Not good news regarding the global supply chain and inflation

People -- aside from me -- have been talking about supply chain issues for months?

No, I haven't noticed that. When I do, the partisans come out of the woodwork and attack.
I’m not attacking. I’m stating that multiple posters have brought this up many times ( with references )and you are now telling a poster he must have had a “ chrystal ball”?
People throughout the industry have been trying to get attention for a year now.
Deaf ears and mocking (like from you) is all they get.

They say lumber is improving
Lumber was fucking horrific, because the industries surrounding real estate (like building and home improvement) EXPLODED last year. Clients I have in that industry had HUGE years, and they think it's because so many were stuck at home and starting thinking about what needed to be done :laugh:

But they saw big jumps in costs and big drops in supply.
Lumber was fucking horrific, because the industries surrounding real estate (like building and home improvement) EXPLODED last year. Clients I have in that industry had HUGE years, and they think it's because so many were stuck at home and starting thinking about what needed to be done :laugh:

But they saw big jumps in costs and big drops in supply.
I put off redoing my deck because I refused to pay those prices
People throughout the industry have been trying to get attention for a year now.
Deaf ears and mocking (like from you) is all they get.

And here I am talking about them in May:

Right now a lot of this inflation is being caused by supply disruptions still present from the lockdowns. So (again, theoretically) we could see some mitigation when supply chains are filled back up. Another condition that might slow inflation is if hiring doesn't come back too quickly, and spreads out over a longer period of time.

I don't know what your point is, other than complaining. If that's the only contribution you want to make, I'm not interested.
And here I am talking about them in May:

I don't know what your point is, other than complaining. If that's the only contribution you want to make, I'm not interested.
And there Mr. Superiority is again.
So why say "I must have a crystal ball"?
What I am saying is people need to start preparing themselves for shortages and increased inflation.
It' is pretty much inevitable.
Everyone who knows anything at all has been giving warnings for a year now. And here we are, supplies are razor thin in many industries... and world leaders have done nothing to address it.
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Trump's idea of more self sufficiency and less free trade would be a good place to start for our country even though it might be a hard sell for our slave loving multi nationals. We were much stronger before free trade became a greedy addiction.
You should not have mentioned Trump

That name triggers Mac1958 TDS and he will not agree with anything you say afterwards

Btw, I agree that MAGA would be a good alternative to globalism and super dependance on china
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Except he went about it the wrong way... kind of like he did everything.
Trump should not have pissed off the greedy and sensitive euro’s and canadians over their trade practices

Just narrowly targeting china would have been a better approach
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Dear God in heaven, don't blame your glorious leader Xiden.
Biden is not the only one at fault

Dem baby hitlers at the state and local level were wallowing in stupidity with their economic shutdowns for almost a year before Biden was sworn in

Liberals across the nation freaked out over the chinese disease and practically brought the economy to a standstill just when we needed it they most

Paying workers to stay home was not a good idea
Last edited: the signs were not small.
I am 56 years old. For the first time in my lifetime of working, raw materials we use are on allocation with all kinds of options no longer available period. You have severe warehousing/logistics issues with workers sitting on their asses getting Covid $$ from Uncle Sam instead of working.
You had states/countries that shut manufacturing down faaaaaaar too long.
I am here to tell you now... by Christmas... this will be on everyone's mind.
The United States Chamber of Commerce yesterday told officials we are in a supply catastrophe not seen since WWII
Average u/e payment, including the $300 federal supplemental, came out to a $15 dollar an hour minimum wage.

I seriously, seriously doubt the long shore man were sitting on their ass twiddling their thumbs, or dock workers, port authority workers anywhere would be happy making less than half of their weekly income.

I doubt it stopped truck drivers either who also probably get paid double of that U/E amount when working.

You calling them lazy good for nothing, moochers, is likely untrue.
Trump's idea of more self sufficiency and less free trade would be a good place to start for our country even though it might be a hard sell for our slave loving multi nationals. We were much stronger before free trade became a greedy addiction.
Lol, less free trade makes it worse until we are self sufficient. Killing free trade before having manufacturing infrastructure in place was fucking stupid. Instead of just giving away 2.8 trillion in tax breaks to the fucking rich should have required the money to be invested in factory equipment.
President Potatohead just gave a 25% raise to his welfare queens.

However, we Americans that are forced to pay for the goddamn welfare get our taxes raised and have to suffer with the Bideninflation.
You would think it would? Trucking businesses up here are offering a $10,000 hiring bonus....

My older sister is in a semi panic and called last night to tell me and Matt to stock up what we can, and have some cash around the house... She's been a prepper, since she had lived through Hurricane Andrew in Miami and was without electricity for nearly a month, and also with a big hole in her roof.
Costs over 6k to get a CDL class A license these days and does not happen over night. Further more we have a big problem finding people who can pass the pee test. I have my captains license and getting a job is super simple. Go pee in a cup , get a job if ya pass. Remove marijuana testing from dot requirements and truck driving and captains will be plenty full. Of course that would make things tougher on my old ass. I like the simplicity of being able to get a job so easy. Employer s tend to like younger applicants than myself but they can't seem to pass the pee test. Lol good for me
Beware fake supply chain probs!!

China’s unofficial ban on Australian products fails to inflict significant damage​

China’s unofficial ban against Australian products seems largely to have failed as exports to other countries soared instead.

More bullshit conspiracy horse shit from your side. Go to a port town you can see the ships anchored and unable to unload dumb fuck. I have freinds that have not stepped on land for over a year because they won't let them off ship when they port to unload . Imagine no land just ship for over a year. That sucks.
Average u/e payment, including the $300 federal supplemental, came out to a $15 dollar an hour minimum wage.

I seriously, seriously doubt the long shore man were sitting on their ass twiddling their thumbs, or dock workers, port authority workers anywhere would be happy making less than half of their weekly income.

I doubt it stopped truck drivers either who also probably get paid double of that U/E amount when working.

You calling them lazy good for nothing, moochers, is likely untrue.
Do you even attempt to research before you post??
There is a shortage of laborers at both west and east coast ports.

For those who actually want to know what's going on regarding inflation:

Supply chain problems are not just domestic, they're global and worse than feared. That, coupled with exploding demand coming out of the various degrees of virus lockdowns, is keeping inflation hot and troublesome.

Looks like this is still going to be a while.

Joe Biden is our President everyone.

Elections have consequences

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