Not good news regarding the global supply chain and inflation

Do you even attempt to research before you post??
There is a shortage of laborers at both west and east coast ports.

Well duh....

There is a shortage silly one, who said there was not?

YOU said there was not enough long shore man and Truck Drivers BECAUSE they were sitting home, like lazy asses, collecting their huge unemployment check.

I simply explained why I believed you were wrong that UE kept these guys home and not coming back to work the past year.

We don't have enough dock workers and truckers because we need MORE than what we've run with, due to the excess of goods coming in, all at once.... And all of our ports were not built big enough to handle this many cargo ships at a time.

Not because dock workers, were sitting on their thumbs collecting an unemployment check, for a third of the money they make working. the signs were not small.
I am 56 years old. For the first time in my lifetime of working, raw materials we use are on allocation with all kinds of options no longer available period. You have severe warehousing/logistics issues with workers sitting on their asses getting Covid $$ from Uncle Sam instead of working.
You had states/countries that shut manufacturing down faaaaaaar too long.
I am here to tell you now... by Christmas... this will be on everyone's mind.
The United States Chamber of Commerce yesterday told officials we are in a supply catastrophe not seen since WWII

That sounds...."fun"
As someone who actually has actually worked in supply chain... yes, things are really messed up right now.

Part of it is that Covid slowed down manufacturing globally. Transportation and logistics are clogged up. There are boats waiting to get unloaded because there aren't enough people to unload them.
As someone who actually has actually worked in supply chain... yes, things are really messed up right now.

Part of it is that Covid slowed down manufacturing globally. Transportation and logistics are clogged up. There are boats waiting to get unloaded because there aren't enough people to unload them.
Nor is there space to dock more ships, to unload them.... nor enough warehousing to store all those containers unloaded and needing a truck driver, to haul them, across country..... Our ports were never built to handle this many ships at once!!!!!
As someone who actually has actually worked in supply chain... yes, things are really messed up right now.

Part of it is that Covid slowed down manufacturing globally. Transportation and logistics are clogged up. There are boats waiting to get unloaded because there aren't enough people to unload them.
As do I, and I said the same thing.
Manufacturers were shut down FAAAR too long.
Covid free $$$ was given out FAAAR too long also.
We supply large manufacturers. For nearly the entire 2020 they were closed. Late 2020, early 2021 they started to ramp up again only to find many workers were not interested in coming back to work. They were getting an equivalent to $15-$18/hr tax free to stay home. They had no interest in coming back to work for a couple dollars more.
Industry leaders were clearly stating that the free $$$ money needs to stop - Bidens answer... "Pay them more".
Meanwhile... little to nothing was being made. For months and months.
Now we are in a real pickle.
In my 30+ years for the first time ever... raw materials are on allocation. Forget variety of goods, that was over 6 months ago. Now substitutes are running out.
Most people know nothing about it.
As do I, and I said the same thing.
Manufacturers were shut down FAAAR too long.
Covid free $$$ was given out FAAAR too long also.
We supply large manufacturers. For nearly the entire 2020 they were closed. Late 2020, early 2021 they started to ramp up again only to find many workers were not interested in coming back to work. They were getting an equivalent to $15-$18/hr tax free to stay home. They had no interest in coming back to work for a couple dollars more.

Wow, um, that tells me that if people aren't willing to die for the pittance you pay them, you aren't paying them enough.

People who enjoy their jobs couldn't WAIT to get back to work. If your employees weren't in any hurry to come back, that sounds like a problem with your workplace.

Industry leaders were clearly stating that the free $$$ money needs to stop - Bidens answer... "Pay them more".
Meanwhile... little to nothing was being made. For months and months.
Now we are in a real pickle.

I agree, we are, but not because people are staying home. Has a lot more to do with the fact that for years, we've been letting Wall Street consolidate logistics and move manufacturing overseas.

For instance, I bought a new couch back in August. I probalby won't see it until November. Not because it wasn't being made here... but because the factory in Vietnam had several Covid Closures, and the ships are slow to arrive.

In my 30+ years for the first time ever... raw materials are on allocation. Forget variety of goods, that was over 6 months ago. Now substitutes are running out.
Most people know nothing about it.

I know all about it... this is kind of my life right now.

But it has nothing to do with Biden or people being unwilling to return to Minimum wage jobs.
Oh we are definitely heading into severe stagflation.
Extremely high prices for commodities and goods, insufficient labor to create goods and causing high labor prices, increased debt for business and individuals, and a stagnant economy... meaning eventually no good jobs available.

Are you ready to pay $400 for a pair of $150 sneakers?

Now what this also means is that because people "feel" rich...they do stupid stuff like increase debt or engage in stock market investing with little to no knowledge of how to do so. Currently we have about 70% of all adults invested in single stocks in the stock market. (A ridiculously high number) This is going to lead to a catastrophe that will make the crash of the 20's look like a piece of cake. Except that this time there's no borrowing or liquidation by the Federal reserve that can fix it without causing even more ridiculously higher inflation.

The party is over. The poor timing by the Fed for stimulus in the market has caused most of this. That's the dirty secret they don't want to admit to.
They had a political agenda and they did it... regardless of what it was going to do to the people. I keep saying that politicians absolutely care nothing for their constituents but yet people seem to hang on their every word. Well now they have so screwed over the whole world it's going to be a long while before things get set right.

My best advice...
Stop borrowing money. Close your stock brokerage account and WISELY buy industrial commodities. (Not the same formula you have been using for buying stocks)
Start a garden...grow some food and/or spices. Cut and cure out some lumber. Get a CDL, a truck, and haul some stuff. Don't expect to sell some fool high dollar hand made isn't going to sell. It might have 5 years ago but poverty with debt has a way of reducing luxury items in everyone's world. And as programmers become extremely common... don't expect to get paid to do it. The dishwasher at the lone restaurant in town is fluent in python 4. (And he had to beat up a few people to get that job)

That's what is coming...get used to the idea. The bank is coming for your ridiculously high priced house...just so you can rent a cracker box for twice your former mortgage.
Industry leaders were clearly stating that the free $$$ money needs to stop - Bidens answer... "Pay them more".
And that money got put straight into the economy and kept those industries afloat. Considering we avoided severe recession, it was clearly the correct choice.
Oh we are definitely heading into severe stagflation.
Extremely high prices for commodities and goods, insufficient labor to create goods and causing high labor prices, increased debt for business and individuals, and a stagnant economy... meaning eventually no good jobs available.

Guy, get real.

I grew up during the hyperinflation period of Ford and Carter. This is nothing like this. Not even close.

The major difference we have now in the job market is that baby boomers are retiring faster than millennials can replace them. This is going to be a bigger driver of inflation than anything else.
Guy, get real.

I grew up during the hyperinflation period of Ford and Carter. This is nothing like this. Not even close.

The major difference we have now in the job market is that baby boomers are retiring faster than millennials can replace them. This is going to be a bigger driver of inflation than anything else.
There wasn't any hyperinflation during Ford's was all Carter and went into double digits strictly due to his policies. The very same economic policies that Joe Biden has said that he wants to promote. All we need is some Billy Beer and for Biden to insult the UK Royalty and we are all taking a return trip to 1977.
Everything was crashing and burning through 2020.

That was under Trump.
The whole world started crashing and burning during COVID, not just the US.
Under Biden it's getting worse because he was paying people not to work.
There wasn't any hyperinflation during Ford's was all Carter and went into double digits strictly due to his policies. The very same economic policies that Joe Biden has said that he wants to promote. All we need is some Billy Beer and for Biden to insult the UK Royalty and we are all taking a return trip to 1977.

Actually, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Ford had massive problems with inflation. So did Nixon, who was the guy who started it. The whole decade of the 1970's was an economic mess. Gas lines, hyperinflation, high unemployment, people having to put locks on their gas tanks because people were siphoning out the gasoline.
Actually, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Ford had massive problems with inflation. So did Nixon, who was the guy who started it. The whole decade of the 1970's was an economic mess. Gas lines, hyperinflation, high unemployment, people having to put locks on their gas tanks because people were siphoning out the gasoline.
Again this was a reaction to OPEC which was another Carter Admin creation... neither Ford or Nixon created it.

Nixon was credited for giving the neutron bomb technology to China and trying to cozy up to them to access their cheap labor for the American economy.

Ford was the guy who kept tripping on the carpet outside of Air Force One. (A total clutz) but basically when Spiro Agnew was just beginning the getting in trouble for tax evasion Ford was slotted to the Department of Energy... because they knew that Nixon also was going to have issues with his testimony before Congress.
Nixon was also credited for releasing all the bipolar people from the federal nuthouses...

And Carter was also the one who lost our embassy in Iran....where Iran's current leader was there holding US citizens hostages...and eventually paid off those terrorists in gold bullion after two years just before Reagan took office.
Again this was a reaction to OPEC which was another Carter Admin creation... neither Ford or Nixon created it.

Um, no, there were multiple Oil Shocks in the 1970's. The first one came in 1974, when the Islamic members of OPEC cut off the US Oil supply after the US Supported Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

Nixon was credited for giving the neutron bomb technology to China and trying to cozy up to them to access their cheap labor for the American economy.

Uh, that's kind of crazy.. The Chinese don't have neutron bombs.. neither do we. it was one of those things that never got out of the development stage.

Ford was the guy who kept tripping on the carpet outside of Air Force One. (A total clutz) but basically when Spiro Agnew was just beginning the getting in trouble for tax evasion Ford was slotted to the Department of Energy... because they knew that Nixon also was going to have issues with his testimony before Congress.
Nixon was also credited for releasing all the bipolar people from the federal nuthouses...

Okay, more wrong stuff here. The Department of Energy wasn't created until Carter became president. How old are you, anyway, and who the fuck taught you your history?

And Carter was also the one who lost our embassy in Iran....where Iran's current leader was there holding US citizens hostages...and eventually paid off those terrorists in gold bullion after two years just before Reagan took office.

Um, okay. Wrong again. We never paid Iran off, and we didn't even make good on our word to return all their assets after they released the hostages. The hostage crisis started 444 days before Reagan took office.
Wow, um, that tells me that if people aren't willing to die for the pittance you pay them, you aren't paying them enough.

People who enjoy their jobs couldn't WAIT to get back to work. If your employees weren't in any hurry to come back, that sounds like a problem with your workplace.

You're not this stupid,'s impossible to compete with free money!
You're not this stupid,'s impossible to compete with free money!

Okay, I can see why you would happily collect the government check.

Me, I hate being off work for even a week. So do most people.

People aren't staying out because they are getting "Free money" (most of the unemployed don't qualify, anyway). They are staying away because they aren't keen on dying for a minimum wage job.
Um, no, there were multiple Oil Shocks in the 1970's. The first one came in 1974, when the Islamic members of OPEC cut off the US Oil supply after the US Supported Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

Uh, that's kind of crazy.. The Chinese don't have neutron bombs.. neither do we. it was one of those things that never got out of the development stage.

Okay, more wrong stuff here. The Department of Energy wasn't created until Carter became president. How old are you, anyway, and who the fuck taught you your history?

Um, okay. Wrong again. We never paid Iran off, and we didn't even make good on our word to return all their assets after they released the hostages. The hostage crisis started 444 days before Reagan took office.
Your memory is broken...

Sorry to say it but it's broken. Might want a refresher course
Okay, I can see why you would happily collect the government check.

This, class, is ANOTHER example of projection.

Me, I hate being off work for even a week. So do most people.

Yeah, SURE you do, Joey! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

People aren't staying out because they are getting "Free money" (most of the unemployed don't qualify, anyway). They are staying away because they aren't keen on dying for a minimum wage job.

Joey, you are so full of shit it is bubbling out your fucking ears.

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