Notice liberals will spam this bored flaming Repubs but they won't talk about Obama?

i work in a green industry and it is actually booming. there are many other jobs other than just the actual panel manufacturers.

- construction installation job
- project management jobs
- purchasing and procurement jobs
- manufacturing jobs (inverters and control building)
- solar farm maintenance jobs.

there are many more support positions as well. why are you against job creation? is it because its "green"?

Sure they are booming, just ask Solyndra.

S/he maybe a troll yet it is unlikely her/his bait is properly placed - a Master-Baiter s/he is not; an embarrassment to all competent trolls whose posts are prime examples of mental masturbation.

This is what liberals do when they know they can't win on the subject. They just attack and WHINE!


ill give you several things that he can run one which are valid:

1 - he helped save GM. which if it had failed, most economists agree that the would have been an additionl 1 to 1.4 million jobs lost
GM did fail, they went bankrupt, then recovered.
2 - when he took office we were losing 750,000 jobs per month, in Jan 2012 we created 243,000 for that month along.
How do you give him credit for jobs that he couldn't have possibly signed into being?
3 - since he took office he has overseen the creation of 3.7 million new private sector jobs
Governement doesn't create private sector jobs. Business owners do.
4 - when obama took office, the stock market stood at 5,000, as of today it stands at 12,926. meaning he has been in office while seeing the stock market climb nearly 8,000 points
Obama controls the stock market? How interesting.
5 - he ended the war in iraq
In twice as much time as he promised.
6 - he gave the order to get bin laden
That order was given by Bush.
7 - he advocated and got through the equal pay for women act.
8 - he has lowered taxes on the middle class several time. (the bailout, the payroll tax reduction)
Please explain how a bailout is a tax reduction. He's jeopardizing SS benefits.
9 - He repealed DADT
10 - He negotiated a new START Treaty
The old START treaty ended in 2009, why the delay? What did we gain? The reductions effect us more than Russia.
11 - he opened up markets in south korea, columbia and panama through free trade agreements.
Oh good, more free trade agreements to kill American jobs.
12 - he passed legislation limiting the risk taking that can happen with banks and financial institutions to prevent another financial collapse.
Wow! Which ones did he vote on again? You can't legislate away greed.13 - Health Care Reform
How is that affordable healthcare for all Americans coming?
you cant say the he hasnt accomplished anything. you can disagree with what he has done, but saying he has done nothing is a fallacy.

My comments in blue.
He gave it to the unions, told the investors they could go pound sand, and is now cutting off white collar pensions and forcing them to go to the 401Ks he caused to tank.
You can deny socialism all you want. The voters see something far different. Which is why Ford sales are doing better.

1 - He gave what to unions exactly? the unions actually had to giver concession in the way of paying more for their benefits.
2 - bankruptcy screws investors no matter what. if you know anything about bankruptcy law, someone always loses. and in this case those people who invested in GM lost a lot. but then again thats what happen in a free market. there are winners and losers.
3 - what exactly are you referring to in cutting white collar pension? at GM? at the government? Pensions are actually a leading cause in many states as to why they are going bankrupt. moving to a 401(k) system is a much more sustainable system since it ties an individuals private account to the market. this does not prevent the company from providing matching contributions. not sure why you are upset about this.

you still cant tell me why this is socialism. how is the government running and control every aspect and day to day operations of GM?

currently Ford trades at $2.65, and GM trades at $26.55. Ford stock is down 26% from a year ago, GM is down 25%. they are basically in the same boat....
S/he maybe a troll yet it is unlikely her/his bait is properly placed - a Master-Baiter s/he is not; an embarrassment to all competent trolls whose posts are prime examples of mental masturbation.

This is what liberals do when they know they can't win on the subject. They just attack and WHINE!



If I believed my comment was meant to be funny I'd use an emoticon so others might understand my message. Critical thinking is not only not your forte, it is alien to your way of emoting (did I need to explain "emoting" is not thinking? I do for you).
What do you want to talk about?
HOW AWESOME it was that he oversaw the effort that killed Bin Laden?
How good a job he did keeping us out of a second great depression after CONZ screwed the pooch?
How he got healthcare reform passed....the first effort in a generation to succeed?
How Obama can belt out "Sweet Home Chicago" while Romney can barely sputter out he likes cars?
How despite being kneecapped at virtually EVERY TURN, Obama still thinks you should have a voice?

Oh, that's right, it's all Bush's fault, even though Bush was at full employment.
That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh?


Stupid, stupid, stupid Teabaggers
do a little research, solyndra failed yes..... but how many other companies are doing well in the solar industry

Toshiba Mitsubishi
Solar City
First Solar
Global Solar
Faist Greentek
Nano Solar

you like to tout that solyndra fail. but not because of the technology, it was due to a flawed business plan and poor management.
do a little research, solyndra failed yes..... but how many other companies are doing well in the solar industry

Toshiba Mitsubishi
Solar City
First Solar
Global Solar
Faist Greentek
Nano Solar

you like to tout that solyndra fail. but not because of the technology, it was due to a flawed business plan and poor management.

Actually it was because of the technolgy. Europe is ahead. More importantly, Obama gave them the money in exchange for campaign funds KNOWING they were going to go bankrupt the whole time.
ill give you several things that he can run one which are valid:

1 - he helped save GM. which if it had failed, most economists agree that the would have been an additionl 1 to 1.4 million jobs lost
2 - when he took office we were losing 750,000 jobs per month, in Jan 2012 we created 243,000 for that month along.
3 - since he took office he has overseen the creation of 3.7 million new private sector jobs
4 - when obama took office, the stock market stood at 5,000, as of today it stands at 12,926. meaning he has been in office while seeing the stock market climb nearly 8,000 points
5 - he ended the war in iraq
6 - he gave the order to get bin laden
7 - he advocated and got through the equal pay for women act.
8 - he has lowered taxes on the middle class several time. (the bailout, the payroll tax reduction)
9 - He repealed DADT
10 - He negotiated a new START Treaty
11 - he opened up markets in south korea, columbia and panama through free trade agreements.
12 - he passed legislation limiting the risk taking that can happen with banks and financial institutions to prevent another financial collapse.
13 - Health Care Reform

you cant say the he hasnt accomplished anything. you can disagree with what he has done, but saying he has done nothing is a fallacy.

And, here's some more -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Almost 4 million NEW jobs and countless saved jobs, including our auto industry. (The pubs hate that GM is number one in the world again). Almost three straight year of economic growth, bin Laden, al-Awaki, Gaddifi and countless Taliban and al-Qeada are dead and much much more - IF you have the courage to READ the link above.

Then there's the challenge in my sig line, which, so far, no rw has been able to meet.

Since teapartysamurai started this thread, perhaps he/she would like to take my challenge?:lol:

What have the GObP/Republicans done? How many jobs have they created? How many terrorists have they captured/killed? EXACTLY what have they done to earn their tax-funded health care insurance?

Besides playing golf, EXACTLY what have the Republicans done?

Here,I'll even give you the answer - NOTHING. Fact is, the only jobs or economic growth we've had in the past 10 years has been what President Obama has done.
Last edited:
do a little research, solyndra failed yes..... but how many other companies are doing well in the solar industry

Toshiba Mitsubishi
Solar City
First Solar
Global Solar
Faist Greentek
Nano Solar

you like to tout that solyndra fail. but not because of the technology, it was due to a flawed business plan and poor management.

Actually it was because of the technolgy. Europe is ahead. More importantly, Obama gave them the money in exchange for campaign funds KNOWING they were going to go bankrupt the whole time.
wow, conservatives really do live in a bubble.

can you provide evidence that supports you claim that solyndra gave obama campaign contributions directly from the DOE loan?
i work in a green industry and it is actually booming. there are many other jobs other than just the actual panel manufacturers.

- construction installation job
- project management jobs
- purchasing and procurement jobs
- manufacturing jobs (inverters and control building)
- solar farm maintenance jobs.

there are many more support positions as well. why are you against job creation? is it because its "green"?

Sure they are booming, just ask Solyndra.


So... you take one or two instances of failure and apply that to the whole industry? You fucking sheep. I guess if that's the way it goes, every Chemical plant is creating Love Canals all over the country and poisoning our population. Every Energy Company is Enron. Every Bank is the same as Bank of America. Every Investment company is Goldman Sachs.

You are in over your head so far you can't even see daylight.

Right here folks... Take a look at this loser. This is what the problem with absolutes and extremism is. It turns otherwise normal people(assuming you were normal at one time) and turning them into brainwashed slugs that have no sense of "critical thinking" except when it's aimed at something they were told to criticize.
His three year record gives me all the reason I need. I know what he has done but don't know what the GOPs will do and I cannot trust them to tell me other than what Obama has done and not done and those are LIES.

Professor lists Obama accomplishments: Over 244 and growing

by: Tim Wheeler
January 25 2012
Professor lists Obama accomplishments: Over 244 and growing » peoplesworld

This is enough reason for me. :clap2:
ill give you several things that he can run one which are valid:

1 - he helped save GM. which if it had failed, most economists agree that the would have been an additionl 1 to 1.4 million jobs lost
GM did fail, they went bankrupt, then recovered.
2 - when he took office we were losing 750,000 jobs per month, in Jan 2012 we created 243,000 for that month along.
How do you give him credit for jobs that he couldn't have possibly signed into being?
3 - since he took office he has overseen the creation of 3.7 million new private sector jobs
Governement doesn't create private sector jobs. Business owners do.
4 - when obama took office, the stock market stood at 5,000, as of today it stands at 12,926. meaning he has been in office while seeing the stock market climb nearly 8,000 points
Obama controls the stock market? How interesting.
5 - he ended the war in iraq
In twice as much time as he promised.
6 - he gave the order to get bin laden
That order was given by Bush.
7 - he advocated and got through the equal pay for women act.
8 - he has lowered taxes on the middle class several time. (the bailout, the payroll tax reduction)
Please explain how a bailout is a tax reduction. He's jeopardizing SS benefits.
9 - He repealed DADT
10 - He negotiated a new START Treaty
The old START treaty ended in 2009, why the delay? What did we gain? The reductions effect us more than Russia.
11 - he opened up markets in south korea, columbia and panama through free trade agreements.
Oh good, more free trade agreements to kill American jobs.
12 - he passed legislation limiting the risk taking that can happen with banks and financial institutions to prevent another financial collapse.
Wow! Which ones did he vote on again? You can't legislate away greed.13 - Health Care Reform
How is that affordable healthcare for all Americans coming?
you cant say the he hasnt accomplished anything. you can disagree with what he has done, but saying he has done nothing is a fallacy.

My comments in blue.
ill give you several things that he can run one which are valid:

1 - he helped save GM. which if it had failed, most economists agree that the would have been an additionl 1 to 1.4 million jobs lost
GM did fail, they went bankrupt, then recovered.
GM didnt "fail" exactly, they went through management bankruptcy with a loan from Fed. They would have not needed a loan from the Fed has the banks agreed to lend to them. so it was the decision of the Obama administration to save GM instead of dismantle it
2 - when he took office we were losing 750,000 jobs per month, in Jan 2012 we created 243,000 for that month along.
How do you give him credit for jobs that he couldn't have possibly signed into being?
i can give him credit, simply because you on the right will blame him for losing jobs on his watch. under that logic, he can receive credit for overseeing growth
3 - since he took office he has overseen the creation of 3.7 million new private sector jobs
Governement doesn't create private sector jobs. Business owners do.
if they government doesnt create jobs, then why does the GOP/TP blame the president for not creating enough jobs?
4 - when obama took office, the stock market stood at 5,000, as of today it stands at 12,926. meaning he has been in office while seeing the stock market climb nearly 8,000 points
Obama controls the stock market? How interesting.
no but his policies influence investing. which his shoring up of the banks led to an increase in both consumer confidence and investor confidence.
5 - he ended the war in iraq
In twice as much time as he promised.
he still ended it, the GOP wanted to stay in Iraq "permanently"
6 - he gave the order to get bin laden
That order was given by Bush.
was bush in the situation room as seal team 6 took down the house in pakistan? did bush give the direct order to seal team 6 to proceed with the mission? what fantasy land do you live in?
7 - he advocated and got through the equal pay for women act.
i noticed you didnt comment here, WINNING!!
8 - he has lowered taxes on the middle class several time. (the bailout, the payroll tax reduction)
Please explain how a bailout is a tax reduction. He's jeopardizing SS benefits.\
over half of the bailout was tax cuts for the middle class... or did you forget that? and i thought that tax cuts "paid for themselves" and "deficits dont matter"
9 - He repealed DADT
10 - He negotiated a new START Treaty
The old START treaty ended in 2009, why the delay? What did we gain? The reductions effect us more than Russia.
yes america needs enough nuke to destroy the earth 20 times over........ and it took a while to negotiate, but are you really in favor of more nuclear weapons in the world?
11 - he opened up markets in south korea, columbia and panama through free trade agreements.
Oh good, more free trade agreements to kill American jobs.
actually the free trade agreements are project to increase exports, not imports
12 - he passed legislation limiting the risk taking that can happen with banks and financial institutions to prevent another financial collapse.
Wow! Which ones did he vote on again? You can't legislate away greed.
actually you can, by forcing banks to keep more cash on hand, or by forcing them to have derivative regulate, or to have hedge funds regulate. wow youre dense
13 - Health Care Reform
How is that affordable healthcare for all Americans coming?
between 1990 and 2007 health care costs increased over 400%, how is not acting doing to slow the rise in cost? the biggest reason that health care costs so much is because a) not enough peple are on the pool, and b) health care companies are designed to make a profit. thus you make a profit 2 ways. increaseing subscribers, or cutting expenses. how do you cut expenses, you deny services.
you cant say the he hasnt accomplished anything. you can disagree with what he has done, but saying he has done nothing is a fallacy.
Solyndra mistake cost us how much? Tax cuts for the rich and two unnecessary wars and a medicare drug program. all un paid for and costing us 6,000 lives of americans and a recession.:cuckoo:
... bin Laden, al-Awaki, Gaddifi and countless Taliban and al-Qeada are dead ...

Forgot to mention another thing that really pisses off the R's ... President Obama not only did what the R's could not, he not only finished the job that Bush was too lazy and incompetent to do, the president did it without shedding one drop of American blood or the blood of innocent civilians.

I have been shocked to read where R's actually criticized the president for the deaths of pirates and enemy combatants. If you ever make the mistake of believing the R's are patriots, all you have to do is read some of THAT shit.
ill give you several things that he can run one which are valid:

1 - he helped save GM. which if it had failed, most economists agree that the would have been an additionl 1 to 1.4 million jobs lost
2 - when he took office we were losing 750,000 jobs per month, in Jan 2012 we created 243,000 for that month along.
3 - since he took office he has overseen the creation of 3.7 million new private sector jobs
4 - when obama took office, the stock market stood at 5,000, as of today it stands at 12,926. meaning he has been in office while seeing the stock market climb nearly 8,000 points
5 - he ended the war in iraq
6 - he gave the order to get bin laden
7 - he advocated and got through the equal pay for women act.
8 - he has lowered taxes on the middle class several time. (the bailout, the payroll tax reduction)
9 - He repealed DADT
10 - He negotiated a new START Treaty
11 - he opened up markets in south korea, columbia and panama through free trade agreements.
12 - he passed legislation limiting the risk taking that can happen with banks and financial institutions to prevent another financial collapse.
13 - Health Care Reform

you cant say the he hasnt accomplished anything. you can disagree with what he has done, but saying he has done nothing is a fallacy.

And, here's some more -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Almost 4 million NEW jobs and countless saved jobs, including our auto industry. (The pubs hate that GM is number one in the world again). Almost three straight year of economic growth, bin Laden, al-Awaki, Gaddifi and countless Taliban and al-Qeada are dead and much much more - IF you have the courage to READ the link above.

Then there's the challenge in my sig line, which, so far, no rw has been able to meet.

Since teapartysamurai started this thread, perhaps he/she would like to take my challenge?:lol:

What have the GObP/Republicans done? How many jobs have they created? How many terrorists have they captured/killed? EXACTLY what have they done to earn their tax-funded health care insurance?

Besides playing golf, EXACTLY what have the Republicans done?

Here,I'll even give you the answer - NOTHING. Fact is, the only jobs or economic growth we've had in the past 10 years has been what President Obama has done.

They've named some post offices during the t-party credit downgrade

His three year record gives me all the reason I need. I know what he has done but don't know what the GOPs will do and I cannot trust them to tell me other than what Obama has done and not done and those are LIES.

Professor lists Obama accomplishments: Over 244 and growing

by: Tim Wheeler
January 25 2012
Professor lists Obama accomplishments: Over 244 and growing » peoplesworld

This is enough reason for me. :clap2:

I hadn't seen this link - Thanks.

Thing is, the rw's don't have anyone to vote for. So far, the only "plan" the Whack-A-Mole candidates have mentioned is to raise the taxes on the poor, raise the taxes on the working class and cut even more taxes for their crony 1%.

Well, that, and increase military spending, make war any place they can - including against an some imaginary being called "satan", slash rights and freedoms of most Americans (especially women! but men should remember that, Joe Walsh notwithstanding, fathers are just as responsible for raising all those unwanted babies.) and grow government bigger and bigger.

Its the classic Republican "plan" - raise taxes, make war and spend, spend, spend. That's what got us into this mess but they actually seem to believe we are so damn dumb, we'll believe them telling us it will now get us out of this mess.
someone posted earlier about the Keystone Pipeline being delayed. CNN just released an article about people not wanting it.

Stop Keystone pipeline before it's too late -

The purpose of Keystone XL is to bring tar sands crude oil through the United States to Gulf Coast refineries. The route through the United States is actually the oil industry's second choice: Transporting the oil west from Alberta to the Pacific Coast would be shorter and much cheaper, but Canadians concerned about environmental impacts and threats to native people's lands are challenging that route, and with good reason. The existing and potential environmental impacts along the 2,000-mile pipeline route are profound.
In Canada, extraction of tar sands crude requires clear-cutting thousands of acres of boreal forests, diverting rivers, strip-mining, and destroying critical habitat for some of the largest populations of woodland caribou left in the world. Thirty percent of North America's songbirds and 40% of its waterfowl rely on the wetlands and waterways of the boreal forest.
Tar sands oil production has already created more than 50 square miles of toxic waste ponds so massive they are visible from space. Even more important, tar sands oil extraction produces three times more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional oil and gas, putting even greater strain on our atmosphere and oceans, which have little absorptive capacity left.
Last edited:
someone posted earlier about the Keystone Pipeline being delay. CNN just released an article about people not wanting it.

Stop Keystone pipeline before it's too late -

The purpose of Keystone XL is to bring tar sands crude oil through the United States to Gulf Coast refineries. The route through the United States is actually the oil industry's second choice: Transporting the oil west from Alberta to the Pacific Coast would be shorter and much cheaper, but Canadians concerned about environmental impacts and threats to native people's lands are challenging that route, and with good reason. The existing and potential environmental impacts along the 2,000-mile pipeline route are profound.
In Canada, extraction of tar sands crude requires clear-cutting thousands of acres of boreal forests, diverting rivers, strip-mining, and destroying critical habitat for some of the largest populations of woodland caribou left in the world. Thirty percent of North America's songbirds and 40% of its waterfowl rely on the wetlands and waterways of the boreal forest.
Tar sands oil production has already created more than 50 square miles of toxic waste ponds so massive they are visible from space. Even more important, tar sands oil extraction produces three times more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional oil and gas, putting even greater strain on our atmosphere and oceans, which have little absorptive capacity left.

Cue the "CNN is nothing more than the Liberal Media" in 3....2.....1....

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