Not another Confederate statue will come down in Tennessee!

Another our ideology rules yours drools thread. Leads to the path of Europe of Hate speech and criminal prosecution of those who speak their mind.

This is the normal path of socialism. But they Lie itsi Freedom

Blow me, you feckless kunt.

Snyd idiocy doesn't cover for the fact that you seek to eradicate history. You are a Stalinist shit bag who thinks you will get away with altering the past so as to pervert the future.

snide, dummy, snide

jesus, 5 years in sixth grade and you still can't spell single syllable words

carry on

You have the IQ of a cat turd, derp.

Statues don't teach history, they celebrate it. Take them all down tonight and the history will be there just fine, in the schools and libraries and museums.

A statue in the town square is a commemoration, a statement that this is the person we want to emulate, and wants our kids to idolize. I think we as a people have moved beyond wanting our kids growing up wanting to be just like Nathan Bedford Forrest.
How about Robert E. Lee? Nathan Bedford Forrest was a better man than Abraham Lincoln.
Regardless of his 'Southern Gentleman' persona, Lee still took up arms against the United States in order to defend the institution of slavery. Personally, I don't particularly want that glorified in my town square.

Also, your second sentence is, to say the least, a minority opinion.

Funny, Lee wrote quite differently than the dumbd-down leftist version you offer.

In fact, He spoke of the inevitability of the dissolution of the institution of slavery.
Making war against a state of the union is treason. It says so in the Constitution.
So then the Republican Party is the party of traitors. Seems fair.
It has nothing to do with the present, treasonous two parties that have taken control of an otherwise wonderful country. The Civil War was fought over the attempt of some states to unilaterally, illegally and immorally dissolve the Perpetual Union they had joined. This is clear and has been establish numerous times in other threads, as well as by history itself. This pining for a past that would embarrass anyone reasonable is a fetish difficult to understand, like sexual ones that 'normal' people can't fathom.
ROFL! How was it "illegal?" The perpetual union was dissolved when the Constitution was signed, moron. Your claim that it was illegal to secede has never been established. In fact, the Founding Fathers agreed that it was perfectly legal.

What I fathom is that you're a bootlicking statist moron.
You're so full of double standards, that this picture is actually very representative of you. Pretending you don't have double standards when you clearly do.

Yeah, look at the way he defends Joy Reid whilst demanding Roseann be fired.

What a fucking hypocrite.

Oh wait, that's you.

Carry on....
They are made to HONOR GREAT EVENTS...dumbass.

Confederates have nothing to be honored for. They fought to perpetuate slavery by succeding from the Union. From historic perspective their cause was a disgrace.

You must have a reading comprehension problem, it's honor "GREAT EVENTS", similar to "ILLEGAL" immigrants.

Put up statues of Lincoln instead then. :rolleyes:

At least statutes of Union generals, since half the state fought for the Union. Notice how that historical fact is never mentioned by these half wits?

The statues don't have to be destroyed. Put the ones that were actually erected in the 1800s in a museum and auction off the ones erected in the 1950s and 60s to racists to masturbate to at night.
Or we can just leave them right where they are. Why you think anyone is obligated to cater to the Orwellian demands of snowflakes mystifies me.
Are we trying to divide the country again over this? Are we going to hand victory to the power élite by allowing them to manipulate us this way?
Or, are these threads so bought and paid for by vested interests that only partisan posts remain and reason, thought, reflection and genuine debate are impossible?
Your ilk are the ones trying to divide the country. I love the way scum like you throw a royal hissy fit about stuff that never bothered anyone in the past, and then claim your critics are "dividing the country." Apparently any resistance to your loathsome agenda is what it means to "divide the country."

Who do you think you're fooling?

Blow me, you feckless kunt.

Snyd idiocy doesn't cover for the fact that you seek to eradicate history. You are a Stalinist shit bag who thinks you will get away with altering the past so as to pervert the future.

snide, dummy, snide

jesus, 5 years in sixth grade and you still can't spell single syllable words

carry on

You have the IQ of a cat turd, derp.

That's an insult to cat turds.
Educate me - should Nazi statues be put up for "historic" reasons?

Those who erase the past cannot learn from it, Comrade.

Those who fail to learn from the past will be as you and herald in another holocaust. You yearn for a totalitarian dictatorship because you are ignorant as well as stupid. You refuse to learn from Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, and Baby Doc, all those your party idolizes.
SPEACH, and yes it does....unless it is hateful racist speach, in which case you pretty much admit that statues represent hateful, racist past.

So Germans have free speech, unless they don't?


You Stalinists are such dumb fuckers.

You are "free" to say what the party orders you to say - see, freedom of speech.... Fucktard
Biblical character David...thats who you feel is relvant ot this? WTF?

Because there were some like you who sought to destroy it.

The small minded and evil, those like you, seek to destroy that which causes them to think.


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