North Korea Insanity Poll

What should be U.S. policy towards North Korea

  • The same as the past 24 years/diplomacy

  • Something different/military options

Results are only viewable after voting.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Are you insane?
What result are you looking for? Military action can lead to all sorts of unintended consequences. The beauty of doing what's been done before is that, since the Korean War armistice, NK hasn't started a war and, despite having nukes, isn't a serious threat to win one. They may make SK and Japan nervous, but isn't that better than a nuclear exchange?

^^^^^^^^^^^^One vote for insanity^^^^^^^^^

It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers who the threat to world peace is. North Korea doesn't even make the list, but the corporate state will have its 8th endless war regardless.


Defense spending accounts for about 20 percent of all U.S. federal spending. Peter G. Peterson Foundation

And your point is? John McCain makes a fortune off of his foundation? So do others fomenting war? I'm an idiot. Keep pointing it out Fenton Lum. Others don't know.

Sorries. Point it out over and over and over.

"I'm an idiot."

Agreed, and you're down with, as the kids say, the bullshit and nonsense. We all understand that. More endless war of empire while we cannibalize society to fund it, carry on; the path of empires in decline.
What result are you looking for? Military action can lead to all sorts of unintended consequences. The beauty of doing what's been done before is that, since the Korean War armistice, NK hasn't started a war and, despite having nukes, isn't a serious threat to win one. They may make SK and Japan nervous, but isn't that better than a nuclear exchange?
^^^^^^^^^^^^One vote for insanity^^^^^^^^^
Merely your opinion. Others would say that Trump goading Kim is the real insanity.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Are you insane?

I agree. Except the insane action is constantly getting us into foreign wars that go nowhere.

Like Syria. Except it gave the world ISIS.
Hon, we're partnering with ISIS in Syria. And we're manufacturing and providing the Wahabist (the most radical of Islamists) Saudis with the illegal (according to international law) cluster bombs (known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field) that they rain down on Yemen.

It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers who the threat to world peace is. North Korea doesn't even make the list, but the corporate state will have its 8th endless war regardless.

Intuition is the libtard replacement for rational thought.
It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers who the threat to world peace is. North Korea doesn't even make the list, but the corporate state will have its 8th endless war regardless.

Intuition is the libtard replacement for rational thought.

Our 8th bogus war of profit an empire is, got it.

We sold them reactors and you helped pay for them shoog, there's your rational thought.
Merely your opinion. Others would say that Trump goading Kim is the real insanity.

Of course it is my opinion, Brainiac. But at least it is based on honest and rational thought.

You, on the other hand, refer to the opinion of "others" as a substitute for any rational thought you might be able to muster.
Russia has been largely out of the 'North Korea diplomacy' picture for a long time now.

China has proved as useless as Tits on a Bull, with respect to restraining North Korea and its nuclear weapons ambitions.

Diplomacy has not worked at dozens of juncture-points in the Hermit Kingdom's history, and it will not work, now, or in the future, given the nature of its tyrannical regime.

The nuclear weapons genie has been let out of the bottle in North Korea.

They are almost ready to mass-produce and deploy ICBMs that can hit the American mainland.

MIRVs will be the next step after that... guaranteed.

Their pathological and clinically-insane regime has been threatening us with nuclear doom for some years prior to Drumpf's administration.

I don't like the Imperial Cheeto, but the cold hard truth is that this is not his doing, he's merely the first POTUS since Truman to give them back better than they dish-out.

The longer we wait to begin this inevitable conflict, the greater the certainty that Kim Jong Fat Boy can actually deliver on his promises of doom-and-gloom.

We need look no further than the shade of Neville Chamberlain to know that hiding our heads in the sand will result in a higher price than if had we acted sooner.

Time to put on our Big Boy pants, check our Packages, and take these phukkers out.

Before they do the same to us 10 or 20 or 30 years years from now.

There will be a cost to pay... there always is... so it's up to us to summon-up the courage to pay that price, before the price becomes vastly higher in the future.

Pay a (relatively) small price today, or pay a much, much higher price, later.

We are quickly reaching a point where the only thing that signifies is Strength - that, and the Balls to USE that Strength.

No American with true courage ( which rules-out much of the Left ) wants our children or grandchildren cursing us for our feet or clay, or our cowardice, in the present day.

Tell the South Koreans to hunker-down and bunker-up... a $hit-Storm is on the way.

Or so it appears, to this observer.

War is a Sin against God and Man.

Sometimes, the choice comes down to Sin or Die - even if that death is 10 or 20 or 30 years into the future, but certain death, nevertheless.

We appear to be at (or nearly at) such a juncture, today.

Time to get our Game Face on.
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Merely your opinion. Others would say that Trump goading Kim is the real insanity.

Of course it is my opinion, Brainiac. But at least it is based on honest and rational thought.

You, on the other hand, refer to the opinion of "others" as a substitute for any rational thought you might be able to muster.

Ok, once you take out North Korea are you going to go into Iran as well?

What you may feel to realize is, if the US goes in before North Korea attacks us, or even if they do attack us beforehand, China will send in their troops to defend NK.

What then? Are you willing to take out C-H-I-N-A!

Why not give South Korea nukes and pull out?
Merely your opinion. Others would say that Trump goading Kim is the real insanity.

Of course it is my opinion, Brainiac. But at least it is based on honest and rational thought.

You, on the other hand, refer to the opinion of "others" as a substitute for any rational thought you might be able to muster.

And you have nothing to support your internal thoughts, all you're selling is your belief system, that only works in certain fundamentalist circles like religion.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Are you insane?
What result are you looking for? Military action can lead to all sorts of unintended consequences. The beauty of doing what's been done before is that, since the Korean War armistice, NK hasn't started a war and, despite having nukes, isn't a serious threat to win one. They may make SK and Japan nervous, but isn't that better than a nuclear exchange?

^^^^^^^^^^^^One vote for insanity^^^^^^^^^

It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers who the threat to world peace is. North Korea doesn't even make the list, but the corporate state will have its 8th endless war regardless.


Defense spending accounts for about 20 percent of all U.S. federal spending. Peter G. Peterson Foundation

And your point is? John McCain makes a fortune off of his foundation? So do others fomenting war? I'm an idiot. Keep pointing it out Fenton Lum. Others don't know.

Sorries. Point it out over and over and over.

"I'm an idiot."

Agreed, and you're down with, as the kids say, the bullshit and nonsense. We all understand that. More endless war of empire while we cannibalize society to fund it, carry on; the path of empires in decline.

I'm not down with jack shit. Not getting where you are going with your continued insults considering I agree with you.
Merely your opinion. Others would say that Trump goading Kim is the real insanity.

Of course it is my opinion, Brainiac. But at least it is based on honest and rational thought.

You, on the other hand, refer to the opinion of "others" as a substitute for any rational thought you might be able to muster.

Ok, once you take out North Korea are you going to go into Iran as well?

What you may feel to realize is, if the US goes in before North Korea attacks us, or even if they do attack us beforehand, China will send in their troops to defend NK.

What then? Are you willing to take out C-H-I-N-A!

Why not give South Korea nukes and pull out?

HOLY TOLEDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This works. Just go buddy KIM keep working on yours, we just loaded up SK with the real deal and fuck off..............

But can I ask one thing? Can we arm SK if they stop eating dog meat.....just a quick aside on that.
What result are you looking for? Military action can lead to all sorts of unintended consequences. The beauty of doing what's been done before is that, since the Korean War armistice, NK hasn't started a war and, despite having nukes, isn't a serious threat to win one. They may make SK and Japan nervous, but isn't that better than a nuclear exchange?

^^^^^^^^^^^^One vote for insanity^^^^^^^^^

It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers who the threat to world peace is. North Korea doesn't even make the list, but the corporate state will have its 8th endless war regardless.


Defense spending accounts for about 20 percent of all U.S. federal spending. Peter G. Peterson Foundation

And your point is? John McCain makes a fortune off of his foundation? So do others fomenting war? I'm an idiot. Keep pointing it out Fenton Lum. Others don't know.

Sorries. Point it out over and over and over.

"I'm an idiot."

Agreed, and you're down with, as the kids say, the bullshit and nonsense. We all understand that. More endless war of empire while we cannibalize society to fund it, carry on; the path of empires in decline.

I'm not down with jack shit. Not getting where you are going with your continued insults considering I agree with you.

But you want war with North Korea?
Merely your opinion. Others would say that Trump goading Kim is the real insanity.

Of course it is my opinion, Brainiac. But at least it is based on honest and rational thought.

You, on the other hand, refer to the opinion of "others" as a substitute for any rational thought you might be able to muster.

Ok, once you take out North Korea are you going to go into Iran as well?

What you may feel to realize is, if the US goes in before North Korea attacks us, or even if they do attack us beforehand, China will send in their troops to defend NK.

What then? Are you willing to take out C-H-I-N-A!

Why not give South Korea nukes and pull out?

HOLY TOLEDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This works. Just go buddy KIM keep working on yours, we just loaded up SK with the real deal and fuck off..............

But can I ask one thing? Can we arm SK if they stop eating dog meat.....just a quick aside on that.
Should we seel them more reactors?
Well, at least China publically announced that if NK fires first they will not back them. They may not know for sure, but they at least suspect that Trump
will launch if NK attacks Guam. War has always been the last step in diplomacy.
Generally agree, but there isn't anything special about Trump's possible response. I don't think any president would have tolerated a nuclear strike on Guam. All Trump is doing is ratcheting up the tension with a regime that is arguably off its rocker. Doesn't make sense to me. NK has always been a loose cannon. I don't see what makes now any different. There are ways of letting people know the dire consequences of their actions without goading them into an attack out of national pride.

Guam. A colony we still have not granted the right to vote.

Yep. They are one of our territories.

And we will protect them.
Ok, once you take out North Korea are you going to go into Iran as well? YES

What you may feel to realize is, if the US goes in before North Korea attacks us, or even if they do attack us beforehand, China will send in their troops to defend NK. GOOD

What then? Are you willing to take out C-H-I-N-A! NO

Why not give South Korea nukes and pull out?

Any other questions?
And you have nothing to support your internal thoughts, all you're selling is your belief system, that only works in certain fundamentalist circles like religion.

Yes, my thoughts are internal, supported by logic. Unlike yours, which merely parrot others' talking points.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Are you insane?
What result are you looking for? Military action can lead to all sorts of unintended consequences. The beauty of doing what's been done before is that, since the Korean War armistice, NK hasn't started a war and, despite having nukes, isn't a serious threat to win one. They may make SK and Japan nervous, but isn't that better than a nuclear exchange?
----------------------------------------------------------------- hey 'mrobama , or is it 'clinton' or 'gwb' , there is a new Sheriff in town Ms. Rice [chuckle] ,

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