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Not ONLY Did Obamacare depend on the "Stupidity of American Voter" but it's unconstitutional!

The next step in the GOP's march to single payer will be to stop calling the ACA "ObamaCare". They will start calling it the ACA.

And then, very quietly, the word will start going around, "The current system is so fucked up, single payer would be preferable to this shit."

You will start hearing this out of Republicans! And the parroting rubes will regurgitate it as they have been deliberately dumbed down over a long period of time to be completely unthinking followers.

Book it.
Not ONLY Did Obamacare depend on the "Stupidity of American Voter" but it's unconstitutional!
I have bad news for you. ObamaCare was found to be constitutional a long time ago. Like...five years ago.

Try to keep up.

As for this reimbursement issue, it could easily have been fixed in five minutes by Congress, but the Republicans prefer to obstruct and create completely unnecessary constitutional crises instead.

Every major piece of legislation ever written has needed subsequent "fixes". That is what was meant by Pelosi when she said, "We need to pas this law to see what's in it." You dont' find out the bugs in a law until it is implemented. This is true of EVERY major bill.

For example, the GOP budget of 1997 has needed a "doc fix" every couple of years for the past TWO DECADES. You don't see the Republicans forcing a crises every time that fix they failed to anticipate in their own legislation is needed, do you?


It took the GOP 20 years of constant "doc fixes" before they finally fixed it once and for all: Senate overwhelmingly approves 'doc fix'

Now, the Democrats could have been total dicks and obstructed the "doc fix" during the Bush Adminstration and forced a constitutional crisis, but they didn't. So let's pull the stick out of the GOP's ass, eh?

The GOP lost the ObamaCare battle, and they are acting like a five year old throwing a temper tantrum over it.


But the whole premise of Obamacare was built on a gigantic LIE!
What was the major reason Obama et.al. were pushing for Obamacare?
It was this LIE~
I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

There never were 46 million Americans!
When you consider that of Obama's 46 million:

1) 10 million he counted were not Americans... not citizens per the Census:
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

2) Obama's Medicaid administration FAILED to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s
Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
So because of Obama's inept administration FAILED to REGISTER this 14 million! Under LAWS before ACA! All they had to do was follow the laws!

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k. That leaves 4 million.

It was these 18 million that NEVER wanted health insurance or needed that Obamacare depended on to pay!
BUT THERE NEVER WERE 46 million legal Americans when 10 million were illegals..14 million didn't know they were eligible -- 18 million didn't want!

But the whole premise of Obamacare was built on a gigantic LIE!

Of course it was. And I proved the "46 million uninsured Americans" claim was a huge lie on other forums long before I came to this one. All during the ObamaCare debates I demonstrated it was a huge lie.

But there is another lie. A much bigger one. And it is this: The Republican party is opposed to the Democrats on universal health care.

They aren't. They are in collusion to bring us UHC in our lifetimes.
Obamacare was so poorly conceived and drafted it should have been thrown out a huindred times already.

Yup, shoulda never let the lobbyists, ins company execs, and pharma company in the room.

Nor should they have followed the failed model from the uber-right-wing Heritage Foundation. That's who 'wrote' Obamacare.

Obama betrayed America with his corporatist health care plan .. and he did it in back rooms instead of transparently in the public eye as he said he would.

The major reason for this "health crisis" was "Obama's 46 million uninsured Americans" LIE!!!!!
See above and please explain how the FACTS and links are made up compared to the bogus "46 million uninsured"!
It was a gross LIE! And Obama knew it! He admitted AFTER ACA "
When asked about a course to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, the president reiterated that the healthcare law does not make coverage available to people who are in the U.S. illegally, Obama said during a private event at Taylor Stratton Elementary School – his third visit in 18 months to a Nashville public school.
Obama Immigration Reform 2015: Illegal Immigrants In US Won’t Get Free Healthcare Under Obamacare, Says President

So what changed? Before ACA passed Obama was counting 10 million illegals as part of his 46 million!

Has anyone asked why he counted 14 million people who DIDN"T KNOW BEFORE ACA they were eligible for Medicaid/SCHIP????
Why didn't he know that seems to indicate the ineptness of Obama in administrating ...i.e. talks a good talk but shit for brains!
Obamacare was so poorly conceived and drafted it should have been thrown out a huindred times already.

Yeah so you rwn's did absolutely nothing to help make it better. Instead you did everything you could to kill it altogether.
For what it’s worth, I share the district court’s skepticism of the administration’s arguments. As I explain in some detail here, it’s hard to read §1324 as supplying an appropriation for cost-sharing reductions. What I don’t share, though, is the district court’s confidence that she could properly hear this case. Until now, no one has thought that one house of Congress could file a federal lawsuit to hash out an appropriations dispute with the executive branch. This shouldn’t be the first time, even if the administration broke the law.

What happens now? Even if the D.C. Circuit expedites the government’s appeal, the court is unlikely to resolve the case before the election. When it does, I suspect it will have very little patience for the district court’s conclusion that the House of Representatives has standing to sue. My hunch, too, is that the Supreme Court will either not intervene or uphold the D.C. Circuit’s eventual dismissal of the case. This opinion will attract a lot of attention—and it should—but it’s not an existential threat to the ACA.

Obamacare was so poorly conceived and drafted it should have been thrown out a huindred times already.

you should probably take that up with the heritage foundation.

democrats always wanted single payer....like everywhere else in the civilized world.

and if it were unconstitutional it would have been thrown out. by definition it is constitutional because the court said so.
Repeating more crap you dont understand. The Heritage Foundation never proposed a health care plan. Certainly not the monstrosity we ended up with.
Democrats wrote the bill. Democrats used every sleazy trick to get the bill passed. Only Democrats voted for the bill. And a Democrat signed it. Because it was "a big fucking deal" according to another Democrat.
Obamacare was so poorly conceived and drafted it should have been thrown out a huindred times already.

Yeah so you rwn's did absolutely nothing to help make it better. Instead you did everything you could to kill it altogether.
LOL. The GOP was completely shut out of any negotations and any input. "Fuck em, we've got the votes" said Rahmbo.
Dems own this turd hook line and stinker.
this is nothing that the SCOTUS can rewrite the law and make it magically constitutional. Roberts to the rescue.
The Republican Establishment abdicated on the health care issue decades ago. They surrendered to single payer throughout the land in our lifetimes before most of these creduloids were out of diapers.

The rubes haven't figured this out yet. They are totally buying into the theater the GOP is putting on for them.

You were sold down the UHC river a long, long time ago, kids. Wakey wakey!

This is what happens when you let the Congresscritters fuck with the economy.

This pattern has been going on since the late 1800's.

The stupid bastards interfere in the healthcare market by creating medicaid, medicare and The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay.

When hospitals began to complain that they could no longer afford to treat patients in the ER for free then Obama Hellcare happen.


Should we just let people without insurance die on the streets ??

And where the death panels be at!?
Obamacare was so poorly conceived and drafted it should have been thrown out a huindred times already.

Yeah so you rwn's did absolutely nothing to help make it better. Instead you did everything you could to kill it altogether.
LOL. The GOP was completely shut out of any negotations and any input. "Fuck em, we've got the votes" said Rahmbo.
Dems own this turd hook line and stinker.

Repubs weren't locked out, they simply refused to participate in putting the thing together
Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally
federal judge ruled for House Republicans on Thursday in their suit against President Obama and declared his administration is unconstitutionally spending money to reimburse health insurers without obtaining an appropriation from Congress.

The judge's ruling, though a setback for the administration, was put on hold immediately and stands a good chance of being overturned on appeal.

Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally
The American voter did not vote for the ACA, it was Congress...
Should we just let people without insurance die on the streets ??

And where the death panels be at!?

Is there a possibility that you can get sick?

What are YOU doing about it?

But the Congresscritters must FIRST make healthcare affordable by eliminating ALL GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS. ALL

Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally
federal judge ruled for House Republicans on Thursday in their suit against President Obama and declared his administration is unconstitutionally spending money to reimburse health insurers without obtaining an appropriation from Congress.

The judge's ruling, though a setback for the administration, was put on hold immediately and stands a good chance of being overturned on appeal.

Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally

Idiota. You still don't understand that some rightwingnut circuit court judge can't overrule the Supreme Court.


Once again you prove you are not and never have been an attorney
The very notion is laughable. IT isnt the first time she's posted crap like this.
As to the story: Arguably every bill passed by the Democrats in the Obama's first two years was unconstitutional and/or counterproductive.

Virtually everything passed by Congress in the last 100 year has been counterproductive.
Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally
federal judge ruled for House Republicans on Thursday in their suit against President Obama and declared his administration is unconstitutionally spending money to reimburse health insurers without obtaining an appropriation from Congress.

The judge's ruling, though a setback for the administration, was put on hold immediately and stands a good chance of being overturned on appeal.

Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally
The American voter did not vote for the ACA, it was Congress...

Congress DID NOT VOTE for Obama Hellcare.

Senator Harry Reid (D-USSR) through parliamentarian maneuvers created Obama Hellcare IN SECRET

Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally
federal judge ruled for House Republicans on Thursday in their suit against President Obama and declared his administration is unconstitutionally spending money to reimburse health insurers without obtaining an appropriation from Congress.

The judge's ruling, though a setback for the administration, was put on hold immediately and stands a good chance of being overturned on appeal.

Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally

Idiota. You still don't understand that some rightwingnut circuit court judge can't overrule the Supreme Court.


Once again you prove you are not and never have been an attorney
The very notion is laughable. IT isnt the first time she's posted crap like this.
As to the story: Arguably every bill passed by the Democrats in the Obama's first two years was unconstitutional and/or counterproductive.

Virtually everything passed by Congress in the last 100 year has been counterproductive.

Yeah! Stupid women right to vote law !!! What's up wit dat ?
Obamacare was so poorly conceived and drafted it should have been thrown out a huindred times already.

Yeah so you rwn's did absolutely nothing to help make it better. Instead you did everything you could to kill it altogether.
LOL. The GOP was completely shut out of any negotations and any input. "Fuck em, we've got the votes" said Rahmbo.
Dems own this turd hook line and stinker.
There were gop senators on the health panel..aka gang of six...

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