North Korea

What a bunch of frightened children we have in America today. We are getting threatened by some 20 something year old tin horn dictator and we don't know what to do?

Some fat pig that is starving his people and launching missiles towards us and our friends and we are suppose to look the other way?

There are a lot of 1st and 2nd world war vets rolling in their graves right now.
If you want to keep your nation you had better stand up for it, fight for it. To cower in the face of threats like this is weakness. The whole world is watching.
What a bunch of frightened children we have in America today. We are getting threatened by some 20 something year old tin horn dictator and we don't know what to do?

Some fat pig that is starving his people and launching missiles towards us and our friends and we are suppose to look the other way?

There are a lot of 1st and 2nd world war vets rolling in their graves right now.
If you want to keep your nation you had better stand up for it, fight for it. To cower in the face of threats like this is weakness. The whole world is watching.

With NATO in the Balkans, Russia is happy to see anyone that's a thorn in the side of the U.S. You can bet that NoKo accelerated nuke development was due to Russian help..

China wants the U.S. out of the Asia-Pacific region entirely. They want to be the big dog in the region.

SoKo will never sign off on a preemptive attack against NoKo.

Basically, we're screwed.

Nuclear non-proliferation was a great idea, but it's time we accepted reality - it didn't work. While we've prevented our allies from developing nukes, Russia and China's allies have been moving ahead with nukes. Every rogue country that we don not want to have nukes is developing them.

What if we pulled out of the non-proliferation treaties? How would Russia and China feel about us giving nukes to SoKo, Japan, Taiwan, Ukriane, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and just for the hell of it, Vietnam?

Just that threat and I bet you'd see a quick end to NoKo's nukes!
Does anyone here have a guess as to the fat kid's motivations, why he's doing this?

What do you suppose is his ultimate goal?

After reading that article, I'd say a unified Korea under Kim's control.

However, if he touches off WW3, that's unlikely to be possible.
What a bunch of frightened children we have in America today. We are getting threatened by some 20 something year old tin horn dictator and we don't know what to do?

Some fat pig that is starving his people and launching missiles towards us and our friends and we are suppose to look the other way?

There are a lot of 1st and 2nd world war vets rolling in their graves right now.
If you want to keep your nation you had better stand up for it, fight for it. To cower in the face of threats like this is weakness. The whole world is watching.

What would those Ww2 vets say about us protecting Japan from Korea ?

"F those japs! They deserve everything they get!"
What a bunch of frightened children we have in America today. We are getting threatened by some 20 something year old tin horn dictator and we don't know what to do?

Some fat pig that is starving his people and launching missiles towards us and our friends and we are suppose to look the other way?

There are a lot of 1st and 2nd world war vets rolling in their graves right now.
If you want to keep your nation you had better stand up for it, fight for it. To cower in the face of threats like this is weakness. The whole world is watching.

What would those Ww2 vets say about us protecting Japan from Korea ?

"F those japs! They deserve everything they get!"

Now we know what a punk like you would say. A real hero like John Rauschkolb would likely have said something different.

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