North Korean defector realizes that American leftists are "nuts"


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Now the left will have to cancel her.

North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school

Some of us warned you. Many of you laughed, called us crazy and thought it was fear mongering.

Put this on for size, these kids will be running the country in 10-15 years. What do you think they plan to do when they are in powerful positions? How much sympathy will they have for the older generation?
Now the left will have to cancel her.

North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school

I've watched a lot of her videos and she did not "realize" leftists were insane jabbering lunatics, she recognized it immediately.
Now the left will have to cancel her.

North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school

I've watched a lot of her videos and she did not "realize" leftists were insane jabbering lunatics, she recognized it immediately.

You know - when a North Korean defector tells the citizens of the United States Socialist Republic that we are actually WORSE than North Korea, one would naturally assume that those on the fascist left would pay attention.

Now the left will have to cancel her.

North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school

Some of us warned you. Many of you laughed, called us crazy and thought it was fear mongering.

Put this on for size, these kids will be running the country in 10-15 years. What do you think they plan to do when they are in powerful positions? How much sympathy will they have for the older generation?

That is terrifying. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I will be gone by then. However, I would not want to live in this country in another 35-40 years. zIt will be a giant shit-show........
Looks like someone has discovered there’s a lot of money to be made by telling the right wing what they want to hear.
"I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think," Park said in an interview with Fox News. "I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying."

Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.

Money or no money a wise person would heed the warning and at least give it some thought.
People on the outside often see what's staring us right in the face but we are blind to it. Just ask any marriage counselor lol
I understand that. My point is that comparing someone whining about pronouns to the North Korean regime is beyond absurd and is quite harmful to credibility.

If she had a legitimate academic point to make, it wouldn’t sound like that. This instead sounds like an attempt to get attention from right wing media who would eat this nonsense up.

There’s a LOT of money to be made in this space.

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