Now do the Dems own the economy?

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

FDR Depression?

You should sue your High School -- they screwed you out of an education.

It's unfair for some states to unleash people this stupid on the rest of us.

FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years
The Great Depression started in 1929 when the stock market suffered a huge crash. Roosevelt was elected to the presidency in 1932. The president who was in office when the depression hit was Herbert Hoover (R). When the depression hit Hoover took the position that the government should not intervene and do nothing to help us out of the depression. As a result conditions worsened and the US fell deeper and deeper into depression as more and more people continued to lose their jobs. Hoover's failure to take ANY action meant that when he turned the country over to Roosevelt America was in a terrible state. As time had passed the effects of the depression hit more and more Americans.
The WWII thingy was included with the I to 2 percent unemployment at the time of FDR's death. The New Deal was ended in 37 and we had a recession at that time, but we gradually pulled out of that and then in 39 Europe went to war and we started rearming. Difficult to put a whole historical era in one paragraph. The assumption is that some know their history.

You don't and neither does the author you quoted

More and more it seems posters are questioning historians because the historian's history differs from the posters. The historian cited is a Pulitzer Prize author. So what is your source that FDR's average unemployment was as you say?

It's pretty obvious what the source is.
But it is dishonest to credit New Deal programs for an unemployment rate that stems largely from manpower requirements in WW2.
It is that lying by omission that the libs have down so well. It isn't that what they say is untrue. It is that what they don't say changes the whole picture.
FDR Depression?

You should sue your High School -- they screwed you out of an education.

It's unfair for some states to unleash people this stupid on the rest of us.

FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years
The Great Depression started in 1929 when the stock market suffered a huge crash. Roosevelt was elected to the presidency in 1932. The president who was in office when the depression hit was Herbert Hoover (R). When the depression hit Hoover took the position that the government should not intervene and do nothing to help us out of the depression. As a result conditions worsened and the US fell deeper and deeper into depression as more and more people continued to lose their jobs. Hoover's failure to take ANY action meant that when he turned the country over to Roosevelt America was in a terrible state. As time had passed the effects of the depression hit more and more Americans.

And THAT, ladies and germs, is exactly what I predicted in an earlier post. People have been taught that crap by progressives for so long that when confronted with the truth, they cannot handle it.

The truth is that:
1)Hoover was a progressive
2) Hoover pushed a bunch of "stimulus programs" and other controls.
3) FDR doubled down on those.
4) They had no effect, other than to make things worse
5) Things got better when the war broke out, boosting demand and decreasing supply.
6) After the war Congress refused to go back to New Deal policies and we experienced an enormous expansion.
FDR Depression?

You should sue your High School -- they screwed you out of an education.

It's unfair for some states to unleash people this stupid on the rest of us.

FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years
The Great Depression started in 1929 when the stock market suffered a huge crash. Roosevelt was elected to the presidency in 1932. The president who was in office when the depression hit was Herbert Hoover (R). When the depression hit Hoover took the position that the government should not intervene and do nothing to help us out of the depression. As a result conditions worsened and the US fell deeper and deeper into depression as more and more people continued to lose their jobs. Hoover's failure to take ANY action meant that when he turned the country over to Roosevelt America was in a terrible state. As time had passed the effects of the depression hit more and more Americans.

You do realize that the R's of 1929 are the D's of today, don't you??? :) So, Hoover, in todays standards, would have been a Democrat.
FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years
The Great Depression started in 1929 when the stock market suffered a huge crash. Roosevelt was elected to the presidency in 1932. The president who was in office when the depression hit was Herbert Hoover (R). When the depression hit Hoover took the position that the government should not intervene and do nothing to help us out of the depression. As a result conditions worsened and the US fell deeper and deeper into depression as more and more people continued to lose their jobs. Hoover's failure to take ANY action meant that when he turned the country over to Roosevelt America was in a terrible state. As time had passed the effects of the depression hit more and more Americans.

You do realize that the R's of 1929 are the D's of today, don't you??? :) So, Hoover, in todays standards, would have been a Democrat.

YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR TINY LITTLE MIND. Thank God this time Dems were there FAST to avert a full fledged depression...only cost about 6 trillion, but a great improvement over another Hoover. A-hole greedy Pubs and silly dupes...
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

LOL. Silly ass, you are as stupid as ever. The whole time the Teabaggers were throwing their imitation of a two year old legislative tantrum the market was going down. As soon as they caved, the market immediatly made big gains. Now that is the kind of economy that I like owning.

We kick these dingdong malcontents out of office in Novemeber of 14, and have two years to get this nation back on track with investments in infrastructure, science, and the education of our citizens, you are going to see a renewed nation. One that once again is competing in all aspects for being number one, rather than being the competition for first place in political lunacy.

So in your opinion the economy is governed by the stock market?

I think unemployment, the types of jobs, the consumer confidence, inflation, home starts, interest rate and a lot of other things factor into the economy. But I guess Democrats are to simple minded to figure that out.
107-- Dems try to regulate and arrest the miscreants- Pubs love the greedy rich and are their cronies- and always get together with them to scam the country- See Grant, Harding, Coolidge, Dulles, Reagan, and W...IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE DIFFERENCE, YOU'RE A BRAINEASHED IDIOT- SO MANY DUPES LATCH on to one conspiracy to explain everything- pure ignorance.
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The whole time the Teabaggers were throwing

Why is it that, when the leftist fanatics are revealed as being at fault for a bunch of problems, they start talking about lewd sex acts and people's genitals?

They've been doing it a lot recently. It's a pretty serious obsessions with them.
Since they don't have facts or logic, and can't rationally defend their views, they have no choice but to lash out emotionally.
You know when you dig yourself into a HOLE as big as the 8 years of BUSH/CHENEY'S DRUNKEN SPENDING SPREE, it takes a really long long time to dig out!

This polling data and article is from only 3 months ago...

Poll: Americans Still Blame Bush for Economic Problems

More than four years after he left office, George W. Bush is still seen as the cause of the nation's economic woes

By Danielle Kurtzleben - US NEWS & WORLD REPORT.

July 9, 2013 RSS

[READ: George W. Bush: Let History Judge Me]

According to a new poll from Gallup, Americans are far less likely to blame Obama for the nation's current economic problems than they are to blame former president George W. Bush, who left office over fouryears ago. More than two-thirds of Americans, 69 percent, said they blame Bush "a great deal" or "a moderate amount" for the nation's current economic problems. In contrast, just over half of Americans, 53 percent, say the same of Obama.

That a majority of Americans blamed either president means that there is some overlap: more than one-third of respondents, 34 percent, said they blame both. Still, Bush gets more blame among respondents who place the fault on only one president: 35 percent point to Bush alone as being responsible for the poor economy, while only 19 percent blame Obama alone. Only 11 percent say neither is to blame.
Yes, the left's Big Lie approach has worked well on low information voters.

If you're feeling your toes stepped on, you should.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

LOL. Silly ass, you are as stupid as ever. The whole time the Teabaggers were throwing their imitation of a two year old legislative tantrum the market was going down. As soon as they caved, the market immediatly made big gains. Now that is the kind of economy that I like owning.

We kick these dingdong malcontents out of office in Novemeber of 14, and have two years to get this nation back on track with investments in infrastructure, science, and the education of our citizens, you are going to see a renewed nation. One that once again is competing in all aspects for being number one, rather than being the competition for first place in political lunacy.

Lol! Now THAT THERE IS FUNNY! :blahblah:

And China has downgraded is that so good??
Because Obama!

Right, Roxy?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

They never will. Obama is always looking for another excuse to blame the morass on. In the last two days I've heard the shut down blamed two different ways. They even tried to blame low anticipated numbers for September on the shut down which hadn't happened yet.

107-- Dems try to regulate and arrest the miscreants- Pubs love the greedy rich and are their cronies- and always get together with them to scam the country- See Grant, Harding, Coolidge, Dulles, Reagan, and W...IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE DIFFERENCE, YOU'RE A BRAINEASHED IDIOT- SO MANY DUPES LATCH on to one conspiracy to explain everything- pure ignorance.

And now for a nice cold bucket of reality to your face:

Obama Prosecuting Fewer Financial Crimes Than Under Reagan or Either Bush | Washington's Blog
Obama Prosecuting Fewer Financial Crimes Than Under Reagan or Either Bush

Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, and Clinton Each Prosecuted Financial Crime More Aggressively than Obama

Top economists and financial experts agree that our economy will never recover unless Wall Street fraud is prosecuted. See this and this.

But the government has more or less made it official policy not to prosecute fraud, and instead to do everything necessary to cover up for Wall Street.

Indeed, Business Insider writes today:

A new study out from Syracuse University shows that the number of federal prosecutions for fraud at financial institutions has been steadily decreasing since 1999. [via ThinkProgress]​

You're stupid, and you should shut up now.
Get the big government you love out of the way.

If you are arguing about statism, yes, but that won't happen.

You can't change how 75% of America feels about the government.
I can offer them a better alternative than subjugation.

You can't offer them a better deal than constitutionalism, son, and that is what they have.

Your last stand was last night.

The TeaP kamikaze charge ended up as they normally do: complete defeat.
thats not a depression! you know how low their standards are!

Unemployment was 22% when FDR took office, and by 1937 unemployment had dropped to 9%. At this point FDR was concerned the economy might turn inflationary and stopped the New Deal and unemployment rose to 12.5%. Unemployment again started declining and by FDR's death was about 1 to 2%.
"The New Deal"
Michael Hiltzik
Page 431

So after 8 years and millions of dollars spent unemployment was 9%. That doesn't sound like success to me.
And FDR's death occurred during war time when a large part of the workforce was in the military.

It may not sound like a success to you but to millions people that lived in that period it was a success, they elected FDR four times.
To the historians that have studied that period and our history, it was a success as they named FDR, America's greatest president.
As to a large part of the workforce being in the military conducting the largest war we have ever encountered and we won that war is even more success.
Perhaps the biggie, however, is that some of FDR's reforms are still with us and may be with us for as long as the nation lasts.
How much success does it take?
Obama has been in power for 5 years.
We still have a shitty economy....
But it's not Obama or the Democrat's fault....
How is that possible?....
The media is a huge part of it.

It's Bush STILL and now they are dragging Reagan into it.

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