North Korea Insanity Poll

What should be U.S. policy towards North Korea

  • The same as the past 24 years/diplomacy

  • Something different/military options

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DIA gave the same assessment in 2013 as their 2017 report.... it's like they just photo copied it and gave it a new date in 2017...

LOOKS LIKE this Deep State you Trump supporters believe in, is right before your very eyes in the D.I.A. and it pushing war with No. Korea???

IN 2013
North Korea must end its 'belligerent approach', says Obama
Barack Obama has called on North Korea to end what he described as its "belligerent approach" as US intelligence officials concluded for the first time that the country has a nuclear weapon small enough to be carried on a missile.

The US president made his first public comments on the crisis as a congressional hearing was told of the Pentagon's latest intelligence assessment on North Korea. The Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) report said it concluded "with moderate confidence that the North currently has nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles".

And this...
US military commanders have been preparing for North Korea to launch a missile after a new round of United Nations sanctions were imposed last month.

The US has threatened to shoot down any North Korean missiles but it might only do so if the missile appears to be targeted at a US territory or one of its allies such as South Korea or Japan. If the missile is headed out to sea the US might try to avoid further escalation by letting it take its course.
im late to the conversation but seems to me that 'clinton' and 'gwb appeased the norks and iran while mrobama helped both the norks and iran get nukes . Anyway , as i said , TRUMPS in charge , it'll be interesting to see what he does . Deadline is coming up pretty quick i think . -------------- just a comment , Go Trump !!
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Are you insane?

Seoul getting wiped off the face of the earth would be pretty different...

Time for a dose of reality - no one is stopping that North Korean pipsqueak from getting a deliverable Nuclear Weapon. Trump has nothing to bargain with, this guy doesn't give a shit about his people and Trump is not quite nuts enough to start a WWIII.
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what , you live in 'seoul' or what 'Anton' ??------------------- we will see what happens Anton .
And the way i understand it is that 'seoul' won't be wiped out . Seoul will just . probably have lots of casualties Anton .

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