'''Not All Democrats Are Klansmen"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, But All Klansmen Are Democrats!!! They have not changed as "Terrorist" today, they just changed their Party name, """The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party"""
If you Vote Democrat? You Vote for Evil!!! They play the "Devils Game" with people`s lives!!!


Yo, But All Klansmen Are Democrats!!

Many sites on the Internet claim that McKinley, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, and Truman were all members of the KKK. However, no scholarly attribution is given for this assertion.

Edward Jackson[edit]
Edward Jackson, a Republican, was elected as governor of Indiana in 1924. He tried to distance himself from the organization after D.C. Stephenson's rape and murder scandal.[1][2]

Rice W. Means, a Republican United States Senator from Colorado, was endorsed by the Klan in Colorado. He served a three year term in Congress before losing renomination to Republican Charles W. Waterman in the 1926 election.

Clarence Morley[edit]
Morley was a Republican and the governor of Colorado from 1925 to 1927. He was a KKK member and a huge Prohibition supporter. He tried to ban the Catholic Church from using sacramental wine and attempted to get the University of Colorado to fire all Jewish and Catholic professors.

David Duke[edit]

David Duke former Grand Wizard in Sachsen, Germany, 2002
David Duke, a politician who ran in both Democrat and Republican presidential primaries, was openly involved in the leadership of the Ku Klux Klan.[17] He was founder and Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the mid-1970s; he re-titled his position as "National Director" and said that the KKK needed to "get out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He left the organization in 1980. He ran for president in the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries. In 1989 Duke switched political parties from Democrat to Republican.[18] In 1989, he became a member of the Louisiana State Legislature from the 81st district, and was Republican Party chairman for St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.[19]

Warren G. Harding[edit]

Warren G. Harding by Harris & Ewing photo studio.
One source claims Warren G. Harding, a Republican, was a Ku Klux Klan member while President. The claim is based on a third-hand account of a second-hand recollection in 1985 of a deathbed statement made sometime in the late 1940s of an incident in the early 1920s. Independent investigations have turned up many contradictions and no supporting evidence. Historians reject the claim and note that Harding in fact publicly fought and spoke against the Klan.

Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yo, But All Klansmen Are Democrats!!! They have not changed as "Terrorist" today, they just changed their Party name, """The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party"""
If you Vote Democrat? You Vote for Evil!!! They play the "Devils Game" with people`s lives!!!



Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. The Klan was founded (first iteration) by six ex-Confederate soldiers (with no known political affiliations) and (second iteration) by a huckster salesman (also with no known political affiliation). And I can prove it.

The KKK never had a political party per se. When it dabbled in politics at all it used whatever party, or methods, would work in that time and place.

For example....

See also Moonglow's post above, although he didn't mention the Anaheim City Council takeover or George Baker in Oregon -- more Republicans.

Nor did he mention Jack Walton, chased out of the governorship of Oklahoma when he tried to drive the Klan out --- oh wait, he was a Democrat.

Or Oscar Underwood, the leading voice opposing the Klan that ran for President in 1924, bitterly opposed by the KKK --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or George Putnam, influential publisher in Oregon who opposed the Klan and railed against it in print --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or Stetson Kennedy, writer and Florida governor candidate, who infiltrated the Klan and wrote a tell-all book exposing it, and later worked with the writers of the wildly popular radio show "Superman" to make a mockery of the Klan --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or Huey Long, the Louisiana governor who vowed that if the Klan leader from Georgia came to his state to stir the opposition he'd be leaving "with his toes turned up" --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or that the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Grant extinguished the first iteration before it was ten years old was Lyndon Johnson -- oh wait he was a Democrat.

NOR did your Googly Image meme generators take into account that the second Klan, the biggest, farthest-reaching, longest-lasting one, was against immigrants, Catholics, Jews and labor unions ...... all of which were and still are Democratic Party constituents.

Yo, History --- learn it, don't abuse it.

Now then Dumbo --- tell me about this "playing the Devil's Game with people's lives" --- Dumbass.

Last edited:
Yo, But All Klansmen Are Democrats!!! They have not changed as "Terrorist" today, they just changed their Party name, """The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party"""
If you Vote Democrat? You Vote for Evil!!! They play the "Devils Game" with people`s lives!!!



Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. The Klan was founded (first iteration) by six ex-Confederate soldiers (with no known political affiliations) and (second iteration) by a huckster salesman (also with no known political affiliation). And I can prove it.

The KKK never had a political party per se. When it dabbled in politics at all it used whatever party, or methods, would work in that time and place.

For example....

See also Moonglow's post above, although he didn't mention the Anaheim City Council takeover or George Baker in Oregon -- more Republicans.

Nor did he mention Jack Walton, chased out of the governorship of Oklahoma when he tried to drive the Klan out --- oh wait, he was a Democrat.

Or Oscar Underwood, the leading voice opposing the Klan that ran for President in 1924, bitterly opposed by the KKK --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or George Putnam, influential publisher in Oregon who opposed the Klan and railed against it in print --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or Stetson Kennedy, writer and Florida governor candidate, who infiltrated the Klan and wrote a tell-all book exposing it, and later worked with the writers of the wildly popular radio show "Superman" to make a mockery of the Klan --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or Huey Long, the Louisiana governor who vowed that if the Klan leader from Georgia came to his state to stir the opposition he'd be leaving "with his toes turned up" --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or that the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Grant extinguished the first iteration before it was ten years old was Lyndon Johnson -- oh wait he was a Democrat.

NOR did your Googly Image meme generators take into account that the second Klan, the biggest, farthest-reaching, longest-lasting one, was against immigrants, Catholics, Jews and labor unions ...... all of which were and still are Democratic Party constituents.

Yo, History --- learn it, don't abuse it.

Now then Dumbo --- tell me about this "playing the Devil's Game with people's lives" --- Dumbass.


Yo, wise ASS, get your shit together, before you fall off the flat earth!!! It sure seems the "Democrats" were tied to all three Klans!!!

Criticism and evaluation[edit]
History has in the past, particularly during the 1990s, been jokingly referred to as "The Hitler Channel"[6] for its extensive coverage of World War II. Recently, however, much of its military-themed programming has now been shifted to its sister network Military History.

The network has also been criticized for having a bias towards US history. Another former sister network, History International, more extensively covered history outside the US until in 2011 it was rebranded as History 2 and started broadcasting more material that had to do with US history.[7]

The network was also criticized by Stanley Kutner for airing the controversial series The Men Who Killed Kennedy in 2003. Kutner was one of three historians commissioned to review the documentary, which the channel disavowed and never aired again.[8] On the other hand, programs such as Modern Marvels have been praised for their presentation of detailed information in an entertaining format.[9]

History (U.S. TV channel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, throughfederal enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[15][16]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It opposed Catholics and Jews, especially newer immigrants, and stressed opposition to the Catholic Church.[17] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used similar code words as the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] It is estimated to have between 5,000 and 8,000 members as of 2012.[2]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[19] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[20]

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yo, But All Klansmen Are Democrats!!! They have not changed as "Terrorist" today, they just changed their Party name, """The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party"""
If you Vote Democrat? You Vote for Evil!!! They play the "Devils Game" with people`s lives!!!



Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. The Klan was founded (first iteration) by six ex-Confederate soldiers (with no known political affiliations) and (second iteration) by a huckster salesman (also with no known political affiliation). And I can prove it.

The KKK never had a political party per se. When it dabbled in politics at all it used whatever party, or methods, would work in that time and place.

For example....

See also Moonglow's post above, although he didn't mention the Anaheim City Council takeover or George Baker in Oregon -- more Republicans.

Nor did he mention Jack Walton, chased out of the governorship of Oklahoma when he tried to drive the Klan out --- oh wait, he was a Democrat.

Or Oscar Underwood, the leading voice opposing the Klan that ran for President in 1924, bitterly opposed by the KKK --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or George Putnam, influential publisher in Oregon who opposed the Klan and railed against it in print --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or Stetson Kennedy, writer and Florida governor candidate, who infiltrated the Klan and wrote a tell-all book exposing it, and later worked with the writers of the wildly popular radio show "Superman" to make a mockery of the Klan --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or Huey Long, the Louisiana governor who vowed that if the Klan leader from Georgia came to his state to stir the opposition he'd be leaving "with his toes turned up" --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or that the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Grant extinguished the first iteration before it was ten years old was Lyndon Johnson -- oh wait he was a Democrat.

NOR did your Googly Image meme generators take into account that the second Klan, the biggest, farthest-reaching, longest-lasting one, was against immigrants, Catholics, Jews and labor unions ...... all of which were and still are Democratic Party constituents.

Yo, History --- learn it, don't abuse it.

Now then Dumbo --- tell me about this "playing the Devil's Game with people's lives" --- Dumbass.


Yo, wise ASS, get your shit together, before you fall off the flat earth!!! It sure seems the "Democrats" were tied to all three Klans!!!

Criticism and evaluation[edit]
History has in the past, particularly during the 1990s, been jokingly referred to as "The Hitler Channel"[6] for its extensive coverage of World War II. Recently, however, much of its military-themed programming has now been shifted to its sister network Military History.

The network has also been criticized for having a bias towards US history. Another former sister network, History International, more extensively covered history outside the US until in 2011 it was rebranded as History 2 and started broadcasting more material that had to do with US history.[7]

The network was also criticized by Stanley Kutner for airing the controversial series The Men Who Killed Kennedy in 2003. Kutner was one of three historians commissioned to review the documentary, which the channel disavowed and never aired again.[8] On the other hand, programs such as Modern Marvels have been praised for their presentation of detailed information in an entertaining format.[9]

History (U.S. TV channel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by using violence against African American leaders. With numerous chapters across the South, it was suppressed around 1871, throughfederal enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities.[15][16]

The second group was founded in 1915, and flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, particularly in urban areas of the Midwest and West. It opposed Catholics and Jews, especially newer immigrants, and stressed opposition to the Catholic Church.[17] This second organization adopted a standard white costume and used similar code words as the first Klan, while adding cross burnings and mass parades.

The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of small, local, unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They focused on opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[18] It is estimated to have between 5,000 and 8,000 members as of 2012.[2]

The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.[19] Although members of the KKK swear to uphold Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination has officially denounced the KKK.[20]

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


GFY. I just told you all that.

Try to poison the well all you like on the basis of the source but D.C. Stephenson and his legacy in Indiana is a matter of record. Including the blackmailed politicians, including the governor, including the brutal rape of Madge Oberholtzer. That ain't going away.

As already laid out, the KKK was founded (1865) by Capt. John C. Lester, John B. Kennedy, James R. Crowe, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed, and J. Calvin Jones. YOUR OWN LINK tells you that --- "Six Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee created the original Ku Klux Klan on December 24, 1865, during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War.[42][43] "

NONE of them had any known political affiliations, nor did they ever run for office. Your OWN LINK.

After that Klan was dead for over 40 years it was revived by one William Simmons on Thanksgiving Day 1915 at Stone Mountain, Georgia, after the illusions of the film "Birth of a Nation". Simmons was basically an opportunist who wanted to (and did) suck a salary from selling memberships by taking advantage of the acute xenophobia and racism of that time, basically pulling a Donald Rump without the politics. Simmons also had no record of political affiliation and never ran for an office, but he did hire a PR team in Atlanta to sell the Klan on a wider basis, which it did, all the way to the Pacific Northwest and New England. D.C. Stephenson was a renegade Klan official who saw opportunity in Indiana, broke off and took over the state. You can whine and hold your breath all you like but the video is accurate and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

This PR pair, the propaganda arm of the Klan, grew it to by far the largest and most far-reaching iteration of the Klan, peaking in the 1920s. It made inroads in Colorado and the West Coast and generated significant membership in Ohio, at times supporting Klan-friendly politicians or electing their own people. In those areas this worked best with Republicans, which included Means, Morley, Baker, and in Indiana, Jackson --- just as in the South it worked best with Democrats. Again, opportunism -- whatever worked in that time and place. In Oregon they even got behind a Democratic governor and a Republican mayor of Portland, at the same time. That's why we say they had no political party "home". Whatever worked.

Your 1950 reference is off-date. That would actually be Dr. Samuel Green, 1948, who tried to reorganize the beleagured Klan after Stetson Kennedy (see above) made a mockery of it through national media. Happily Green keeled over and died from a heart attack not long after and that Klan never really got traction. Some historians count him as a "third" Klan; I don't think he's nearly the significance of the six or of Simmons. But for what it's worth Samuel Green had --- you guessed it --- no known political affiliation. Because the Klan wasn't about advancing a political agenda; it was a self-righteous moral police force, regarding itself as a protector of white women, white property and white Christianism. There's no political point in pulling a woman out of her home and whipping her for "not going to church".

Since you bring up the SPLC as an authority, let's see what they have to say:

=> Freedom for slaves represented for many white Southerners a bitter defeat — a defeat not only of their armies in the field but of their economic and social way of life. It was an age-old nightmare come true, for early in Southern life whites in general and plantation owners in particular had begun to view the large number of slaves living among them as a potential threat to their property and their lives. A series of bloody slave revolts in Virginia and other parts of the South resulted in the widespread practice of authorized night patrols composed of white men specially deputized for that purpose. White Southerners looked upon these night patrols as a civic duty, something akin to serving on a jury or in the militia. The mounted patrols, or regulators, as they were called, prowled Southern roads, enforcing the curfew for slaves, looking for runaways, and guarding rural areas against the threat of black uprisings. They were authorized by law to give a specific number of lashes to any violators they caught. The memory of these legal night riders and their whips was still fresh in the minds of both defeated Southerners and liberated blacks when the first Klansmen took to those same roads in 1866. <=​

THAT is your historical background. A social force, nothing to do with "political parties"

Continuing ....

=>Aftermath of War
An even more immediate impetus for the Ku Klux Klan was the Civil War itself and the reconstruction that followed. When robed Klansmen were at their peak of power, alarmed Northerners justifiably saw in the Klan an attempt of unrepentant Confederates to win through terrorism what they had been unable to win on the battlefield. Such a simple view did not totally explain the Klan’s sway over the South, but there is little doubt that many a Confederate veteran exchanged his rebel gray for the hoods and sheets of the Invisible empire. Finally, and most importantly, there were the conditions Southerners were faced with immediately after the war. Their cities, plantations and farms were ruined; they were impoverished and often hungry; there was an occupation army in their midst; and reconstruction governments threatened to usurp the traditional white ruling authority. In the first few months after the fighting ended, white Southerners had to contend with the losses of life, property and, in their eyes, honor. The time was ripe for the Ku Klux Klan to ride. <=​

And there is your context. This is exactly why these vigilante groups -- there were several, we only remember the Klan because it was the one that got made into a movie, rekindled and hired a sales firm -- were usually founded by Confederate veteran soldiers; they were doing what they considered soldier work, not political work.

Now let's see what the same source says about their originators, shall we?

=> It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. the place was Pulaski, Tenn., near the Alabama border. when they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. it would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. <= (much more detail follows; this is on page 11)​

-- This is also why the Klan has all those silly K-alliterations ... Klan, Klavern, Kleagle, etc. It was supposed to be a simple joke.

There is your history, Dumbass. History does not come from Googly Image meme generators. It takes actual work and time investment. It is not to be trifled with or reduced to the hopelessly simplistic bumper sticker to which you wish to bring it simply because that's all your narrowminded intellect can handle.

In closing --- GFY.
Yo, But All Klansmen Are Democrats!!! They have not changed as "Terrorist" today, they just changed their Party name, """The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party"""
If you Vote Democrat? You Vote for Evil!!! They play the "Devils Game" with people`s lives!!!



Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. The Klan was founded (first iteration) by six ex-Confederate soldiers (with no known political affiliations) and (second iteration) by a huckster salesman (also with no known political affiliation). And I can prove it.

The KKK never had a political party per se. When it dabbled in politics at all it used whatever party, or methods, would work in that time and place.

For example....

See also Moonglow's post above, although he didn't mention the Anaheim City Council takeover or George Baker in Oregon -- more Republicans.

Nor did he mention Jack Walton, chased out of the governorship of Oklahoma when he tried to drive the Klan out --- oh wait, he was a Democrat.

Or Oscar Underwood, the leading voice opposing the Klan that ran for President in 1924, bitterly opposed by the KKK --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or George Putnam, influential publisher in Oregon who opposed the Klan and railed against it in print --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or Stetson Kennedy, writer and Florida governor candidate, who infiltrated the Klan and wrote a tell-all book exposing it, and later worked with the writers of the wildly popular radio show "Superman" to make a mockery of the Klan --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or Huey Long, the Louisiana governor who vowed that if the Klan leader from Georgia came to his state to stir the opposition he'd be leaving "with his toes turned up" --- oh wait he was a Democrat.

Or that the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Grant extinguished the first iteration before it was ten years old was Lyndon Johnson -- oh wait he was a Democrat.

NOR did your Googly Image meme generators take into account that the second Klan, the biggest, farthest-reaching, longest-lasting one, was against immigrants, Catholics, Jews and labor unions ...... all of which were and still are Democratic Party constituents.

Yo, History --- learn it, don't abuse it.

Now then Dumbo --- tell me about this "playing the Devil's Game with people's lives" --- Dumbass.



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