Not Your Grand Daddy's Republican Party.

Shrinking tent? Shall I remind you they control the House and Senate and most governorships? Their leading candidate is in almost a virtual tie with the dem's leading candidate for the 2016 election?

Yes, "shrinking tent".....all you have left within the GOP is old white evangelicals...and as the minority population grows, even Texas will soon turn purple...and without those electoral college votes, the WH will be a lost dream for conservative republicans......(BTW, expect the senate to be in Dems hands and, with governors like Snyder and Walker, you'll also see a major change at the state level.)
You're making excuses now. PP and the Democrats are joined at the hip. Have the mental fortitude to at least be honest when confronted with facts

PP...regardless of how you spin a health provider for poor women.....The NRA, conversely, is basically an arm for the weapons manufacturers to promote MORE guns whose purpose is killing.

PP donates almost exclusive to democrats, stop pissing down my back and telling me it's raining. It's not going to work
So? Do you think what they donate matters that much? They could donate nothing and the Dems would still fund them, they do good work.
Shrinking tent? Shall I remind you they control the House and Senate and most governorships? Their leading candidate is in almost a virtual tie with the dem's leading candidate for the 2016 election?

Yes, "shrinking tent".....all you have left within the GOP is old white evangelicals...and as the minority population grows, even Texas will soon turn purple...and without those electoral college votes, the WH will be a lost dream for conservative republicans......(BTW, expect the senate to be in Dems hands and, with governors like Snyder and Walker, you'll also see a major change at the state level.)
Shrinking tent? Shall I remind you they control the House and Senate and most governorships? Their leading candidate is in almost a virtual tie with the dem's leading candidate for the 2016 election?

Yes, "shrinking tent".....all you have left within the GOP is old white evangelicals...and as the minority population grows, even Texas will soon turn purple...and without those electoral college votes, the WH will be a lost dream for conservative republicans......(BTW, expect the senate to be in Dems hands and, with governors like Snyder and Walker, you'll also see a major change at the state level.)

Uhm...if you can't recognize the facts then stop responding. I have no patience for your BS


Do you also blame Obama for you sticking your head in the sand...
The republican understanding of dictating from Washington D.C. is also a fact not lost on those who profit from The Military Industrial Complex that our public budget has become.


If you are a defense contractor vying for part of that fat 21% with limited lobbying resources, you spend more on republicans.

Same holds true if you are a health-care contractor vying for part of the fat 28% that makes up the Medical Industrial Complex that our public budget has become. You concentrate your lobbying dollars on republicans.

For lots of reasons, not just because part of the republican charter is to control things from D.C.

You honestly don't think the democrats don't want to control things from D.C.? Really?

I never said that. I said you spend more on republicans. For lots of reasons...

There's plenty of desire to dictate things from a national level to go around and there can be SWEET profit in such dictation and proficiency in multiple tools is encouraged when it comes to playing D.C. throne games.

A fact not lost on groups like The NRA and those who would restrict behaviors and industries that are contrary to some moral code or another.

What are you trying to say? How is the NRA trying to restrict behaviors that are contrary to moral code? The NRA supports the Second Amendment which leads credence to the image I posted?

Check the bold blue above. The NRA uses the republican party to promote limiting restrictions on gun rights at the national level and the anti-abortion and anti-gay crowds use the republican party to promote their political desire for national restrictions on that industry and on that lifestyle.

It's a good thing for republicans and The NRA that most God-fearing pro-lifers who hate gays love guns. :thup:

How does the democrat party use....oh say Planned Parenthood or Gay rights groups or even the NAACP to promote their political desires? You're squawking about the GOP and ignoring (pun intended) the elephant in the room. Both sides have their agenda, that is politics in America

The Democratic party doesn't use Planned Parenthood, et al. Planned Parenthood, et al. uses The Democratic Party.

You're making excuses now. PP and the Democrats are joined at the hip. Have the mental fortitude to at least be honest when confronted with facts

Excuses? :eusa_eh:

It wasn't a question of the depth of the relationship, it was a question of which organization was being the tool and which was being the tool user.

Same can be said of The NRA and The Republican Party. Only one of those organizations is a tool being used by the other one. And there are PLENTY of democrats who're sympathetic to the NRA cause.

Kudos to The NRA on their use of the political tools available. :thup:
To address the qst. on the thread's title.....Ask yourself if today's GOPers would accept into their shrinking tent folks like, Rockefeller, Javitz, Lindsay, et al....

Shrinking tent? Shall I remind you they control the House and Senate and most governorships? Their leading candidate is in almost a virtual tie with the dem's leading candidate for the 2016 election?

Shrinking tent to those who see it...

If you don't, I get that. I disagree with your prediction of the future, but I understand it.

Time will tell.
You're making excuses now. PP and the Democrats are joined at the hip. Have the mental fortitude to at least be honest when confronted with facts

PP...regardless of how you spin a health provider for poor women.....The NRA, conversely, is basically an arm for the weapons manufacturers to promote MORE guns whose purpose is killing.
PP is taking our money and killing babies. You don't give a fuck, we get it. But those that do don't want their money used that way. Nobody is forcing you to buy a gun.
Shrinking tent? Shall I remind you they control the House and Senate and most governorships? Their leading candidate is in almost a virtual tie with the dem's leading candidate for the 2016 election?

Yes, "shrinking tent".....all you have left within the GOP is old white evangelicals...and as the minority population grows, even Texas will soon turn purple...and without those electoral college votes, the WH will be a lost dream for conservative republicans......(BTW, expect the senate to be in Dems hands and, with governors like Snyder and Walker, you'll also see a major change at the state level.)

Change via population demographics will keep coming like an inevitable freight train, but the power wielded by extremist viewpoints through the republican party will be affecting American politics until 2020. Change will accelerate when we can shame more states into un-Gerrymandering their political districts with the next census.

The goal needs to be voters picking their politicians, not politicians picking their voters.

Remember kids... if the message you are about to publish says more about another member than it does about the subject of the thread, it's probably a troll or a taunt.
A fact not lost on groups like The NRA and those who would restrict behaviors and industries that are contrary to some moral code or another.

What are you trying to say? How is the NRA trying to restrict behaviors that are contrary to moral code? The NRA supports the Second Amendment which leads credence to the image I posted?

Check the bold blue above. The NRA uses the republican party to promote limiting restrictions on gun rights at the national level and the anti-abortion and anti-gay crowds use the republican party to promote their political desire for national restrictions on that industry and on that lifestyle.

It's a good thing for republicans and The NRA that most God-fearing pro-lifers who hate gays love guns. :thup:

How does the democrat party use....oh say Planned Parenthood or Gay rights groups or even the NAACP to promote their political desires? You're squawking about the GOP and ignoring (pun intended) the elephant in the room. Both sides have their agenda, that is politics in America

The Democratic party doesn't use Planned Parenthood, et al. Planned Parenthood, et al. uses The Democratic Party.

You're making excuses now. PP and the Democrats are joined at the hip. Have the mental fortitude to at least be honest when confronted with facts

Excuses? :eusa_eh:

It wasn't a question of the depth of the relationship, it was a question of which organization was being the tool and which was being the tool user.

Same can be said of The NRA and The Republican Party. Only one of those organizations is a tool being used by the other one. And there are PLENTY of democrats who're sympathetic to the NRA cause.

Kudos to The NRA on their use of the political tools available. :thup:

You want to squawk about the right and the NRA and ignore the left and their organizations. If you can't be honest at what is going on there is no use in conversing with you, your agenda is duly noted
Right wingers are STILL pissed off that Obama beat their sorry arses TWICE?
Get over it (although, if he could run, Obama could beat you for a third time.)

Left wingers are STILL pissed at Ronald Reagan.

Lefties pissed at Reagan?!? :disbelief:

Ronald Reagan single-handedly ensured that the Social Security and Medicare programs would ultimately be saved by signing laws putting all federal employees hired after 1984, including members of congress and the senate, on those programs.

Ronald Reagan is a Socialist wet-dream. :thup:
PP is taking our money and killing babies. You don't give a fuck, we get it. But those that do don't want their money used that way. Nobody is forcing you to buy a gun.

Here's yet ANOTHER right wing moron who has never heard of the Hyde Amendment......A good portion of the right wing ideology is based on IGNORANCE.

A fact not lost on groups like The NRA and those who would restrict behaviors and industries that are contrary to some moral code or another.


What are you trying to say? How is the NRA trying to restrict behaviors that are contrary to moral code? The NRA supports the Second Amendment which leads credence to the image I posted?

The NRA supports those that dump in the most money, therefore, they only support increased sales of a product. Same goes for each and every Corporation that does muliti millions of contributions each year to Politics.
The NRA supports those that dump in the most money, therefore, they only support increased sales of a product. Same goes for each and every Corporation that does muliti millions of contributions each year to Politics.

...and THAT, my friend, is the very definition of a PLUTOCRACY.....government by the wealthy.
What are you trying to say? How is the NRA trying to restrict behaviors that are contrary to moral code? The NRA supports the Second Amendment which leads credence to the image I posted?

Check the bold blue above. The NRA uses the republican party to promote limiting restrictions on gun rights at the national level and the anti-abortion and anti-gay crowds use the republican party to promote their political desire for national restrictions on that industry and on that lifestyle.

It's a good thing for republicans and The NRA that most God-fearing pro-lifers who hate gays love guns. :thup:

How does the democrat party use....oh say Planned Parenthood or Gay rights groups or even the NAACP to promote their political desires? You're squawking about the GOP and ignoring (pun intended) the elephant in the room. Both sides have their agenda, that is politics in America

The Democratic party doesn't use Planned Parenthood, et al. Planned Parenthood, et al. uses The Democratic Party.

You're making excuses now. PP and the Democrats are joined at the hip. Have the mental fortitude to at least be honest when confronted with facts

Excuses? :eusa_eh:

It wasn't a question of the depth of the relationship, it was a question of which organization was being the tool and which was being the tool user.

Same can be said of The NRA and The Republican Party. Only one of those organizations is a tool being used by the other one. And there are PLENTY of democrats who're sympathetic to the NRA cause.

Kudos to The NRA on their use of the political tools available. :thup:
You want to squawk about the right and the NRA and ignore the left and their organizations. If you can't be honest at what is going on there is no use in conversing with you, your agenda is duly noted

Squawk? :eusa_eh:

I'm not sure what the burr under your saddle is all about. I never argued with your assessment that Planned Parenthood is an organization that has enjoyed politic success in wielding The Democratic Political Party as a tool.
Right wingers are STILL pissed off that Obama beat their sorry arses TWICE?
Get over it (although, if he could run, Obama could beat you for a third time.)

Left wingers are STILL pissed at Ronald Reagan.

Lefties pissed at Reagan?!? :disbelief:

Ronald Reagan single-handedly ensured that the Social Security and Medicare programs would ultimately be saved by signing laws putting all federal employees hired after 1984, including members of congress and the senate, on those programs.

Ronald Reagan is a Socialist wet-dream. :thup:
"Ronald Reagan is a Socialist wet-dream."

And there goes any credibility you thought you had. Yes, libs are still foaming over at the mouth at Reagan. I guess because they hate socialism so much. LOL

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