Not another Confederate statue will come down in Tennessee!

The left thinks that erasing the history of this country is in our best interest..................If it OFFENDS THEM.............None of us were there..........more Americans died fighting it than all the other wars combined....................and they think that isn't enough.............

Mental they are..............
False moral equivalency.
The left thinks that erasing the history of this country is in our best interest..................If it OFFENDS THEM.............None of us were there..........more Americans died fighting it than all the other wars combined....................and they think that isn't enough.............

Mental they are..............
False moral equivalency.
Didn't use this until I saw you doing the same on another thread.

Figured you'd come here with your hypocrisy.
Shouldn’t statues commemerating battles be at the sites of those events?

Why do we have statues of the losers who sought to preserve slavery scattered all over...even places where no such occurred to be preserved?
You are still trying to talk sense to these 'people', in this thread, who have displayed nothing but ignorant runting and ranting about their disgusting veneration of traitors and rebels? These foul mouthed denizens of human degradation? 'Coyote', you are above that. Don't feed the egos of these poor excuses for humans. Drop it, as I have. They don't deserve the attention, and I will give them no more, either here or elsewhere.
Shouldn’t statues commemerating battles be at the sites of those events?

Why do we have statues of the losers who sought to preserve slavery scattered all over...even places where no such occurred to be preserved?

??? I do not believe that Lincoln ever visited my hometown-----but his portrait
appears in little shiny copper engravings---all over the sidewalks. I grew up in a town that HISTORICALLY ---was actually
kinda equivocal about slavery even though that part of my divided state was
UNION. Besides THAT------I also grew up with baseball cards SCATTERED all over----I despised
baseball-------but had to face MICKEY MANTLE incessantly. I forgot----was
Grant a good guy or a bad guy-----I heard he was an alcoholic. No accounting for
just who and what is LIONIZED as a "hero" ---or even just celebrity. Tennessee us the home of elvis------what good did he do-----should his statues be torn down?
But really, it's all perfectly obvious.
Treason never succeeds
Here is the reason
If treason succeeds
None dare call it treason.

We all know who succeeded and who failed.
But really, it's all perfectly obvious.
Treason never succeeds
Here is the reason
If treason succeeds
None dare call it treason.

We all know who succeeded and who failed.
In the case of the war to preserve the Union, treason lost and the right to nonetheless call the victors traitors was maintained. Pretty strong endorsement of the winning side, wouldn't you say?
Quick fire response time!

- What they do in Germany or Britain or Egypt doesn't really affect what I think we should do in America.
- Michelangelo's David is in a museum where it belongs.
- I do not believe that all statues to all Confederates should be removed; I do believe there is gray area and room for debate in many. On the Gettysburg battlefield, forever, it could be appropriate to have a monument depicting Lee or Stuart, and I generally support monuments commemorating the soldiers themselves.
- On the other hand, I wouldn't want a statue to Union General Sickles, either, or think it was a good idea to put one of General Sherman in downtown Atlanta, either.
- The far and away primary cause for the Southern state to secede was slavery. There were other supporting reasons, but several of the states themselves declared unequivocally that they were seceding to preserve slavery.
- The Founding Fathers absolutely did not agree that secession should be legal.
- That statue really does not look much like President Obama.
Quick fire response time!

- What they do in Germany or Britain or Egypt doesn't really affect what I think we should do in America.
- Michelangelo's David is in a museum where it belongs.
- I do not believe that all statues to all Confederates should be removed; I do believe there is gray area and room for debate in many. On the Gettysburg battlefield, forever, it could be appropriate to have a monument depicting Lee or Stuart, and I generally support monuments commemorating the soldiers themselves.
- On the other hand, I wouldn't want a statue to Union General Sickles, either, or think it was a good idea to put one of General Sherman in downtown Atlanta, either.
- The far and away primary cause for the Southern state to secede was slavery. There were other supporting reasons, but several of the states themselves declared unequivocally that they were seceding to preserve slavery.
- The Founding Fathers absolutely did not agree that secession should be legal.
- That statue really does not look much like President Obama.

The founders said it was incumbent on x generation to overthrow a tyrannical govt.
Elvis did more than lincoln could ever dream of.
Especially for sixteen-year-old girls.

Lincoln didn't do squat for the kids.
Not like Elvis did...them gyrating hips. Oh and them freed black kids, they never did nothing for Lincoln(double negative)......Was they suppose to?

Free? What u talking about? Dems had them drinking out of separate waterin holes and segregated schools in the 1960's. Lol.
Bigotry put into law, by bigots.

There that makes it all better.
Stupidity thinks erasing history will improve the future.

Removing statues doesn’t erase history. Honouring those who tried to destroy your nation seems like a pretty stupid thing to do though.

Why would you erect a statue to a seditious traitor? No other country in the world erects statues of those who tried to destroy their country.

As previous posters said, statues aren’t history.
Elvis did more than lincoln could ever dream of.
Especially for sixteen-year-old girls.

Lincoln didn't do squat for the kids.
Not like Elvis did...them gyrating hips. Oh and them freed black kids, they never did nothing for Lincoln(double negative)......Was they suppose to?

Free? What u talking about? Dems had them drinking out of separate waterin holes and segregated schools in the 1960's. Lol.
I don't know of any town that didn't. Even the ones ran by GOP members...and you were saying?
Bigotry put into law, by bigots.

There that makes it all better.
Stupidity thinks erasing history will improve the future.

Removing statues doesn’t erase history. Honouring those who tried to destroy your nation seems like a pretty stupid thing to do though.

Why would you erect a statue to a seditious traitor? No other country in the world erects statues of those who tried to destroy their country.

As previous posters said, statues aren’t history.


This country erected statues of a murderer.

The 10 Best Cuba Monuments & Statues (with Photos) - TripAdvisor

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