Not so fast Republicans......

For months Republicans have been boasting of their inevitable taking of the Senate in 2014. It seems the tide has turned and a Republican win is less likely

Once having a 60-40 probability of taking the Senate, Democrats now have a 59-41 probability of holding the Senate

Are Republicans blowing their chance to retake the Senate? - The Week

We can only hope.

Our problem is ignorance and apathy. RWs are ignorant and Dems are apathetic.

The problem is that RWs vote against their own best interests and the best interests of the country and Dems don't for FOR their own best interests and the best interests of their country.

How 'bout you, big shot? You want a shot at the title? Stop talking shit and take the bet! Put your damn "money" where your "mouth" is....
So keep this in mind Conservatives......Liberal Nazis are cowards. They claim to stand - but when challenged, they run under rocks for cover. Just like the cockroaches they are.

Oh the irony...

Well asshole, you want to see irony - take the challenge. Don't sit there and allow someone else to jump in from of your coward ass....

As you may recall, when the conservative posters took my bet in 11/12, all of them welched or created new screen names as I suspect you did.

And it would be taking your bet since I agree that the GOP will take the Senate.

What say we make it interesting. I think the GOP will have 52 seats when the smoke clears. If you want to state that they will take 56 seats. You got a bet.

If the GOP takes less than 56 seats, you leave. It they take 56 or more, I leave. Pretty simple.

I don't welch. When I make a bet and, in the small number of times I have lost, I pay up. Nope. The Senate will go to the Republicans in 2014. Period. I don't have access to all the races so I won't go that far. But read closely now. Mark Udall LOSES in Colorado.

Since you have already stated that you liberal Nazis are going to lose - you are out. Smart woman. Most of your ilk are too stupid to see what is coming....or too much the cowards to admit it.
So keep this in mind Conservatives......Liberal Nazis are cowards. They claim to stand - but when challenged, they run under rocks for cover. Just like the cockroaches they are.

Oh the irony...

Well asshole, you want to see irony - take the challenge. Don't sit there and allow someone else to jump in from of your coward ass....

As you may recall, when the conservative posters took my bet in 11/12, all of them welched or created new screen names as I suspect you did.

And it would be taking your bet since I agree that the GOP will take the Senate.

What say we make it interesting. I think the GOP will have 52 seats when the smoke clears. If you want to state that they will take 56 seats. You got a bet.

If the GOP takes less than 56 seats, you leave. It they take 56 or more, I leave. Pretty simple.

I don't welch. When I make a bet and, in the small number of times I have lost, I pay up. Nope. The Senate will go to the Republicans in 2014. Period. I don't have access to all the races so I won't go that far. But read closely now. Mark Udall LOSES in Colorado.

Since you have already stated that you liberal Nazis are going to lose - you are out. Smart woman. Most of your ilk are too stupid to see what is coming....or too much the cowards to admit it.

C'mon coward....56 or bust. What are you...scared?
So keep this in mind Conservatives......Liberal Nazis are cowards. They claim to stand - but when challenged, they run under rocks for cover. Just like the cockroaches they are.

Oh the irony...

Well asshole, you want to see irony - take the challenge. Don't sit there and allow someone else to jump in from of your coward ass....

As you may recall, when the conservative posters took my bet in 11/12, all of them welched or created new screen names as I suspect you did.

And it would be taking your bet since I agree that the GOP will take the Senate.

What say we make it interesting. I think the GOP will have 52 seats when the smoke clears. If you want to state that they will take 56 seats. You got a bet.

If the GOP takes less than 56 seats, you leave. It they take 56 or more, I leave. Pretty simple.

I don't welch. When I make a bet and, in the small number of times I have lost, I pay up. Nope. The Senate will go to the Republicans in 2014. Period. I don't have access to all the races so I won't go that far. But read closely now. Mark Udall LOSES in Colorado.

Since you have already stated that you liberal Nazis are going to lose - you are out. Smart woman. Most of your ilk are too stupid to see what is coming....or too much the cowards to admit it.

C'mon coward....56 or bust. What are you...scared?

Little girl, you are going to have to get up a lot earlier in the day to pull that one off on me. Again, I don't have detailed info on all the races - I will not go as far as you want to. Besides, an ass kicking is an ass kicking whether it be 52 or 56. Nice try though.....:boohoo:
Oh the irony...

Well asshole, you want to see irony - take the challenge. Don't sit there and allow someone else to jump in from of your coward ass....

As you may recall, when the conservative posters took my bet in 11/12, all of them welched or created new screen names as I suspect you did.

And it would be taking your bet since I agree that the GOP will take the Senate.

What say we make it interesting. I think the GOP will have 52 seats when the smoke clears. If you want to state that they will take 56 seats. You got a bet.

If the GOP takes less than 56 seats, you leave. It they take 56 or more, I leave. Pretty simple.

I don't welch. When I make a bet and, in the small number of times I have lost, I pay up. Nope. The Senate will go to the Republicans in 2014. Period. I don't have access to all the races so I won't go that far. But read closely now. Mark Udall LOSES in Colorado.

Since you have already stated that you liberal Nazis are going to lose - you are out. Smart woman. Most of your ilk are too stupid to see what is coming....or too much the cowards to admit it.

C'mon coward....56 or bust. What are you...scared?

Little girl, you are going to have to get up a lot earlier in the day to pull that one off on me. Again, I don't have detailed info on all the races - I will not go as far as you want to. Besides, as ass kicking is an ass kicking whether it be 52 or 56. Nice try though.....:boohoo:

You have access to the same data I do. You're simply not intelligent enough to know what it means. That's all. Enjoy your retreat.
Well asshole, you want to see irony - take the challenge. Don't sit there and allow someone else to jump in from of your coward ass....

As you may recall, when the conservative posters took my bet in 11/12, all of them welched or created new screen names as I suspect you did.

And it would be taking your bet since I agree that the GOP will take the Senate.

What say we make it interesting. I think the GOP will have 52 seats when the smoke clears. If you want to state that they will take 56 seats. You got a bet.

If the GOP takes less than 56 seats, you leave. It they take 56 or more, I leave. Pretty simple.

I don't welch. When I make a bet and, in the small number of times I have lost, I pay up. Nope. The Senate will go to the Republicans in 2014. Period. I don't have access to all the races so I won't go that far. But read closely now. Mark Udall LOSES in Colorado.

Since you have already stated that you liberal Nazis are going to lose - you are out. Smart woman. Most of your ilk are too stupid to see what is coming....or too much the cowards to admit it.

C'mon coward....56 or bust. What are you...scared?

Little girl, you are going to have to get up a lot earlier in the day to pull that one off on me. Again, I don't have detailed info on all the races - I will not go as far as you want to. Besides, as ass kicking is an ass kicking whether it be 52 or 56. Nice try though.....:boohoo:

You have access to the same data I do. You're simply not intelligent enough to know what it means. That's all. Enjoy your retreat.

Awww....the dyke is upset because she couldn't trap a 70 year old man...nice try dumbass. Welcome to the Republican Congress in January. Thank God!! A little common sense returns!!! And that old cocksucker Harry Reid can slink away back into the shadows!!! All in all - a great day for America!!
...And STILL Not one liberal Nazi wants to take my challenge. NOT ONE OF THESE COWARDS. That should tell you all you need to know about these cockroaches.....

Nope. Never said any such thing. I knew that "Smiling Jack" Obama would win again easily. I also knew that that worthless piece of dog shit Harry Reid would remain at the helm of the Senate. Now I'm TELLING you that they (Republicans) will have BOTH the House AND the Senate in a few weeks. As a matter of fact - I'm so certain of it that I'll make a wager with anyone who wishes to accept it. If the Senate remains in the hands of the Liberal Nazi Democrats come the November elections - I will LEAVE this board, never to darken it's pages again. If, however, I'm right - the acceptor must leave and never return.

Any takers?
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No, you cited some bills that were stalled in the Senate by the scumbag Harry Reid.
You purposely ignored bills in the House that were passed by the Senate
You purposely ignored bills in the Senate that were filibustered by the minority party (the GOP).

There is plenty of blame/hypocrisy to go around.

they were "stalled" because the GOP doesn't get to enact its radical agenda when they got one million fewer votes in the House last election cycle than dems and don't have the senate.

it isn't because you dislike harry reid.

democrats are always willing to compromise. rightwingnuts shut down the government.

You are either extremely ignorant or blind.

stop projecting.

You're not blind so, ignorant it is.

again, stop projecting


In all seriousness, do you think that dems would have agreed to DADT? to NAFTA? or chosen the ACA (the heritage foundation plan/romnneycare) as the preferred means of delivering health insurance but for a desire to compromise?

Eight Republicans supported DADT, is that your idea of compromise?

The house passed ACA without any Republican support, where was the compromise there?

NAFTA may be the only thing where both parties compromised.
they were "stalled" because the GOP doesn't get to enact its radical agenda when they got one million fewer votes in the House last election cycle than dems and don't have the senate.

it isn't because you dislike harry reid.

democrats are always willing to compromise. rightwingnuts shut down the government.

You are either extremely ignorant or blind.

stop projecting.

You're not blind so, ignorant it is.

again, stop projecting


In all seriousness, do you think that dems would have agreed to DADT? to NAFTA? or chosen the ACA (the heritage foundation plan/romnneycare) as the preferred means of delivering health insurance but for a desire to compromise?

Eight Republicans supported DADT, is that your idea of compromise?

The house passed ACA without any Republican support, where was the compromise there?

NAFTA may be the only thing where both parties compromised.

The immigration bill passed the Senate with votes from both parties. Many observers think it would pass the House if Boehner had the guts to bring it to the floor with votes from both parties.
You are either extremely ignorant or blind.

stop projecting.

You're not blind so, ignorant it is.

again, stop projecting


In all seriousness, do you think that dems would have agreed to DADT? to NAFTA? or chosen the ACA (the heritage foundation plan/romnneycare) as the preferred means of delivering health insurance but for a desire to compromise?

Eight Republicans supported DADT, is that your idea of compromise?

The house passed ACA without any Republican support, where was the compromise there?

NAFTA may be the only thing where both parties compromised.

The immigration bill passed the Senate with votes from both parties. Many observers think it would pass the House if Boehner had the guts to bring it to the floor with votes from both parties.

Which bill specifically are you referring to?

Many observers? You mean un informed people like yourself?
stop projecting.

You're not blind so, ignorant it is.

again, stop projecting


In all seriousness, do you think that dems would have agreed to DADT? to NAFTA? or chosen the ACA (the heritage foundation plan/romnneycare) as the preferred means of delivering health insurance but for a desire to compromise?

Eight Republicans supported DADT, is that your idea of compromise?

The house passed ACA without any Republican support, where was the compromise there?

NAFTA may be the only thing where both parties compromised.

The immigration bill passed the Senate with votes from both parties. Many observers think it would pass the House if Boehner had the guts to bring it to the floor with votes from both parties.

Which bill specifically are you referring to?

Many observers? You mean un informed people like yourself?

Immigration reform bill 2013 Senate passes legislation 68-32 -

The GOP leadership in the House, as well as its conservative rank-and-file, have stressed repeatedly that the Senate bill faces almost certain death in the chamber.

Read more: Immigration reform bill 2013 Senate passes legislation 68-32 -

Uninformed? Your ignorant ass didn't know what immigration bill I was talking about.
Here it is - days later - and not one Liberal Nazi has taken my challenge......says a lot, doesn't it......Democrats, November is coming!
Here it is - days later - and not one Liberal Nazi has taken my challenge......says a lot, doesn't it......Democrats, November is coming!

Because every conservative who lost bets in 2012 welched....including you I'm sure. And for the record, I offered you a bet; 56 or more GOP in the Senate, I leave. Fewer than 56, you leave.

It just illustrates how little faith you have in the GOP. There are more Democrat seats up for grabs in 2014 than GOP seats (21-15).


So, yeah, it makes sense the GPO should do well.

It's telling that your confidence is so shaky.
Here it is - days later - and not one Liberal Nazi has taken my challenge......says a lot, doesn't it......Democrats, November is coming!

Because every conservative who lost bets in 2012 welched....including you I'm sure. And for the record, I offered you a bet; 56 or more GOP in the Senate, I leave. Fewer than 56, you leave.

Please tell us, madam spin.....

If the GOP won much of a swing would that be ?

How many times has that happened ?

Right now, I'd be happy if they get 51. If for no other reason than Harry Reid won't be on TV so much.

It only means that a majority of people in a majority of states still have their heads screwed on straight (does not make them an overall majority...but that is the beauty of the system) and shuts down the liberal meme about the dying GOP.
Here it is - days later - and not one Liberal Nazi has taken my challenge......says a lot, doesn't it......Democrats, November is coming!
Maybe it is because the Democrats on here aren't retards like the Republicans were 2 years ago? Most of the Democrats I've seen realize they are probably going to lose the Senate based on current polling. 2 years ago, Republicans were un-skewing polls to fit their narrative. Retards.
Here it is - days later - and not one Liberal Nazi has taken my challenge......says a lot, doesn't it......Democrats, November is coming!
Maybe it is because the Democrats on here aren't retards like the Republicans were 2 years ago? Most of the Democrats I've seen realize they are probably going to lose the Senate based on current polling. 2 years ago, Republicans were un-skewing polls to fit their narrative. Retards.

You know, Sonny, it was just released (today) that the website (so far) is costing 2.1 BILLION dollars and STILL isn't working properly. Think about that - 2.1 BILLION dollars for a website that STILL doesn't work properly. Actually Cost Over 2.1 Billion And Counting The Daily Caller

It will be a LONG time before democrats are given the keys to the car again.........:dance:
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Here it is - days later - and not one Liberal Nazi has taken my challenge......says a lot, doesn't it......Democrats, November is coming!

Because every conservative who lost bets in 2012 welched....including you I'm sure. And for the record, I offered you a bet; 56 or more GOP in the Senate, I leave. Fewer than 56, you leave.

Please tell us, madam spin.....

If the GOP won much of a swing would that be ?

How many times has that happened ?

Right now, I'd be happy if they get 51. If for no other reason than Harry Reid won't be on TV so much.

It only means that a majority of people in a majority of states still have their heads screwed on straight (does not make them an overall majority...but that is the beauty of the system) and shuts down the liberal meme about the dying GOP.

Don't let this dyke fool you. She's playing a trap game here....She's attempting to pull us in to the extreme and the dumb bitch thinks we are stupid enough to fall for he ploy. Republicans take the Senate and hold the House - easily. Predicting numbers is as stupid as the half-breed that currently takes up space in the White House.
Here it is - days later - and not one Liberal Nazi has taken my challenge......says a lot, doesn't it......Democrats, November is coming!
Maybe it is because the Democrats on here aren't retards like the Republicans were 2 years ago? Most of the Democrats I've seen realize they are probably going to lose the Senate based on current polling. 2 years ago, Republicans were un-skewing polls to fit their narrative. Retards.

You know, Sonny, it was just released (today) that the website (so far) is costing 2.1 BILLION dollars and STILL isn't working properly. Think about that - 2.1 BILLION dollars for a website that STILL doesn't work properly. Actually Cost Over 2.1 Billion And Counting The Daily Caller

It will be a LONG time before democrats are given the keys to the car again.........:dance:
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Part of the reason the GOP is going to take the Senate is because of the states that are being contested this year and the fact that Obama did so well in 2008. Come 2016, you are going to have a number of states being contested that play better for the Democrats and the Democrats have better turnout in presidential election years.
I think, if the elections were held today, they would end up:

GOP: 51
DEM: 47
IND: 2 (1 each caucusing with the GOP and the DEM, respectively)
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Here it is - days later - and not one Liberal Nazi has taken my challenge......says a lot, doesn't it......Democrats, November is coming!
Maybe it is because the Democrats on here aren't retards like the Republicans were 2 years ago? Most of the Democrats I've seen realize they are probably going to lose the Senate based on current polling. 2 years ago, Republicans were un-skewing polls to fit their narrative. Retards.

You know, Sonny, it was just released (today) that the website (so far) is costing 2.1 BILLION dollars and STILL isn't working properly. Think about that - 2.1 BILLION dollars for a website that STILL doesn't work properly. Actually Cost Over 2.1 Billion And Counting The Daily Caller

It will be a LONG time before democrats are given the keys to the car again.........:dance:
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Part of the reason the GOP is going to take the Senate is because of the states that are being contested this year and the fact that Obama did so well in 2008. Come 2016, you are going to have a number of states being contested that play better for the Democrats and the Democrats have better turnout in presidential election years.

And if the GOP isn't smart enough to counter those trends, they deserve to lose the senate.

That's what makes this so funny.

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