Zone1 Not Actually Sure If God Still Communicates With People Today Or Not

It's sort of embarrassing and a very long story... but basically I think sometimes that God has been communicating with me and sometimes He hasn't. In a nutshell somebody was playing along with my beliefs that God was communicating with me and it wound up blowing up like a TNT yesterday since they were lying this whole entire time. It was for good intentions though.
It sounds like you figured it out. I don't think anyone can define someone else's relationship with God. But I think God is communicating with everyone all the time.
That's why theologians have been arguing about the scriptures for over a thousand years.
There's always disagreement about what actually happened.
The only time that God was in someone's actual presence was Moses.
How he spoke to Abraham and Jacob is up to debate. He usually spoke to them thru something or someone else.

And since no one else was there we can't really trust Moses can we?

For all we know Moses was having a psychotic break at the time
This is shared in the spirit of humor......

Taken in the spirit of humor. :) Christians have so many jokes about this or that group that are placed by themselves in Heaven because they expect to be the only people there and such. And what Heaven is like for all the different traditions and how much work it is for St. Peter and the angels to accommodate all their different preferences and expectations so they'll believe they are in heaven :) .

I don't know what to expect of Heaven but I will be happy if it is filled with dogs, horses, pleasant people, interesting conversations and I get to meet my loved ones again and also those for whom I have so many questions.
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That's why theologians have been arguing about the scriptures for over a thousand years.
There's always disagreement about what actually happened.
The only time that God was in someone's actual presence was Moses.
How he spoke to Abraham and Jacob is up to debate. He usually spoke to them thru something or someone else.
Genesis 32:30
30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Regarding Abraham,
Genesis 18:1,33
1 And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
33 And the Lord went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.

Regarding Noah, it mentions that God spoke to him but doesn't say it was through any other means.

I believe that it is pretty obvious that God appeared to others and spoke with them even face to face.
Genesis 32:30
30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Regarding Abraham,
Genesis 18:1,33
1 And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
33 And the Lord went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.

Regarding Noah, it mentions that God spoke to him but doesn't say it was through any other means.

I believe that it is pretty obvious that God appeared to others and spoke with them even face to face.
I don't believe that. Nobody could look at God's face.
It would have killed them.
God had reasons why he never showed himself to the prophets.
It was the primary purpose of the Arc Of The Covenant.
It allowed him to talk to his people.

God usually spoke thru others.
Jesus was put on Earth to do one become a sacrifice for all nations.
But he was God on Earth. In his case we were talking to God face to face.
John 13: 34-35

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye alove one another; as I have loved you, that ye also blove one another.

35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have alove one to another.

I think "one another" based on the parable of the Good NOT exclusive.
It's what I try to live by. I fall short more than I succeed, but it's what I try to live by.

One thing I think the Bible definitely got right was Jesus' answer when asked what was the greatest commandment:

Jesus said unto him, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:36-40).
It sounds like you figured it out. I don't think anyone can define someone else's relationship with God. But I think God is communicating with everyone all the time.
My sister from another mister. :)

I do understand what Roadrunner is saying though. I don't know what relationship God has with others but since all people are unique in some way, probably all those relationships are unique in some way too.

There are times I really question whether it is God or some evil force putting a thought in my mind. But if I pray for guidance I will eventually know, but it will be on God's time and schedule and not mine. Sometimes I get frustrated and almost angry at God's silence when I really need/want that guidance and he doesn't accommodate my schedule. :)

So I don't think God always communicates in ways we can appreciate at the time. But I am 100% certain God communicates.
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My sister from another mister. :)

I do understand what Roadrunner is saying though. I don't know what relationship God has with others but since all people are unique in some way, probably all those relationships are unique in some way too.

There are times I really question whether it is God some evil force putting a thought in my mind. But if I pray for guidance I will eventually know, but it will be on God's time and schedule and not mine. Sometimes I get frustrated and almost angry at God's silence when I really need/want that guidance and he doesn't accommodate my schedule. :)

So I don't think God always communicates in ways we can appreciate at the time. But I am 100% certain God communicates.

Yeah, I guess that I just got confused in knowing how to tell if it was really God or not.
Yeah, I guess that I just got confused in knowing how to tell if it was really God or not.
If Satan is communicating it's always a negative thought/message, God wants us to love one and other. The devil wants us to feel fear, unsure, insecure, confused, angry. hopeless etc.

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
And it is so good to question especially when you feel you need to.

I also think that looking for the truth is a whole lot different than just denying it as I am very confused right now as I can't really read the Bible all that well to the point of understanding it and so I currently have very little understanding of who God actually is, if He's really out there and stuff like that. I want to believe, I really do, I'm just currently looking for answers.
Taken in the spirit of humor. :) Christians have so many jokes about this or that group that are placed by themselves in Heaven because they expect to be the only people there and such. And what Heaven is like for all the different traditions and how much work it is for St. Peter and the angels to accommodate all their different preferences and expectations so they'll believe they are in heaven :) .

I don't know what to expect of Heaven but I will be happy if it is filled with dogs, horses, pleasant people, interesting conversations and I get to meet my loved ones again and also those for whom I have so many questions.

Our theology teaches that family will be reunited as well as friends AND DOGS/CATS/HAMPSTERS (well it really doesn't say anything about the animals but I just KNOW they will be there 😇).
Our theology teaches that family will be reunited as well as friends AND DOGS/CATS/HAMPSTERS (well it really doesn't say anything about the animals but I just KNOW they will be there 😇).
LOL. They did not teach that in theology classes but I sure hope you're right. Except for one particularly destructive gerbil who took bites out of my piano legs. But oh well. She was entertaining in other ways. . .
Just for clarification I still believe in God, just trying to figure out if He's actually there and more about what He does and doesn't do.

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