Nothing burger...

So shall we chalk you up as being in the Van Jones camp going forward?
I think he believes there is no Russian connection… Commonsense says so
Perhaps you didn't understand my question the first time, so I'll try again.

Shall we chalk you up as being in the Van Jones camp going forward?
I think he believes there is no Russian connection… Commonsense says so
Perhaps you didn't understand my question the first time, so I'll try again.

Shall we chalk you up as being in the Van Jones camp going forward?
I do like listening to him for comic relief… He's a flaming progressive. An easy target
A lot has happened in this Russian investigation since Dec 16,2016.
Van Jones does not currently have that same impression.
This is way before Trump admitted to obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview..
Van Jones, Obama's buddy... straight from the horses mouth.

Project Veritas|American Pravda: CNN

Well then he's wrong.

Members of President Donald Trump’s legal team suggested that White House senior adviser Jared Kushner should resign, concerned that his multiple meetings with Russian officials and web of financial dealings would endanger the White House, The Wall Street Journal reported late Monday.

In June, some aides working with Trump’s outside legal team made the recommendation to the president and prepared a statement for Kushner’s resignation, according to the Journal’s reporting.

Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, has drawn increasing scrutiny in multiple investigations into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in last year’s election, particularly given his high-level role in the White House.

Do you honestly think he did it without Trump knowing? Fool.
From that article:
"According to a seven-page summary of Avenatti’s firm’s claims, the payments were sent “within approximately 75 days” of the payment to Daniels (aka Stephanie Clifford). Avenatti’s documents did not provide any sources as to how he obtained that information, but he told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Tuesday night that he had obtained the information after working “diligently for many, many months.”

So, 75 days before the $130,000 payment to Stormy, a $500,000 payment was made to Cohen's firm from "the U.S. affiliate of a Russian billionaire’s company."

Now, this may turn out to be the smoking gun, but it's looking more like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon at this point.

$500,000 paid 2 1/2 months in advance for a $130,000 hush-money payment to a whore? What's the other $370,000 for?

This is why nobody believes the Russia horseshit. It's all innuendo and connecting 700 dots to find something on anyone.
Cohen and the money is a solid something burger.

Let's watch Mueller fry it up and serve it with prison sauce.
So shall we chalk you up as being in the Van Jones camp going forward?
I think he believes there is no Russian connection… Commonsense says so

Trump Associate Roger Stone Indicted In Mueller Investigation
The longtime Republican political operative was in touch with WikiLeaks and Russian hackers during the 2016 campaign.

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