North Korea fires another missile, government shutdown looming...

You'r right! I say Trump should just Nuke NK & all Democrat districts in the US. Problem solved...

PSST, you are not a very good problem solver...more like problem multiplier.

Alrighty then, go conventional on NK - they could be salvaged.

2 million+ dead. Feeling solved?

a good start

Yes, we have no choice but to strike and we wont do it alone
You'r right! I say Trump should just Nuke NK & all Democrat districts in the US. Problem solved...

PSST, you are not a very good problem solver...more like problem multiplier.

Alrighty then, go conventional on NK - they could be salvaged.

2 million+ dead. Feeling solved?

a good start

You need to get your fucking head checked.
You'r right! I say Trump should just Nuke NK & all Democrat districts in the US. Problem solved...

PSST, you are not a very good problem solver...more like problem multiplier.

Alrighty then, go conventional on NK - they could be salvaged.

2 million+ dead. Feeling solved?

a good start

You need to get your fucking head checked.

isnt that a beastie boyz album?
I'm not going to repost the obvious.
I get daily stock prices so I know exactly whats going on.

I am going to post this now so later when you are sober you will realize how dumb you were being.

You posted this first...:My bank stocks went from six bucks a share to twenty two bucks a share within two months of Trump being elected."

Now, using your link that you so very nicely gave us...

On election day the price of your stock was $10.20.

The lowest your stock was in the last 2 years was $6.87 in April of 2016. So, it was never 6 bucks a share in the last 2 years.

Also, two month after Trump was elected the highest your stock had gone was $15.45, not 22 bucks as you falsely claimed. In fact it was not till 8 months of Trump being elected that your stock crossed the 22 dollar barrier for the first time, so you lied about that as well.

So, I hope that tomorrow when you are sober you can admit that you lied and we can just put this behind us.

Look at the obvious........

I prefer to look at facts and figures.

The fact is that you lied about your stocks both how low they were when Trump was elected and how high they went within two months of him being elected.

We know this is a fact thanks to the figures you provided us in your link to your stock. Your stock did not start at 6 bucks a share as you claimed and it did not hit 22 bucks within two months of Trump being elected.

The funniest part of this is that you provided the link to prove you are a liar.

Sorry you dont have the ability to understand the NASDAQ site.

LOL. you are too much. I posted screenshots from the NASDAQ site. you have been proven to be a liar and yet you still continue on.

From the NASDAQ site...I even highlight the address for you. This is election day 2016, your stock was at $10.20


And here is every day from election day to two months after election day...not once did it come close to 22 as you claimed.

Face it dude, you are a bold faced liar and you have been caught red handed. The more you protest, the worse you look
You'r right! I say Trump should just Nuke NK & all Democrat districts in the US. Problem solved...

PSST, you are not a very good problem solver...more like problem multiplier.

Alrighty then, go conventional on NK - they could be salvaged.

2 million+ dead. Feeling solved?

a good start

You need to get your fucking head checked.

pansies like you let the krauts and the japs run wild instead of nipping it at the bud

All they are doing is spouting hot air. NK launches another missile what will we do about it, threaten them again? Call them names? Clearly that isn't working. Bunch of wimps in the White House.
All they are doing is spouting hot air. NK launches another missile what will we do about it, threaten them again? Call them names? Clearly that isn't working. Bunch of wimps in the White House.

We are going to strike at the right time and it will be within the next year......NK cannot be allowed to hold nations ransom with nuclear weapons
I'm not going to repost the obvious.
I get daily stock prices so I know exactly whats going on.

I am going to post this now so later when you are sober you will realize how dumb you were being.

You posted this first...:My bank stocks went from six bucks a share to twenty two bucks a share within two months of Trump being elected."

Now, using your link that you so very nicely gave us...

On election day the price of your stock was $10.20.

The lowest your stock was in the last 2 years was $6.87 in April of 2016. So, it was never 6 bucks a share in the last 2 years.

Also, two month after Trump was elected the highest your stock had gone was $15.45, not 22 bucks as you falsely claimed. In fact it was not till 8 months of Trump being elected that your stock crossed the 22 dollar barrier for the first time, so you lied about that as well.

So, I hope that tomorrow when you are sober you can admit that you lied and we can just put this behind us.

Look at the obvious........

I prefer to look at facts and figures.

The fact is that you lied about your stocks both how low they were when Trump was elected and how high they went within two months of him being elected.

We know this is a fact thanks to the figures you provided us in your link to your stock. Your stock did not start at 6 bucks a share as you claimed and it did not hit 22 bucks within two months of Trump being elected.

The funniest part of this is that you provided the link to prove you are a liar.

Sorry you dont have the ability to understand the NASDAQ site.

And here is a link to every open, high, low and close since Nov 2015. Not once did it get down to 6 bucks, not even close.

GNBC Historical Prices | Green Bancorp, Inc. Stock - Yahoo Finance
Trump has been pissing of N. Korea ever since he was elected, and they now have ICBM's and are testing them right now.

Think that Un would wait until the government shuts down to fire his missile at Guam?
This missile is going eastward and I don't really thin Kim Jong Un would do a first strike. DO know that the United States is actually EAST of North Korea, right?

Not for rocket travel! That;s the long way around, but being a PN you wouldn't know anything about Great Circle routes, would you? Either than or someone gun-decked your ESWS!
PSST, you are not a very good problem solver...more like problem multiplier.

Alrighty then, go conventional on NK - they could be salvaged.

2 million+ dead. Feeling solved?

a good start

You need to get your fucking head checked.

pansies like you let the krauts and the japs run wild instead of nipping it at the bud

View attachment 163309

Yahoo can't wait to get into WW3, was probably all about nipping some USSR ass in the cold war days.

How did that Iraq nipping go for you?
Wow the OP is calling for a government shutdown. That doesn't help the country be great. Sad!

No, the OP did not call for a shutdown. Please do not lie about me

Gomer Pyle, your gas lighting has reached it's call for a government shutdown basically. Sad!

Dude, you really should not post when you are stoned, you make no sense at all. Please come back and try again when you are sober.

Gator, I usually agree with you, but on this one I can't.....................

If you are going to say that someone is not making any sense, please say that they are drunk or on drugs, not stoned.

Yes, marijuana will affect your perception, but most people still can think clearly even when stoned. And no, marijuana does not lower your inhibitions, but alcohol does.

Must be the voice of experience talking!
I fear the republican party one hell of alot more then I do North Korea.

Kim jong un could never cause as much pain and damage to this country as the Gop will do.

Boy, with your outlook on life, why do you even bother getting out of the bed in the morning? Why not find yourself a bare spot of ground, dig yourself a hole and pull the dirt in on top of yourself!

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