Not sure Republicans understand difference between "capitalism" and "exploitation"

Since capitalism features voluntary peaceful economic transactions it is hard to imagine it as exploitive.

All economic systems feature volunatry peaceful economic transactions. Capitalism is not about economic transactions. It's about who owns the companies.

Private ownership used to imply capitalism. But now liberal socialists have realized that they are far too dumb to own and manage businesses. Instead they leave ownership in private hands and seek to control businesses somewhat with taxes and regulation. With continued hard work conservatives will teach liberals they they are also far too dumb to control businesses with taxes and regulations.
It wasn't long ago that democrats gained the majority in both houses of congress half way into Bush's 2nd term. This was before the economic collapse and what was the first issue democrats tackled? The economy? Fannie Mae? Democrats went after steroid use in Baseball. Barney Frank was the House banking chairperson when Fannie went under. What did he tell Americans when Fannie was in desperate trouble? "Fannie is doing fine". What do we make of such a lie? Was he stupid or did he intend for the economy to collapse just before the presidential election. Frank Raines is one of Obama's economic advisors. When he was CEO of Fannie Mae it is alleged that he cooked the books to show a fake profit tied to his bonus and walked away with 90 Million dollars for three years work. The point is that the economy collapsed while democrats were trying to indict a Hall-Of -Fame Baseball player for steroid use. Either democrats intended for Fannie to go under or they are fools you can't even trust to run a local post office because they would steal all the stamps.

Umm, if Freddie/Fannie were the cause of the economic collapse, where do "derivatives" "Wall Street" and "Lehman Brothers" fit in? :popcorn:
Definition of Capitalism

"Capitalism" is conventionally defined along economic terms such as the following:

An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.


This is an example of a definition by non-essentials. An essential definition of capitalism is a political definition:

Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights.

Definition of Capitalism

"Capitalism" is conventionally defined along economic terms such as the following:

An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.


This is an example of a definition by non-essentials. An essential definition of capitalism is a political definition:

Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights.


Whatever. Capitalism is freedom from liberal government. We've had more of it than anyone on earth and we're the richest in human history.

Its not coincidence but liberals lack the ability to understand how freedom works so like children they propose government magic despite the deadly record of such.
Definition of Capitalism

"Capitalism" is conventionally defined along economic terms such as the following:

An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.


This is an example of a definition by non-essentials. An essential definition of capitalism is a political definition:

Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights.


Whatever. Capitalism is freedom from liberal government. We've had more of it than anyone on earth and we're the richest in human history.

Its not coincidence but liberals lack the ability to understand how freedom works so like children they propose government magic despite the deadly record of such.

Why does the country do best under Democrats. Since Eisenhower, all five times the budget was balanced was under Democratic Presidents. Why did the deficit explode under Reagan, Bush and especially Bush Jr.? There are a lot of questions like that.
...the word "capitalism" it is what we use to describe private ownership of the machinations of the economy - the "means of production"...
That "we" doesn't include a lot of folks that like private ownership.

Different groups have different levels of sensitivity about names. The really touchy ones constantly change names --still not sure what's the latest accepted name for humans that lived in the Americas before the 14th century, or what's permitted in referring to descendants of those from Africa into forced labor in the New World. Other hand Jews have never changed their group name no matter how hatefully it's been used. Capitalists are somewhere in between.

Others (including me) avoid the term because it's not accurate in differentiating between state and privately run economies. Lot's of people very much involved in private enterprise that don't have much capital. How can a 'captialist' not have 'capital'?
Why does the country do best under Democrats.

you've learned that lesson 100 times yet you forget over and over because you're liberal with liberal limitations. Sorry.

Clinton inherited a boom from Bush '41, Bush '43 inherited a bust from Clinton, BO inherited a bust from Bush '43.

The economy moves in long cycles that are not controlled by the contemporaneous government in power let alone the president in power. Plus, a president or congress in power at the time the recession begins can be very conservative or liberal, despite opposite party affiliation, if its politically smart at the time. Flip flopping independents decide elections and determine what the government does more than Democrats and Republicans. Its all way over your head as a liberal. I'm sure you're a great guy in other areas though.
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...trying to get through to a guy that insists that economics and politics are separate issues.
My heart goes out to you. Business activity always has to consider political changes and them that ignore that fact do so at their own peril. They're like the poor slobs that think military action can ignore political realities.
...The economy moves in long cycles that are not controlled by the contemporaneous government in power let alone the president in power...
A lot of evidence available to support that comment. Maybe we could go further to say policy effects economic cycles a lot more than political party. Witness Nixon's "we're all Keynesians" vs. Clinton's "era of big government is over".
Not sure Republicans understand difference between "capitalism" and "exploitation".

When I think of capitalism, I think of something being made and that something being sold, hopefully for a profit.

Can what Romney does, indulging in predatory take over, firing people, selling the assets and making millions be called "capitalism"? I understand this Republican Party has a "make money no matter what the cost or who it screws" attitude. But can you still call that capitalism? If it's not capitalism, then what is it?

Who's to say the buyers of those assets can't make better use of them and employ more people? Clearly if a business is worth buying just to break it up and sell it, its not doing well. The buyer of such a business allows the owners to avoid bankruptcy and redeploys the capital assets of the business to owners who might better be able to use them.
Definition of Capitalism

"Capitalism" is conventionally defined along economic terms such as the following:

An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.


This is an example of a definition by non-essentials. An essential definition of capitalism is a political definition:

Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights.


Whatever. Capitalism is freedom from liberal government. We've had more of it than anyone on earth and we're the richest in human history.

Its not coincidence but liberals lack the ability to understand how freedom works so like children they propose government magic despite the deadly record of such.

Why does the country do best under Democrats. Since Eisenhower, all five times the budget was balanced was under Democratic Presidents. Why did the deficit explode under Reagan, Bush and especially Bush Jr.? There are a lot of questions like that.

Since Eisenhower the budget has not been balanced, want to try again?
...The economy moves in long cycles that are not controlled by the contemporaneous government in power let alone the president in power...
A lot of evidence available to support that comment. Maybe we could go further to say policy effects economic cycles a lot more than political party. Witness Nixon's "we're all Keynesians" vs. Clinton's "era of big government is over".

Yes good points! Clinton was acting at that point like a Republican because the political winds had swept House Republicans into power for the first time in 40 years. Yet Clinton was president so liberals will blindly credit him for what happened. Real thanks probably goes to Monica, Hillary care, and Newt.
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Not sure Republicans understand difference between "capitalism" and "exploitation".

When I think of capitalism, I think of something being made and that something being sold, hopefully for a profit.

Can what Romney does, indulging in predatory take over, firing people, selling the assets and making millions be called "capitalism"? I understand this Republican Party has a "make money no matter what the cost or who it screws" attitude. But can you still call that capitalism? If it's not capitalism, then what is it?

Who's to say the buyers of those assets can't make better use of them and employ more people? Clearly if a business is worth buying just to break it up and sell it, its not doing well. The buyer of such a business allows the owners to avoid bankruptcy and redeploys the capital assets of the business to owners who might better be able to use them.

good point! Do the liberals want to prevent people from buying and selling things on the theory they know better when people should buy and sell all things?

The irony is that most hostile takeovers were made possible by government tax policy that's makes debt deductible. If there was no business taxation, business would concentrate on business rather than tax avoidance. GE for example requires 1000 tax professionals to avoid taxes. What a huge liberal waste of resources.
Not sure rdean knows the difference between his ass and a hole in the ground.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
...Clinton was president so liberals will blindly credit him for what happened. Real thanks probably goes to Monica, Hillary care, and Newt.

We hear Clinton taking credit for welfare reform and the balanced budget, both of which he fought and vetoed repeatedly until the end, and after caving he said they were his ideas all along. Bottom line though is that what we finally got from Clinton/Newt was good. Notice how much better we're doing with Obama w/o Pelosi.
You really are hung up on your erroneous definition of economic systems, aren't you. FYI, an economic system is an organized way in which a state or nation allocates its resources and apportions goods and services in the national community, or, in simpler terms, the system of production and distribution and consumption. It does not matter if the trades are voluntary or involuntary, it is still an economic system.

Actually, you seem to be the one with the axe to grind. You seem to insist that we all accept your definition of Socialism as "something really bad that everybody should hate."

So, to answer your question, "No, not really". An involuntary participant in an economic system isn't really a participant at all, but merely a resource being exploited (Karl Marx-like) and it no dfferent than a tractor or a rail line.

If a thief breaks into my house and steals my TV and sells it to a fence who flips in onto some guy, I don't really see me as a part of that system. I was robbed. If it is truly your contention that slaves, prisoners forced to work and crime victims are all part of a valid economic model then I have to disagree.
Private ownership used to imply capitalism. But now liberal socialists have realized that they are far too dumb to own and manage businesses. Instead they leave ownership in private hands and seek to control businesses somewhat with taxes and regulation. With continued hard work conservatives will teach liberals they they are also far too dumb to control businesses with taxes and regulations.

"Liberal socialists" *leave* ownership in *private hands* and seek to control business *somewhat* with *taxes* and *regulation*.

I don't think that you understand the basic economic models. What you just described there is America. Period. Not "Liberal socialist" America. Just America.
That "we" doesn't include a lot of folks that like private ownership.

Different groups have different levels of sensitivity about names. The really touchy ones constantly change names

Others (including me) avoid the term because it's not accurate in differentiating between state and privately run economies. Lot's of people very much involved in private enterprise that don't have much capital. How can a 'captialist' not have 'capital'?

You think maybe I'm not being politically correct enough for the right-wing whack jobs?

You don't have to have money to live in a capitalist system. In fact, if you have a 401(k) that invests in stocks then you are participating in a capitalist system. I don't seem why the double-digit IQers feel they have some profound right to insist that the simple terms "capitalism" and "socialism" mean something that they simply do not.

Ford is owned by you and me and besides the "regulation" and "taxes" that Ed so eloquently mentioned, they are largely free to do what the CEO and Board sees fit without too much government interference.

Renault, otoh, is run on more a socialist model where the government owns a signficant share of the company and exercises significant control over what they produce and how.

So maybe that isn't a perfect comparison since the automotice industry is highly regulated and comples, but you get the gist.

The Ron Paul meatheads just want to pontificate about how just and noble their cause is and how evil and misguided everyone else. Forgive me, but I'm not too worried about hurting their feelings.
You really are hung up on your erroneous definition of economic systems, aren't you. FYI, an economic system is an organized way in which a state or nation allocates its resources and apportions goods and services in the national community, or, in simpler terms, the system of production and distribution and consumption. It does not matter if the trades are voluntary or involuntary, it is still an economic system.

Actually, you seem to be the one with the axe to grind. You seem to insist that we all accept your definition of Socialism as "something really bad that everybody should hate."

So, to answer your question, "No, not really". An involuntary participant in an economic system isn't really a participant at all, but merely a resource being exploited (Karl Marx-like) and it no dfferent than a tractor or a rail line.

If a thief breaks into my house and steals my TV and sells it to a fence who flips in onto some guy, I don't really see me as a part of that system. I was robbed. If it is truly your contention that slaves, prisoners forced to work and crime victims are all part of a valid economic model then I have to disagree.

Socialism has failed every single time it has been implemented. That does not make it bad, but it does make the people who support it idiots.

Please note that the example you gave actually proves my point. If someone steals your TV and sells it, you are forced to buy a new one. This is not a voluntary action, yet you still participate in the economy. I never said the model is valid, I just pointed out that it exists. Murder is not valid, yet no one denies it exists. You want to project your moral stance to the entire world, and force them to accept that, because something does not meet your moral test, it does not exist.

You do not live in a computer model.

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