Zone1 Not Actually Sure If God Still Communicates With People Today Or Not

I joined the LDS church in the mid-70s. Back then their doctrine said that non-whites could not have the power of the priesthood and neither could women.
That wasn't God's idea. That was man's idea.
Then in the late 70s they changed.
Did God change his mind about racism, or was the prophet a false prophet trying to pass of his own bigotry as the word of God?
First, no, the only non-whites that could be baptized but not receive the Priesthood were Blacks. Hispanics, Asians, Indians both from India and the Americas all could receive the Priesthood. So, I doubt you were a member.

In the OT times, only the Levite son’s of Aaron could be conferred the priesthood and administrate the ordinances of the priesthood. And, women did not hold the priesthood either.

Fast forward to NT times and women still didn’t hold the priesthood. There is no indication that blacks held the priesthood then either.

Let’s look at another thing as well. It wasn’t Joseph Smith who put the restriction with blacks and the Priesthood. Daniel prophesied that the restored church would not be given to another and would not cease until the coming of the 2nd coming Lord. Which means while Brigham Young was imperfect, he remained the prophet and president of the Church. This continued up to Present Kimball. I was at BYU and a new convert in 1978 when the restrictions were lifted with Blacks.

Now, would God allow this? If he had a reason for this, yes. He wiped all mankind off the earth save it Noah and family. Whatever the reason, doesn’t change who is God and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only Church with authority to administrate all the saving and exaltation ordinances. You got caught up in the mankind distractions to Pat yourself on the back instead of building up the kingdom of God on both sides of the veil. Now you sit in that great and spacious building mocking the leaders and those of us on the path to the tree of life. Because I know this, there’s nothing you can do or say to deter this. I have a sure testimony.
Perhaps we should consider that God still communicates with mankind, but that early man or those who lived in Biblical times were more observant than we choose to be today. Ever notice that some of our best prayer times/experiences are when we are alone in nature than when we are surrounded by people and things?

When people in Biblical times began moving into bigger towns and cities, did some of the elders recognize that the younger generation were no longer as observant, could no longer be as observant considering the environment in which they lived, and so began writing things down for them (hence the Bible).

Today, how much time do we give over to listening and observing, to step outside oneself, so-to-speak, to enter into being a part of all? Easier to do in a solitary place of natural beauty than on a street corner. Jesus often withdrew to a mountain/hillside to pray, all by himself. Barring that, he suggested going into a closet to pray.
It was actually the Diaspora, the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians who then drove out the Jews and scattered them everywhere, that inspired the faithful to write down the Law, history, allegories, prophecies, poetry, wisdom literature etc. as 'scripture.' They needed the faithful to have it all lest they be corrupted by other cultures, other traditions, other religions. They gathered as many written manuscripts, scraps of writing, whatever was available that would eventually become what we know as the Old Testament Bible.

The oral traditions were well practiced and very reliable and they did have some manuscripts and fragments of manuscripts to work with. The result was amazing literature that has stood the test of time like no other.

There are some who believe God dictated every word in the Bible and I respect that belief. I think it more likely and reasonable that God put his Word into the hearts and minds of the faithful who wrote it down to the best of their ability.
It was actually the Diaspora, the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians who then drove out the Jews and scattered them everywhere, that inspired the faithful to write down the Law, history, allegories, prophecies, poetry, wisdom literature etc. as 'scripture.' They needed the faithful to have it all lest they be corrupted by other cultures, other traditions, other religions. They gathered as many written manuscripts, scraps of writing, whatever was available that would eventually become what we know as the Old Testament Bible.

The oral traditions were well practiced and very reliable and they did have some manuscripts and fragments of manuscripts to work with. The result was amazing literature that has stood the test of time like no other.

There are some who believe God dictated every word in the Bible and I respect that belief. I think it more likely and reasonable that God put his Word into the hearts and minds of the faithful who wrote it down to the best of their ability.
Not the Babylonians. You are thinking of the Assyrians. The 10 tribes were carried away and scattered. Only Judah and half of Benjamin were carried into Babylonia and then returned with Ezra and Nehemian leading them. They set up the Great Synagogue that became the San Hedrin
Not the Babylonians. You are thinking of the Assyrians. The 10 tribes were carried away and scattered. Only Judah and half of Benjamin were carried into Babylonia and then returned with Ezra and Nehemian leading them. They set up the Great Synagogue that became the San Hedrin
Yes you are correct. In the 8th Century BC when Israel was divided between Israel and Judah, the Assyrians conquered Israel, the 'northern kingdom' and dispersed the Jews. That is when the original tribes lost much of their identity. Nebuchadnezzar then exacerbated that in the 5th Century when he again conquered Jerusalem and forced most of the Jews out. And it was that event that inspired what would eventually become the Old Testament Bible.

Around 67 BC when Pompei marched into Jerusalem and made the land part of the Roman Empire, Israel ceased to exist until re-established by the U.N. in 1947 A.D.
Yes you are correct. In the 8th Century BC when Israel was divided between Israel and Judah, the Assyrians conquered Israel, the 'northern kingdom' and dispersed the Jews. That is when the original tribes lost much of their identity. Nebuchadnezzar then exacerbated that in the 5th Century when he again conquered Jerusalem and forced most of the Jews out. And it was that event that inspired what would eventually become the Old Testament Bible.

Around 67 BC when Pompei marched into Jerusalem and made the land part of the Roman Empire, Israel ceased to exist until re-established by the U.N. in 1947 A.D.
I'm sure it's a matter of interpretation of who Israelites and Jews are. I'm sure that Jews today believe that all 12 tribes were Jews. However, that's not accurate interpretation. The state was divided up into 12 regions based on the head of each tribe or division. The heads were sons of Jacob (Israel). All were then "Israelites." However, only the Southern Kingdom were Jews because they were predominately of JUdah. Jews for short. Half of Benjamin was carried away by the Assyrians and half stayed with Judah and assimilated into Judah and became Jews.
"Since Simeon and Benjamin had been very much the junior partners in the Kingdom of Judah, it was Judah that gave its name to the identity—that of the Jews. After the fall of Jerusalem, Babylonia (modern day Iraq), would become the focus of Jewish life for 1,000 years." - Wikipedia
I'm sure it's a matter of interpretation of who Israelites and Jews are. I'm sure that Jews today believe that all 12 tribes were Jews. However, that's not accurate interpretation. The state was divided up into 12 regions based on the head of each tribe or division. The heads were sons of Jacob (Israel). All were then "Israelites." However, only the Southern Kingdom were Jews because they were predominately of JUdah. Jews for short. Half of Benjamin was carried away by the Assyrians and half stayed with Judah and assimilated into Judah and became Jews.
"Since Simeon and Benjamin had been very much the junior partners in the Kingdom of Judah, it was Judah that gave its name to the identity—that of the Jews. After the fall of Jerusalem, Babylonia (modern day Iraq), would become the focus of Jewish life for 1,000 years." - Wikipedia
Yes. Sometimes it is a matter of interpretation. My seminary training has a little different perspective of the history. In the end when we are able to get these questions answered face to face, I fully expect us all to have a good laugh at all the stuff we got wrong. :)
Yes. Sometimes it is a matter of interpretation. My seminary training has a little different perspective of the history. In the end when we are able to get these questions answered face to face, I fully expect us all to have a good laugh at all the stuff we got wrong. :)
I believe that the Christian nations that led the Jews back to Israel were the remnants of Joseph as we know Joseph will lead Judah in the end.
I thought I knew and I thought that He was communicating with me, but now I'm just not sure. Meister, Michelle420 what do you guys think? And I realize that I already sent JohnDB and mudwhistle a PM about it but I decided to make it a topic instead. Especially since I forgot to add Meister and Michelle420.

I can tell that it's a yes, if you mean to say how God communicates in an unambigouos way, as He did to the ancient time prophets.

It all starts with how God identify Himself clearly first, by making use or extending a concept (of what God is capable of doing) buried in your mind during your early childhood. God may bury such a concept into Paul's mind during his childhood that God may one day use a lightning to blind him. When Jesus did this, Paul knew right away who is talking to him. This must go through a (or a series of) supernatural event(s).

Acts 9:6
“Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

The first step is done, which is, God/Jesus identified Himself through a supernatural event. Paul is told to wait for the next step to come.

Acts 9:12
and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.

Prophetically, Paul was given a dream/vision that someone named Ananias would visit him. Paul knew that if this prophecy hits (the Holy Spirit told him that it will hit), and it actually did come to pass. Paul thus knew clearly that the message reaching to his hand is truly from God (who already clearly identified Himself, supernatually).

Humans can't do 2 things, 1) telll a future, and 2) to break the physics governing our universe. God communicate unambigouosly by making use these 2 factors. He uses prophecies and miracles/signs to confirm His own message.

There's an overall protocol out there. It's supposed that Paul was then trained to reckon the different kind of messages, from the simplest to the most complicated (resembling a kind of pattern recognition along with a combination of uses of prophecies and miracles/signs).

Then, Paul was ready to work,
Acts 9:20
and immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying, "He is the Son of God."

This is de facto and is still working in the same manner in today's world, as far as I can tell.
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I can tell that it's a yes, if you mean to say how God communicates in an unambigouos way, as He did to the ancient time prophets.

It all starts with how God identify Himself clearly first, by making use or extending a concept (of what God is capable of doing) buried in your mind during your early childhood. God may bury such a concept into Paul's mind during his childhood that God may one day use a lightning to blind him. When Jesus did this, Paul knew right away who is talking to him. This must go through a (or a series of) supernatural event(s).

Acts 9:6
“Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

The first step is done, which is, God/Jesus identified Himself through a supernatural event. Paul is told to wait for the next step to come.

Acts 9:12
and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.

Prophetically, Paul was given a dream/vision that someone named Ananias would visit him. Paul knew that if this prophecy hits (the Holy Spirit told him that it will hit), and it actually did come to pass. Paul thus knew clearly that the message reaching to his hand is truly from God (who already clearly identified Himself, supernatually).

Humans can't do 2 things, 1) telll a future, and 2) to break the physics governing our universe. God communicate unambigouosly by making use these 2 factors. He uses prophecies and miracles/signs to confirm His own message.

There's an overall protocol out there. It's supposed that Paul was then trained to reckon the different kind of messages, from the simplest to the most complicated (resembling a kind of pattern recognition along with a combination of uses of prophecies and miracles/signs).

Then, Paul was ready to work,
Acts 9:20
and immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying, "He is the Son of God."

This is de facto and is still working in the same manner in today's world, as far as I can tell.
The Lord taught the Apostles that there is a natural way to do the miracles He did. It starts with faith and ends with belief. Peter had faith that if Jesus said for him to walk to him on water. But, not the belief that it is natural for him to be able to walk on water like Jesus's belief. It was natural for the Lord to walk on water and if we fully believe in Christ, we could also see that it isn't supernatural to walk on water. That it's quite natural. It's funny how many believe that it was impossible for Mary to become pregnant without sexual intercourse. Yet, the very same people accept invitro fertilization. But then most Christians will also reject the idea that the Holy Ghost was the doctor that placed the sperm of the Father into Mary because somewhere they get the idea that Father in Heaven isn't a glorified human being.
Then, they will say, "but God is a spirit." That's not what it really said. It said, "God is spiritual." But, the reality is, the Holy Ghost is God as well and he is a spirit. We are spirit as well. When we die, our spirit goes to paradise or hell awaiting the resurrection. So is the Father part spirit and part man but resurrected and glorified. He sent his son Jehovah to the earth in the form of Jesus Christ to give the natural resurrection to all mankind by doing so first. Well, there are some things to chew on... :popcorn:
The only time God spoke to anyone was Moses at the burning bush.
Jesus was God on Earth....and everything he said was from God himself.
The Holy Spirit talks to us and we can choose to listen or ignore it.

It appears that God also spoke to Abraham in Genesis 18. He spoke unto Noah in Genesis 9. In Genesis 35 he speaks to Jacob. Not sure why you say he only spoke to Moses.
Who or what suggestion came to you to doubt it?

It's sort of embarrassing and a very long story... but basically I think sometimes that God has been communicating with me and sometimes He hasn't. In a nutshell somebody was playing along with my beliefs that God was communicating with me and it wound up blowing up like a TNT yesterday since they were lying this whole entire time. It was for good intentions though.
Yes. Sometimes it is a matter of interpretation. My seminary training has a little different perspective of the history. In the end when we are able to get these questions answered face to face, I fully expect us all to have a good laugh at all the stuff we got wrong. :)
This is shared in the spirit of humor......

It appears that God also spoke to Abraham in Genesis 18. He spoke unto Noah in Genesis 9. In Genesis 35 he speaks to Jacob. Not sure why you say he only spoke to Moses.
That's why theologians have been arguing about the scriptures for over a thousand years.
There's always disagreement about what actually happened.
The only time that God was in someone's actual presence was Moses.
How he spoke to Abraham and Jacob is up to debate. He usually spoke to them thru something or someone else.
It's sort of embarrassing and a very long story... but basically I think sometimes that God has been communicating with me and sometimes He hasn't. In a nutshell somebody was playing along with my beliefs that God was communicating with me and it wound up blowing up like a TNT yesterday since they were lying this whole entire time. It was for good intentions though.
Just because he didn't single you out it doesn't mean he's abandoned you. That's a classic tactic of Satan.
I respect others beliefs in matters like that whether or not I share them.
John 13: 34-35

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye alove one another; as I have loved you, that ye also blove one another.

35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have alove one to another.

I think "one another" based on the parable of the Good NOT exclusive.
Just because he didn't single you out it doesn't mean he's abandoned you. That's a classic tactic of Satan.

Just currently trying to find Him again. Sort of lost my way a little bit.
Why does the Bible piss you off so much?

like you the c-bible is a phony representation of the heavens - used to persecute and victimize the innocent.

as there were few and far between to help jesus in his hour of need - why do you fear liberation theology, self determination as those few were willing to die for in the 1st century.

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