Zone1 Not Actually Sure If God Still Communicates With People Today Or Not

I thought I knew and I thought that He was communicating with me, but now I'm just not sure. Meister, Michelle420 what do you guys think? And I realize that I already sent JohnDB and mudwhistle a PM about it but I decided to make it a topic instead. Especially since I forgot to add Meister and Michelle420.
I thought that G-d was ignoring me, but a few weeks ago I had literally a life changing dream. It made me a believer instsntly, it was quite profound. So I do believe in divine communication. Just as I was thoroughly doubting I was guided in the most intense manner. It literally and figuratively woke me up. I hope you find your path sir and receive the message that you seek.
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God spoke with people all the time in the Bible though.
At least according to Biblical accounts. But that also was a way of story telling customary in Biblical times. And possibly a way to convince people to listen to a person by saying that "God told me". Or maybe God really did speak in audible language that can be heard with the ears. I don't know.

I am 100% certain that, via the Holy Spirit, there were times God put his thoughts into my mind when I or somebody else needed those thoughts. I believe the testimony of others who say the same.

Is it different now than it was in Old Testament times? Again, heck if I know. But I am secure that God communicated with humankind back then and does so now.
A prophet can be anyone who listens to the Holy Spirit.
The Mormon church gives the power of the priesthood to every member that is baptized into the church. The power to heal and to channel the word of God.
But not all of them can retain it.
Most of the time a prophet is false (even the LDS Church's Prophet), because very few can stay pure and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit.
As long as the Lord speaks to a prophet, he’s still the prophet. While Old Testament prophets sometimes errors and sinned, they repented and remained prophets. The Prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while not perfect, were and continue today as prophet, seers and revelators. None of them have been false. But there have been many members who are false Saints.
A prophet can be anyone who listens to the Holy Spirit.
The Mormon church gives the power of the priesthood to every member that is baptized into the church. The power to heal and to channel the word of God.
But not all of them can retain it.
Most of the time a prophet is false (even the LDS Church's Prophet), because very few can stay pure and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit.
I thought I knew and I thought that He was communicating with me, but now I'm just not sure. Meister, Michelle420 what do you guys think? And I realize that I already sent JohnDB and mudwhistle a PM about it but I decided to make it a topic instead. Especially since I forgot to add Meister and Michelle420.

Remember when you were writing that book where God was a rock star or something like that? You said you were writing it to make God more "relatable" or something?

I say this with no ill-will: that's not from God.

God is already relatable. He sent His Son to die for Him. He sits at the right hand of God even know, interceding for His own.

God chiefly communicates to us through His Word now, and also through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But the Spirit always agrees with the Word.
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand."

- Jesus (John 10:27-28)

Of course God still communicates. The main way is through His Word. But God also 'speaks' in other ways.

But as Sue alluded to, you have to be careful. As a number of us here have said, Christians shouldn't be mixing with dark stuff, and when you do dabble into stuff like that, the 'voices' you have heard are almost certainly not from God.

God doesn't like lukewarm or us having one foot in Christianity and the other foot somewhere else. Pick a side. :)
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A prophet can be anyone who listens to the Holy Spirit.
The Mormon church gives the power of the priesthood to every member that is baptized into the church. The power to heal and to channel the word of God.
But not all of them can retain it.
Most of the time a prophet is false (even the LDS Church's Prophet), because very few can stay pure and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit.
In the Bible, if God begins to talk to a prophet is generally was not a good sign. It simply meant that the people were so on the wrong path that their immanent destruction would soon be realized if they did not repent and turn away from whatever.

So, they would show up to warn the people to change their ways, after which they would get pissed off and try to kill them.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
As long as the Lord speaks to a prophet, he’s still the prophet. While Old Testament prophets sometimes errors and sinned, they repented and remained prophets. The Prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while not perfect, were and continue today as prophet, seers and revelators. None of them have been false. But there have been many members who are false Saints.
I joined the LDS church in the mid-70s. Back then their doctrine said that non-whites could not have the power of the priesthood and neither could women.
That wasn't God's idea. That was man's idea.
Then in the late 70s they changed.
Did God change his mind about racism, or was the prophet a false prophet trying to pass of his own bigotry as the word of God?
I thought I knew and I thought that He was communicating with me, but now I'm just not sure.
Perhaps we should consider that God still communicates with mankind, but that early man or those who lived in Biblical times were more observant than we choose to be today. Ever notice that some of our best prayer times/experiences are when we are alone in nature than when we are surrounded by people and things?

When people in Biblical times began moving into bigger towns and cities, did some of the elders recognize that the younger generation were no longer as observant, could no longer be as observant considering the environment in which they lived, and so began writing things down for them (hence the Bible).

Today, how much time do we give over to listening and observing, to step outside oneself, so-to-speak, to enter into being a part of all? Easier to do in a solitary place of natural beauty than on a street corner. Jesus often withdrew to a mountain/hillside to pray, all by himself. Barring that, he suggested going into a closet to pray.
If you hear a voice in your head that's not yours I suggest you see a neurologist ASAP
Obviously a solution offered by someone who knows only one out of twenty-six definitions for the word 'voice'. It would be like someone suggesting that you find yourself a good dermatologist since you describe yourself as blue.
Obviously a solution offered by someone who knows only one out of twenty-six definitions for the word 'voice'. It would be like someone suggesting that you find yourself a good dermatologist since you describe yourself as blue.
Auditory hallucinations are nothing to trivialize.
I thought that G-d was ignoring me, but a few weeks ago I had literally a life changing dream. It made me a believer instsntly, it was quite profound. So I do believe in divine communication. Just as I was thoroughly doubting I was guided in the most intense manner. It literally and figuratively woke me up. I hope you find your path sir and receive the message that you seek.

In our world (LDS), we refer to such things "tender mercies", which are our Heavenly Father's way of letting us know that while we are separated from Him (on purpose), he is still very much aware of us and watches over us.

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