Not Tired of Winning: 319 Results And Promises Kept In Three Years

You Leftards hate to see America excel.
Trump's ruining all of their plans.

A Great America won't vote for Socialism.
The blob has paid $28B to the farmers....
Suck Putin’s dick more.

You and your blob will have to get out of the way first. Fuck stain.
I drink your tears of anguish like a fine wine.

That’s Putin’s seed in your mouth fuck stain
And yet has lied about the biggest ones.
No wall
No pulling out of wars in middle east in fact he has ramped up invasions and bullying countries in the ME
Paid Maternity leave ONLY for federal workers not every worker

That zionist shill is a more pathetic version of Bush Jr and Obama mixed. I despised Obama but we expected him to be a piece of shit. I hate Trump even more because he PROMISED all these things and hasn't done them AND I voted for the lying sack of shit.

I'll be voting for Gabbard in the primaries IF she is still in but will more than likely just skip the ballot for president and VP in November. Same for my wife and parents.
No wall? What planet do you live on? It’s going to be completed by 2022.

I hate to break it to you but “it’s going to be completed” does not mean “they built a wall”. The wall is still very much tied up in all sorts of legal challenges. It isn’t going anywhere soon.

Not really. The most you can say about Trump’s little pet project is that he has taken some of the existing all along the fence and made it a bit bigger. There’s no new wall. Zero.

Hell, they’re still fighting lawsuits from landowners from when Bush wanted to extend the wall. It ain’t happening anytime soon.
And yet has lied about the biggest ones.
No wall
No pulling out of wars in middle east in fact he has ramped up invasions and bullying countries in the ME
Paid Maternity leave ONLY for federal workers not every worker

That zionist shill is a more pathetic version of Bush Jr and Obama mixed. I despised Obama but we expected him to be a piece of shit. I hate Trump even more because he PROMISED all these things and hasn't done them AND I voted for the lying sack of shit.

I'll be voting for Gabbard in the primaries IF she is still in but will more than likely just skip the ballot for president and VP in November. Same for my wife and parents.
No wall? What planet do you live on? It’s going to be completed by 2022.

I hate to break it to you but “it’s going to be completed” does not mean “they built a wall”. The wall is still very much tied up in all sorts of legal challenges. It isn’t going anywhere soon.

Not really. The most you can say about Trump’s little pet project is that he has taken some of the existing all along the fence and made it a bit bigger. There’s no new wall. Zero.

Hell, they’re still fighting lawsuits from landowners from when Bush wanted to extend the wall. It ain’t happening anytime soon.
That why illegal immigration is at decades old levels?
And yet has lied about the biggest ones.
No wall
No pulling out of wars in middle east in fact he has ramped up invasions and bullying countries in the ME
Paid Maternity leave ONLY for federal workers not every worker

That zionist shill is a more pathetic version of Bush Jr and Obama mixed. I despised Obama but we expected him to be a piece of shit. I hate Trump even more because he PROMISED all these things and hasn't done them AND I voted for the lying sack of shit.

I'll be voting for Gabbard in the primaries IF she is still in but will more than likely just skip the ballot for president and VP in November. Same for my wife and parents.
No wall? What planet do you live on? It’s going to be completed by 2022.

I hate to break it to you but “it’s going to be completed” does not mean “they built a wall”. The wall is still very much tied up in all sorts of legal challenges. It isn’t going anywhere soon.

Not really. The most you can say about Trump’s little pet project is that he has taken some of the existing all along the fence and made it a bit bigger. There’s no new wall. Zero.

Hell, they’re still fighting lawsuits from landowners from when Bush wanted to extend the wall. It ain’t happening anytime soon.
That why illegal immigration is at decades old levels?
No. It has more to do with enforcement off the border. Illegal immigration has been dropping for decades, in case you didn’t know. Even during the evil Obama years, net illegal immigration was basically zero to slightly negative for the first time in generations.

This may come as a shock to you, but there’s a lot more to illegal immigration than hur dur build a wall.
You know, it's really fucking funny watching Orange Jesus's worshippers whining and complaining about "biased" MSM outlets but having absolutely zero shame linking to highly biased right-wing sites and thinking they're objective

Using the following "promises list" lets see how Trump is doing with his uncompleted promises:

A Trump asset for 2020: He obsesses on turning his campaign promises into reality
  • He promised in a 2016 interview, with the WashPost's Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, to wipe out the national debt in eight years. Instead, he’s increased the deficit and inflated the debt by trillions.
  • He promised to build "a great wall," but inflates the mileage he claims by mixing replacement projects with new construction.
  • He promised Mexico would pay, but of course it hasn't.
  • He promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act and give amazing health care to everyone. Failed on both scores.
  • He promised to reverse trade deficits. Instead, the U.S. trade deficit with Europe has grown.
  • Trump, who yesterday called Afghanistan "the Harvard University of terrorism," had pushed to end America's longest war. But he hasn't withdrawn all U.S. troops, and said: "[W]e’ll always have somebody there."
  • Other areas where reality has fallen short: infrastructure ("We will build gleaming new roads, bridges, highways, railways and waterways all across our land") and ending the opioid crisis.
  • Perhaps Trump's most absurd broken promise: to drain the swamp. Instead, he brought us Scott Pruitt and friends.

1. The $23T Debt is a major problem for the US economy. Trump is trying to "grow" the economy out of the Budget Deficit, but that will never happen. Trump and the Republican House in 2021 need to agree on raising taxes, reforming entitlements, and cutting unnecessary spending. Without new income infrastructure can't happen, and his promise of wiping out the $23T Debt is just wrong. Trump may have meant wiping out the Budget Deficit in 8-years, see pages 33-35 in the following link:

2. The wall is happening, no matter what the MSM whines about, 100 miles built, 350 miles to go by end of 2020.

3. Mexico could pay for the wall if congress implements a small "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US.
The United States Loses $150 Billion Annually in Remittances | Federation for American Immigration Reform

4. The USSC will repeal the ACA for Trump, the problem then becomes, what will replace it?

Affordable Care Act: Democrats look to Supreme Court to save Obamacare

5. The Trade Deficit with the EU will be addressed after the new trade agreements with China are finalized. You can expect new tariffs on imported cars, Trump called those tariffs "the mother lode".

6. Trump is slowly reducing the number of US troops in AFG. If the Taliban don't settle down maybe Trump should just drop in killer robots, or genetically targeted diseases?

7. Infrastructure spending is a state responsibility, I don't see that in the Constitution. Trump is addressing the opioid problem, at least more than any prior president. We need to see the opioid deaths chart including 2018 and 2109.

8. Draining the swamp is a process. I suggest a "Grace Commission II" to streamline the Federal government and eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse.

That video was hilarious.
Ah, so reminiscent of the same story with the same players reversed during Obama's years.
No wall? What planet do you live on? It’s going to be completed by 2022.

I hate to break it to you but “it’s going to be completed” does not mean “they built a wall”. The wall is still very much tied up in all sorts of legal challenges. It isn’t going anywhere soon.

The wall will be torn down as soon as Trump leaves office
Who wants to get shot at? Because that’s what’ll occur.
Nobody will care
We will have Mexico pay for it
Only 5 more years to go!

He will be impeached first
I hate to break it to you but “it’s going to be completed” does not mean “they built a wall”. The wall is still very much tied up in all sorts of legal challenges. It isn’t going anywhere soon.

The wall will be torn down as soon as Trump leaves office
Who wants to get shot at? Because that’s what’ll occur.
Nobody will care
We will have Mexico pay for it
Only 5 more years to go!

He will be impeached first
He already has been impeached.

So far it does not look like this is doing anything for the democrats at all.
“According to Washington Post fact checker” :21:

This from the guy that just posted something from the Washington Examiner.

Verifiable facts, Leftard.

Exactly it's fact it's everywhere I know you are to stupid to even look stuff stop watching fox news:290968001256257790-final:l:290968001256257790-final::bigboy:
I drink your tears of anguish like a fine wine.

Says the guy who knows nothing about politics.

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