North Korea

North Korea hates America, everyone is equal and everything is free, i.e. it is a Snowflake Paradise
Yes indeed they hate us and this is why.

This is why North Korea hates the U.S.
Cheju April 3rd Massacre and the US Military Government in Korea

NoKo is a Progressive Paradise, single payer healthcare system and everyone makes the same wage

And nobody has guns except the government.
Just like Japan and other civilized countries. Problem?
Who is arming NoKo?


I believe China, behind the scenes, is cheering this on hard, probably helping fund it, because it has a good chance of getting the U.S.A out of the Korean Peninsula....and therefore out of the Orient.

I think the choices are:

1) Unload holy hell on them; be the aggressor by pre-emptive strike starting a huge war. This will result in the death of probably millions in South Korea; so they MUST have a say. If they want this fight now, then its time.

2) If South Korea doesn't want the fight now; if they want to put it off on their kids, then we need to pull out now and be done with all of Korea.
North Korea hates America, everyone is equal and everything is free, i.e. it is a Snowflake Paradise
Yes indeed they hate us and this is why.

This is why North Korea hates the U.S.
Cheju April 3rd Massacre and the US Military Government in Korea

NoKo is a Progressive Paradise, single payer healthcare system and everyone makes the same wage

And nobody has guns except the government.

And only the Army has enough food.
Does anyone here have a guess as to the fat kid's motivations, why he's doing this?

What do you suppose is his ultimate goal?
He wants to deter regime change. It's the first thing out of NKorea negotiator's mouths when they were negotiating with Bush. They believe that the US will do to them what we did to Sadam and Qadafi. He believes that having a nuclear capacity is his only protection.

Couple of facts:

Clinton negotiated a deal in 94 that restricted NK from pursuing fissile material. They cheated, looking for uranium rather than plutonium.

When Dubya took over he knew they were cheated and refused to negotiate... until 2006 when they detonated their first baby bomb..

Then Dubya ran back to the negotiating table.

Interestingly South Koreans don't really pay attention to Kim's blathering threats. They deal with it every day.

So (you didn't ask but I'm volunteering) what I'd do:

-> Don't over-react. Don't fall into a bluster/bravado match with a 33 year old. "Don't wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll both get dirty and the pig will love it."
-> Tell them, without bluster or bravado, that if they attack US interests they will be attacked. Define "US interests very clearly to include actions (not threats) against our allies, and include missile tests that overfly allies if you want, although that is a bit tricky given altitude telemetry etc.
-> Tell them, without an attack on US interests as defined, we will not pursue preemptive regime change. (We will however do all the spying and cyberattacks that we want).
-> Work on intensifying sanctions when NK does stuff like they did today. China is the key here, and we need their help.
-> For God's sake don't pick this week to tell South Korea that you might back out of a trade deal with them. Timing is everything, and maybe wait a month or two, maybe?
Set off a hydrogen bomb. Caused an earthquake.

What will our representatives do?

I expect that our Government, including Trump, will continue to declare that a Nuclear North Korea is 'unacceptable' and otherwise continue to sabre rattle. Meanwhile NoKo will continue to develop a large nuclear missile arsonel capable of striking the U.S.

Given that the U.S. Military does not have the capability of neutralizing NoKo artillery North of Seoul (50 years and they still haven't figured this out? Perhaps they never really wanted to find a solution?):

The problem with NoKo having nukes is that if they launch one or several against a single city in SoKo or Japan, the U.S. is unlikely to retaliate for fear of a massive NoKo launch against the U.S. This means that they can force a SoKo surrender and subsequent annexation. They will have us over a barrel.

What I'd do under these circumstances is to give both Japan and SoKo a massive nuclear missile arsonel and THAAD systems. I'd place them under the control of the Japanese and SoKo governments. Then I'd withdraw U.S. forces from SoKo.

This would take the U.S. out of the picture entirely. Both SoKo and Japan would have their own individual MAD situation - except that the THAAD systems would give them a distinct advantage over NoKo.
Does anyone here have a guess as to the fat kid's motivations, why he's doing this?

What do you suppose is his ultimate goal?
He wants to deter regime change. It's the first thing out of NKorea negotiator's mouths when they were negotiating with Bush. They believe that the US will do to them what we did to Sadam and Qadafi. He believes that having a nuclear capacity is his only protection.

Couple of facts:

Clinton negotiated a deal in 94 that restricted NK from pursuing fissile material. They cheated, looking for uranium rather than plutonium.

When Dubya took over he knew they were cheated and refused to negotiate... until 2006 when they detonated their first baby bomb..

Then Dubya ran back to the negotiating table.

Interestingly South Koreans don't really pay attention to Kim's blathering threats. They deal with it every day.

So (you didn't ask but I'm volunteering) what I'd do:

-> Don't over-react. Don't fall into a bluster/bravado match with a 33 year old. "Don't wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll both get dirty and the pig will love it."
-> Tell them, without bluster or bravado, that if they attack US interests they will be attacked. Define "US interests very clearly to include actions (not threats) against our allies, and include missile tests that overfly allies if you want, although that is a bit tricky given altitude telemetry etc.
-> Tell them, without an attack on US interests as defined, we will not pursue preemptive regime change. (We will however do all the spying and cyberattacks that we want).
-> Work on intensifying sanctions when NK does stuff like they did today. China is the key here, and we need their help.
-> For God's sake don't pick this week to tell South Korea that you might back out of a trade deal with them. Timing is everything, and maybe wait a month or two, maybe?
Just saw that President Trump suggested that our ally South Korea is in the appeasement camp. Great idea to further piss a needed ally off.

Trump rebukes South Korea after North Korean bomb test
Does anyone here have a guess as to the fat kid's motivations, why he's doing this?

What do you suppose is his ultimate goal?
He wants to deter regime change. It's the first thing out of NKorea negotiator's mouths when they were negotiating with Bush. They believe that the US will do to them what we did to Sadam and Qadafi. He believes that having a nuclear capacity is his only protection.

Couple of facts:

Clinton negotiated a deal in 94 that restricted NK from pursuing fissile material. They cheated, looking for uranium rather than plutonium.

When Dubya took over he knew they were cheated and refused to negotiate... until 2006 when they detonated their first baby bomb..

Then Dubya ran back to the negotiating table.

Interestingly South Koreans don't really pay attention to Kim's blathering threats. They deal with it every day.

So (you didn't ask but I'm volunteering) what I'd do:

-> Don't over-react. Don't fall into a bluster/bravado match with a 33 year old. "Don't wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll both get dirty and the pig will love it."
-> Tell them, without bluster or bravado, that if they attack US interests they will be attacked. Define "US interests very clearly to include actions (not threats) against our allies, and include missile tests that overfly allies if you want, although that is a bit tricky given altitude telemetry etc.
-> Tell them, without an attack on US interests as defined, we will not pursue preemptive regime change. (We will however do all the spying and cyberattacks that we want).
-> Work on intensifying sanctions when NK does stuff like they did today. China is the key here, and we need their help.
-> For God's sake don't pick this week to tell South Korea that you might back out of a trade deal with them. Timing is everything, and maybe wait a month or two, maybe?
Just saw that President Trump suggested that our ally South Korea is in the appeasement camp. Great idea to further piss a needed ally off.

Trump rebukes South Korea after North Korean bomb test

So what should Trump do? This has been going on for over the last 3 administrations. The only thing worse than the midgets father is the midget himself. I believe we've tried everything else with this guy and his father.

Does anybody think that if we allow him to obtain greater power, he will eventually get tuckered out and find something else to occupy his time?
Set off a hydrogen bomb. Caused an earthquake.

What will our representatives do?

I expect that our Government, including Trump, will continue to declare that a Nuclear North Korea is 'unacceptable' and otherwise continue to sabre rattle. Meanwhile NoKo will continue to develop a large nuclear missile arsonel capable of striking the U.S.

Given that the U.S. Military does not have the capability of neutralizing NoKo artillery North of Seoul (50 years and they still haven't figured this out? Perhaps they never really wanted to find a solution?):

The problem with NoKo having nukes is that if they launch one or several against a single city in SoKo or Japan, the U.S. is unlikely to retaliate for fear of a massive NoKo launch against the U.S. This means that they can force a SoKo surrender and subsequent annexation. They will have us over a barrel.

What I'd do under these circumstances is to give both Japan and SoKo a massive nuclear missile arsonel and THAAD systems. I'd place them under the control of the Japanese and SoKo governments. Then I'd withdraw U.S. forces from SoKo.

This would take the U.S. out of the picture entirely. Both SoKo and Japan would have their own individual MAD situation - except that the THAAD systems would give them a distinct advantage over NoKo.

The problem is that Japan wants nothing to do with nukes. They wouldn't accept them if we gave them to Japan for free. Japan's solution is to reverse the arms race--not go forward with it. If we could talk the South into letting us setup shop there, I think that may be enough to scare the midget into a hole and would really get the attention of China.
Who is arming NoKo?


I believe China, behind the scenes, is cheering this on hard, probably helping fund it, because it has a good chance of getting the U.S.A out of the Korean Peninsula....and therefore out of the Orient.


That's just stupid. China wants the status quo, but that is slipping away. It's a problem for them too.
Who is arming NoKo?


I believe China, behind the scenes, is cheering this on hard, probably helping fund it, because it has a good chance of getting the U.S.A out of the Korean Peninsula....and therefore out of the Orient.


That's just stupid. China wants the status quo, but that is slipping away. It's a problem for them too.

Actually what we need is a response to this regarding your recent posts:

The entirety of your recent posts---Unkotare:

1) LOL @ racist idiots who don't understand History.

2) If the OP imagines itself to be decent, moral, or a human being, that's the biggest joke of all.

3) What a load of crap.

4) YOU got a problem, weakling.

5) Low-life scumbag bigots like this ^^^^^^ are why every discussion of this topic turns to shit.

Nothing but attacks on the messenger and nothing for the message. You coward.

And here is the ultimate hypocrisy. A post of yours mixed in with the above Horse-Shit:

"If you can't discuss the topic without resorting to slurs, STFU."

You are embarrassing yourself, and contributing nothing to this board except childishness.

Apology perhaps?
Does anyone here have a guess as to the fat kid's motivations, why he's doing this?

What do you suppose is his ultimate goal?
He wants to deter regime change. It's the first thing out of NKorea negotiator's mouths when they were negotiating with Bush. They believe that the US will do to them what we did to Sadam and Qadafi. He believes that having a nuclear capacity is his only protection.

Couple of facts:

Clinton negotiated a deal in 94 that restricted NK from pursuing fissile material. They cheated, looking for uranium rather than plutonium.

When Dubya took over he knew they were cheated and refused to negotiate... until 2006 when they detonated their first baby bomb..

Then Dubya ran back to the negotiating table.

Interestingly South Koreans don't really pay attention to Kim's blathering threats. They deal with it every day.

So (you didn't ask but I'm volunteering) what I'd do:

-> Don't over-react. Don't fall into a bluster/bravado match with a 33 year old. "Don't wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll both get dirty and the pig will love it."
-> Tell them, without bluster or bravado, that if they attack US interests they will be attacked. Define "US interests very clearly to include actions (not threats) against our allies, and include missile tests that overfly allies if you want, although that is a bit tricky given altitude telemetry etc.
-> Tell them, without an attack on US interests as defined, we will not pursue preemptive regime change. (We will however do all the spying and cyberattacks that we want).
-> Work on intensifying sanctions when NK does stuff like they did today. China is the key here, and we need their help.
-> For God's sake don't pick this week to tell South Korea that you might back out of a trade deal with them. Timing is everything, and maybe wait a month or two, maybe?
Just saw that President Trump suggested that our ally South Korea is in the appeasement camp. Great idea to further piss a needed ally off.

Trump rebukes South Korea after North Korean bomb test
If the shoe fits...
Trump ain't gonna sugar-coat nothin'.
Who is arming NoKo?


I believe China, behind the scenes, is cheering this on hard, probably helping fund it, because it has a good chance of getting the U.S.A out of the Korean Peninsula....and therefore out of the Orient.


That's just stupid. China wants the status quo, but that is slipping away. It's a problem for them too.

Actually what we need is a response to this regarding your recent posts:

The entirety of your recent posts---Unkotare:

1) LOL @ racist idiots who don't understand History.

2) If the OP imagines itself to be decent, moral, or a human being, that's the biggest joke of all.

3) What a load of crap.

4) YOU got a problem, weakling.

5) Low-life scumbag bigots like this ^^^^^^ are why every discussion of this topic turns to shit.

Nothing but attacks on the messenger and nothing for the message. You coward.

And here is the ultimate hypocrisy. A post of yours mixed in with the above Horse-Shit:

"If you can't discuss the topic without resorting to slurs, STFU."

You are embarrassing yourself, and contributing nothing to this board except childishness.

Apology perhaps?

Try to focus, spam-stalker.
Who is arming NoKo?


I believe China, behind the scenes, is cheering this on hard, probably helping fund it, because it has a good chance of getting the U.S.A out of the Korean Peninsula....and therefore out of the Orient.


That's just stupid. China wants the status quo, but that is slipping away. It's a problem for them too.

Actually what we need is a response to this regarding your recent posts:

The entirety of your recent posts---Unkotare:

1) LOL @ racist idiots who don't understand History.

2) If the OP imagines itself to be decent, moral, or a human being, that's the biggest joke of all.

3) What a load of crap.

4) YOU got a problem, weakling.

5) Low-life scumbag bigots like this ^^^^^^ are why every discussion of this topic turns to shit.

Nothing but attacks on the messenger and nothing for the message. You coward.

And here is the ultimate hypocrisy. A post of yours mixed in with the above Horse-Shit:

"If you can't discuss the topic without resorting to slurs, STFU."

You are embarrassing yourself, and contributing nothing to this board except childishness.

Apology perhaps?

Try to focus, spam-stalker.


"If you can't discuss the topic without resorting to slurs, STFU."
FLASHALERTBREAKINGBOMBSHELL: North Korea is a sovereign nation. There is nothing anyone can do to stop a country from acquiring nuclear weapons if they set their mind to it.

Actually, we could invade like we did Iraq. Who's ready?

This just in: Russia has been helping North Korea. And we all know how much the pseudocons and their orange apprentice loooooooooove them some Putin cock.

Isn't it funny how the tards love Putin and his manly manliness, and yet get themselves in a tizzy over Putin's clients, Iran and North Korea?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."
Does anyone here have a guess as to the fat kid's motivations, why he's doing this?

What do you suppose is his ultimate goal?

Self preservation.

Can you blame NK for chasing nukes? Look at their history . Years under Brutal Japanese rule, The the center of a proxy war with the us and USSR.

It's like Israel. Everyone is out to get them, so be armed to the teeth .
FLASHALERTBREAKINGBOMBSHELL: North Korea is a sovereign nation. There is nothing anyone can do to stop a country from acquiring nuclear weapons if they set their mind to it.

Actually, we could invade like we did Iraq. Who's ready?

This just in: Russia has been helping North Korea. And we all know how much the pseudocons and their orange apprentice loooooooooove them some Putin cock.

Isn't it funny how the tards love Putin and his manly manliness, and yet get themselves in a tizzy over Putin's clients, Iran and North Korea?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

What's really amazing is how the MSM can control the minds of the left.

Sent from my iPhone using
FLASHALERTBREAKINGBOMBSHELL: North Korea is a sovereign nation. There is nothing anyone can do to stop a country from acquiring nuclear weapons if they set their mind to it.

Actually, we could invade like we did Iraq. Who's ready?

This just in: Russia has been helping North Korea. And we all know how much the pseudocons and their orange apprentice loooooooooove them some Putin cock.

Isn't it funny how the tards love Putin and his manly manliness, and yet get themselves in a tizzy over Putin's clients, Iran and North Korea?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

What's really amazing is how the MSM can control the minds of the left.

Sent from my iPhone using
No, what's really scary is how Faux News controls the mind of our apprentice President and millions of his rubes.
Who is arming NoKo?


I believe China, behind the scenes, is cheering this on hard, probably helping fund it, because it has a good chance of getting the U.S.A out of the Korean Peninsula....and therefore out of the Orient.


That's just stupid. China wants the status quo, but that is slipping away. It's a problem for them too.

Actually what we need is a response to this regarding your recent posts:

The entirety of your recent posts---Unkotare:

1) LOL @ racist idiots who don't understand History.

2) If the OP imagines itself to be decent, moral, or a human being, that's the biggest joke of all.

3) What a load of crap.

4) YOU got a problem, weakling.

5) Low-life scumbag bigots like this ^^^^^^ are why every discussion of this topic turns to shit.

Nothing but attacks on the messenger and nothing for the message. You coward.

And here is the ultimate hypocrisy. A post of yours mixed in with the above Horse-Shit:

"If you can't discuss the topic without resorting to slurs, STFU."

You are embarrassing yourself, and contributing nothing to this board except childishness.

Apology perhaps?

Try to focus, spam-stalker.


"If you can't discuss the topic without resorting to slurs, STFU."

What slur have I used, spam-stalker?

Anyway, what you need to understand is that China has nothing to gain from war on the peninsula. Nobody does, really.

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