'Nothingburger': ABC: Comey will NOT testify Trump asked him to Obstruct Investigation

6 from Trump's staff made undisclosed trips to Russia. They wouldn't have done that without him telling them to.
There was no legit reason for these trips.
The road to impeachment goes thru these 6 stooges.
no they didn't, why don't you post the links if you believe that.
Omg. They've been talking about it for months and you didn't see it?
Your fucked up sources lie to you..
so post the link bubba. let's see your months of talk in black and white. oh wait, they didn't travel they were on phone calls. As part of their jobs as reps to the government in a new administration transition. oh wait, that's what every president elect and staff does. it's getting prepared to run the country. wow dude you are one fked up fella.
I swear to God, you trump whores are the dumbest and most uniformed people on earth.
you said travel. you got a reading problem?
Kushner traveled to Russia and used their outlets to avoid detection. Now why would he do that snowflake?
no they didn't, why don't you post the links if you believe that.
Omg. They've been talking about it for months and you didn't see it?
Your fucked up sources lie to you..
so post the link bubba. let's see your months of talk in black and white. oh wait, they didn't travel they were on phone calls. As part of their jobs as reps to the government in a new administration transition. oh wait, that's what every president elect and staff does. it's getting prepared to run the country. wow dude you are one fked up fella.
I swear to God, you trump whores are the dumbest and most uniformed people on earth.
you said travel. you got a reading problem?
Kushner traveled to Russia and used their outlets to avoid detection. Now why would he do that snowflake?
snowflake, you're taking an oops on the board. I'm sorry.
An expert on the subject of executive privilege, Mark J. Rozell, has written, it is an accepted doctrine when appropriately applied in two circumstances: (1) certain national security needs and (2) protecting the privacy of White House deliberations when doing so serves the public interest.
Clearly, Donald Trump's conversations with James Comey do not fall into either area. Trump was wise not to try to concoct a phony justification for using the doctrine, which at best would have been a delaying tactic and only increased the already-fiendish interest in the specifics of Comey's testimony.
Pretending James Comey is testifying only because the President is not invoking executive privilege is not only disingenuous, it borders on small-bore fraud. To claim you have a power you do not, in fact, possess is dishonest. When executive privilege does exist, it is as the Supreme Court noted in US v. Nixon, always a "qualified privilege," meaning there must be balance between presidential privacy and the public's right to know — in contrast with other, absolute, presidential privileges, like the "state secrets privilege" (which the Bush/Cheney administration consistently abused, but was unavailable here for Trump).
This approach to former FBI Director Comey's testimony is a drill symptomatic of the Trump White House. They either do not know what they are doing or when they do they believe no one else does, so they play games. In the annals of executive privilege, it has never been used to block the testimony of a former federal employee. To do so, the White House would have to go to federal court to try to persuade a judge to block Comey, a former employee, from publicly discussing his conversations.
There is no basis for a court to make such a move to prevent Comey from coming before the panel to testify about President Trump's efforts to get him to pull back on the FBI's investigation of Russia's hacking the 2016 presidential race. If the testimony involved classified information, there might be a colorable argument if the former employee agreed the conversation was confidential, and both thought it was covered by executive privilege and held the conversation on that basis, but absent even that dubious argument, conversations with the president of the United States do not give him the power to revoke the First Amendment. Nor do courts engage in prior restraint, enjoining speech before it has been made.
While the term "executive privilege" dates to the Eisenhower presidency, the concept of the executive branch withholding information from its constitutional co-equals goes back to the earliest days of our government. President George Washington convened his Cabinet to discuss and agree to withhold information about a military expedition from Congress. Thomas Jefferson's notes from a Cabinet meeting show he discussed withholding information from Congress and the courts.
It was not until Richard Nixon withheld his secretly recorded conversations from the Watergate special prosecutor who had issued a grand jury subpoena did the US Supreme Court give executive privilege constitutional status based on the separation of powers of the branches. While the high court recognized the concept, it also recognized that President Nixon was using it to prevent the prosecutor from obtaining evidence of his criminal behavior. Nixon's use of executive privilege during Watergate gave it a bad name, and subsequent presidents have invoked it only reluctantly.
No post-Watergate president used executive privilege more aggressively than Bill Clinton, when confronted with the most aggressive special prosecutor in American history, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. It is difficult to imagine any president wanting to silence a witness more than Clinton surely wished to quiet Monica Lewinsky. Yet unlike the Trump White House, the Clinton administration never pretended prohibiting her from testifying before a grand jury or Congress was possible. Before Trump, I have never even heard of a president seriously thinking he could silence someone with whom the president had conversed by invoking executive privilege.
Conspicuously absent from Huckabee Sanders' announcement was any reference to the White House Counsel's office, which surely knew the claim of privilege was nonexistent, and wanted nothing to do with the charade the communications team is playing with Comey. Now we will have to wait to see if any Trump apologists on the Senate Intelligence Committee are so foolish as to join the White House mini-sham

You do realize that the only people bringing up EP was Democrats and the media asking the question trying to bait a response, correct?
Breaking: Comey won't claim Trump obstructed investigation, ABC reports - Hot Air

"Everyone in Washington and the media awaits James Comey’s testimony on Thursday with bated breath, but they may be in for a deep disappointment. ABC News’ Justin Fishel and Jonathan Karl report that sources close to the former FBI director say he will not claim that Donald Trump attempted to obstruct the investigation into Michael Flynn."

“He is not going to Congress to make accusations about the President’s intent, instead he’s there to share his concerns,” the source said, and tell the committee “what made him uneasy” and why he felt a need to write the memo documenting the conversation."

So Comey will bring no evidence before Congress. Instead, he will be there to talk about his 'feelings' and his 'emotions'.

View attachment 131349
Let's see what Comey has to say. He tends to be very concise

He will report what Trump said and what he said

Congress will decide whether it was obstruction. Given the Republican Congress........my guess is no
No wonder you dopes keep saying these investigations are nothing burgers.
You have no idea what's going on.
That's what you get from reading shit like Conservative Daily, Breitbart and watching Fox.
It's going to be hilarious watching your long drawn sad faces when the shit goes down, can't wait.
so dude where's that fking link you said you had? I'm waiting. Are you going to take an oops on the board?
Already have moron. While Russian trolls were invading our social media and Russia hacking our election why were so many on Trump's staff in CONSTANT CONTACT with Russia?
Why is Trump and Russia so closely tied? They're our adversary.., not our friend..
We'll get to the bottom of all this treason. You betcha.
No wonder you dopes keep saying these investigations are nothing burgers.
You have no idea what's going on.
That's what you get from reading shit like Conservative Daily, Breitbart and watching Fox.
It's going to be hilarious watching your long drawn sad faces when the shit goes down, can't wait.

Will it look something like election night over at Hillary's watch party or the MSNBC crew?
No wonder you dopes keep saying these investigations are nothing burgers.
You have no idea what's going on.
That's what you get from reading shit like Conservative Daily, Breitbart and watching Fox.
It's going to be hilarious watching your long drawn sad faces when the shit goes down, can't wait.
so dude where's that fking link you said you had? I'm waiting. Are you going to take an oops on the board?
Already have moron. While Russian trolls were invading our social media and Russia hacking our election why were so many on Trump's staff in CONSTANT CONTACT with Russia?
Why is Trump and Russia so closely tied? They're our adversary.., not our friend..
We'll get to the bottom of all this treason. You betcha.
dude, you're like dumping oops continuously now. you should go wipe.
Breaking: Comey won't claim Trump obstructed investigation, ABC reports - Hot Air

"Everyone in Washington and the media awaits James Comey’s testimony on Thursday with bated breath, but they may be in for a deep disappointment. ABC News’ Justin Fishel and Jonathan Karl report that sources close to the former FBI director say he will not claim that Donald Trump attempted to obstruct the investigation into Michael Flynn."

“He is not going to Congress to make accusations about the President’s intent, instead he’s there to share his concerns,” the source said, and tell the committee “what made him uneasy” and why he felt a need to write the memo documenting the conversation."

So Comey will bring no evidence before Congress. Instead, he will be there to talk about his 'feelings' and his 'emotions'.

View attachment 131349
Let's see what Comey has to say. He tends to be very concise

He will report what Trump said and what he said

Congress will decide whether it was obstruction. Given the Republican Congress........my guess is no
The GOP congress has proven to be cowards for the past year.
Probably won't change.
No wonder you dopes keep saying these investigations are nothing burgers.
You have no idea what's going on.
That's what you get from reading shit like Conservative Daily, Breitbart and watching Fox.
It's going to be hilarious watching your long drawn sad faces when the shit goes down, can't wait.
so dude where's that fking link you said you had? I'm waiting. Are you going to take an oops on the board?
Already have moron. While Russian trolls were invading our social media and Russia hacking our election why were so many on Trump's staff in CONSTANT CONTACT with Russia?
Why is Trump and Russia so closely tied? They're our adversary.., not our friend..
We'll get to the bottom of all this treason. You betcha.
dude, you're like dumping oops continuously now. you should go wipe.
Speak English. Funny you couldn't answer my questions. You have no answers.
This is what you get for backing the slimiest person ever in poltics
No wonder you dopes keep saying these investigations are nothing burgers.
You have no idea what's going on.
That's what you get from reading shit like Conservative Daily, Breitbart and watching Fox.
It's going to be hilarious watching your long drawn sad faces when the shit goes down, can't wait.
so dude where's that fking link you said you had? I'm waiting. Are you going to take an oops on the board?
Already have moron. While Russian trolls were invading our social media and Russia hacking our election why were so many on Trump's staff in CONSTANT CONTACT with Russia?
Why is Trump and Russia so closely tied? They're our adversary.., not our friend..
We'll get to the bottom of all this treason. You betcha.
dude, you're like dumping oops continuously now. you should go wipe.
Speak English. Funny you couldn't answer my questions. You have no answers.
This is what you get for backing the slimiest person ever in poltics
ahhhhh look at the oops piling up here.
Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States, and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.

Would you rather they be calling Tehran like Obammys' brethren? What is the crime here? WIKILEAKS getting a bunch of sleazy Podesta or DNC emails and posting them for public view? The Veritas sting videos? Hillary caught on camera not able to stand up? How is this all Trumps crime? Are his people not allowed to plan ahead?
No wonder you dopes keep saying these investigations are nothing burgers.
You have no idea what's going on.
That's what you get from reading shit like Conservative Daily, Breitbart and watching Fox.
It's going to be hilarious watching your long drawn sad faces when the shit goes down, can't wait.
so dude where's that fking link you said you had? I'm waiting. Are you going to take an oops on the board?
Already have moron. While Russian trolls were invading our social media and Russia hacking our election why were so many on Trump's staff in CONSTANT CONTACT with Russia?
Why is Trump and Russia so closely tied? They're our adversary.., not our friend..
We'll get to the bottom of all this treason. You betcha.
dude, you're like dumping oops continuously now. you should go wipe.
Speak English. Funny you couldn't answer my questions. You have no answers.
This is what you get for backing the slimiest person ever in poltics
ahhhhh look at the oops piling up here.
Why did many Trump people make calls and trips to Russia?
You're scared shitless to answer..

Conservative Daily.
Ha ha ha ha
Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States, and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.

Would you rather they be calling Tehran like Obammys' brethren? What is the crime here? WIKILEAKS getting a bunch of sleazy Podesta or DNC emails and posting them for public view? The Veritas sting videos? Hillary caught on camera not able to stand up? How is this all Trumps crime? Are his people not allowed to plan ahead?
they are not the government, hence no government hack. I'm lost at where they get their talking point from that it was our government.
so dude where's that fking link you said you had? I'm waiting. Are you going to take an oops on the board?
Already have moron. While Russian trolls were invading our social media and Russia hacking our election why were so many on Trump's staff in CONSTANT CONTACT with Russia?
Why is Trump and Russia so closely tied? They're our adversary.., not our friend..
We'll get to the bottom of all this treason. You betcha.
dude, you're like dumping oops continuously now. you should go wipe.
Speak English. Funny you couldn't answer my questions. You have no answers.
This is what you get for backing the slimiest person ever in poltics
ahhhhh look at the oops piling up here.
Why did many Trump people make calls and trips to Russia?
You're scared shitless to answer..

Conservative Daily.
Ha ha ha ha
everyone watch where you post, the oops are quite high in this thread. still waiting on your link junior.
Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States, and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.

Would you rather they be calling Tehran like Obammys' brethren? What is the crime here? WIKILEAKS getting a bunch of sleazy Podesta or DNC emails and posting them for public view? The Veritas sting videos? Hillary caught on camera not able to stand up? How is this all Trumps crime? Are his people not allowed to plan ahead?
Plan all u want. But as this election was being hacked his people were in constant contact with Russia.
Doesn't look suspicious huh.
Why on earth would you still be supporting this slimeball?
Already have moron. While Russian trolls were invading our social media and Russia hacking our election why were so many on Trump's staff in CONSTANT CONTACT with Russia?
Why is Trump and Russia so closely tied? They're our adversary.., not our friend..
We'll get to the bottom of all this treason. You betcha.
dude, you're like dumping oops continuously now. you should go wipe.
Speak English. Funny you couldn't answer my questions. You have no answers.
This is what you get for backing the slimiest person ever in poltics
ahhhhh look at the oops piling up here.
Why did many Trump people make calls and trips to Russia?
You're scared shitless to answer..

Conservative Daily.
Ha ha ha ha
everyone watch where you post, the oops are quite high in this thread. still waiting on your link junior.
Already gave it dope.
You're hilarious playing deaf dumb and blind.
dude, you're like dumping oops continuously now. you should go wipe.
Speak English. Funny you couldn't answer my questions. You have no answers.
This is what you get for backing the slimiest person ever in poltics
ahhhhh look at the oops piling up here.
Why did many Trump people make calls and trips to Russia?
You're scared shitless to answer..

Conservative Daily.
Ha ha ha ha
everyone watch where you post, the oops are quite high in this thread. still waiting on your link junior.
Already gave it dope.
You're hilarious playing deaf dumb and blind.
nope, you didn't junior, stop oopsing in here.
so dude where's that fking link you said you had? I'm waiting. Are you going to take an oops on the board?
Already have moron. While Russian trolls were invading our social media and Russia hacking our election why were so many on Trump's staff in CONSTANT CONTACT with Russia?
Why is Trump and Russia so closely tied? They're our adversary.., not our friend..
We'll get to the bottom of all this treason. You betcha.
dude, you're like dumping oops continuously now. you should go wipe.
Speak English. Funny you couldn't answer my questions. You have no answers.
This is what you get for backing the slimiest person ever in poltics
ahhhhh look at the oops piling up here.
Why did many Trump people make calls and trips to Russia?
You're scared shitless to answer..

Conservative Daily.
Ha ha ha ha

You mean the guys who were doing actual business in Ukraine for years.....? You mean them? Even the New York times stated that when you do business overseas the government and business bureaucrats you meet are likely linked to intelligence services...unlike here......and as Paul Manafort stated to the Times.....they don't come up and announce that they are in the intelligence services.........

And those calls to Russia...after the election......you mean when they were doing their jobs as incoming administration officials.....?

Look......you are going to need to stock up on Play Doh, crayons and make sure your safe space is ready.....you are really, really going to need it...
Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States, and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.

Would you rather they be calling Tehran like Obammys' brethren? What is the crime here? WIKILEAKS getting a bunch of sleazy Podesta or DNC emails and posting them for public view? The Veritas sting videos? Hillary caught on camera not able to stand up? How is this all Trumps crime? Are his people not allowed to plan ahead?
Plan all u want. But as this election was being hacked his people were in constant contact with Russia.
Doesn't look suspicious huh.
Why on earth would you still be supporting this slimeball?

Can we get a detailed explanation along with verifiable cause and effect how Russia stole this election from Hillary and gave it to Trump? These claims started back during the campaigns last summer, but to date I've never seen an actual proof of said claim. Do tell please. We all wait with bated breath at your inside info.
Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States, and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.

Would you rather they be calling Tehran like Obammys' brethren? What is the crime here? WIKILEAKS getting a bunch of sleazy Podesta or DNC emails and posting them for public view? The Veritas sting videos? Hillary caught on camera not able to stand up? How is this all Trumps crime? Are his people not allowed to plan ahead?
Plan all u want. But as this election was being hacked his people were in constant contact with Russia.
Doesn't look suspicious huh.
Why on earth would you still be supporting this slimeball?

Please....you left wing nuts keep using the word Hacked......what do you mean when you use that word?....Please, enlighten us...

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