Not good news regarding the global supply chain and inflation

Supply chain problems are not just domestic, they're global and worse than feared.
Don't depend so heavily on foreign countries for parts and supplies and sgit you can't make or do yourself.

If China wants to make parts up to U.S. spec and ship them here at a competitive price, that's great, but don't give them an exclusive and don't put our domestic manufacturing out of business with all those government imposed environmental and worker safety regulations.
For those who actually want to know what's going on regarding inflation:

Supply chain problems are not just domestic, they're global and worse than feared. That, coupled with exploding demand coming out of the various degrees of virus lockdowns, is keeping inflation hot and troublesome.

Looks like this is still going to be a while.

Commies like you are why we have supply chain problems, and then you start a thread about it. Nice. It's like farting and then telling everyone in the room that something stinks.
First, I lived through those times.
Secondly, they are documented facts.... You just said a lot of things that were straight up wrong.
Ummm....I'm just as old as you and I remember these things happening as they happened.
Many workers haven't gone back to their old jobs because they've found a higher paying better one. Those places that can't find workers should look in the mirror for the reason.
With the release of a whole bunch of bonds today to pump liquidity into the market in order to pump it up...

The Fed has just made the stagflation coming even worse...

There is no buying their way out of this...and more trying is going to make it even worse.

Cargo ships anchored off NY and LA face 4-WEEK wait to unload amid unprecedented supply chain crisis​

For those who actually want to know what's going on regarding inflation:

Supply chain problems are not just domestic, they're global and worse than feared. That, coupled with exploding demand coming out of the various degrees of virus lockdowns, is keeping inflation hot and troublesome.

Looks like this is still going to be a while.
I put a deposit down on a new car in July. I still haven't received it. I was told two weeks ago it was at port, but a couple of days ago I was told it will now arrive at the dealership on November 4th. I'm guessing it's sitting on one of those container ships off the coast of California they have nobody to unload. Insane.

Cargo ships anchored off NY and LA face 4-WEEK wait to unload amid unprecedented supply chain crisis​

One would think they would start using the national guard to assist with this. Seems like a real lack of leadership. Isn't this what Pete Buttigieg is getting paid for?
I put a deposit down on a new car in July. I still haven't received it. I was told two weeks ago it was at port, but a couple of days ago I was told it will now arrive at the dealership on November 4th. I'm guessing it's sitting on one of those container ships off the coast of California they have nobody to unload. Insane.
Yep. And worse, this is happening globally. This, plus increasing demand? Not good. And up go prices.
One would think they would start using the national guard to assist with this. Seems like a real lack of leadership. Isn't this what Pete Buttigieg is getting paid for?
. . . yeah, one would think.

There are some other major things going on, I don't think any of this is an accident though, so of course they won't try to solve something they purposely have worked so hard to cause.

It'll get a whole lot worse before it gets better. . . if it does. The folks in charge are playing with fire.

I mean, I don't like to play partisan politics, and I certainly don't want to side with the demagoguery of the Trump family, but they make a pretty good point here. . .

It is obvious as hell to any one with common sense and a little sanity what is going on.

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One would think they would start using the national guard to assist with this. Seems like a real lack of leadership. Isn't this what Pete Buttigieg is getting paid for?
Too many containers being stored at the port...not enough truck drivers to haul away the containers currently there. And no place left to put the containers on the container ships.

So you think that the national guard is going to start delivering containers? The rent the containers have to pay (which has tripled) still is cheaper than paying exorbitant trucking rates and the empty container has gone up so much in value that selling it will cover the rent it pays at the dock.
Is there a reason they shouldn’t be?
Its private enterprise.
Private enterprise is not a function of Government. The Government should only enter an industry when private enterprise can't , won't, or shouldn't and then only in a limited fashion to where private enterprise can once again enter the marketplace.

IE Medicare.
Because the Government created medicare private medical insurers were able to offer Medicare Supplimental policies. Before that an elderly person couldn't afford medical insurance.

Now we are talking about logistics...
And there are a TON of logistics companies that can make clearing our ports a priority...but due to skyrocketing costs (diesel and labor) and having a difficult time keeping up with truck repairs and maintenance and replacement...there's a backlog.
The ports aren't exactly public...there are private entities that run them and lease the space that the extra containers are currently occupying.
Not one member of the Dockworkers local has a federal government The customs agents are federal employees...but that's about it. They are just there to get the import taxes and fees and check to make sure that certain items are not being imported or exported. (Docking and unloading fees are private enterprise fees)
My sister has a friend in England and she said the shortages are awful, and its really hard to just get a liter of gasoline....(petrol)

I guess it's time to start hoarding again.... We've got 6 months worth of toilet paper and paper towels :). But that's left over from last year.

The UK is all about Brexit and Boris. A combination of nonsense on top of nonsense.

The rest of the EU is fine.

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