North Korea Provokes, Dems Retreat


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North Korea Provokes, Dems Retreat

April 5, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


A missile defense system for the eastern seaboard that was dropped from the final version of the 2013 Defense Authorization Act is getting a second look, in light of North Korea’s escalating threats. Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) characterized that threat as a “wake up call,” noting that ”the next issue that needs to be taken up right away is [a] missile defense site to protect the East Coast of this country.”


Thoughtful Americans understand that technology, like time, marches on. At some point North Korea or Iran, or perhaps some other nation currently below the radar, will have the capability of striking any part of America with a ballistic missile containing a nuclear warhead. It makes sense to protect ourselves as best, and as quickly, as we can, even if such protection isn’t perfect. Yet as recently as late last year, Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system stunned the world when it achieved an 85 percent success rate in knocking terrorist missiles out of the sky. Missile defense will only improve in the future, and the Left’s tired arguments that such systems are “wastes” and the products of militarism will only become more irrelevant.

It is time for America to invest in domestic defense systems that protect the whole of the United States, not just parts of it. With the fanatical regime in North Korea increasing its threats against the U.S. and the apocalyptic government of Iran racing toward a nuclear weapon, America cannot afford to be complacent.

North Korea Provokes, Dems Retreat | FrontPage Magazine
Why are righties so afraid?

Afraid of crazies with nukes threatening us? You gonna call their bluff Lakhota? MAybe you want to check with Japan and South Korea before you do that. Do you understand anything?
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