Now I Know How Christians Feel

First, I'm sorry you are experiencing that. I would gladly do everything I could to help you with your place of worship as I could. People should be free to worship how, where, and what they may.

Second, I'm a little confused how you are converted if you are afraid of others opinions on your religious beliefs. If you truly believe your beliefs, who cares what anyone other than God thinks? I would think you'd be willing to suffer for it if you truly believed.

It reminds me of Peter. During Christ's ministry he boldly testified of Christ, he saw countless miracles, he did many miracles himself, heck, he was even the only man we have record of, other than Christ Himself, who walked on water.

And yet despite all of this, at the end of Christ's mortal ministry He told Peter "when you are converted, strengthen your brethren". Peter, this man of miracles wasn't converted after three years walking with Christ in intimate communion.

Shortly thereafter at the crucifixion he denied His Savior and friend three times. It wasn't until the gift of the Holy Ghost fell upon Him at Pentecost that He became the rock.

Changing beliefs isn't conversion. Mere belief isn't faith. If you have true faith and are converted, you are putting your beliefs in action, and yes, sometimes that means being mocked for your beliefs. Sometimes it means being hurt.

I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. I've had doors slammed in my face for Him. I've been chased by a mob. I've seen miracles. And yet I'm still not sure I can say I've converted to Him fully. Because faith requires a willingness to suffer and submit to all things God does in our lives.

If you believe, shouldn't you do something about it?
And Jesus is the Christ. His followers are Christians.

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

1 John 5: 1-5
How many times did you read that in your life?
What does that matter?
Does it change the message?
If you take out the lies its a beautiful message. Love thy neighbor and love thyself. Cool

What lies? The Word of God is the truth, Seal. I find it encouraging that you find Loving your neighbor as you love yourself to be a beautiful message. That is good to hear!
So what advice did you give the in the closet Muslim?

See post #44
And Jesus is the Christ. His followers are Christians.

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

1 John 5: 1-5
How many times did you read that in your life?
What does that matter?
Does it change the message?
If you take out the lies its a beautiful message. Love thy neighbor and love thyself. Cool

What lies? The Word of God is the truth, Seal. I find it encouraging that you find Loving your neighbor as you love yourself to be a beautiful message. That is good to hear!
What are jesus' other requirements? I think men who invented the religion we now call Christianity made up or misenterpreted that Jesus said only through him can you go to heaven.

I would think a guy like that would have said only by being good can you go to heaven.

But I'm not even sure the events happened. Lol

There was no misinterpretation, Seal. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and you'll find they are consistent. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. There is no salvation in Islam. There is no salvation in Mohammad. Allah is not God, he is a baal god and there is no salvation in Baal worship. The Word of God forbids idol worship. It's a sin. We are to worship God only. Jesus Christ is LORD. There is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ. You must come to Him and be born again (Romans 10:9,10) or you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
How many times did you read that in your life?
What does that matter?
Does it change the message?
If you take out the lies its a beautiful message. Love thy neighbor and love thyself. Cool

What lies? The Word of God is the truth, Seal. I find it encouraging that you find Loving your neighbor as you love yourself to be a beautiful message. That is good to hear!
What are jesus' other requirements? I think men who invented the religion we now call Christianity made up or misenterpreted that Jesus said only through him can you go to heaven.

I would think a guy like that would have said only by being good can you go to heaven.

But I'm not even sure the events happened. Lol

There was no misinterpretation, Seal. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and you'll find they are consistent. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. There is no salvation in Islam. There is no salvation in Mohammad. Allah is not God, he is a baal god and there is no salvation in Baal worship. The Word of God forbids idol worship. It's a sin. We are to worship God only. Jesus Christ is LORD. There is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ. You must come to Him and be born again (Romans 10:9,10) or you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
That's nice.

Did you hear the Pope gave aborters a get out of hell free card? I didn't know he had that kind of power.
What does that matter?
Does it change the message?
If you take out the lies its a beautiful message. Love thy neighbor and love thyself. Cool

What lies? The Word of God is the truth, Seal. I find it encouraging that you find Loving your neighbor as you love yourself to be a beautiful message. That is good to hear!
What are jesus' other requirements? I think men who invented the religion we now call Christianity made up or misenterpreted that Jesus said only through him can you go to heaven.

I would think a guy like that would have said only by being good can you go to heaven.

But I'm not even sure the events happened. Lol

There was no misinterpretation, Seal. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and you'll find they are consistent. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. There is no salvation in Islam. There is no salvation in Mohammad. Allah is not God, he is a baal god and there is no salvation in Baal worship. The Word of God forbids idol worship. It's a sin. We are to worship God only. Jesus Christ is LORD. There is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ. You must come to Him and be born again (Romans 10:9,10) or you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
That's nice.

Did you hear the Pope gave aborters a get out of hell free card? I didn't know he had that kind of power.

He doesn't. The Pope is a joke.

I wish people would stop taking the Catholic church seriously... what a detriment to the Christian faith.......

Mohamed conquered the region by blood.

And Jesus is the Christ. His followers are Christians.

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

1 John 5: 1-5
How many times did you read that in your life?
What does that matter?
Does it change the message?
If you take out the lies its a beautiful message. Love thy neighbor and love thyself. Cool
Got that one wrong. Care to try and sum up Muhammad's message in one sentence?
Got that one wrong. Care to try and sum up Muhammad's message in one sentence?

The Quran itself summarises Muhammad's message in one sentence, many times over.
It says " Obey Allah and the messenger". What that really means is obey the messenger, Muhammad.
Fight his wars for him and die for him otherwise he will set Allah on you.
Perhaps a little story might shed some light on this misconception. A parable I think it is called.

There are three towns. In one town the citizens follow the teachings of Jesus. If Jesus said, "Stand upon one foot while thou pisseth against the wall." they stand on one foot while they pisseth on the wall. In another the citizens follow the teachings of Mohammad. If Mohammad said, "Stand on the other foot while one pisseth against the wall." they stand on the other foot while they pisseth against the wall. In the third town there are just a bunch of heathen who trade and act rude, we'll call it Ogrimmar. The road from the town of Jesus and the road from the town of Mohammad which meet halfway to Ogrimmar and then the two road become one the rest of the way. Noomi lives in Ogrimmar.

Some citizens from the town of Jesus decide to go to Ogrimmar for supplies. Eight of them head out as they need many things. At the same time some citizens from the town of Mohammad decide to do the same. Only two head out as they do not need that much. Noomi is sitting on the wall of Ogrimmar and sees nine people approaching. They are talking and having a great intellectual discussion.

A week or so later the citizens from the town of Jesus need more supplies and sends another group of eight to Ogrimmar. At the same time the citizens from the town of Mohammad also need supplies but this time they also need much so they send eight citizens. Noomi is sitting on the wall and sees two groups of eight walking down the road but not talking to one another. She thinks it a shame they do not get along.

A week after that more supplies are needed. The town of Jesus has not used up all the supplies so they only send two citizens. The town of Mohammad decides to send eight citizens again. Noomi is sitting on the wall and and sees one group of eight coming to Ogrimmar. She wonders why the town of Jesus has stopped trading with Ogrimmar. Some of the citizens of the town of Mohammad see Noomi sitting on the wall and ask her to become a citizen of their town. She feels included and decides to accept their offer.

One note of caution Noomi, when on the road back to the town of Mohammad and if you see a small group of Christians, you will be expected to play your part as a citizen of the town of Mohammad.
Are you sure that isn't the city council voting to allow zoning for a mosque? They have to do that here for all buildings.....religious or otherwise, usually due to access, parking, traffic, etc.

Noomi stated;

{In my city, the council passed a motion to build a mosque, which will accommodate the Muslims in the city, who currently have to cram into a tiny little room that the university has kindly allowed them use of when they wish to pray.}

She directly stated that the city will build a mosque.

See, you leftists have no desire for a wall of separation between religion and state, you are at war against Christians. Islam you love and are happy to have government support.
Got that one wrong. Care to try and sum up Muhammad's message in one sentence?

The Quran itself summarises Muhammad's message in one sentence, many times over.
It says " Obey Allah and the messenger". What that really means is obey the messenger, Muhammad.
Fight his wars for him and die for him otherwise he will set Allah on you.
Same with Christianity only you don't even have to obey god in Christianity. Just when you break the rules make sure you say sorry. And how many non christians have christians killed in the name of their lord?

Hell, they even kill themselves over it.

European wars of religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The European wars of religion were a series of religious warswaged in Europe from ca. 1524 to 1648, following the onset of the Protestant Reformation in Western and Northern Europe. Although sometimes unconnected, all of these wars were strongly influenced by the religious change of the period, and the conflict and rivalry that it produced. This is not to say that the combatants can be neatly categorised by religion or were divided by their religion alone, as this was often not the case.
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Perhaps a little story might shed some light on this misconception. A parable I think it is called.

There are three towns. In one town the citizens follow the teachings of Jesus. If Jesus said, "Stand upon one foot while thou pisseth against the wall." they stand on one foot while they pisseth on the wall. In another the citizens follow the teachings of Mohammad. If Mohammad said, "Stand on the other foot while one pisseth against the wall." they stand on the other foot while they pisseth against the wall. In the third town there are just a bunch of heathen who trade and act rude, we'll call it Ogrimmar. The road from the town of Jesus and the road from the town of Mohammad which meet halfway to Ogrimmar and then the two road become one the rest of the way. Noomi lives in Ogrimmar.

Some citizens from the town of Jesus decide to go to Ogrimmar for supplies. Eight of them head out as they need many things. At the same time some citizens from the town of Mohammad decide to do the same. Only two head out as they do not need that much. Noomi is sitting on the wall of Ogrimmar and sees nine people approaching. They are talking and having a great intellectual discussion.

A week or so later the citizens from the town of Jesus need more supplies and sends another group of eight to Ogrimmar. At the same time the citizens from the town of Mohammad also need supplies but this time they also need much so they send eight citizens. Noomi is sitting on the wall and sees two groups of eight walking down the road but not talking to one another. She thinks it a shame they do not get along.

A week after that more supplies are needed. The town of Jesus has not used up all the supplies so they only send two citizens. The town of Mohammad decides to send eight citizens again. Noomi is sitting on the wall and and sees one group of eight coming to Ogrimmar. She wonders why the town of Jesus has stopped trading with Ogrimmar. Some of the citizens of the town of Mohammad see Noomi sitting on the wall and ask her to become a citizen of their town. She feels included and decides to accept their offer.

One note of caution Noomi, when on the road back to the town of Mohammad and if you see a small group of Christians, you will be expected to play your part as a citizen of the town of Mohammad.
A parable from randomvariable. How lovely. LOL
Why would anybody actually WANT to be a muslim? Do they like being oppressed or something?

Dear S.J. Anyone who enjoys being oppressed censored and namecalled,
should join the Democrats and try being a Constitutionalist.

I didn't "choose" this calling, it chose me.
I can only sympathize with people whose callings are either as Muslim,
Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, etc. that finds them at odds with politics in the world.

People have a spiritual calling and purpose, that drives and defines each of us.
We cannot help what is internally embedded in our conscience as our core beliefs.
We may express them in different ways, but the core principles we all have underneath are universal as part of being human and interconnected as a society.

How can we help each other develop and fulfill the good purposes we share in common, and avoid the conflicts and pitfalls?
Got that one wrong. Care to try and sum up Muhammad's message in one sentence?

That's easy; conquer and subjugate the world.

It's SUPPOSED to be Peace by submission to God's will.
NOT imposing or coercing others to submit to "what we think" is God's will.
But that is where religion mixed with politics becomes authoritarian.

Same is happening in America with mixing party beliefs with govt mandates
and imposing what "we think" is for the public good and
"should be imposed" for all people. If it really were representing the public
interest there would be laws passed by agreement and consent, or submission to Govt by free choice and respect for what is right and lawful; it would NOT require
coercing, threatening, bullying, suing and penalizing people to force compliance.

Abuse of Govt authority, Abuse of either Church or State authority,
Abuse of religious or political authority, Abuse of cult or party power,
What is the difference?

Coercion and oppression by collective authority to rob individuals of liberty
and right to consent and dissent causes the same damage. The reason
it becomes more dangerous with political abuse of state authority is that
the judgment and punishment becomes MANDATORY.

The problem is if we don't respect "due process" in our own relationships,
but treat people as "guilty by association" without first proving who is or isn't
guilty or innocent of which problem we are blaming whole groups of people for,
then we LOSE the ability to hold our govt and leaders in check when they
start bullying and bypassing due process and right to defense.

We have less ability to hold govt and institutions in check against abuses
if we are too busy abusing each other the same way.

If the people are the govt, we need to start with ourselves, STOP the "mob mentality" and listen and respect each other as individuals
and then we will have more influence to address these larger groups of people
as individuals and hold each other to account.

Otherwise the only people who benefit from the "mob mentality" going on
are the bigger bullies who can dominate everyone. We can't keep fueling the fire.
Got that one wrong. Care to try and sum up Muhammad's message in one sentence?

The Quran itself summarises Muhammad's message in one sentence, many times over.
It says " Obey Allah and the messenger". What that really means is obey the messenger, Muhammad.
Fight his wars for him and die for him otherwise he will set Allah on you.
Same with Christianity only you don't even have to obey god in Christianity. Just when you break the rules make sure you say sorry. And how many non christians have christians killed in the name of their lord?

Hell, they even kill themselves over it.

European wars of religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just saying sorry isn't repentance. Confession is a step toward repentance but not the entire process
Taxpayers are not paying for it, last I heard. Donations are needed in order to build it, however I cannot remember who is being asked.[/QUOTE
What is it about the muslim faith that makes you want to be one, Noomi?

You don't choose the religion, SJ, it chooses you. I have no idea why Islam called to me, but call to me it did, and I answered that call.
How did it choose you, what convinced you to answer that call?

Hard to explain. Its just a feeling you get. How do people convert to Christianity? I guess it makes them feel happy, peaceful, etc? Loved, even.

Good question. I might describe it as some... this isnt really going to work type prayers , repentance,reading Gods word and being filled with it. Now that I look back on it...there was a moment of feeling "wow".
btw I admire you for posting all this. I dont know any Muslims.
In my area I see them living along side us, doing the same things. They always seem very separate to me though. Maybe their beliefs, culture....just something Ive noticed..

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