Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.

Red-hatters, mad-hatters, and Trumpies should forgo the money and request a reality check instead.

It appears that the people who need money the most will be the ones who don't get a check.

"Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts."

This is typical of Dopey Donald Trump and his GOP slimeball lawmakers who ensure Trump associates get first grab at the money pile.

Dopey Donald Trump is imposing the law of the jungle.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.
Michael Collins

WASHINGTON – Millions of Americans who expect to receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the federal government could start to see the payouts arriving as early as next week.

But many Americans won’t get a check at all.

Not everyone qualifies for one of the payments, which will be distributed under a new federal law that aims to give Americans a quick cash infusion and help the economy recover from the devastation wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic.

Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts. ...

Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either.

No money for illegal aliens.

Many cadavers will receive checks.

I know, but enough about Dem voters here in Chicago.
Red-hatters, mad-hatters, and Trumpies should forgo the money and request a reality check instead.

It appears that the people who need money the most will be the ones who don't get a check.

"Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts."

This is typical of Dopey Donald Trump and his GOP slimeball lawmakers who ensure Trump associates get first grab at the money pile.

Dopey Donald Trump is imposing the law of the jungle.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.
Michael Collins

WASHINGTON – Millions of Americans who expect to receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the federal government could start to see the payouts arriving as early as next week.

But many Americans won’t get a check at all.

Not everyone qualifies for one of the payments, which will be distributed under a new federal law that aims to give Americans a quick cash infusion and help the economy recover from the devastation wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic.

Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts. ...
I think everyone that voted for Trump, or just refrained from voting, will gladly forego their check, if they get a pass from being harassed if they get to reopen their business, go back to work, or just go about their business with out being hassled by the gestapo.

As far as students, elderly, illegals and disabled? They never budgeted for that money anyway, never earned any money, and are used to living with out that money, so of course they shouldn't get any money, don't be foolish.

You need an urgent reality check. You have lost your grip.
So you have no logical, rational, or reasonable rebuttable huh? I am not surprised.
Red-hatters, mad-hatters, and Trumpies should forgo the money and request a reality check instead.

It appears that the people who need money the most will be the ones who don't get a check.

"Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts."

This is typical of Dopey Donald Trump and his GOP slimeball lawmakers who ensure Trump associates get first grab at the money pile.

Dopey Donald Trump is imposing the law of the jungle.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.
Michael Collins

WASHINGTON – Millions of Americans who expect to receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the federal government could start to see the payouts arriving as early as next week.

But many Americans won’t get a check at all.

Not everyone qualifies for one of the payments, which will be distributed under a new federal law that aims to give Americans a quick cash infusion and help the economy recover from the devastation wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic.

Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts. ...
The only people that will not get $1200 are people that paid no taxes last year....they will get $600 instead if the government can locate them....your thread is Bullshit top to bottom.....
No, everyone not on the list of the OP gets a $1200.00 check, its only reduced via income levels in excess of the $75,000 mark! Those on the list who do not get a check are excluded for very good reasons, as to the illegals, they should all be shot!
Red-hatters, mad-hatters, and Trumpies should forgo the money and request a reality check instead.

It appears that the people who need money the most will be the ones who don't get a check.

"Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts."

This is typical of Dopey Donald Trump and his GOP slimeball lawmakers who ensure Trump associates get first grab at the money pile.

Dopey Donald Trump is imposing the law of the jungle.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.
Michael Collins

WASHINGTON – Millions of Americans who expect to receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the federal government could start to see the payouts arriving as early as next week.

But many Americans won’t get a check at all.

Not everyone qualifies for one of the payments, which will be distributed under a new federal law that aims to give Americans a quick cash infusion and help the economy recover from the devastation wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic.

Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts. ...
Everyone in both parties signed off on this bill. Why are you just blaming republicans?
Red-hatters, mad-hatters, and Trumpies should forgo the money and request a reality check instead.

It appears that the people who need money the most will be the ones who don't get a check.

"Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts."

This is typical of Dopey Donald Trump and his GOP slimeball lawmakers who ensure Trump associates get first grab at the money pile.

Dopey Donald Trump is imposing the law of the jungle.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.
Michael Collins

WASHINGTON – Millions of Americans who expect to receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the federal government could start to see the payouts arriving as early as next week.

But many Americans won’t get a check at all.

Not everyone qualifies for one of the payments, which will be distributed under a new federal law that aims to give Americans a quick cash infusion and help the economy recover from the devastation wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic.

Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts. ...
The only people that will not get $1200 are people that paid no taxes last year....they will get $600 instead if the government can locate them....your thread is Bullshit top to bottom.....

That's a lie. It is not related to people paying taxes. Many wealthy people who paid no taxes by using tax avoidance princples will get the checks.
Wrong jackass...couples earning more than $250,000 per year get nothing and individuals that earn more than $150,000 get are a liar or are being lied to...which is it asshole?....
He's just another uninformed democrat.
You mean invaders? Lol illegals.. they should get a check? What else? They take our jobs, diminish our wages, destroy our public schools.. lol idiot
Trump needs to visit the Statue of Liberty

“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.

In 1892, the U.S. government opened a federal immigration station on Ellis Island, located near Bedloe’s Island in Upper New York Bay. Between 1892 and 1954, some 12 million immigrants were processed on Ellis Island before receiving permission to enter the United States. From 1900-14, during the peak years of its operation, some 5,000 to 10,000 people passed through every day.

France gave the Statue Of Liberty to the US as a gift just after the civil war

Since when does a poem equal official US policy?
Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either.
What you mean are illegal aliens with no right to be in this country will not get the helicopter money

we sure hope not

but I bet some of them will find a way to cheat on that too

America was developed by illegal aliens and their descendants after monstrous acts of genocide against American Indians and Mexicans. Legals are a minority.
Those poor indians were genociding other indian tribes LONG before we ever showed up. Dont feel sorry for those barbaric people.
Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either.
What you mean are illegal aliens with no right to be in this country will not get the helicopter money

we sure hope not

but I bet some of them will find a way to cheat on that too

America was developed by illegal aliens and their descendants after monstrous acts of genocide against American Indians and Mexicans. Legals are a minority.
Those poor indians were genociding other indian tribes LONG before we ever showed up. Dont feel sorry for those barbaric people.
In some cases practicing human sacrifice

they were in many ways very primitive people
Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number
You mean invaders? Lol illegals.. they should get a check? What else? They take our jobs, diminish our wages, destroy our public schools.. lol idiot

You forgot their most important scourge. They have demented red-hatters and turned them into Trumpies growling for human blood.
Progs have been drawing first blood for decades. It has been steadily getting worse and worse as the guilt game became utterly stupid after awhile but persisted and still does. You even promote riots and civil discourse against innocent people. For the results are all that matter. Our forefathers did not fight a revolution for this. They even warned us about keeping a Republic. We have not. We are a Democracy with a soft tyranny moving towards a true authoritarian state. And that will be needed to wean the population at some point.
You mean invaders? Lol illegals.. they should get a check? What else? They take our jobs, diminish our wages, destroy our public schools.. lol idiot
Trump needs to visit the Statue of Liberty

“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.

In 1892, the U.S. government opened a federal immigration station on Ellis Island, located near Bedloe’s Island in Upper New York Bay. Between 1892 and 1954, some 12 million immigrants were processed on Ellis Island before receiving permission to enter the United States. From 1900-14, during the peak years of its operation, some 5,000 to 10,000 people passed through every day.

France gave the Statue Of Liberty to the US as a gift just after the civil war


And that poem wasn't part of the statue, it was an afterthought. Added 17 years after the dedication, and it's not a suicide pact. We have immigration laws ya know.

"Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either"


Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either.
What you mean are illegal aliens with no right to be in this country will not get the helicopter money

we sure hope not

but I bet some of them will find a way to cheat on that too

America was developed by illegal aliens and their descendants after monstrous acts of genocide against American Indians and Mexicans. Legals are a minority.

Feel free to quote the laws they broke.

That's a lie. It is not related to people paying taxes. Many wealthy people who paid no taxes by using tax avoidance princples will get the checks.

Yes, it is related to people paying taxes, assclown. If you didn't file a tax return in 2018 or 2019, then you aren't getting a check because presumably you had no income to file. That's on you. And as to your second point, no, wealthy people aren't getting a check. Nobody with a AGI of over $75k is getting the $1200 and those between $75 to $99 are getting a reduced amount.

In any case, it's amusing you think throwing a paltry $1200 at people is somehow going to be helpful in the long run. The US is once again raping the American people with indebtedness, so they can bail out Wall Street and your party was fully complicit with it.
Red-hatters, mad-hatters, and Trumpies should forgo the money and request a reality check instead.

It appears that the people who need money the most will be the ones who don't get a check.

"Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts."

This is typical of Dopey Donald Trump and his GOP slimeball lawmakers who ensure Trump associates get first grab at the money pile.

Dopey Donald Trump is imposing the law of the jungle.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.
Michael Collins

WASHINGTON – Millions of Americans who expect to receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the federal government could start to see the payouts arriving as early as next week.

But many Americans won’t get a check at all.

Not everyone qualifies for one of the payments, which will be distributed under a new federal law that aims to give Americans a quick cash infusion and help the economy recover from the devastation wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic.

Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts. ...
I think everyone that voted for Trump, or just refrained from voting, will gladly forego their check, if they get a pass from being harassed if they get to reopen their business, go back to work, or just go about their business with out being hassled by the gestapo.

As far as students, elderly, illegals and disabled? They never budgeted for that money anyway, never earned any money, and are used to living with out that money, so of course they shouldn't get any money, don't be foolish.
The elderly never earned any money. The disabled never earned any money. Never.

How i wish I could bottle this idea and give it away. Sure most democommiecrats really believe this. It just has to be spread around.
Red-hatters, mad-hatters, and Trumpies should forgo the money and request a reality check instead.

It appears that the people who need money the most will be the ones who don't get a check.

"Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts."

This is typical of Dopey Donald Trump and his GOP slimeball lawmakers who ensure Trump associates get first grab at the money pile.

Dopey Donald Trump is imposing the law of the jungle.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.

Not everyone is getting a $1,200 coronavirus stimulus check. Here's who will be left out.
Michael Collins

WASHINGTON – Millions of Americans who expect to receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the federal government could start to see the payouts arriving as early as next week.

But many Americans won’t get a check at all.

Not everyone qualifies for one of the payments, which will be distributed under a new federal law that aims to give Americans a quick cash infusion and help the economy recover from the devastation wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic.

Many students aren’t eligible for a stimulus check. Neither are some elderly and disabled people. Immigrants who don’t have a Social Security number won’t get a check either. Some new parents and others may have to wait until next year to get part of their payouts. ...

So..illegal aliens...don't get a check.

Students who don't have actual jobs...don't get a check. will have to work harder at that to lie about this stimulus plan.....

If you collect a social security check but didn't file are getting a check...

you lying ass moron....
the payments start to phase out for Americans who earn more than $75,000, or $150,000 for a joint return. The payments phase out completely for single filers with incomes exceeding $99,000, $136,500 for head of household filers with one child and $198,000 for joint filers with no children. If you make less then the max the amount is phase down so you will get less at the lower income levels.

So wage earner making 32,500 will not get a 1200 check as it will be less based on whatever model they use to reduce the top 1200 dollar figure

Students age 17 or older don’t qualify for a stimulus check if their parents or guardians claim them as a dependent. Their parents won’t get the $500 per child payment either.

People who earned more than $99,000 last year but who are unemployed in 2020 won’t be eligible for a check this year.

If your income is to low you will be out of luck

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