Now do the Dems own the economy?

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

FDR Depression?

You should sue your High School -- they screwed you out of an education.

It's unfair for some states to unleash people this stupid on the rest of us.

Why is it the first words out of your mouth include "sue", could it be that you're a liberal???

The End of the Great Depression

To many at the time, President Roosevelt was a hero. They believed that he cared deeply for the common man and that he was doing his best to end the Great Depression. Looking back, however, it is uncertain as to how much Roosevelt's New Deal programs helped to end the Great Depression. By all accounts, the New Deal programs eased the hardships of the Great Depression; however, the U.S. economy was still extremely bad by the end of the 1930s.

So you had what kind of education?

F'ing idgit...

You're the poster child for education, face it stupid beat the hell out of your dumbass...

By 1934 unemployment was at 25%, and with the New Deal started, by 1937 or so unemployment had dropped to 14%, at this point FDR stopped the New Deal and unemployment rose to 19%. By 1939 it was down to 16% and with the war clouds, unemployment kept dropping, and America was on its way to prosperity.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

LOL. Silly ass, you are as stupid as ever. The whole time the Teabaggers were throwing their imitation of a two year old legislative tantrum the market was going down. As soon as they caved, the market immediatly made big gains. Now that is the kind of economy that I like owning.

We kick these dingdong malcontents out of office in Novemeber of 14, and have two years to get this nation back on track with investments in infrastructure, science, and the education of our citizens, you are going to see a renewed nation. One that once again is competing in all aspects for being number one, rather than being the competition for first place in political lunacy.

We heard this story of "infrastructure, science and education" investments in 2009 when your team had the House, Senate, and the Oval. How did that work out?

FDR Depression?

You should sue your High School -- they screwed you out of an education.

It's unfair for some states to unleash people this stupid on the rest of us.

FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years

And it was the handiwork of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.

I love how Progressives see two economic collapses, see lackluster results with their stupid policies, and continue to blame the prolonged malaise on the previous administrations.

Do you know why Progressives never talk about the economic collapse of 1920? Because they were in charge before it and they were kicked out of power and couldn't prolong it with their pork. Look at the recession and depression history and note the policies that got us out of them quickly. Look at the policies in place for recessions and depressions that dragged on for years and years.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Works for, if only the Republicans would get out of the way

Right. Until of course, the inevitable failure comes home regarding LOLberal fiscal policies. Then you'll have to find someone else to blame. The rich?

Or maybe just blame rrepublicans anyway?

Or maybe it was the American people's fault?

I know! Conservatives?

YOu guys are a bunch of tweenagers. Not a single adult amongst you.

Why is it massive unemployment and income disparity follow conservative administrations?

Is that what you guys call a "good economy"?

After Coolidge/Hoover - Depression then New Deal.
After Nixon/Ford - Stagflation - Necessitated a deliberate Recession.
After Reagan - Massive bailouts of the financial sector and tax increases on the middle class.
After George W. Bush - TARP, Auto industry bailout, stimulus.

But heck..executive compensation is about 400x s everyone elses, and 1% of the population control 40% of America's wealth.

Is that "Mission Accomplished?" :eusa_shifty:


Clinton's dot com boom and bust.
FDR still couldn't see a recovery in his own lifetime. That's right, we didn't recover until after he died.
The real deal.

[ame=]The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money Episode 4 - YouTube[/ame]
Hoover preached rugged individualism, have you ever read any of Hoover's speeches, or anything of his presidency or even the Great Depression?
Do you have any idea what caused the Great Depression?
Hoover's RFC was trickle-down, give to business and it will trickle down to the masses.
FDR used the RFC but added a number of new programs called the New Deal.
Things got better before the war ever started, if they hadn't the people would have dumped FDR just as they had dumped Hoover and the Republicans.
We still have some New Deal policies in operation.
The war increased the spending evidence that FDR simply didn't spend enough.

You're such an ignorant douche-bag.
Libertarian economist Murray Rothbard argues that Hoover was actually the initiator of what came to be the New Deal. Hoover engaged in many unprecedented public works programs, including an increase in the Federal Buildings program of over $400 million and the establishment of the Division of Public Construction to spur public works planning. Hoover himself granted more subsidies to ship construction through the Federal Shipping Board and asked for a further $175 million appropriation for public works; this was followed in July 1930 with the expenditure of a giant $915 million public works program, including a Hoover Dam on the Colorado River.[106][107] In the spring of 1930, Hoover acquired from Congress an added $100 million to continue the Federal Farm Board lending and purchasing policies. At the end of 1929, the FFB established a national wool cooperative-the National Wool Marketing Corporation (NWMC) made up of 30 state associations. The Board also established an allied National Wool Credit Corporation to handle finances. A total of $31.5 million in loans for wool were made by the FFB, of which $12.5 million were permanently lost; these massive agricultural subsidies were a precedent for the later Agricultural Adjustment Act.[108][109] Hoover also advocated strong labor regulation law, including the enactment of the Bacon-Davis Act, requiring a maximum eight-hour day on construction of public buildings and the payment of at least the "prevailing wage" in the locality. In the Banking sector, Hoover passed The Federal Home Loan Bank Act on July, 1932, establishing 12 district banks ruled by a Federal Home Loan Bank Board in a manner similar to the Federal Reserve System. $125 million capital was subscribed by the Treasury and this was subsequently shifted to the RFC. Hoover was also instrumental in passing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932, allowing for prime rediscounting at the Federal Reserve, allowing further inflation of credit and bank reserves.[110]

Lee Ohanian, from UCLA takes a controversial stance, arguing that Hoover adopted pro-labor policies after the 1929 stock market crash that "accounted for close to two-thirds of the drop in the nation's gross domestic product over the two years that followed, causing what might otherwise have been a bad recession to slip into the Great Depression".[111] This argument is at odds with the more Keynesian view of the causes of the Depression, and has been challenged as revisionist by many economists including J. Bradford DeLong of U.C. Berkeley.[112]

The truth is Hoover pursued policies like Obama's: raising the cost of hiring so unemployment stayed high, just like now. The unemployment problem was solved by drafting a good part of the workforce for the war. I'd hardly call that a success. Maybe Obama should lie us into yet another big war and start a draft, like Charlie Rangel keeps demanding.

So why didn't Hoover's policies work, and FDR's did?

Neither one of them worked. That's the point. That Keynesian prime the pump shit doesn't work. It didnt work then, it didnt work under Ford, it isn't working now. It hasn't worked for the Japanese in 20 years. You dont create wealth by fettering business or by directing funds from the most successful and efficient entities and directing them to the least succesful and inefficient.
thats not a depression! you know how low their standards are!

Unemployment was 22% when FDR took office, and by 1937 unemployment had dropped to 9%. At this point FDR was concerned the economy might turn inflationary and stopped the New Deal and unemployment rose to 12.5%. Unemployment again started declining and by FDR's death was about 1 to 2%.
"The New Deal"
Michael Hiltzik
Page 431

So after 8 years and millions of dollars spent unemployment was 9%. That doesn't sound like success to me.
And FDR's death occurred during war time when a large part of the workforce was in the military.

like I've always said you repub-lie-tards never get anything right .... first of all its been five years not 8 ....second of all he started with 7.9% unemployment on January 20 2008, not 9% .... it went up to 9 % and even higher no thanks to the republican party for help ... now its lower then what he started with... again with no help coming from the right ... I would say that's phenomenal at best ... especially when you have a party filibustering everything thing you do to try and fix the problem ... the real truth is you can't stand that the Black man, allegedly from Kenya, is president of the United states ... who has done a better job then the previous white guy before him ...
More free shit from Obama everyone. Please show up at the polls in 2014 and show your support


we will show up and vote against the 18 in the senate and the 144 in the house who voted against the government opening .... who voted against the united states paying for the money we owe ... that you can count on .... that way we will have people in office that cares about the health and the debts we owe .... unlike those republican bastards we have now ....

Last edited:
Works for, if only the Republicans would get out of the way

What happens in the next years will happen for and to all of us. Not one side will escape, Republicans and democrats alike.
But Democrats will predictably refuse to assume responsibility for their actions.

that's the coolest cancer logo Ive seen in a long time ... funny and by god I do everything to keep it from steeling second base ....
Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

FDR Depression?

You should sue your High School -- they screwed you out of an education.

It's unfair for some states to unleash people this stupid on the rest of us.

FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years

Sounds like Obama. 20-25% real unemployment for 5 years going. They don't count people that stopped looking for jobs now.
Unemployment was 22% when FDR took office, and by 1937 unemployment had dropped to 9%. At this point FDR was concerned the economy might turn inflationary and stopped the New Deal and unemployment rose to 12.5%. Unemployment again started declining and by FDR's death was about 1 to 2%.
"The New Deal"
Michael Hiltzik
Page 431

So after 8 years and millions of dollars spent unemployment was 9%. That doesn't sound like success to me.
And FDR's death occurred during war time when a large part of the workforce was in the military.

like I've always said you repub-lie-tards never get anything right .... first of all its been five years not 8 ....second of all he started with 7.9% unemployment on January 20 2008, not 9% .... it went up to 9 % and even higher no thanks to the republican party for help ... now its lower then what he started with... again with no help coming from the right ... I would say that's phenomenal at best ... especially when you have a party filibustering everything thing you do to try and fix the problem ... the real truth is you can't stand that the Black man, allegedly from Kenya, is president of the United states ... who has done a better job then the previous white guy before him ...

I didnt realize FDR was black.
My post was about FDR and the Great Depression. Leave it to a mouth-breathing moron like you to think I was talking about Obama.
Neg for stupidity.
FDR Depression?

You should sue your High School -- they screwed you out of an education.

It's unfair for some states to unleash people this stupid on the rest of us.

FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years

Sounds like Obama. 20-25% real unemployment for 5 years going. They don't count people that stopped looking for jobs now.

Obama is a replay of FDR, without the good speeches.
Obama's recovery has caused more harm than Bush's recession.
FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years

Sounds like Obama. 20-25% real unemployment for 5 years going. They don't count people that stopped looking for jobs now.

Obama is a replay of FDR, without the good speeches.
Obama's recovery has caused more harm than Bush's recession.

Democrats can only thrive with a permanent underclass that's why they destroyed the black family love our unemployment (it stimulates the Democratic economy) and now they're looking to get Mexican scalps under their belts
... the real truth is you can't stand that the Black man, allegedly from Kenya, is president of the United states ...

Negged for retardery.

Look, it's obvious that you can't rationally defend Obama's policies. But your inability to think with anything besides emotion does not mean people who can rationally criticize Obama's policies are racist.

More free shit from Obama everyone. Please show up at the polls in 2014 and show your support


we will show up and vote against the 18 in the senate and the 144 in the house who voted against the government opening .... who voted against the united states paying for the money we owe ... that you can count on .... that way we will have people in office that cares about the health and the debts we owe .... unlike those republican bastards we have now ....

"People that care about...the debts we owe".

Yes, they care so much, they declared the checkbook is bottomless.
The right wing distortion of history might convince other right wingers, but will it convince the historians, to rewrite their history books, change their lectures? Will universities now teach the distorted right wing history? Will historians now rate FDR as America's worst president not the greatest? I think right wingers can stand most history but that FDR thing really gets to them.
So it seems the right wing history posters only purpose seems to be one of giving some aid and comfort to their followers today, knowing full well their take on history will not change any of it. It is simply an aid and comfort package.
I can offer them a better alternative than subjugation.

You can't offer them a better deal than constitutionalism, son, and that is what they have.

Your last stand was last night.

The TeaP kamikaze charge ended up as they normally do: complete defeat.

Sure, Jake. From your lips to Obama's big ears.

Generations from now they'll still be talking about the liquidation of the Republican moderates of 2014.

"Sure, we've seen similar total die offs in history, but there's usually an asteroid or something. Republican Moderates just vanished in 2014"

Reality is hard for you, I realize.

The GOP mainstream will grow in 2014 and the TeaPs decrease.

You are still in the hive and just hear the Buzzz.
You can't offer them a better deal than constitutionalism, son, and that is what they have.

Your last stand was last night.

The TeaP kamikaze charge ended up as they normally do: complete defeat.

Sure, Jake. From your lips to Obama's big ears.

Generations from now they'll still be talking about the liquidation of the Republican moderates of 2014.

"Sure, we've seen similar total die offs in history, but there's usually an asteroid or something. Republican Moderates just vanished in 2014"

Reality is hard for you, I realize.

The GOP mainstream will grow in 2014 and the TeaPs decrease..

Comrade Starkiev, the reason the GOP "mainstream" aka, the surrender caucus will grow is because they will merge with the democrats .

The socialist goal to have a one party system will be closer to reality. The socialist goal that we all be equally miserable will begin to materialize.

Sure, Jake. From your lips to Obama's big ears.

Generations from now they'll still be talking about the liquidation of the Republican moderates of 2014.

"Sure, we've seen similar total die offs in history, but there's usually an asteroid or something. Republican Moderates just vanished in 2014"

Reality is hard for you, I realize.

The GOP mainstream will grow in 2014 and the TeaPs decrease..

Comrade Starkiev, the reason the GOP "mainstream" aka, the surrender caucus will grow is because they will merge with the democrats .

The socialist goal to have a one party system will be closer to reality. The socialist goal that we all be equally miserable will begin to materialize.


Socialists? I thought the right wing labeled Democrats as commie-fascists?

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