Not so fast Republicans......

since you have no understanding of how our government works, please let me help.... the rightwingnut loons in the . this is your failure.

learn it... live it... love it.


Now you know that is a lie. Or you are just too stupid to know the truth. Which is it?

  • H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
  • H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act
  • H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act
  • H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
  • H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
  • H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
  • H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)
  • H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
  • H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
  • H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
  • H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
  • H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
  • H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

All these jobs bill passed by the House and stalled in the Senate.

Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed that the Republicans are house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010
since you have no understanding of how our government works, please let me help.... the rightwingnut loons in the house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010. this is your failure.

learn it... live it... love it.


Now you know that is a lie. Or you are just too stupid to know the truth. Which is it?

  • H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
  • H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act
  • H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act
  • H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
  • H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
  • H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
  • H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)
  • H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
  • H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
  • H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
  • H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
  • H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
  • H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

All these jobs bill passed by the House and stalled in the Senate.

Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed the Republicans were obstructing and blocking legislation and I just showed that it was the Democrats in the Senate.

No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

they were "stalled" because the GOP doesn't get to enact its radical agenda when they got one million fewer votes in the House last election cycle than dems and don't have the senate.

it isn't because you dislike harry reid.

democrats are always willing to compromise. rightwingnuts shut down the government.

You are either extremely ignorant or blind.
Now you know that is a lie. Or you are just too stupid to know the truth. Which is it?

  • H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
  • H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act
  • H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act
  • H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
  • H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
  • H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
  • H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)
  • H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
  • H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
  • H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
  • H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
  • H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
  • H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

All these jobs bill passed by the House and stalled in the Senate.

Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed that the Republicans are house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010
Now you know that is a lie. Or you are just too stupid to know the truth. Which is it?

  • H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
  • H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act
  • H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act
  • H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
  • H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
  • H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
  • H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)
  • H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
  • H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
  • H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
  • H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
  • H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
  • H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

All these jobs bill passed by the House and stalled in the Senate.

Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed the Republicans were obstructing and blocking legislation and I just showed that it was the Democrats in the Senate.

No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

Yes Reid, a Democrat, control the Senate.

Who the hell am I supposed to cite?

When the Senate passes a bill and the GOP House sits on it (Immigration bill back in 2013) could cite that.

The Washington Post cites:

It works the other way, too, of course. Lots of bills are passed by the Senate that the House ignores. There are over 70 bills that meet that criterion at this moment.

Yes the Senate is ignoring hundreds of bills passed by the GOP House. But it 8217 s always that way. - The Washington Post

Your link supports my argument and doesn't even address your claim.
Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed that the Republicans are house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010
Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed the Republicans were obstructing and blocking legislation and I just showed that it was the Democrats in the Senate.

No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

Yes Reid, a Democrat, control the Senate.

Who the hell am I supposed to cite?

When the Senate passes a bill and the GOP House sits on it (Immigration bill back in 2013) could cite that.

The Washington Post cites:

It works the other way, too, of course. Lots of bills are passed by the Senate that the House ignores. There are over 70 bills that meet that criterion at this moment.

Yes the Senate is ignoring hundreds of bills passed by the GOP House. But it 8217 s always that way. - The Washington Post

Your link supports my argument and doesn't even address your claim.

My link supports my claim that the House is just as guilty as the Senate in obstructing. That was my point. Yours is, of course, wrapped in your warped partisan viewpoint.
It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed that the Republicans are house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010
It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed the Republicans were obstructing and blocking legislation and I just showed that it was the Democrats in the Senate.

No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

Yes Reid, a Democrat, control the Senate.

Who the hell am I supposed to cite?

When the Senate passes a bill and the GOP House sits on it (Immigration bill back in 2013) could cite that.

The Washington Post cites:

It works the other way, too, of course. Lots of bills are passed by the Senate that the House ignores. There are over 70 bills that meet that criterion at this moment.

Yes the Senate is ignoring hundreds of bills passed by the GOP House. But it 8217 s always that way. - The Washington Post

Your link supports my argument and doesn't even address your claim.

My link supports my claim that the House is just as guilty as the Senate in obstructing. That was my point. Yours is, of course, wrapped in your warped partisan viewpoint.

When Boehner obstructs 352 bills passed by the Senate then you may have a point. But until then, you are the partisan hack.

Senator Harry Reid, President Barack Obama and a multitude of Democrats are constantly harping on Republicans to stop the obstructionism. Who is really holding up legislation without even allowing votes? Harry Reid of course. Reid has become the “King of Garbage Politics”. Even Bills that have passed the House of Representative unanimously are being held up by Reid. There are as of today, 352 Bills sitting on Harry Reid’s desk that he is blocking from going to a vote in the Senate. Remember all the claptrap from Reid about allowing “up or down votes”? Reid is the poster child of “do as I say, not as I do”.

Video Senator Harry Reid is Obstructing 352 Bills passed by The House. Fire Harry Reid The Minority Report Blog
No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

Yes Reid, a Democrat, control the Senate.

Who the hell am I supposed to cite?

When the Senate passes a bill and the GOP House sits on it (Immigration bill back in 2013) could cite that.

The Washington Post cites:

It works the other way, too, of course. Lots of bills are passed by the Senate that the House ignores. There are over 70 bills that meet that criterion at this moment.

Yes the Senate is ignoring hundreds of bills passed by the GOP House. But it 8217 s always that way. - The Washington Post

Your link supports my argument and doesn't even address your claim.

My link supports my claim that the House is just as guilty as the Senate in obstructing. That was my point. Yours is, of course, wrapped in your warped partisan viewpoint.

When Boehner obstructs 352 bills passed by the Senate then you may have a point. But until then, you are the partisan hack.

Senator Harry Reid, President Barack Obama and a multitude of Democrats are constantly harping on Republicans to stop the obstructionism. Who is really holding up legislation without even allowing votes? Harry Reid of course. Reid has become the “King of Garbage Politics”. Even Bills that have passed the House of Representative unanimously are being held up by Reid. There are as of today, 352 Bills sitting on Harry Reid’s desk that he is blocking from going to a vote in the Senate. Remember all the claptrap from Reid about allowing “up or down votes”? Reid is the poster child of “do as I say, not as I do”.

Video Senator Harry Reid is Obstructing 352 Bills passed by The House. Fire Harry Reid The Minority Report Blog
The House always passes more bills than the Senate so obstructionism in the Senate will always be more pronounced. And roughly 50 of them are por-forma bills to repeal Obamacare that they knew were not going to pass.

I agree with you 100% on your feelings for Harry Reid. Would you expect Mitch McConnell to behave differently in the same situation?
Now you know that is a lie. Or you are just too stupid to know the truth. Which is it?

  • H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
  • H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act
  • H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act
  • H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
  • H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
  • H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
  • H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)
  • H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
  • H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
  • H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
  • H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
  • H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
  • H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

All these jobs bill passed by the House and stalled in the Senate.

Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed that the Republicans are house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010
Now you know that is a lie. Or you are just too stupid to know the truth. Which is it?

  • H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
  • H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act
  • H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act
  • H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
  • H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
  • H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
  • H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)
  • H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act
  • H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
  • H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
  • H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
  • H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
  • H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
  • H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

All these jobs bill passed by the House and stalled in the Senate.

Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed the Republicans were obstructing and blocking legislation and I just showed that it was the Democrats in the Senate.

No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

they were "stalled" because the GOP doesn't get to enact its radical agenda when they got one million fewer votes in the House last election cycle than dems and don't have the senate.

it isn't because you dislike harry reid.

democrats are always willing to compromise. rightwingnuts shut down the government.

You are either extremely ignorant or blind.

stop projecting.
Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed that the Republicans are house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010
Which is a sterling example on why we need to enhance the Constitution to force one house to consider the work of the other house with a full body vote within 90 days of receiving it.

The titles of many the bills are childish and probably deserved to go down in flames but our representatives in this Republic should have to put their names next to a "YEA" or "NAY" vote on the antics.

That they are able to hide behind some committee chair or majority leader's unwillingness to allow a bill to move forward is a sad commentary on the state of affairs. And lets not forget, when Reid does not allow stuff like this to the floor, it also gives cover to the GOP members of the Senate as well since they wouldn't have to line up behind such nonsense as "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act." Battleground state Republicans are happy not to have to have voted for this in the Senate.

It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed the Republicans were obstructing and blocking legislation and I just showed that it was the Democrats in the Senate.

No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

they were "stalled" because the GOP doesn't get to enact its radical agenda when they got one million fewer votes in the House last election cycle than dems and don't have the senate.

it isn't because you dislike harry reid.

democrats are always willing to compromise. rightwingnuts shut down the government.

You are either extremely ignorant or blind.

stop projecting.

You're not blind so, ignorant it is.
It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed that the Republicans are house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010
It's a sterling example of dishonesty.

It was claimed the Republicans were obstructing and blocking legislation and I just showed that it was the Democrats in the Senate.

No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

they were "stalled" because the GOP doesn't get to enact its radical agenda when they got one million fewer votes in the House last election cycle than dems and don't have the senate.

it isn't because you dislike harry reid.

democrats are always willing to compromise. rightwingnuts shut down the government.

You are either extremely ignorant or blind.

stop projecting.

You're not blind so, ignorant it is.

again, stop projecting


In all seriousness, do you think that dems would have agreed to DADT? to NAFTA? or chosen the ACA (the heritage foundation plan/romnneycare) as the preferred means of delivering health insurance but for a desire to compromise?
For months Republicans have been boasting of their inevitable taking of the Senate in 2014. It seems the tide has turned and a Republican win is less likely

Once having a 60-40 probability of taking the Senate, Democrats now have a 59-41 probability of holding the Senate

Are Republicans blowing their chance to retake the Senate? - The Week

Republicans will take the Senate in a few weeks. They will retain control of the House. YOU LOSE.

weren't you saying the same in 2012 about both the senate AND this president?

For months Republicans have been boasting of their inevitable taking of the Senate in 2014. It seems the tide has turned and a Republican win is less likely

Once having a 60-40 probability of taking the Senate, Democrats now have a 59-41 probability of holding the Senate

Are Republicans blowing their chance to retake the Senate? - The Week

Republicans will take the Senate in a few weeks. They will retain control of the House. YOU LOSE.

weren't you saying the same in 2012 about both the senate AND this president?


Nope. Never said any such thing. I knew that "Smiling Jack" Obama would win again easily. I also knew that that worthless piece of dog shit Harry Reid would remain at the helm of the Senate. Now I'm TELLING you that they (Republicans) will have BOTH the House AND the Senate in a few weeks. As a matter of fact - I'm so certain of it that I'll make a wager with anyone who wishes to accept it. If the Senate remains in the hands of the Liberal Nazi Democrats come the November elections - I will LEAVE this board, never to darken it's pages again. If, however, I'm right - the acceptor must leave and never return.

Any takers?
For months Republicans have been boasting of their inevitable taking of the Senate in 2014. It seems the tide has turned and a Republican win is less likely

Once having a 60-40 probability of taking the Senate, Democrats now have a 59-41 probability of holding the Senate

Are Republicans blowing their chance to retake the Senate? - The Week

Republicans will take the Senate in a few weeks. They will retain control of the House. YOU LOSE.

weren't you saying the same in 2012 about both the senate AND this president?


Nope. Never said any such thing. I knew that "Smiling Jack" Obama would win again easily. I also knew that that worthless piece of dog shit Harry Reid would remain at the helm of the Senate. Now I'm TELLING you that they (Republicans) will have BOTH the House AND the Senate in a few weeks. As a matter of fact - I'm so certain of it that I'll make a wager with anyone who wishes to accept it. If the Senate remains in the hands of the Liberal Nazi Democrats come the November elections - I will LEAVE this board, never to darken it's pages again. If, however, I'm right - the acceptor must leave and never return.

Any takers?

My it suddenly got so quiet here......................... :dance:
So keep this in mind Conservatives......Liberal Nazis are cowards. They claim to stand - but when challenged, they run under rocks for cover. Just like the cockroaches they are.
For months Republicans have been boasting of their inevitable taking of the Senate in 2014. It seems the tide has turned and a Republican win is less likely

Once having a 60-40 probability of taking the Senate, Democrats now have a 59-41 probability of holding the Senate

Are Republicans blowing their chance to retake the Senate? - The Week

We can only hope.

Our problem is ignorance and apathy. RWs are ignorant and Dems are apathetic.

The problem is that RWs vote against their own best interests and the best interests of the country and Dems don't for FOR their own best interests and the best interests of their country.
So keep this in mind Conservatives......Liberal Nazis are cowards. They claim to stand - but when challenged, they run under rocks for cover. Just like the cockroaches they are.

Oh the irony...

Well asshole, you want to see irony - take the challenge. Don't sit there and allow someone else to jump in from of your coward ass....

As you may recall, when the conservative posters took my bet in 11/12, all of them welched or created new screen names as I suspect you did.

And it would be taking your bet since I agree that the GOP will take the Senate.

What say we make it interesting. I think the GOP will have 52 seats when the smoke clears. If you want to state that they will take 56 seats. You got a bet.

If the GOP takes less than 56 seats, you leave. It they take 56 or more, I leave. Pretty simple.

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