Not a big deal, but it does show a Trumpesque pattern...

The Daily Kos? Sure, I'll swallow that.

Here, I'll make it easy for your half brain to respond.....

1. Did Trump tell the NYT that Japan's first lady did NOT speak any English (and that's why he went searching for his beloved Putin)...
Yes or No?

2. Does Japan's first lady speak pretty good and understandable English................Yes or No?

3. Is the Trumpster a liar full of poop.......Yes or No?
1. Don't know and he may not have known.
2. Don't know since I didn't care enough to watch a video.
3. Lying implies knowingly telling a fabrication, which you haven't demonstrated and don't care to anyway.
the Japanese Prime minister Abe and his wife spent a weekend in Mara Lago with Trump and his wife a couple of months ago...lots of dinner pictures of them... he should know if she spoke any English or not...
Good point! I'd forgotten that.
Im not a trump supporter, dont really give a fuck what he does as long as he isnt trying to violate my constitutional rights; but it doesnt change the fact that the daily kos is cocksucking garbage

Well, you SHOULD be a Trump supporter given your brain capacity....

Where did Daily Kos infuse ANY of its "cocksucking garbage"??

They cited Trump's OWN words and included a readily available YouTube.........So, where's their "lies"???

(If your mommy is around, ask for help.)
I dont care what you say about me, but leave my mother out of this, you little worm
Over reacting again, huh? At least you didn't give him an entire paragraph scolding about it.
why in the hell is it ok to bring someone's mother into an argument. My mother did nothing to him or to you, and she is old and sick. no matter what your opinion of another poster, talking about that person's mother is a low blow.
Honey, neither of us were talking about your mother. We were both insulting you by calling your thinking processes simple and childish. Get it now?
Im not a trump supporter, dont really give a fuck what he does as long as he isnt trying to violate my constitutional rights; but it doesnt change the fact that the daily kos is cocksucking garbage

Well, you SHOULD be a Trump supporter given your brain capacity....

Where did Daily Kos infuse ANY of its "cocksucking garbage"??

They cited Trump's OWN words and included a readily available YouTube.........So, where's their "lies"???

(If your mommy is around, ask for help.)
I dont care what you say about me, but leave my mother out of this, you little worm
Over reacting again, huh? At least you didn't give him an entire paragraph scolding about it.
why in the hell is it ok to bring someone's mother into an argument. My mother did nothing to him or to you, and she is old and sick. no matter what your opinion of another poster, talking about that person's mother is a low blow.
Honey, neither of us were talking about your mother. We were both insulting you by calling your thinking processes simple and childish. Get it now?
you both mentioned my mother....that is talking about my mother. If you want to insult me, fine, bitch, do it; but my dying mother doesnt have a goddamn thing to do with anything.
Japan's first lady knows how to speak English. She just didn't want to talk to Trump.

In explaining to the NYT reporter why he (Trump) decided to go speak with Putin,
Trump claimed that he didn’t talk to his dinner neighbor Japan’s First Lady Akie Abe because she doesn’t speak a lick of English:

TRUMP: So, I was seated next to the wife of Prime Minister Abe [Shinzo Abe of Japan], who I think is a terrific guy, and she’s a terrific woman, but doesn’t speak English.

HABERMAN: Like, nothing, right? Like zero?

TRUMP: Like, not “hello.”

HABERMAN: That must make for an awkward seating.

Now, Fist Lady Akie Abe may not be hired to dub Japanese movies into English, but she speaks our language a hell of a lot better than many US women.

Japan does not have a "First Lady".
As for Trump saying she dies not speak English, well, nobody believes that guy in any case.
why in the hell is it ok to bring someone's mother into an argument. My mother did nothing to him or to you, and she is old and sick. no matter what your opinion of another poster, talking about that person's mother is a low blow.

Calm down there.....I use the term "mommy" whenever some poster acts like a child.....somewhat like you're acting now.....
Well, you SHOULD be a Trump supporter given your brain capacity....

Where did Daily Kos infuse ANY of its "cocksucking garbage"??

They cited Trump's OWN words and included a readily available YouTube.........So, where's their "lies"???

(If your mommy is around, ask for help.)
I dont care what you say about me, but leave my mother out of this, you little worm
Over reacting again, huh? At least you didn't give him an entire paragraph scolding about it.
why in the hell is it ok to bring someone's mother into an argument. My mother did nothing to him or to you, and she is old and sick. no matter what your opinion of another poster, talking about that person's mother is a low blow.
Honey, neither of us were talking about your mother. We were both insulting you by calling your thinking processes simple and childish. Get it now?
you both mentioned my mother....that is talking about my mother. If you want to insult me, fine, bitch, do it; but my dying mother doesnt have a goddamn thing to do with anything.
I'm really sorry about that, bitter. For sure. I've been there and it sucks. But once again, we weren't talking about your mother.
Im not a trump supporter, dont really give a fuck what he does as long as he isnt trying to violate my constitutional rights; but it doesnt change the fact that the daily kos is cocksucking garbage

Well, you SHOULD be a Trump supporter given your brain capacity....

Where did Daily Kos infuse ANY of its "cocksucking garbage"??

They cited Trump's OWN words and included a readily available YouTube.........So, where's their "lies"???

(If your mommy is around, ask for help.)

I dont care what you say about me, but leave my mother out of this, you little worm
Over reacting again, huh? At least you didn't give him an entire paragraph scolding about it.
why in the hell is it ok to bring someone's mother into an argument. My mother did nothing to him or to you, and she is old and sick. no matter what your opinion of another poster, talking about that person's mother is a low blow.
Honey, neither of us were talking about your mother. We were both insulting you by calling your thinking processes simple and childish. Get it now?
you both mentioned my mother....that is talking about my mother. If you want to insult me, fine, bitch, do it; but my dying mother doesnt have a goddamn thing to do with anything.
I'm really sorry about that, bitter. For sure. I've been there and it sucks. But once again, we weren't talking about your mother.

there is still no need to bring someone's mother into a discussion under any context; and plus, that guy insulted my children in another thread, so lets not pretend he is a good guy in any way
why in the hell is it ok to bring someone's mother into an argument. My mother did nothing to him or to you, and she is old and sick. no matter what your opinion of another poster, talking about that person's mother is a low blow.

Calm down there.....I use the term "mommy" whenever some poster acts like a child.....somewhat like you're acting now.....
well, dont use it with me, and I didnt act like a child
you insulted my kids in another thread, also
Lying implies knowingly telling a fabrication, which you haven't demonstrated and don't care to anyway.
Ahhh yes the Reagan Rationalization for lying, if you are too stupid to KNOW you are telling a lie, you are not lying :cuckoo:
Of course, the rule only applies to Republicans. For Democrats, lying is telling a lie, period.

For example Obama made sure there was a grandfather clause in the ACA to allow insurance providers to keep their old plans if there are no changes, IOW you can keep your plan. The insurance providers chose not to take advantage of the grandfather clause, something Obama could not possibly know at the time he said you could keep your plan, and since the Reagan Rationalization only applies to lying Republicans, Obama became the liar of the year.

Without the Reagan Rationalization, Don THE Con is the Liar Of The Century!
What do you think, Nat4900? Is this board a bit too rough for bitter? It blows my mind a guy in a militia is so sensitive.
I'll be careful, but what's going to happen the first time someone decides to accuse him of giving a gay blow job? I worry.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program....what were we talking about?
Oh yeah, our President was lying or so senile he doesn't remember from her visit that she speaks English. Or maybe he doesn't really talk to the wimmens anyway--that's kinda the girls' job, right?
What lie?

did he know the Japanese First Lady knew English or not?

HE DID !!!! Both from her visit to Mar A Largo AND because someone in his freaking entourage would have told the fat lard who he was sitting next to and a "bit of background".....

Let it go, just keeping on defending the moron and rejoice. I really don;t give a crap.
What lie?

did he know the Japanese First Lady knew English or not?

HE DID !!!! Both from her visit to Mar A Largo AND because someone in his freaking entourage would have told the fat lard who he was sitting next to and a "bit of background".....

Let it go, just keeping on defending the moron and rejoice. I really don;t give a crap.
He talked to her at Mar a largo?

got proof?

or do you just like whining about Trump?
He talked to her at Mar a largo?

got proof?

or do you just like whining about Trump?

Well you got me there....I believe that Melania did the translations.

Oh man, is this what passes for political discourse these days? The USMB should be embarrassed.
Nat starts about a dozen loser threads a day.

He doesn't have a job, lives in his mothers basement, is on Obamacare, receives food stamps and can't find a girlfriend. Therefor, he has tons of time to post.

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