranny at an age far too young for them to understand how they are being manipulated?

Good grief, the first time a 3 or 4 year old boy says he likes playing with dolls, there you are ENCOURAGING him to think of himself as a girl and treating him AS IF he were a girl. Heck, you are even referring to a 3 year old boy as a girl right in this thead.
You sure are one mind boggling sick, twisted little puppy, aren't you? They are CHILDREN. There is no such thing as a 3 year old tranny even though monsters like you are conditioning them to see themselves as such.

I am totally sick of you hysterical morons who have no understanding of the issue, have an abysmal understanding of human sexuality and worst of all have no desire -and probably no ability to learn or even expose yourself ( pun intended) to any information to might contradict you bigoted and ignorant views.

My position has been to advocate for policies that are in the best interest of children. I promote emotional support of children of any age who have questions and concerns about gender and sexuality. Only very stupid people loke you think that children do not have these thoughts and concerns. To ignore them- to reject and ridicule those kids- to tell them to just get over it as you people would to will bring on despair and depression leading self destructive behavior. I seriously hope that YOU PEOPLE are not in a position to interact with these children

I have never suggested that children of any age be steered toward choosing and alternative gender identity or sexual orientation. Nor have I in any way promoted sexual contact by adults with children You throw the term "grooming" around as though you actually know what it is. Grooming is gaining a child's trust for the purpose of taking sexual advantage of them. It is hard for me to fathom the depth of stupidity required to believe that age appropriate discussion of gender and sexuality - for the purpose of helping kids to feel good about themselves, to alleviate anxiety and confusion, to teach them to be accepting and tolerant of others is "grooming" or "sexualizing " children

The alternative is to have children who are depressed and anxious and others who are bigots and bullies like you. Some of you morons are blinded by you religious fervor, some of you are consumed by bigotry, fear and hatred of gays and trans people, and some of you are just plain stupid. Actually you are all stupid. You have just taken different paths to the same destination


No. It's stupid FOR YOU to pretend to be able TO DIAGNOSE "gender dysphoria" at FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD. Who do you think you are? The Dr. Fauci of dysphoria?

If you allow a shrink near that child on the premise of gender bending, the quacks will find 3 or 6 "dysphorias"..
Holy shit! What ? I did not "diagnose" anything. Unlike you, I have read up on the subject. I have also studied early childhood development . I happen to know what I'm talking about so dial back the hysteria a bit
I am totally sick of you hysterical morons who have no understanding of the issue, have an abysmal understanding of human sexuality and worst of all have no desire -and probably no ability to learn or even expose yourself ( pun intended) to any information to might contradict you bigoted and ignorant views.

My position has been to advocate for policies that are in the best interest of children. I promote emotional support of children of any age who have questions and concerns about gender and sexuality. Only very stupid people loke you think that children do not have these thoughts and concerns. To ignore them- to reject and ridicule those kids- to tell them to just get over it as you people would to will bring on despair and depression leading self destructive behavior. I seriously hope that YOU PEOPLE are not in a position to interact with these children

I have never suggested that children of any age be steered toward choosing and alternative gender identity or sexual orientation. Nor have I in any way promoted sexual contact by adults with children You throw the term "grooming" around as though you actually know what it is. Grooming is gaining a child's trust for the purpose of taking sexual advantage of them. It is hard for me to fathom the depth of stupidity required to believe that age appropriate discussion of gender and sexuality - for the purpose of helping kids to feel good about themselves, to alleviate anxiety and confusion, to teach them to be accepting and tolerant of others is "grooming" or "sexualizing " children

The alternative is to have children who are depressed and anxious and others who are bigots and bullies like you. Some of you morons are blinded by you religious fervor, some of you are consumed by bigotry, fear and hatred of gays and trans people, and some of you are just plain stupid. Actually you are all stupid. You have just taken different paths to the same destination


There you go again positing yourself as the expert on human sexuality - ESPECIALLY the sexuality of three and four year olds.
There you go again positing yourself as the expert on human sexuality - ESPECIALLY the sexuality of three and four year olds.
Really? That is your entire defense? Actually I never said that I was an expert. I am just presenting common sense positions which reasonable and intelligent people would understand. Apparently you are not one of them. Unlike you, I have read the scientific literature on sexuality and gender. I have studied and considered the data, including the data on the various outcomes for children depending on the way in which parents and educators respond to the children's concerns and questions.

Now tell us, from where do derive your expertise ?
Really? That is your entire defense? Actually I never said that I was an expert. I am just presenting common sense positions which reasonable and intelligent people would understand. Apparently you are not one of them. Unlike you, I have read the scientific literature on sexuality and gender. I have studied and considered the data, including the data on the various outcomes for children depending on the way in which parents and educators respond to the children's concerns and questions.

Now tell us, from where do derive your expertise ?
Hey, if the sexual nature of 3 and 4 year old children is your thing, who am I to be disturbed by it. Eh?
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Nope. Hope you agree to all those evils except the last one. YOUNG kids are should never be FOCUSED by an authority figure on the sexuality or LGBT issues. THere is ZERO CHANCE that will do ANYTHING, but block out development. Because they'll spend more time contemplating their private parts than learning. Authority figures include parents. Includes teachers.

But your SOLUTION to MAYBE a 0.05% chance that an 8 yr old MIGHT have "identity" issues in the future -- so you expose ALL THE CHILDREN in a classroom to sex/gender indoctrination -- THAT is pure evil..
It appears that your prejudices, and emotions are preventing you from actually understanding the issue or my position on the appropriate response to and care for children.
It appears that your prejudices, and emotions are preventing you from actually understanding the issue or my position on the appropriate response to and care for children.
It appears that your prejudices, and emotions are preventing you from actually understanding the issue or my position on the appropriate response to and care for children.
Seeking to protect children against exploitive adults is not an act of prejudice.. it is an act of concern for the children.

In earlier threads you talked about children's "awakening sexuality", but you know what? 3 and 4 year old children do not need an adult like you helping them in that process.

Leave the children alone.
My position has been to advocate for policies that are in the best interest of children.

Sexual grooming, brainwashing, and exploitation of children is most certainly NOT in their best interests; and that is exactly what you have been advocating and defending.

What is in their best interest is to make sure that depraved freaks such as yourself are never, under any circumstances, allowed to have any contact with, or influence over them.
Only very stupid people loke [sic] you think that children do not have these thoughts and concerns.

People who think of children as anything other than sex toys do not believe that children have these “thoughts and concerns”; at least not until some sick childfucker starts grooming the child, pushing this shit into the child's mind.
There you go again positing yourself as the expert on human sexuality - ESPECIALLY the sexuality of three and four year olds.

Does anyone think that it is not blatantly obvious what the motive and basis truly is for this claimed “expertise”? Anyone have any doubt why someone would be that interested in sexualizing children that young?

It's absolutely obvious to me.
The alternative is to have children who are depressed and anxious and others who are bigots and bullies like you. Some of you morons are blinded by you religious fervor, some of you are consumed by bigotry, fear and hatred of gays and trans people, and some of you are just plain stupid. Actually you are all stupid. You have just taken different paths to the same destination

My wife was sexually abused as a child. It was long before I met her, but I have seen, firsthand, the damage that your kind of “help” causes. She was ten when it finally ended, after several years; she's in her fifties, now, and the damage is still there.

The best thing that my father-in-law ever did was to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. He got off much, much too easy. Your kind deserve much worse than that.
Does anyone think that it is not blatantly obvious what the motive and basis truly is for this claimed “expertise”? Anyone have any doubt why someone would be that interested in sexualizing children that young?

It's absolutely obvious to me.
I need to be very careful in what I say, especially since he just accused me of exposing myself to children. but the very notion that 3 and 4 year olds need adult participation to sort out their "awakening sexuality" makes me very angry.
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My wife was sexually abused as a child. It was long before I met her, but I have seen, firsthand, the damage that your kind of “help” causes. She was ten when it finally ended, after several years; she's in her fifties, now, and the damage is still there.

The best thing that my father-in-law ever did was to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. He got off much, much too easy. Your kind deserve much worse than that.
I am sorry to hear about your wife, I truly am. Maybe it explains why you are so fucked up that you see sexual abuse everywhere. I spent a career fighting child abuse. Your anger is inappropriate and misplaced
People who think of children as anything other than sex toys do not believe that children have these “thoughts and concerns”; at least not until some sick childfucker starts grooming the child, pushing this shit into the child's mind.
It is just a short step from claiming 3 and 4 year olds are thinking about sex to claiming they want it.

Rationalizations have a way of building up one on top of another until the required justification is achieved.

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