Not good news regarding the global supply chain and inflation

Inflation is awful here too! There are shortages AND price increases on key things, like bacon :) that are up 30%-40%!!!

Can't find Kit Kaboodle dry food for my kitty cat either....!!!!! That's crucial!!!

And no frozen Lima beans for the past 4 months at my grocer....
Dear God in heaven, don't blame your glorious leader Xiden.

He is powerless to stop this, like he is everything else it seems.

Please, again, don't blame him. That would be elder abuse to blame him and it would indicate your are bigoted towards the elderly who have dementia.
I don't care what makes any given politician look bad. Analyzing and acting on this goofy stuff is my profession, so I'm happy to leave the one-sided political analysis to the politicos.
You don't care that you didn't know about this coming a year ago?
Those of us actually in the supply chain have been voicing concern well over a year ago.
Trump wasn't doing anything about it either.
Unfortunately I accidentally cut the tip of my right thumb off.
The kind of ointment you need to put on it daily?... none available. There isn't even enough to supplu hospitals. So I have to use ointment that you are not really supposed to use for open wounds. But I have too. Then there is bandages. Go ahead... got to your pharmacy and pick up some bandages. You will notice a lot of empty space, and the most popular sizes are not there.
We are only seeing the beginning of this. And no one is really doing anything about, or even talking about it for political reasons.
Biden is not the person who controls the global supply chains.
I'm trying to get out the word

Again, for the love of God, don't blame Xiden. How can he be held accountable for anything as he spends all his time in the basement? It's not his fault.
You don't care that you didn't know about this coming a year ago?
Those of us actually in the supply chain have been voicing concern well over a year ago.
Trump wasn't doing anything about it either.
Unfortunately I accidentally cut the tip of my right thumb off.
The kind of ointment you need to put on it daily?... none available. There isn't even enough to supplu hospitals. So I have to use ointment that you are not really supposed to use for open wounds. But I have too. Then there is bandages. Go ahead... got to your pharmacy and pick up some bandages. You will notice a lot of empty space, and the most popular sizes are not there.
We are only seeing the beginning of this. And no one is really doing anything about, or even talking about it for political reasons.
Correct, I didn't see this coming a year ago, not to this level. There were signs of it to a small degree, and I keep a close eye on my favorite sources, but I didn't see this. That doesn't mean I "don't care", nor did I say that.

This plus the post-lockdown demand explosion is a bad combination, and it may turn out to be that the only thing keeping it from being worse is the fact that the economy in general is still so uneven.
And here we thought it was burger flippers getting $15 an hour that was causing all this inflation.
Correct, I didn't see this coming a year ago, not to this level. There were signs of it to a small degree, and I keep a close eye on my favorite sources, but I didn't see this. That doesn't mean I "don't care", nor did I say that.

This plus the post-lockdown demand explosion is a bad combination, and it may turn out to be that the only thing keeping it from being worse is the fact that the economy in general is still so uneven. the signs were not small.
I am 56 years old. For the first time in my lifetime of working, raw materials we use are on allocation with all kinds of options no longer available period. You have severe warehousing/logistics issues with workers sitting on their asses getting Covid $$ from Uncle Sam instead of working.
You had states/countries that shut manufacturing down faaaaaaar too long.
I am here to tell you now... by Christmas... this will be on everyone's mind.
The United States Chamber of Commerce yesterday told officials we are in a supply catastrophe not seen since WWII the signs were not small.
I am 56 years old. For the first time in my lifetime of working, raw materials we use are on allocation with all kinds of options no longer available period. You have severe warehousing/logistics issues with workers sitting on their asses getting Covid $$ from Uncle Sam instead of working.
You had states/countries that shut manufacturing down faaaaaaar too long.
I am here to tell you now... by Christmas... this will be on everyone's mind.
The United States Chamber of Commerce yesterday told officials we are in a supply catastrophe not seen since WWII
Well, you should be in financial services. Your crystal ball is very clear.
Well, you should be in financial services. Your crystal ball is very clear.
I buy raw materials for manufacturing. I am essentially on the front lines of this.
Over the last year I have seen prices increase over 30%. I have seen one by one products no longer available. Then I have seen their substitute products run out.
Now... core materials are on allocation. Core materials that are used in millions of products.
It is not a crystal ball. It is front and center.
I buy raw materials for manufacturing. I am essentially on the front lines of this.
Over the last year I have seen prices increase over 30%. I have seen one by one products no longer available. Then I have seen their substitute products run out.
Now... core materials are on allocation. Core materials that are used in millions of products.
It is not a crystal ball. It is front and center.
You're seeing data points from one (1) perspective. If you have the ability to extrapolate that out to this degree, I'm sure you're quite an expert.
I would have thought it would be resolved by now
But the trickle down effect hits many industries

A lack of circuit cards is halting auto production
You're seeing data points from one (1) perspective. If you have the ability to extrapolate that out to this degree, I'm sure you're quite an expert.
People throughout the industry have been trying to get attention for a year now.
Deaf ears and mocking (like from you) is all they get.

For those who actually want to know what's going on regarding inflation:

Supply chain problems are not just domestic, they're global and worse than feared. That, coupled with exploding demand coming out of the various degrees of virus lockdowns, is keeping inflation hot and troublesome.

Looks like this is still going to be a while.

But it's so much easier just to sob "thanks Joe" and blame it all on the Democrats.

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