November Obamacare enrollments way up

The lastest enrollments are up to 176,000, not including the 500.000 who signed up for Medicaid.

Republicans be afraid, be very, very, afraid.

California, which has had about 80,000 sign-ups, is now reporting about 2,000 enrollments per day. New York and Washington state reported enrollment numbers in the tens of thousands as of this week.

A total of 27,000 enrollments were reported in October for the federal marketplace in which 36 states are relying on; the number that has not been updated in November.

“It’s not all doom and gloom,” Kaiser Family Foundation President Drew Altman said. “What this says is that the problems are system problems, not problems with demand or interest.”

?November surge? seen in Obamacare sign-ups in states - The Washington Post

How many are Medicaid and how many actually paid for their insurance. More people have lost their insurance then signed up FACT !!
Also from the OP link.

The latest figures from the state-run exchanges, combined with totals on the federal exchange, bring the national number to at least 176,000. While the pace of enrollments increased this month, sign-ups are still well below early projections.

I guess things are going so well that the Obama administration has to keep pushing the deadlines for signing up back. So you have 176,000 and 500,000 who have signed up for Medicaid interesting so out of those 176,000 how many are the young healthy people who will have to sign up and pay the much higher premiums to cover the cost of the 500.000 older less healthy people who have signed up for Medicaid?

The ball is rolling. The demand is there.

6.6 million people ages 19-25 have been able to stay on their parents' insurance plans and 3 million previously uninsured young adults obtained health insurance.
34 million Medicare recipients and 17 million others received free preventive service in 2012.
17 million children with pre-existing conditions were protected against being uninsured.
107,000 adults with pre-existing conditions obtained health insurance.
Since 2010, more than 6.3 million older or disabled people have saved more than $6.3 billion on prescription drugs.

Those same children could stay on their parents plan already here in Florida, actually until age 30. What's with that? They now lose 5 years on their parents policy?$FILE/Florida%20statute.pdf

And how many that signed up for medicaid now were already eligible?

And what does 2012 coverage have to do with obamacare?

And how many of those with pre-existing could already sign up for medicaid? (don't get me wrong, that was one area I agree we needed work)
oh, and no comment regarding my post prior?
Just spit out the talking points you are being given and do not engage with actual conversation regarding those points when challenged?
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man oh man, 500, 000 signed up for Medicaid

this is what OfailCare was intended to do in the first place, push people off into medicaid

lets just bankrupt Medicaid and our country

this country is hopeless
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As the California exchanges reject insurance plans that don't meet up with Obamacare's Cadillac standards, the public perception of the new health care law looks rather negative. According to CNBC "The old folks are outrunning the kids in the race to sign up for California's insurance. If the trend continues, it might lead to higher premiums down the line."

The results also found that 1/3 of all submitted applications also fell 400% below the Federal poverty level, as well as 39% of those enrollments eligible for California's Medicaid program.

When you look at WHO's signing up and who is simply rejecting Obama's signature legislation, these supposed "record numbers" aren't really worth celebrating over. The resulting sign ups could very well lead to further problems and cost issues down the road.

Old outpace young in California Obamacare numbers
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The GOP will preach "run it like a business".

Well, all businesses have struggles in the beginning. None become massive, successful corporations instantly.

Will they practice what they preach and hold this govt to the same expectation as a business, and let the early struggles play out and see what happens down the road?

Nah. They wont. Not a black-owned business haha.

No businesses get free propaganda, three years and 600 million dollars to create a website....
The GOP will preach "run it like a business".

Well, all businesses have struggles in the beginning. None become massive, successful corporations instantly.

Will they practice what they preach and hold this govt to the same expectation as a business, and let the early struggles play out and see what happens down the road?

Nah. They wont. Not a black-owned business haha.

^ that.
22 Republican governors refused to establish state run exchanges. In the states where there are Democratic governors, the exchanges are working well.

Republicans like to sabotage government, and then say, "Look government doesn't work!"

0 GOP Governors were involved in the federal exchange website which costs a ton of money and still does not work.

0 GOP Governors said you keep your previous insurance....when people can't and more won't be able to.

That is why republicans like to say that government should do the things it does well and leave the rest alone.

You are almost as stupid as Nancy Pelosi (and just as much a blind fool).

Oh, and need to get 5 million into the program to net even. So you need 12 million to make your target. Good luck with that one. The uninsured are staying away. They know when something stinks.
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The lastest enrollments are up to 176,000, not including the 500.000 who signed up for Medicaid.

Republicans be afraid, be very, very, afraid.

California, which has had about 80,000 sign-ups, is now reporting about 2,000 enrollments per day. New York and Washington state reported enrollment numbers in the tens of thousands as of this week.

A total of 27,000 enrollments were reported in October for the federal marketplace in which 36 states are relying on; the number that has not been updated in November.

“It’s not all doom and gloom,” Kaiser Family Foundation President Drew Altman said. “What this says is that the problems are system problems, not problems with demand or interest.”

?November surge? seen in Obamacare sign-ups in states - The Washington Post

Only in the mind of a stupid, liberal would people who formally paid for their own insurance, now under Obamacare are made to enroll in Medicaid be considered an accomplishment:cuckoo:
Also from the OP link.

The latest figures from the state-run exchanges, combined with totals on the federal exchange, bring the national number to at least 176,000. While the pace of enrollments increased this month, sign-ups are still well below early projections.

I guess things are going so well that the Obama administration has to keep pushing the deadlines for signing up back. So you have 176,000 and 500,000 who have signed up for Medicaid interesting so out of those 176,000 how many are the young healthy people who will have to sign up and pay the much higher premiums to cover the cost of the 500.000 older less healthy people who have signed up for Medicaid?

The ball is rolling. The demand is there.

6.6 million people ages 19-25 have been able to stay on their parents' insurance plans and 3 million previously uninsured young adults obtained health insurance.
34 million Medicare recipients and 17 million others received free preventive service in 2012.
17 million children with pre-existing conditions were protected against being uninsured.
107,000 adults with pre-existing conditions obtained health insurance.
Since 2010, more than 6.3 million older or disabled people have saved more than $6.3 billion on prescription drugs.

There are no where near the revenues needed to support all this collectivism.l

Why don't you move to Sweden, prick.
The lastest enrollments are up to 176,000, not including the 500.000 who signed up for Medicaid.

Republicans be afraid, be very, very, afraid.

California, which has had about 80,000 sign-ups, is now reporting about 2,000 enrollments per day. New York and Washington state reported enrollment numbers in the tens of thousands as of this week.

A total of 27,000 enrollments were reported in October for the federal marketplace in which 36 states are relying on; the number that has not been updated in November.

“It’s not all doom and gloom,” Kaiser Family Foundation President Drew Altman said. “What this says is that the problems are system problems, not problems with demand or interest.”

?November surge? seen in Obamacare sign-ups in states - The Washington Post

Only in the mind of a stupid, liberal would people who formally paid for their own insurance, now under Obamacare are made to enroll in Medicaid be considered an accomplishment:cuckoo:

When your only source of information is the likes of Chris Matthews, you can't be anything but ignorant.
The lastest enrollments are up to 176,000, not including the 500.000 who signed up for Medicaid.

Republicans be afraid, be very, very, afraid.

California, which has had about 80,000 sign-ups, is now reporting about 2,000 enrollments per day. New York and Washington state reported enrollment numbers in the tens of thousands as of this week.

A total of 27,000 enrollments were reported in October for the federal marketplace in which 36 states are relying on; the number that has not been updated in November.

“It’s not all doom and gloom,” Kaiser Family Foundation President Drew Altman said. “What this says is that the problems are system problems, not problems with demand or interest.”

?November surge? seen in Obamacare sign-ups in states - The Washington Post

2000 per day? :lol:

At that rate it'll only take 9 years to get the required 7 million enrollees for the system to function.

This is success to liberals. :cuckoo:
Ofailnocare was such a frikken SCAM played on us in this country

forces MILLIONS to lose their insurance and then pushed more people into Medicaid instead of purchasing insurance

And you people still sit here and tell us, we should be afraid...

this is so dirty
22 Republican governors refused to establish state run exchanges. In the states where there are Democratic governors, the exchanges are working well.

Republicans like to sabotage government, and then say, "Look government doesn't work!"

Oh that is just complete bullshit.

Working well? 2000 enrollments a day for California is a trickle. You have such low standards.

7500 total in Connecticut, still nobody at all in Oregon.

It's quite dismal.

Here?s how all the states stack up on Obamacare enrollment
22 Republican governors refused to establish state run exchanges. In the states where there are Democratic governors, the exchanges are working well.

Republicans like to sabotage government, and then say, "Look government doesn't work!"

yeah, they're pretty transparent. They get elected then prove that gov't doesn't work then they get tossed out lol.
22 Republican governors refused to establish state run exchanges. In the states where there are Democratic governors, the exchanges are working well.

Republicans like to sabotage government, and then say, "Look government doesn't work!"

yeah, they're pretty transparent. They get elected then prove that gov't doesn't work then they get tossed out lol.

Yeah, we are getting tossed out all over the place.

Highest number for either party in a while.
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Republicans are terrified of Obamacare because they know that over time, it will be more and more popular just like Social Security and Medicare.

So far...

500,000 people signed up for coverage through the exchanges....100,000 for medical insurance and 400,000 for Medicaid.

1,000,000 more have completed applications.

Millions more have gotten coverage through expanded Medicaid, expanded child coverage, and expanded pre-existing condition coverage.

The ACA is working.

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