Not the only whistleblower!!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
· In an August 8 letter, written by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Neal says that his committee received "credible allegations of 'evidence of possible misconduct'" from a federal employee in July.

· Though the president is not required by law to release their tax returns, every president has voluntarily released their tax returns or a tax summary since 1974⁠ — except Trump.

· Trump is also dealing with another whistleblower complaint, lodged in August, which sparked the House to launch a formal impeachment inquiry.


House Ways and Means chairman Richard Neal, the House committee which has jurisdiction over taxes, tariffs, and other social assistance programs, sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin saying that a "Federal employee" submitted an "unsolicited communication" on July 29, 2019, which alleged that there were "'inappropriate efforts to influence'" the mandatory Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit of Trump's and Vice President Mike Pence's tax returns.

In his August 8 letter, Neal argued that the allegations made by the whistleblower were "credible" and pointed to "evidence of possible misconduct."

Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate steps’ were taken to influence Trump’s tax audit
I figured as much with Barr's dtr in the IRS or any trumper.
Oh no....Dueling whistles!!! Get the kid from Deliverance and do the dueling banjos...
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.
· In an August 8 letter, written by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Neal says that his committee received "credible allegations of 'evidence of possible misconduct'" from a federal employee in July.

· Though the president is not required by law to release their tax returns, every president has voluntarily released their tax returns or a tax summary since 1974⁠ — except Trump.

· Trump is also dealing with another whistleblower complaint, lodged in August, which sparked the House to launch a formal impeachment inquiry.


House Ways and Means chairman Richard Neal, the House committee which has jurisdiction over taxes, tariffs, and other social assistance programs, sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin saying that a "Federal employee" submitted an "unsolicited communication" on July 29, 2019, which alleged that there were "'inappropriate efforts to influence'" the mandatory Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit of Trump's and Vice President Mike Pence's tax returns.

In his August 8 letter, Neal argued that the allegations made by the whistleblower were "credible" and pointed to "evidence of possible misconduct."

Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate steps’ were taken to influence Trump’s tax audit
I figured as much with Barr's dtr in the IRS or any trumper.

Why should Trump turn over his taxes to people who he knows, and everyone else knows will get lawyers to twist and turn his tax returns in a way to second guess what his tax accountants already did? in an attempt to criminalize him? of course they will, so why hand over personal information to people who are your enemies? people who are lying to your face and saying they want to be fair? The IRS already took a look at his tax returns. Honestly, thats good enough. No other president in US history had an entire political party trying to destroy him and his family at every turn.
· In an August 8 letter, written by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Neal says that his committee received "credible allegations of 'evidence of possible misconduct'" from a federal employee in July.

· Though the president is not required by law to release their tax returns, every president has voluntarily released their tax returns or a tax summary since 1974⁠ — except Trump.

· Trump is also dealing with another whistleblower complaint, lodged in August, which sparked the House to launch a formal impeachment inquiry.


House Ways and Means chairman Richard Neal, the House committee which has jurisdiction over taxes, tariffs, and other social assistance programs, sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin saying that a "Federal employee" submitted an "unsolicited communication" on July 29, 2019, which alleged that there were "'inappropriate efforts to influence'" the mandatory Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit of Trump's and Vice President Mike Pence's tax returns.

In his August 8 letter, Neal argued that the allegations made by the whistleblower were "credible" and pointed to "evidence of possible misconduct."

Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate steps’ were taken to influence Trump’s tax audit
I figured as much with Barr's dtr in the IRS or any trumper.

I thought Trump already released his tax returns.

And what constitutes whistleblower allegations if we don't agree
anymore if the knowledge has to be firsthand or can be hearsay
based on reports by others by word of mouth?
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.
· In an August 8 letter, written by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Neal says that his committee received "credible allegations of 'evidence of possible misconduct'" from a federal employee in July.

· Though the president is not required by law to release their tax returns, every president has voluntarily released their tax returns or a tax summary since 1974⁠ — except Trump.

· Trump is also dealing with another whistleblower complaint, lodged in August, which sparked the House to launch a formal impeachment inquiry.


House Ways and Means chairman Richard Neal, the House committee which has jurisdiction over taxes, tariffs, and other social assistance programs, sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin saying that a "Federal employee" submitted an "unsolicited communication" on July 29, 2019, which alleged that there were "'inappropriate efforts to influence'" the mandatory Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit of Trump's and Vice President Mike Pence's tax returns.

In his August 8 letter, Neal argued that the allegations made by the whistleblower were "credible" and pointed to "evidence of possible misconduct."

Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate steps’ were taken to influence Trump’s tax audit
I figured as much with Barr's dtr in the IRS or any trumper.

Seems there is a fake 'whistleblower' behind every bush these days.
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.

Guess you missed the no collusion and no obstruction.

Mueller's report bit you lefty loons in the ass.

Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.
You are correct. He didn't even go that far did he?
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.

Guess you missed the no collusion and no obstruction.

Mueller's report bit you lefty loons in the ass.


Why are you lying?

U.S. President Donald Trump is correct to say that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the U.S. 2016 presidential election found "no obstruction of justice."


This was not the first time Trump made such a claim, nor was it the last. The president and his defenders have repeatedly claimed that Mueller found no evidence of collusion or obstruction of justice, and that this two-volume report represented a total exoneration. But is that what Mueller concluded?


Did Mueller say there was “no obstruction” by Trump? No.

U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, addressed this issue during the opening moments of Mueller’s testimony on July 25, 2019. When Nadler asked Mueller about the president’s repeated claim that the report found no obstruction, Mueller responded that that is not what the report stated.

I could go on but why bother. You have no credibility.

Did Mueller Conclude Trump Committed 'No Obstruction' in the 2016 Election Probe?

Read here yourself why you are a stupid asshole.
Does the phrase “no obstruction” appear in Mueller’s report? No.

Did Mueller’s report clear Trump from an obstruction charge? No.

Did Mueller find evidence related to potential issues of obstruction of justice involving the president? Yes.

Did Mueller conclude that an underlying crime was required for an obstruction charge? No.

Did Mueller conclude that Trump obstructed justice? No.

Mueller detailed 11 issues related to the topic of obstruction of justice, but he did not make a traditional prosecutorial decision in regards to the matter. Instead, he collected evidence while “memories were fresh and documentary materials were available” and detailed those findings in this report.

While we can’t say if Trump obstructed justice (that determination is up to Congress, and, largely, the American public), we can say this: The special counsel’s report did not state that Trump committed “no obstruction.”
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.

Guess you missed the no collusion and no obstruction.

Mueller's report bit you lefty loons in the ass.


You clearly never read it. You only listened to what Barr told you the report said. Guess what? He lied to you. Fox News and Rush lied to you. Get your head out of your ass.
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.

Mueller has no such authority to find Trump guilty or not guilty.

They didn't have enough to pursue further.
But the way the response was worded, to either appease or to BAIT the opposition to Trump,
wording was used that mentioned not pursuing indictment against a sitting President.

This is like a bad cliff hanger
where part of the purpose is to keep dragging the audience along for the ride.
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.

Mueller has no such authority to find Trump guilty or not guilty.

They didn't have enough to pursue further.
But the way the response was worded, to either appease or to BAIT the opposition to Trump,
wording was used that mentioned not pursuing indictment against a sitting President.

This is like a bad cliff hanger
where part of the purpose is to keep dragging the audience along for the ride.

Or, what he was saying is he thinks Trump is guilty, it looks like he's guilty, but he didn't have enough to charge or he didn't find a smoking gun. But he found lots of evidence that points to inappropriate behavior.

If anyone thinks Trump didn't fight dirty in the 2018 election is,well, a Trump supporter. Aka deplorable idiot.
· In an August 8 letter, written by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Neal says that his committee received "credible allegations of 'evidence of possible misconduct'" from a federal employee in July.

· Though the president is not required by law to release their tax returns, every president has voluntarily released their tax returns or a tax summary since 1974⁠ — except Trump.

· Trump is also dealing with another whistleblower complaint, lodged in August, which sparked the House to launch a formal impeachment inquiry.


House Ways and Means chairman Richard Neal, the House committee which has jurisdiction over taxes, tariffs, and other social assistance programs, sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin saying that a "Federal employee" submitted an "unsolicited communication" on July 29, 2019, which alleged that there were "'inappropriate efforts to influence'" the mandatory Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit of Trump's and Vice President Mike Pence's tax returns.

In his August 8 letter, Neal argued that the allegations made by the whistleblower were "credible" and pointed to "evidence of possible misconduct."

Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate steps’ were taken to influence Trump’s tax audit
I figured as much with Barr's dtr in the IRS or any trumper.
Thread is useless as the tits on a Lib Tard, now that we found out Adam Schiff not only made a public embarrassment of himself when he grossly embellished the actual transcript of The President's Phone call, but Adam Schiff himself actually wrote The Fake Whistle Blower Report.

Sucks to be you. You were a day too late with this latest bit of Propaganda.
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.
Starr was able to identify 13 crimes Bill Clinton committed and made 13 Recommendations for Indictment.
Sounds like another gossip monger to me. Hearsay. The DOJ has already cleared Trump. Lets see if they clear Biden.
Biden was cleared months ago. If the DOJ doesn't clear Biden it'll be in a kangaroo court.

Trump doesn't get to break the law now moving forward just because he was found not guilty in the Mueller report. Not guilty is not the same as innocent too by the way. He wasn't cleared. There just wasn't enough evidence. Close but not enough. And Don Jr, if he wasn't daddy's son, would have been charged for that meeting with the russians in Trump tower but he got a pass because he's a daddy's boy like Biden's son.

Where did Mueller find Trump "not guilty"? I don't recall hearing or reading that.
Starr was able to identify 13 crimes Bill Clinton committed and made 13 Recommendations for Indictment.
What were those crimes?

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